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GAO Reports by subject "Budget cuts"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 18, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-22BR Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions in Weapons Procurement

United GAO States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters t :. January19W 1, (. , NAVY BUDGET Potential Reductions in Weapons Procurement il GAO/NSIAD-91-22BR . ,! _ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division R-241277 January l&l991 The Honorable Daniel K. lnouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Def...
Date Jan. 16, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-65 Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions in Aircraft Procurement Budget

” . -_ -- ._._ -..l.,-l. -..l-. -I “”._ . _._.,” -..... 1i Statc ~ s Gc~tlt~ral Accounting - -* l---_.--- O fTice GAO .-I -__.-_l .-.. I^_.” ___----_l_._” -... licport l,o Congres s ional Reques ters .Iarlll;lry l!I!)I NAVY BUDGET Potential Reduc tions in Aircraft Procurement Budget 142963 llll _I_---- GAO/NSIAI)-9 l-65 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D....
Date Dec. 27, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-91-17BR Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of Defense's Budget Request

* e- * .v United &I!!!! States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives _ December1990 ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of Defense’ Budget s Request .\ _- ; GAO/IMTEGSl-17BR .,. .F .
Date Dec. 13, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-42BR Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions to Shipbuilding and Conversion Funds

GAO ._.... _...- -. ._. __.______ __ -._ ---- .-_..-..-- NAVY BUDGET Potential Reductions to Shipbuilding and Conversion Funds I(;A() NSlAl)-!~l-~l:!Illt --... ~-~.- ,I .“_ . ..-.. “.-^ .-- .__....-....... -._- -.-. ._.... - --~ ____.__ -- - _. ..” .--- l .~__.~ ---I--- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2...
Date Dec. 10, 1990 Report No. AFMD-91-35 Title

The Budget for Fiscal Year 1991: Compliance With the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985

C-United States General Accounting Office 1 Report to the President and the Congress J.&ember 1990 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1,991 Compliance With the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-221498 December 10, 1990 The President The President of the Senate The Speaker o...
Date Dec. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-66BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to the Strategic Missile Systems Budget

.~-_ ..--.-- -..------ __ .-..- ..___.__ I GAO AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Strategic Missile Systems Budget al Mlll lllll ll 142785 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division R-241923 December 7,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States...
Date Dec. 5, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-55BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions in Helicopter Programs

~-- .-... -.... -----.----_ litril,t*tl --... ~-l____i__l_--_- St,at,w (kweral Ac:c* Offiw GAO ..* l-“ll l. I1._. l_.“” _,. ,._. l_-l-..._---__-~ Brid’ing Report to t,he Chairmen, Sut~commi2;t,ceson Defense, Senate and ~~Iouse Cornrnittees on Appropriations IhYY~llll,t~t~ l!W) ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions in Helicopter Programs .-. Wlll Ill 142767 GAO United States General Acc...
Date Nov. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-14BR Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation

------_--~--._-.--.---..- _----.-____1Jui t,~d States Wnt~ral Accounting Office i GAO Potential Reductions for Research, Development, Test, md Evaluation ~llllll~ll~ 142747 ---- (;AO/NSIAI)-!jl-14HIt _l.l_--“l-l.ll._.-- I.... I . . . _...“.“ll .“l._.l . ..---.- -I-.I_- -.---- -“.-.-----_--~~ , ------ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and...
Date Nov. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-17BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to Aircraft Procurement Budgets

United States General Accounting Office . GAO November 1990 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Aircraft Procurement Budgets GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 _~ National Security and International Affairs Division B-235884 November 30.1990 The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on...
Date Nov. 15, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-16BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Stock Fund Budget

-.--....%.-. “----. “.ll-.“.” “1111.11 l.~---_l-.-.~ I...-__ .I~ 111-1. I lni t.cvl St.;lt,w4 (knvral Acconnt,ing Office t GAO Novf~mtwt’ t 990 fi’i ng Ikport uesters to Congressional .. . .--.__- .__.._ ..---l-_I._..-.-.-. -.. -.-“--l._l-..-~“._*__.._..”.-__ AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Stock Fund Budget 142648 i, .-_. --_-------I ---. ----_-.- -._...
Date Nov. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-37BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions in Tracked Combat Vehicle Programs

c CD ! y== m ow , ,-.. l_..l*l”. 1 l.“-.“” . _” --... ._ --. ..-. --.. ._.. ._-- -_-- . .._.._ ----.____---.-~~------ ,--l*LI .,- I L GAO United States General Account&g Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-222086 November 7,lQQO The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senat...
Date Oct. 29, 1990 Report No. GGD-91-2 Title

Justice Department: Changes in Antitrust Enforcement Policies and Activities

GAO __,-- ..-_.-.-_ Uni(td States OI‘l’iw --_-----_-.---.__-
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. OCG-90-5A Title

Budget Deficit: Appendixes on Outlook, Implications, and Choices

GAO united state0 General Accountblgofnce Waabh#on, D.C.80648 ComptrollerGeneral of the united state8 B-240983 September 28,199O The HonorableJ. JamesExon United StatesSenate The HonorableCharlesE. Grassley Unitedstatessenate The HonorableDanielP. Moynihan united states senate The HonorableBill Bradley United StatesSenate This is an appendixto our earlier report entitled The BudgetDeficit: Outloo...
Date Sept. 27, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-302BR Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to the Army and Navy Missile Programs

cc? c+ 0 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-205940 September 27,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives As you request...
Date Sept. 26, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-57BR Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of the Air Force's Budget Request

--7 ---.--__------_-. lirril.cvl States (h~nt~ral Acconllling Offiw GAO ----------. St~~,t>twltwI~ 1!WO II3riel’ing Report to the Chairman, Subctornrnittec~ on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of i-kpresentatives ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of the Air Force’s Budget Request 142507 Rr,‘,‘“,ASED lSTRICTED --Not to be released outaide the eneral Acdountlng O...
Date Sept. 19, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-285FS Title

El Salvador: Pipeline of U.S. Aid as of August 1990

---- ‘ Ilnit,ed States Gr~uc~ral Accounting Office GAO SPl;~t,f’ nIfwr 1990 Fact Sheet for t,he Honorable &.lward M. Kennedy, U.S. Senate EL SALVADOR Pipeline of U.S. Aid as of August 1990 -““.-.-.l _--l__.-.----“-. --- GAO General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Af’ aim Division f’ united states B-240989 September 19, 1990 The Honorable E...
Date Sept. 17, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-89 Title

FAA Budget: 1991 Funding Request for Computers and Communications Can Be Reduced

c United States General Accounting Office *. ,; ‘L GAO September 1990 Report to Congressional Requesters FAA BUDGET 1991 Funding Request for Computers and Communications Cm Be Reduced l GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Technology Management Division and B-240616 September 17, 1990 The Honorable Frank R. Lautenberg Chairman, Subcommittee on Transporta...
Date Sept. 17, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-256 Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to DOD's Ammunition Budgets

./ :,...Y : ‘‘,, .;; .. lti : ::.. ‘,.,,,’ y ‘, : .L, .., ,’ ,, ~..., ‘- . ,,.. . National Security and International Affairs Division B-216058 September 17,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Represent...
Date Sept. 17, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-84BR Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of the Navy's Budget Request

.4f ,, *,-__._.___ ...._.. --.-_ ‘I I Iii Wtl __-. ..~_.. _-...______I_._....--I...St,;kt.w (~t~t~c~ml Acw~in _._-_l..“l_(t ing Ol’f‘iw --.l--..- < / GAO ISr~id’ing Ilcpwt to the Chairman, SubconYrnit,t~ee I.Mense, Cornrnitt~ee on 0x1Appropriations, House of’ Ihqxwentat~ives ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of the Navy’s Budget Request 3 111ll llllllIl .-. 142432 REL...
Date Sept. 12, 1990 Report No. OCG-90-5 Title

The Budget Deficit: Outlook, Implications, and Choices

4 ---. GAO _...“._ _... ._- .. I. -.---.--..-1----.---.--.-.-----1.-_. _--___________ -- Sc’~)~cwllwr I!)!)0 THE BUDGET DEFICIT Outlook, Implicati.ons, and Choices II I 142190 ti t -..-.___(;Aol’o( ._~l~l.--..-ll-.“.~ :(;-!N-r, _-___--- - - - .“.“__ . ..- . . _-.....___”.._._.-... ._.~..-._._-.-.-.. .-~ -.__ .__..........__ -.._-__...__ _- -- Comptroller General of the United States ...
Date Sept. 10, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-275BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions to the Operations and Maintenance Budget

._..__ -l--__“l--l-lll-.l-l.. ..I---.I ..I.. --I.._ . ..-.. -_--...-.-..---.-_. ._-_---_..._.. l-“ll-^“l ___-___.___ -- StyI (wll)t’l’ 1!WO ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions to . the Operations and Maintenance Budget 142236 -.-- -~-l.~._-.-~- (;AO/‘NSIAl)-!~O-27~lII1: GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division ...
Date Sept. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-272BR Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to Air Force and Navy Missile and Other Budgets

-.._ - . . _--.” -.-_ - ..-_- I__l!j!N) ~~--I-- _..- S~~~)llwllwr- DEFENSE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Air Force and Navy Missile and Other Budgets L lllllIllllllll ll 14216 . - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240708 September ‘7,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Com...
Date Aug. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-262 Title

Tactical Fighter Aircraft: Differences Between the Air Force's Roadmap and the Five Year Defense Plan

-.~ *I.” .__- .._..__._.-_...I”_ ._I Allglrst I!t!N _ _.__.._____._-I_l.._l_._._..,. TACTICAL FIGHTER AIRCRAFT Differences Between the Air Force’s Roadmap and the Five Year Defense Plan al llllllllll Ill1 ll 142346 RESTRICTED ---Not to be released outside the General Accounting OBlce unless specifhlly approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELEASED GAO United States General Accou...
Date Aug. 22, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-82 Title

SSA ADP Budget: Suggested Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Budget

_... .--- --- .-_._ -__--. GAO kpor~, to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Heall,h and Human Services, lkhcation, and Related Agencks, Commit,ttlc on Appropriations, Suggested Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Budget l._“_. .--_.--... ...--..,.. -- ~--- --- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Management and Technology Division B-240364 August 22,199O Th...
Date Aug. 10, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-217FS Title

Budget Issues: Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester at HUD

I I United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1990 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on Budget, House of Representatives BUDGETISSUES Effects of the F’iscal Year 1990 Sequester at HUD RELEASED RESTRICTJZD --Not to be lleleased outside the General Accounting OEeice unless apecifhUy approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. .,_- -- GAO/RCED-94%217FS GAO C’nited States Gene...
Date Aug. 9, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-156FS Title

Budget Issues: Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester on the Department of Health and Human Services

------a* . . l1nitrci States General Accounting Office GAO -.~ Aag11st. Fxt Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives 1990 BUDGET ISSUES Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester on the Department of Health and Human Services 142174 --Not to be released outside the &nerd Accounting Of&e unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. .--w -., ...
Date Aug. 6, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-98 Title

Immigration Services: INS Resources and Services in the Miami District

i 6 United States General Accounting Office Lb GAO it Report to Congressional Requesters 7 Aug&d199@ kb .I IMMIGRATION SERVICES INS Resourcesand Zkrvices in the Miami District i be released outside the ce unless specitically ce of Cmgm3siona.I RELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division H-240202 August 6,199O The Honorable Tom Lewis House...
Date Aug. 3, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-150FS Title

Budget Issues: Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester on the Department of Education

United States General Accounting Office + . CiAO August 1990 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives .-7 BUDGETISSUES Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester on the Department of Education GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-2406 11 August 3,199O The Honorable Leon Panetta Chairman, Committee on the ...
Date July 31, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-192 Title

Space Transportation: NASA Has No Firm Need for Increasingly Costly Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle

.]Ir1lv 1!)!)(I . SPACE TRANSPORTATION. NASA Has No Firm Need for Increasingly Costly Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle -_ ’ llllll I II 141905 d Fb (;A()/ NSIAI)-!ml!~2 National Security and International Affair6 JMviaion B-239670 July 31,lQQo The Honorable Robert A. Roe Chairman, Committee on Science, Space,and Technology Houseof Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: (NASA) As you requested, we have re...
Date July 30, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-101FS Title

Budget Issues: Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequestration on the Internal Revenue Service

. . $ United States General Accounting Office Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives July 1990 BUDGET ISSUES Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequestration on the Internal Revenue Service i BE~ICTED-Not to be released outside the General Accounting OfIke unless specifically approved by the Offxce of Congressional Relations. ,i’ g GAO/GGD-904diFS ,_,.._ Unit...
Date July 26, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-196FS Title

Budget Issues: Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester at EPA

. GAO II_,,-. 1. .-_I “” ._. .l”ll-“..”_..” .“.-..------~ i Jnitctd Sl,al,cts General I, I,_ _.,_. 11-1 Accounting Of’f’iw * Fact, Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, IIIowc of Representatives ,) BUDGET ISSUES Effects of the Fiscal Year 1990 Sequester at 3b I111111 I 142085 \. I --Not to be released outside the RESTRI~ General Accounting OfIke unless specifically app...
Date July 6, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-61 Title

Strategic Defense System: Stable Design and Adequate Testing Must Precede Decision to Deploy

_ ..“- ,.... -.. Unit& Stqtes General Accounting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Legislation ‘axd Fktimal Security Subcommittee, Cgmx&tee on Govement Operations, House af Representatives Stable Design and Adequate Testing Must Precede Decision to Deploy GAO/IMTEC-SO-61 I . ‘:: . .I ‘:: . . .. .. :. . ,. . . . .‘:‘. .’ .‘i . i. ‘. ; ’ . . I .: : . . : : ; ‘. .. ‘1, ., .. ...
Date June 29, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-232BR Title

Defense Budget Issues: Effect of Civilian Hiring Freeze on Fiscal Year 1991 Budget

__ ?lrlrlc~ ._ ._ I!)!)0 .._.. - . .._. _~._ -.- _.__ “,_ -1-1-----.-~- -~ --- DEFENSE BUDGET ISSUES Effect of Civilian Hiring Freeze on Fiscal Year 1991 Budget ?b WI III l’llRllll 141702 _._ ..-..^. ,._ _ ..” .-._ ..^_._. ..I,._..I.I -I ____. ._-. “... .,I I,.I- ~_ll.____-_--~-- - ‘i (;AOiNSIAI)-!)O-~:~%fill(. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National S...
Date June 26, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-106BR Title

Soviet Refugees: Issues Affecting Domestic Resettlement

United States General Accounting Office
Date June 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-196BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to the Minuteman II Weapon System Budget

_f._ IJtrit,t!ti States General Accounting Office GAO Mefing Report t,o the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Ikpresentativcs AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Minuteman II Weapon System Budget 141839 --. .__. ___. . _. _ .-.;... -.-. .-. ---ml,r.. .- GAO/NSfAI)-90- I96lJR GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 National Security and International...
Date June 19, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-48 Title

National Defense: Status of the Air Force's C-17 Aircraft Program

United St&es Generai Accounting OfTlck / 4/w7 &A0 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDST Tuesday June.19, 1990 Testimbny . 11111111 II 141616 Status of the Air Force's .C-17 Aircraft Program Statement Nancy R. Director, National Division of Kingsbury Air Force Issues Security and International Affairs Before the Subcommittee on Projection Forces and Regional Committee on Armed Services...
Date June 13, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-211BR Title

DOD Budget: Comparison of Updated Five-Year Plan With President's Budget

-~--~_.-.-~- .Jurw I!)!)0 DOD BUDGET __ Comparison of Updated Five-Year Plan With President’s Budget N Illllllll llll I .-. s 141685 GhO/NSIAI)-90-S 1 1 J$K United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238612 June 13,199O The Honorable Andy Ireland House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ireland: This briefing report is in respon...
Date May 14, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-138 Title

Air Pollution: Reliability of EPA's Mobile Source Emission Model Could Be Improved

; ..‘., -, ‘.i . _I” .: z. .‘i, I’ ., ,. ^, “, ,Ir- ‘- , li,, ,.. ‘I i United States General Accounting Office i GAO ;., May 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives *’ AIR POLLUTION Reliability of EPA’s Mobile Source Emission Model Could Be Improved ., ‘! : ,( . I ” ,,::1 “.:.& $...
Date March 27, 1990 Report No. T-GGD-90-30 Title

The Decennial Census: Potential Risks to Data Quality Resulting From Budget Reductions and Cost Increases

United States General Accounting OfPice / ‘ !D 7 6 0 8 GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at lo:00 a.m. Testimony 140960 EST 1990 Tuesday March 27, The Decennial Census: Potential Risks To Data Quality Resulting From Budget Reductions Cost Increases And Statement of L. Nye Stevens, Director Government Business Operations General Government Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Census and ...
Date March 22, 1990 Report No. T-GGD-90-26 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS' Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1991 and Status of the 1990 Tax Return Filing Season

For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday March 22, 1990 IRS' Budget Request for Fiscal Status of the 1990 Tax Return Year Filing 1991 and Season Statement of Jennie S. Stathis, Director, Tax Policy and Administration Before the Subcommittee on Oversight Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives Issues IRS' IRS' FISCAL YEAR 1991 BUDGET AND 1990 TAX RETURN FILING SEASON ...
Date March 22, 1990 Report No. T-IMTEC-90-5 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Progress in Meeting the Challenge of Modernizing IRS Tax Processing System

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Thursday, For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Progress in Meeting the Challenge of kdernizing IRS Tax FWcessing System March 22, 1990 Statmtof Hcmrd G. Rhile, Director Infomation Kmagement and Technology Division Before the Subxmnittee on Oversight Cam-ittee on ways arid Wans House of Representatives w8~55//140917 GAO/T-Ilam-90-S GAO ...
Date March 22, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-34 Title

Federal-State-Local Relations: Trends of the Past Decade and Emerging Issues

FEDERAL-STATELOCAL RELATIONS Trends of the Past Decade and Emerging Issues E #llll~lll~l~ 140941 GIL!+!0 United States D.C. 20648 Division General Accounting Office Washington, Human Resources B-236693 March 22,199O The Honorable James Sasser Chairman, Subcommittee on General Services, Federalism and the District of Columbia Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate The Honorable Ted ...
Date March 6, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-98 Title

Coast Guard: Better Process Needed to Justify Closing Search and Rescue Stations

United States General Accounting Office GAO Report to Congressional Requesters :. ’ March 1990 COASTGUARD Better Process Needed to Justify Closing Search md Rescue Stations r B-238523 March 6,199O The Honorable Frank Lautenberg Chairman, Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations I Jnited States Senate The Honorable William Lehman Chairman. Subcommittee on Tr...
Date March 1, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-18 Title

Budget and Spending: Defense Budget and Program Issues in the Fiscal Year 1991 Budget

United States General Accounting Of&e Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 a.m. Thursday March 1, 1990 Defense in the Budget Fiscal and Program Year Issues 1991 Budget -Statement of Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller of the United States Before the Committee on Armed Services United States Senate General GAO/T-NSIAD-90-18 ,>I' GAOlb-m 160(m/m Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I a...
Date Feb. 26, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-131 Title

DOD Budget: Status of Five-Year Defense Plan

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Andy Ireland House of Representatives Status of Five-Y Defense Plan GAO united states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238512 February 26,199O The Honorable Andy Ireland House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ireland: This letter is in further response to your October 1...
Date Feb. 23, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-121FS Title

El Salvador: Pipeline of U.S. Military and Economic Aid

United States General Accounting Office .GAO February 1990 Fact Sjwet for the Honorable Edkard M. Kennedy, U.S. Senate ELSALVADOR Pipeline of U.S. Military andEconomic Aid i GAO __-___. National Security and International Affairs Division B-238592 February 23, 1990 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Edward M. Kennedy Senate Kennedy: information on the U.S. On December 19, 1989, you requested...
Date Feb. 22, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-125BR Title

DOD's Budget Status: Fiscal Years 1990-94 Budget Reduction Decisions Still Pending

..-. _. _ _ ._ ._l___-lll.........- _..--_- .-.---. . -.-.---..- --- l”t’ l~t~tlil t-1 I !I90 D O D ’ BUDGET S STATUS Fis c al Years 1990-94 Budget Reduc tion Dec is ions Still Pending llnited Stales General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Serurity and International AHairs Division B-238512 February 22, 1990 The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Committee on Armed Services Unite...
Date Feb. 7, 1990 Report No. T-GGD-90-16 Title

Financial Management: Financial Performance of the United States Postal Service

United States General Accounting OIlIce If/ o.s-5-J ’ GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST Wednesday February 7, 1990 Financial Performance United States:,Postal of the Service Statement of L. Nye Stevens Director, Government Business Operations Issues General Government Division Before the Committee on Post Office & Civil Service U.S. House of Representatives GAO/T-G...
Date Jan. 26, 1990 Report No. AFMD-90-49 Title

Deficit Reductions for Fiscal Year 1990: Compliance With the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989

United States General Accounting Office GAO .January 1990 Report to the President and the Congress DEFICIT REDUCTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990 Complianee With the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-221498 January 26,199O The President The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House...
Date Jan. 10, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-12 Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of Defense's Budget Request

c United &ate; General Accounting Office GAO January 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of Defense’s Budget Request GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Technology Management Division and B-231233 *January 10, 1990 The Honorable John...