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Report No.
Title |
Date March 5, 1971 |
Report No. B-164031 |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY ed rocedu ssistan Department of Health, and Welfare - /f rowing Grants 3r cy School ’ 8 -764031(I) Education, BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-164031(1) Dear Mr Chairman This 1s our report on the need to improve pollcles and procedures for approving grants ...
Date March 4, 1971 |
Report No. 093214 |
Date March 4, 1971 |
Report No. 093211 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL A~COIJNTING OFFICE REGIONAL SO96 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING OFFJCE 909 FIRST &VENUE -= SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 Mr. Earold Region 1, Department P, 0. Box Boise, T. Nelson, R&final Director ti0Xl u,s. Bureau of Reel of the InteriolP 8008 Idaho 83707 Y Dear Mr. Nelson: We have completed our review of the accounts and accounting procedrsree of the power generating and related ...
Date March 4, 1971 |
Report No. 093213 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERALACWNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 3066FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE 909 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 MAR 4 1971 Mr. Henry R, kkhmond, Administrator Bonnev%l%~ Power P. 0. Box 3621 Portland, Oregon 97208 Dear Bfr. Bichmond: We have exam%ned the Bonneville Power AW%otrat%on (BPA) accounting records and practfces %n connection w%tb our annual f%nanc%al aud%t of ...
Date March 4, 1971 |
Report No. 092992 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date March 4, 1971 |
Report No. 093210 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATESGENE~ALACCOUNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL 3086 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE 909 FIRST AVENUE SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 9s 104 -. Brigadier General B, s. Kelley Division Engiaeer North Pacifdc Dzivis~on &my Caqxs of Engineers 210 cust6m BQWE Portfaaat, ckegon 97209 +iqu Dear Gem?E;al Kelley: We have cmpleted our review of the accounts and account%xsg procedares for the Corps of Engineers' ...
Date March 3, 1971 |
Report No. B-168678 |
Reports and Testimonies . 1 .. 4 COM~=-~R~LLER GENERA: WASHINGTON. & D.C. fl-iE UNITED 20348 STATES ~-168678 J/ d p--- MAR 3 'WI Proxmire: in response to your request of August 13, 1970 (SS), and Dear Senator This is Comprehensive Designers and other job-shop firms furnished temporary employees primarily for an Air Force fixed-price-incentive contract with Fairchild Hiller for modification of 52 C-119 cargo aircraft to ...
Date March 2, 1971 |
Report No. 093215 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date March 2, 1971 |
Report No. 093029 |
Reports and Testimonies h ‘ UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING ‘*: ’ . WASHINGTON, B.C. 20548 OFFICE March 2, 1971 l Illlllill Ill11 Ill1 lllll llllllllll Ill lllll Ill11 IllI Dear Mr. Abersfeller: LM093029 in making its review of programs The General Accounting Office, established under the provisions of Public Law 89-306, noted that Business Machines Coreffective January 1, 1971, the International poration offered ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-171434 |
Reports and Testimonies . 84578y$- .-*: COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. 7-/66; THE UNITED STATES 80548 OF DC. 3 B-171434 . . Dear Mr. Cha!imIn' . In accordance with your request of November 25, 1970, and subsequent arrangements made with your office on December 7, 1970, we have reviewed the circumstances surrounding We dishis military training and experience and 5ducation. cussed this matter with Mr. Stahl and ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. 093216 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. 093217 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-118709 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 lNl-ERNATlONAL DIVISION B- 118709 llllMlllllllll111111111 llllllll LM095708 Dear Mr, Secretary: The General Accounting Office recently completed a survey of / disbursement procedures at the U,S. Treasury, Manila Regional Disbursing Office (RDO) related to payments made by "restricted" checks, . denominated instrument cashable only in ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-114829 |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE CONGRESS l\\\ill\Illllllllllllllllllllll lllll Ill llllllll ‘\ LM095707 Examination Of Financial Statements U.S. Government Printing Office Fiscal Year 1970 8.174829 ‘4 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B- 114829 c/l J To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-164018 |
Reports and Testimonies uipment B-764018 National Aeronautics and Space Admmstratlon , BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES . COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNiTED 20548 STATES B- 164018 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives by inequipment This 1s our report on opportunltles for savings creasing competition In procurement of commercial by the Natlonal ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-169208 |
Reports and Testimonies RELEASED Examination Into The Ferry Oaks Concentrated Code Enforcement Project in Salem, Oregon 8--? Department of Housing and Urban Development BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB. 26,197 1 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B- 169208 cl = ear Senator Hatfield: This is our report on our examination into the Ferry Oaks Concentrated Code Enforcement ...
Date Feb. 26, 1971 |
Report No. B-159896 |
Reports and Testimonies .-. REPORT TO THE CONGRESS pplicatisn Of “Should Cost” Concepts In Reviews Of Contractors’ 0 perat ions B - 159696 Department of Defense BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED S A T E S WASHINGTON. D C 20548 .. B- 159896 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on application of "should cost'' ...
Date Feb. 25, 1971 |
Report No. 089335 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE f.-~~~ ~ ,~ LM089335 WASHINGTON, D.C. CIVIL DIVISION 20548 FEB 25 1971 Dear Mr. Smith: The General Accounting Office has reviewed the practices followed by the Farmers Home Administration (FHA) in establishing and accounting for allowances for losses on uncollectible loans-for FHA's various loan programs. In a report issued to the Congress on improvements ...
Date Feb. 25, 1971 |
Report No. 093218 |
Reports and Testimonies t t t E I b
Date Feb. 25, 1971 |
Report No. 089334 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCWNTING OFFICE CIVIL DlWSlON FE5 2 5 1976 Dear General Clarke: We have completed a review of certain financial activities of the Missouri River Basin Integrated Projects consisting of the six main-stem projects of the Corps plus those projects of the Bureau of Reclamation within the Missouri River Basin that have been integrated for power operations. The overall results of ...
Date Feb. 25, 1971 |
Report No. 092423 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date Feb. 25, 1971 |
Report No. B-164497(1) |
Reports and Testimonies Improved Surveillance Needed Over Production Of Critical Parts For Civil Aircraft B 76449717) Federal Awatlon Admtnlstratlon Department of Transportation - BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ” * L COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D C B- 164497( 1) To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives Avlato lmfor Bud= AC- This 1s our ...
Date Feb. 24, 1971 |
Report No. 089351 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONALOFFICE ROOM 1903 JOHN F KENNEDY GOVERNMENT FEDERAL CENTER SUILDING BOSTON~MASSACHUSE-ATS 02203 Dear Mr. ZOlOtaS We have made an examination of the procedures and controls over the receipt and disbursement of funds of the Immlgratlon and Naturallzatlon Service, Northeast Reglonal Office, Burllngton, Vermont, for the settlement of accounts of ...
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. 093219 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. 089341 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. B-171896 |
Reports and Testimonies DEFENSE DIVISION B-171896 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: LM095710 of Defense Assistant Secretary (Comptroller) of Defense We have made aGeview of the management of the Defense Retail Interservice Logistics Support ram at selected Department of Defense (DOD) installations d States and in 3urope.I"4 Our review concerned the effectiveness of ...
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. 093030 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LM09303o llllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CIVIL DlVlsI0~
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. 093031 |
Reports and Testimonies i?3&3tAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHPNGTOM,D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVIS1ON Commanding General, Air Force Logistics Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Attention: Dear Sir: MCIML Command 45433 Since July 1966, the Air Force has negotiated at least four contracts for remanufacture of snow removal equipment. The four contracts negotiated with thtishkosh Truck Corporation, Cshkosh, Wisconsin, were FOg603-67- ...
Date Feb. 23, 1971 |
Report No. B-163074 |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES J . llllIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll ~ LM089759 RELEASED Computer Simulations, War Gaming, And COIItra(Tt. Studies Department of Defense ‘* B-763074 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB. 23,19 --- -i 1 ~ - .--------. “1 ..“. -j$ ,+,.’ COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-163074 _. Dear ...
Date Feb. 22, 1971 |
Report No. 089342 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL Z4J FEDERAL OFFICE BUlLDING OFFICE 50 FULTON STREET SAN FRANCISCO, INREPLYREFERTO CALIFORNIA 94102 FEB l97l 22 Mr. Thomas P. Helselth, State Conservationist Soil Conservation Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Room 308~, 'I?oga Bmlbng 2020 klvla Street Berkeley, California $4704 Dear Mr. Helselth: ' We have made a review for the settlement of ...
Date Feb. 19, 1971 |
Report No. B-171432 |
Reports and Testimonies COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-171432 February 19, 1971 Dear Mrs. Mink: On November 27, 1970, you forwarded to us correspondence concerning ~~g$JcQ=-~.~~ d Maintenance Agency lve years, and the organized four itions are abolished -.,-Tl-.*m:>l*l.l.. and ;_. usual result is that r ~~~~~,-~~:~~.~~~~~-~~'~fhowhigher this l~&ti‘on&remai situation can be justified. In ...
Date Feb. 19, 1971 |
Report No. 089343 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITE D STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 403 U S CUSTOMHOUSE OFFICE 610 SOUTH CANAL STREtZl- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607 Colonel Robert P. Knight State Director Minnesota State Headquarters Selective Service System 1503 U S Post Offlce and Customhouse 180 E. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Colonel Knight We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of the ...
Date Feb. 19, 1971 |
Report No. B-160817 |
Reports and Testimonies , Need To Reevaluate Packing Specifications For’ Cabinets, Lockers, And Wardrobes 6-760817 General Serwces Admmrstratlon BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 19x371 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES 0 C B- 160 817 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives This 1s our report on the need for the General Services Admmlstratlon to ...
Date Feb. 18, 1971 |
Report No. 093032 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION 1971 Dear Mr. Kleppe: The General Accounting Office examined into the Snall Business Administration's (SBA) evaluation and review of applicants' eligibility for business loans requested by firms whose owners have a large amount of personal resources and a high net worth. Our survey was conducted at the Washington, D.C., ...
Date Feb. 18, 1971 |
Report No. B-146864 |
Reports and Testimonies DEFENSE DIVISION a7 FE5 18 1971 of Defense Assistant to the (Telecommunications) Secretary of Defense B-146864 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: [ We are examining into savings possible through the use of the Federal .T.e.lecommunLcati~~~~_~~~~~e;li“iF~~~j'.“i~~~~~hone nete ,IWIw,I-*U-,., Our r-ewor'k by -Department of Defense (DOD)installati?%. view is to determine ...
Date Feb. 18, 1971 |
Report No. B-114831 |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE C Audit of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation For The Year Ended June 30, 1970 - Limited By Agency Restriction on Access to Bank Examination Records B-1 14831 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB.18,1971 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-114831 To the President of the Senate and the ‘1) Speaker of the House of Representatives This is ...
Date Feb. 17, 1971 |
Report No. B-114874 |
Reports and Testimonies . . -. REPORT,. TO THE S.UB;OMMIT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREtiENT SELECT COMMITTiE ON SMALL BUSINESS ;7/ 7 I? 2 c ‘l’$ - Review Of The’Savings ‘.’ Expected From Centiralizat‘ion Of’The Procurement. And Storage .Of vehicles Rep&r Parts B-114874 Post Office Department BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED SPATES ~ FEB.17&371 - COMPTROLLER . . GENERAL WASHINGTON. . -J OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20948 B- ...
Date Feb. 17, 1971 |
Report No. B-164031(4) |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Applying A Uniform Policy With Respect To Rental Charges For Credit Unions B-T64037~4~ “3 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED 20548 STATES B- 16403 i(4) To the Speaker President of the Senate and the of the House of Representatives This IS our report on applymg a urnform policy with reOur review was spect to rental ...
Date Feb. 16, 1971 |
Report No. 093033 |
Reports and Testimonies . n UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVISION Commanding General, Air Force Logistics Command Wright-Patterson Air Force Ease, Ohio 45433 Attention: Dear Sir: The General Accounting Office has made a limited review of the Managementof Items Subject to Repair (MZXB) system in the Air Force at the Ogden, San Antonio, and Warner Robins Air Materiel Areas. Our ...
Date Feb. 12, 1971 |
Report No. 089344 |
Reports and Testimonies ROOM 1903 JOHN F KENNEDY GOVERNMENT FEDERAL CENTER BUILDING BOSTON,MASSACHU~~S 02203 Dear Mr. Barry: of mortgage insurance for the Housing and Urban Development The survey concerned the are designed to assure that economxcally sound and that adequate. the iOe have surveyed selected aspects rehabilltatlon of houszng projects at (HUD) Area Office, Boston, Massachusetts. HUD feasibility ...
Date Feb. 12, 1971 |
Report No. B-163536 |
Reports and Testimonies ,. _ . -. 74Q5f -g REPORT TO THE CONGRESS ’ Balance-Of-Payments Benefits khieved’ky The Department Of Agriculture Through An Increased Agricultural Barter Program B- 163536 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-163536 To the President of the Senate and the c Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on the ...
Date Feb. 12, 1971 |
Report No. B-156971 |
Reports and Testimonies e, ._ .’ > ::,. ,,, -. Department ,’ -. I ,’ of the Army llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ! LM095717 .., --A ! ‘,,I ” Stiall. BusinessMministration- ,‘y,‘,,,, BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FEB.12,1971 COMPTROLLER .C. r- GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 2O!J448 B- 156971 k Dear Mr. Gross: The accompanying report presents the results of our review made at your request of ...
Date Feb. 11, 1971 |
Report No. 089345 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 7034 FEDERAL DENVER, BUILDING, OFFICE 196f STOUT STREET COLORADO 80202 Mr. Merrztt Burdock, State Conservatlonlst Sol1 Conservation Servzce United States Department of Agriculture Room 313 2490 West 26th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211 Dear Mr. Burdock: We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of the certifying officers of the Colorado State ...
Date Feb. 11, 1971 |
Report No. B-165008 |
Reports and Testimonies I11111Ill11 II11 Ill11 Ill\1 Ill lllll lllll II11 Ill1 LMll95719 Management Of Research An Development In ElectronicsCommunications Equipment Needs Improvement _ B-162008 Department of the Army UNITED GENERAL STATES ACCOUNTING OFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVISION B-165008 Dear Mr. Secretary: v ! 2 .-- This is our report on the need for improvement ...
Date Feb. 10, 1971 |
Report No. B-146879 |
Reports and Testimonies . 44: 7/- 3 _/I REPORT TO THE CONGRESS LM095720 ’ llllll!~lllllllllllllllllll\lillll ” Opportunities For Improving Training Results And Efficiency At The East Bay Skills Center; Oaklan,d, California Under The Manpower Development And Training Act B-146879 ’ ‘department of Labor Department of Health, Education, and Welfare BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES SEB.lOJ971 COMPTROLLER ...
Date Feb. 9, 1971 |
Report No. 089336 |
Reports and Testimonies CIVIL DIVISIO?4 FE13 3 1971 Dear Mr. Smith: Office has made a survey and certain aspects of the Farmers Home Administration. of selected management The General Accounting loan management practices information system of the Our survey work, performed at FHA's national headquarters office and at the State office and one county office in Virginia, was directed toward determining ways in which the ...
Date Feb. 9, 1971 |
Report No. 093175 |
Date Feb. 9, 1971 |
Report No. 089347 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATE$ GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE DALLAS ROOM REGlONAL COMMERCE OFFlCE STRSE-T 500.1512 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 Mr Kenneth J O'Brren, Director Veterans AdmlnlstratLon Hosprtal 300 East Roosevelt Road Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 Dear Mr O'Brien: We have made a revrew for the settlement of accounts of accountable officers of the Veterans AdmLnrstratLon (VA) Hosprtal, Little Rock, Arkansas, through ...
Date Feb. 9, 1971 |
Report No. 089346 |
Reports and Testimonies Unmn STATES GENERAL Wccou~TING OFFKE DALLAS ROOM 500, REGiONAL 1SlP COMMERCE OFFICE STRE5 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 Mr. E. P. Whltaker Drrector, Veterans Adminrstration Shreveport, Louisiana 7Ll.01 Dear Mr. Whitaker: Hosprtal We have made a review for the settlement accountable officers of the Veterans of accounts of HospLtal, AdmLn~stratfon Shreveport, Louisiana, through June 30, 1970. Our review was ...
Date Feb. 8, 1971 |
Report No. 093177 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 403 U S CUSTOMHOUSE OFF ICE 610 SOUTH CANAL STREEb- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607 Captain E. E. Kenfro Commander, Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) O'Hare International Airport P.O. Box 66475 Chicago, Illinois 60666 Dear Captain Renfro We recently completed a survey of defense contracting activities at Ingersoll Products Division ( ...