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GAO Report Search

Full-text search of 52,071 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 8, 1971 Report No. B-159687 Title

Energy: Use and Operating Costs of the Atomic Energy Commission's High Energy Accelerators

Reports and Testimonies

JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. ’ ’ CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Use And Operating Costs Of The Atomic Energy Commission’s High Energy Accelerators B159687 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB. 8,1971 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. 20248 ~-157687 Dear Mr. Chairman: 7 4- 1 1’ I The General Accounting Office has reviewed the use and operating costs of the ...

Date Feb. 5, 1971 Report No. 093179 Title

Financial Management: APO New York 09223, Audit of Accounts for the Period October 1, 1969, Through June 30, 1970

Reports and Testimonies

Date Feb. 5, 1971 Report No. 093178 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Disbursing Transactions, Mine Force Pacific Support Group, Long Beach Naval Station, California

Reports and Testimonies


Date Feb. 5, 1971 Report No. B-148581 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Management of Selected Appropriated Funds at Headquarters, U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. 2o!M "- I Dear Mr. Chair7uan: In f’urther .! reporting response to your letter on our review of th of January 26, 19'70, we are ppropriated -ilIuI1 rine Corps. (j Our review was directed toward an evaluation of the systems of accounting and internal control and the adequacy of audits of the funds, We examined accounting and auditing reports ...

Date Feb. 5, 1971 Report No. 093034 Title

Government Operations: Need for Adequate Accounting Controls Over Philatelic Stamp Material

Reports and Testimonies

( FEB 5 Dear Mr. Postmaster General: 1971 ” . ” During our review of certain aspects of philatelic stamp activities, we noted that the Post Office Department does not have adequate accounting This material consists controls to safeguard philatelic stamp material. imof such items as postage stamps, die proofs (cards showing the first pression made by the metal engraving of stamps prepared for the ...

Date Feb. 4, 1971 Report No. B-114865 Title

Government Operations: Office Equipment Service of the House of Representatives

Reports and Testimonies

I I '6·'"Dsr>J~ -. RtESTRICTED rzot o to vce -e7d$S the Ceneral ~~Accounting Office en Jo :C : Can) L- cc:s roval c, a '-c:c o vi;h is kept l; ', ' by the Office of Lc-;7nl = 7::c ': by the Distribution Ses$t,~'a 7/ RELEASED Office Equipment Service Of The House Of Representatives ,_,,,,,,114865 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB. 4,1971 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ...

Date Feb. 4, 1971 Report No. B-171428 Title

International Affairs: Opportunities To Economize on Purchases of Dairy and Bakery Products for U.S. Forces in Southeast Asia

Reports and Testimonies

Opportunities To Economize On Purchases Of Dairy And Bakery Products For U.S. Forces In Southeast Asia B.171428 j Department of Defense Department of State BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES .. *- COPvlPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D.C. B- 171428 St’ ,/ .H To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives the results on purchases ...

Date Feb. 4, 1971 Report No. B-163869 Title

Transportation: Economic Advantages of Using American-Made Trucks Abroad To Transport Military Cargo

Reports and Testimonies

COiVGmliY!iYSS JLM095727 lIIIllllllllllIIIllllllllllII ilitary C Department of Defense 6-163869 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED ZEZ.8 STATES D.C. B- 163869 c To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives This is our report on the economic advantages of using American-made trucks abroad to transport ...

Date Feb. 3, 1971 Report No. B-164031(3) Title

Health: Control Needed Over Excessive Use of Physician Services Provided Under the Medicaid Program in Kentucky

Reports and Testimonies

,,s’ REP6RT TO THE CONGRESS ’ Control Needed Over Excessive Use Of Physician Services Provided Under The Medicaid. Program In’ Kentucky B-764031 (3) Social and Rehabilitation Service Department of Health, Education, and Welfare llllllllllllll ll . 093385 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 7/ 3 ‘713 FEB. 3J971 l . COMPTROLLER GENERAL OC WASHINOTDN. THE UNITED D.C. a#u STATES B- 164031( ...

Date Feb. 2, 1971 Report No. B-159797 Title

National Defense: Potential for Improvements in Department of Defense Maintenance Activities Through Better Cost Accounting Systems

Reports and Testimonies

Potential For Improvements In Department Of Defense Maintenance Activities Through Better Cost Accounting Systems B-159797 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES - ‘- COMPTROLL!3? GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE UNlT&D 20546 STATES D.C. B-159797 / , i To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives This is our report on potential for improvements in Department of ...

Date Feb. 1, 1971 Report No. B-171526 Title

Government Operations: Review of Materials for Responsiveness to Request

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED STATES” D.C. 20548 B-171526 February 1, 19'il llllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM095731 I’ ! Dear Mr. Chairman: In a letter we received on December 4, 1970, you enclosed materials which had been submitted to you by the Department of 3-c. ^' ) 3 ? I i-State dealing with the Agency for International Developmentls b.2 5 ("2 :, relationships with the Charter ...

Date Feb. 1, 1971 Report No. 093180 Title

Health: Review of the Cost of Hospital Services Furnished to Medicare Patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital

Reports and Testimonies

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 1903 JOHN F KENNEDY GOVERNMENT OFFICE FEDERAL CENTER BUlLDlNG BOSTON~MASSACHUSE~S 02203 February 1, 1971 Mr Millard P Nute Reglonal Representative, Bureau of Health Insurance Social Security Adminlstratlon Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Boston, Massachusetts, 02203 Dear Mr Nute In order to ascertain the manner In which Massachusetts ...

Date Jan. 30, 1970 Report No. 092113 Title

Economic Development: Need for Improvement in FHA's Program Evaluation System Under the Economic Opportunity Loan Program

Reports and Testimonies

WASHINGTON, CIVIL DIVISION D.C. 20548 JAN 30 rgm Dear Mr. Smith: The General Accounting Office has reviewed the manner in which the Farmers Home Administration (FHA) measured the progress made by borrowers i.n raising and maintaining their income and living standards as a result of receiving financial assistance under the EcoOur review involved primarily nomic Opportunity CEO) Loan Program. an ...

Date Jan. 29, 1970 Report No. 089454 Title

Government Operations: Procurement of Office Furniture by the Federal Government

Reports and Testimonies

IlslllllllllllllloioilslulnlllllBo LM089454 Dear Mr, Spangler: The General Accounting Office has reviewed selected aspects of the procurement of office furniture by the Federal Supply Service covered (1) an qxamination of 28 office (FSS) o Our work mainly furniture procurement contracts totaling about $37 million, of which $21 million represented competitive awards and $16 million represented ...

Date Jan. 29, 1970 Report No. 092114 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Disposable Glassware for Laboratory Work

Reports and Testimonies

5 ,.., WASHINGTON, . D.C. 20548 I ;’ UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE . . ‘. . ,.’ . . .. .: .._ . ‘: ..

Date Jan. 28, 1970 Report No. B-168652 Title

Government Operations: Reimbursement of Moving Expenses for an Iowa State Office of Economic Opportunity Director

Reports and Testimonies

RELEASED Dear Mr. Scherle. Pursuant to your request of December 8, 1969, we have examined the circumstances under which the Office of Economrc Opportunity (0~)) authorized the Iowa State Economic Opportunity Office to use OEO grant funds to pay the cost of moving Mr. Robert F. Tyson's household goods from McLean, Virginia, to Ankeny, Iowa. The records show that Mr. Tyson moved to Washington, DX., ...

Date Jan. 28, 1970 Report No. 092115 Title

Employment: Time and Attendance Records Retained at Postal Source Data System Post Offices

Reports and Testimonies

'* CIVIL DIVISION L Urwm Sums GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE D.C. 20548 WASHINGTON, Mr. C. R. Jauchem Assistant Controller for Accounting Bureau of Finance and Administration Post Office Department Dear Mr. Jauchem: I 111111111111111 LM092115 We refer to your our comment the Post of Clock Ring History post offices in lieu comments,were requested affect payroll audit to us for letter of September 30, ...

Date Jan. 27, 1970 Report No. B-106190 Title

Financial Management: Selected Significant Audit Findings in the Civil Departments and Agencies of the Government

Reports and Testimonies

COMF’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. . UNITED STATES OF THE D.C. 20648 B- 106190 Dear Mr. This our Chairman: report contains selected significant audit findings developed during audits and other examinations in the civil departments and These findings pertain for the most part agencies of the Government, to matters on which we believe administrative action, and in some is required to achieve greater ...

Date Jan. 23, 1970 Report No. B-114873 Title

Financial Management: Assessment of Fees for Processing Loan Application Would Help Recover Program Costs of the Farmers Home Administration

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATE5 B-114873 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives In this report we point out that the assessment of fees for processing loan applications by the Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture, would help recover Our review was made pursuant to the Budprogram costs. get and Accounting Act ...

Date Jan. 22, 1970 Report No. B-114842 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for the Period March 1, 1969, Through June 30, 1969

Reports and Testimonies

Audit Of The House Recording Studio Revolving Fund For The Period March 1, 1969, Through June 30, 1969._,,-7, House of Representatives BY THE COMPTROLLER (;ENERAI OF' THE UNITED STATES L JAN.22, 19 7 0 /r6 7Za COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B- 114842 Dear Mr. Jennings: The accompanying report summarizes the results of our audit of the House Recording Studio ...

Date Jan. 21, 1970 Report No. 092116 Title

Housing: Procurement of Equipment and Materials by Local Housing Authorities in the Low-Rent Public Housing Program

Reports and Testimonies

h UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE WASHINGTON, JA AJ 2 1 1970 lllll~~llllllllllllllllll~lllull LM092116 Dear Mr, Cox: We have made a survey of procurement of equipment and materials by local housing authorities (LHAs) in connection with the construction and operation of projects under the low-rent public housing program administered by the Department of Housing and Urban ...

Date Jan. 20, 1970 Report No. B-130515 Title

Employment: Concentrated Employment Program, Birmingham, AL

Reports and Testimonies

777s . b of S-f@&/7 ,~ : . COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 RELEASE JHN 2 0 B-130515 197 Dear Mr. Buchanan: 66 *0 In response to your request of September 16, 1969, and as discussed with members of your staff, we have examined into certain aspects of the New Careers component of the Concentrated Employment Program administered by the Jefferson County Committee for ...

Date Jan. 20, 1970 Report No. 092117 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Operations of the Center for Radiation Research, NBS

Reports and Testimonies

L UNITED \ CiVlL DIVISION ~92//% cr snms GENERAL A~XNJNTING 20548 OFFJCE WASHiNGTON,D.C. Jml 2 0 197lJ Dear Dr. Branscomb: lllllllllllllllllIlllllnllllllllllllIIIIIIllIllll LM092117 We have completed a survey of the operations of the Center for Radiation Research (CRR), National Bureau of Standards. Our survey, which was made pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 531, and the ...

Date Jan. 19, 1970 Report No. B-39995 Title

Government Operations: Feasibility of Applying Uniform Cost-Accounting Standards To Negotiated Defense Contracts

Reports and Testimonies

” Feasibility Of Applying Uniform Cost-Accounting Standa& To Negotiated Defense Contracts e-J999s~11 -- BY TH@ COMPTROLLERLGENERAL OF THE UNITEC STATls’S COMPTROLLLR GENERAL WA5HwGToN. OF D.C. THE UNITED 2os42 STATES : - This is our report on the feasibility of applying cost-accounting standards to negotiated defense prime tracts and sub;ontracts of $tOO,OO3 or more. Our study was performed of ...

Date Jan. 16, 1970 Report No. B-114877 Title

Financial Management: Financial Management of Bureau of the Mint Operations Needs Improvement

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 16, 1970 Report No. B-168185 Title

Housing: Repair Program for Tobyhanna Village Housing Project

Reports and Testimonies

B-168185 RELEASEi dgb Dear Mr. Rooney: JAN 16 7970 Further reference 1s made to your telegram of October 17, 1969, and your letter of the same date requesting that we examine into the adequacy of the settlement proposed by the owner of the Tobyhanna Village houslng project, in response to foreclosure proceedings lnltlated by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Department of Housing and Urban ...

Date Jan. 16, 1970 Report No. B-133188 Title

Government Operations: Economies Obtainable by Increasing Days at Sea of Oceanographic Research and Survey Ships

Reports and Testimonies

13”” REPORT TO THE CONGRESS conomie ays At S eseareh Enwironrnental Science Services Admmstratlon Department of Commerce BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES CQMPTRDLLER GENiRi‘-DF WASHINGTON DC THE UNITED 20548 STATES B- 133188 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives This IS our report on the economies obtamable by mcreasing days at sea of ...

Date Jan. 15, 1970 Report No. 089455 Title

Government Operations: Survey of AEC's PLOWSHARE Program

Reports and Testimonies

Mr. John S. Division of U. S. Atomic Washington, Kelly, Director Peaceful Nuclear Explosives Energy Commission D. C. 20545 Dear Mr. Kelly: As you know, the General Accounting Office has performed a limited survey of the Atomic Energy Commission"s &EC) program k fr 1'5 , ". fT',',,,.,.,p~g~&T~t~~l of nuclear,,,,,,, "-,"" ,,,,,,,, "."X1 commonly known%T-"-'pses explosives . 2.. "1, -_*Y ...

Date Jan. 15, 1970 Report No. B-165504 Title

Transportation: Ernst & Ernst Study and Cost Comparison for the FAA Airport Obstruction Survey Program

Reports and Testimonies

B-165504 RELEASED Proxmlre: Dear Senator Reference IS made to your letter of December 18, 1969, transmlttlng a report prepared by Ernst SCErnst which you received from the Consulting Engineers Councrl of Wlsconsln. The report contains a study of the cost of the Federal Avlatlon Admlnlstratron's alrport obstruction charts proyou requested our comments relative to this study gram. In your letter and ...

Date Jan. 13, 1970 Report No. B-114867 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements Fiscal Year 1969, Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Incorporated

Reports and Testimonies

Examination Of Financial Statements kxal Year 1963 6-114867 - Gorgas Memorial Institute Of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Incorporated BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES JAPL13,1970 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. l-l-l.!? 4JNlTED STATES 20548 B- 114867 To the Board of Directors Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical Preventive Medicine, Incorporated The and General ...

Date Jan. 13, 1970 Report No. B-114818 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Financial Statements of the Veterans Canteen Service for Fiscal Year 1969

Reports and Testimonies

, \vkD , /-)/.7a j21 se G REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Audit Of Financial Statements Of The Veterans Canteen Service For Fiscal Year 1969 B-114818 Veterans Administration BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES JANt. 1 3,1 9 7 0 /1B>3 6'wJ COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNI¥bJb'TES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-114818 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is ...

Date Jan. 13, 1970 Report No. B-167712 Title

Financial Management: Change Proposed in Interest Rate Criteria for Determining Financing Costs of Federal Power Program

Reports and Testimonies

CONGRESS restRate eterminin Fmancing ram 0-167712 6\ ’c b , Department Department of the Interior of the Army BY THE c TROLLER GENERAL OFTHE UNITED STATES - JAN f3,197C COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED STATES ~9548 B-167712 c To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This 1s our report on the change proposed m interest rate criteria for ...

Date Jan. 12, 1970 Report No. B-114826 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Fiscal Year 1969

Reports and Testimonies

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Examination Of Financial Statements Of Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Fiscal Year 1969 ,_ - 114826 Department of Justice BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES / ~JAN. 12,1 977 4qW~f COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B- 114826 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The accompanying report ...

Date Jan. 9, 1970 Report No. B-167637 Title

Housing: HUD Projects Proposed for Construction Under the National Housing Act

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER ‘GENERAL WASHP4GTON OF TriE. 3,~iTED STATES 2 0 C 20548 'RELEASED Dear Mr. Long: Reference IS made to your telegram of July 30, 1969, and the letter Pfrommer of your offlce requestof September 19, 1969, from Mr, Christopher applications before the Federal ing us to review the mortgage Insurance Houslng Admlnistratlon (FHA), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), for two ...

Date Jan. 9, 1970 Report No. 092118 Title

Transportation: The Motorist-Aid System on Interstate 495

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CLVIL DIVISION oGy= JAN cpa 00 0 0 b ,., 9 1970 :‘y . . ,’ _ ,. ! . ^. . .. . . .

Date Jan. 8, 1970 Report No. 091767 Title

National Defense: Review of Civilian Pay and Allowances

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE IUS FEDERAL OlFFIC BUILDING. 50 FULTON STRtIT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IN REPLY REFER TO: 94102 84821 Cormnander Ramilton Air Force Base 0A .! v i/iO Call1ornla 94934 Dear Sir: We have made a review of civilian pay, including the propriety of salary rates and the effectiveness of the time and attendance procedures and controls at Hamilton ...

Date Jan. 7, 1970 Report No. 091762 Title

National Defense: Review of Accounting System for Operations Headquarters, Army Materiel Command

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON REGlONAL.‘OFFICE 803 FALLS CHURCH, WRGIN~A FIFTN FLOOR WEST BROAD STREET 22048 January Commandfng General Army Materiel Command Department of the Army Washington, D.C. 20315 Dear Sir: 7, 1970 The General Accounting Offfce fs workfng nith the Department of Defense to fmplement the accounting system for operations in accordance with the provisions ...

Date Jan. 5, 1970 Report No. 089457 Title

Government Operations: Need To Clarify Preaward Communications With Potential Contractors

Reports and Testimonies

CIVIL lDlVISION JAN 5iS78 Dear Mr. Spanglerr In response to a UIUIIIWIIm from Congressman Lloyd Meeds, the request mH General Accounting Office has examined into the procurement of cleated plywood containers by the General Services l%e Congressman*s request was made on behalf of the Loctwall Corporation, Lynnwood, Washington, which protested a decision by GSA not to award a contract for containers ...

Date Jan. 5, 1970 Report No. 089456 Title

Government Operations: Need To Clarify Preaward Communications With Potential Contractors

Reports and Testimonies

Dear Mr. Sandoval: In response to % re quest from Congressman Lloyd Meeds, the General Accounting OfrZ"ZY~~%tined into the procurement of cleated plywood containers by the General Services Administration, The Congressmanls request was made on behalf of the Loctwall Corporation, LTynnwood, Washington--a small business--which protested a decision by GSA not to award a contract for container items on ...

Date Jan. 5, 1970 Report No. 087545 Title

Special Publications: Comptroller General's Annual Report 1969

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES AK 1_A Annual Report of the COMPTROLLER GENERAL of the UNITED STATES For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1969 WASHINGTON: 1969 ; l£X-X r~~11 ^w~~~~~~~~~119. 386-42 E-9 CIVIL OPERATIONS reports was submitted to the Congress as a whole and two reports were submitted to individual Members of the Congress. Iii addition, we issued 12 reports to departmental ...

Date Jan. 2, 1970 Report No. B-168240 Title

Government Operations: Purchase of Foreign-Made Typewriters for Use in the U.S. Post Office

Reports and Testimonies

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED 20540 STATE6 ” - D C b?ELEASED B-168240 Jgnuary 2, 1970 Dear Mr. Wldnall* Further reference 1s made to your letter of October 22, 1969, transmlttlng to us a letter from Mr. Martin Neville and requestrng that we look Into the purchase of forelgn-made typewrlters for use In United States post offices. In his letter, Mr. Nevllle stated that the Union City, ...

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091161 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Low-Income Consumer Acceptance of Private-Brand Food Products

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091133 Title

Financial Management: Using an ADP Information Retrieval System in Auditing an Educational Assistance Program

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091159 Title

Government Operations: A Positive Program for Improving Communications Between Federal Agencies and Accounting Faculties and Students

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091163 Title

International Affairs: A New Form of Technical Assistance to Ethiopia

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091158 Title

National Defense: Critique on Weapons Systems Management

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 094456 Title

National Defense: Investigation Into the F-111 Program

Reports and Testimonies


Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091156 Title

Special Publications: Agency Action--A Technique for More Timely Response

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091139 Title

Special Publications: At Your Service, Mr. Congressman

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091140 Title

Special Publications: Cost Information and the Federal Manager

Reports and Testimonies