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Report No.
Title |
Date May 27, 1971 |
Report No. 092964 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 27, 1971 |
Report No. B-146830 |
Reports and Testimonies (|(a.)E)~~~I UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVISION MAY \ 2 7 1971 B-146830 Dear Mro Secretary: v/ 0 At the request of Congressman Fred Bo Rooney, the General Accounting Office has examined into the practices followed by the hometown news centers of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air hometown news centers are arms of the public information Forc7e ...
Date May 27, 1971 |
Report No. B-171564 |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE CQIVGRESS ed For I .And Coordin tion Of The Foreign Affairs deral R Department of State and Qtker Agencies BY THE COMPTROLLER GIS’NERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE IJNlTED 20548 STATES B-171564 To the Speaker President of the Senate and the of the House of Representatives This is our report on the need for improved review and coordination of the ...
Date May 25, 1971 |
Report No. 092965 |
Date May 25, 1971 |
Report No. 094426 |
Reports and Testimonies 094426 United States General Accounting O f f i c e Washington, D.C. 20548 -'yz ~ -- For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 AM EST May 25, 1971 STATEMENT OF B. STAATS, COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS fl Yo" HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ON GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REVIEWS OF FEDERAL WATER POLLUTIOPJ CONTROL PROGRAM ELplER 7 M r . Chairman and members of ...
Date May 25, 1971 |
Report No. B-70896 |
Reports and Testimonies IIlllllll lllllIill AllIll lllll Fiyi! Ill1 COMpTROLLClR &fNEl?AL WASHINGTOld. OF TliE UNIT 2.0548 ED STATES 13.C. B-70896 To the Speaker President of the This is of the Senate and the 3Iousc of Representatives our report the on improvements Employees needed in menagement Act in the of training Department Our ing Act, of 1950 under Government Training of Defense. review WAS made 53): pursuant and ...
Date May 24, 1971 |
Report No. 089316 |
Reports and Testimonies 111111111 lllll III lllMllll Ill Illl Ill1 Ill11 I LM089316
Date May 24, 1971 |
Report No. B-172846 |
Reports and Testimonies . llllillilllllllllllllllllllll LM095652 B-172846 Dear Senator Tunney: Pursuant to your request of March 10, 1971, we have reviewed the Civil Commission’s reply of January 20, .--,---- Service ....” 1971, to your inquiry on behalf of your constituent, Mr. Philip D. Strong, 10 Holiday Court, Pacifica, California, who is interested in obtaining Federal employment in a senior level position. We have ...
Date May 21, 1971 |
Report No. 089317 |
Reports and Testimonies * IIllllll1111111111 lllll Ill11III III lllllIll1 11111 LMQ89317
Date May 21, 1971 |
Report No. 092966 |
Reports and Testimonies Comnazdcr Shaw Air Force Base south CQrolina 29Ii52 Attentiorm: AC Dear sir: Reference is made to letter dated &y 3, ler c0nKlfmtdJ-g or: Gur letter of April 2, lY?l, of our audit of tilitary pay records and travel, tary pay vouchers submikted by the accourttirg Shaw Air Force Base for the ~~IP~CXI Cktobcr 1, 1971, from &he ~Gx$x?G~reporttig the results commercial, and xiiiand finance office a-L ...
Date May 21, 1971 |
Report No. B-164935 |
Reports and Testimonies Dear Mr. Dlngell Further reference 1s made to your letter dated March 31, 1971, requesting a report that would Include lnformatlon on the cost to the Government of supplylng a new armored vehicle, each year during the last 10 years or so, for the use of the Dlrector of the Federal Bureau of Investzgation. We have obtanned the following lnformatlon from dlscussrons with offlclals of the General ...
Date May 20, 1971 |
Report No. 092967 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE REGIONAL 7014 FEDERAL BUILDING, DENVER,COLORADO OFFICE 1961 STOUT STREET 80202 May 20, 1971 Commander Holloman Air Force Base New Mexico 88330 Dear Sir: Our audit of travel and commercial vouchers submitted by the accounting and finance office at your installation for the period October 1, 1969, through June 30, 1970, disclosed no errors in the samples ...
Date May 20, 1971 |
Report No. 092968 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 20, 1971 |
Report No. 094360 |
Reports and Testimonies .a 1 1 0 1 0 STATEMENTOF ELMER B. STAATS, COMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES BEFORE SUBCOMMITTEEON INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REE'RESENTATIVES ON uR H.R. 5846 to amend the .3 amended, to allow for the United States, to ments from the budget purposes. Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as greater expansion of export trade of exclude Bank receipts ...
Date May 20, 1971 |
Report No. B-171602 |
Reports and Testimonies stigation Of The Closing Of The St. Louis Field Office, Eastern Area, MilitaryTraffic anagement And Terminal Service B-171602 BY THE OF COMPTROLLER GENERAL UNITED STATES MAY20,197?_ COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-171602 Dear Mr. Price: -'P D9 In your letters of December 4, 1970, and February 8 1971, you requested our comments on statements made by one of your ...
Date May 18, 1971 |
Report No. 092969 |
Reports and Testimonies CIVIL UlVlSiON MAY ! 8 1979 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllll LM092969 Dear Dr. Irving: We have recently completed our review of selected activities of the Plant Protection Division (PPD) of the Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture. Our review--made pursuant to the Budget and Act Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 531, and the Accounting and Auditing of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 67)-- ...
Date May 18, 1971 |
Report No. 092972 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 18, 1971 |
Report No. 092970 |
Reports and Testimonies UWED STATESGENERALAC~WNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DlVlSlON MAY1 8 1971 Dear Dr. Marston: 0 We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of accountable officers of the Headquarters, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, through June 30, 1970. The review, which was completed in February 1971, consisted of an evaluation of the ...
Date May 18, 1971 |
Report No. 092971 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 18, 1971 |
Report No. 092991 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVISION Canseder Nval&1hip Systems Comand Washington, D. C. 20360 Attention: Dear 6tir In August 1967 the oeaeral Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report to the Congress (B-156313) concerning the pricing of nxclear submarine propulsion equipment that General Electric Corpazy, Mleium Steam Turbine Generator and Gear D nprtaent ...
Date May 17, 1971 |
Report No. 089318 |
Reports and Testimonies ccl nting Geneml lHeadqmTtelPs, W, S, .Arw Traio5ng Center, InfatrLtry and Fort 0x4 Fort 0x3, California 93941 IIllI%llIIlllIllllllllllllllIIllIIII LM089318 We hame mde a re;lriew of the civil&m pay and r&Lated matters s*t the w, 5, li,nr@" Traiting center, Infants and Fort OmJ., !&is xyT#-iew, cQ~%et;ea ia April 1971, ms m&de pursumt to the ,T3lxlg@% and Aceloulm"cing Act, 1921 (31 W,S,C!, 53), ...
Date May 17, 1971 |
Report No. 089319 |
Reports and Testimonies lllllll~~llllllllllllllllllllIllllllllll LM089319 .,,,,,. 1111111 1111 Yllllll ts 0 &P
Date May 17, 1971 |
Report No. 092948 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 2006 WASHINGTON 234 STATE OFFICE BUILDING i STREID BOULEVARD DETROIT, MICHIGAN . 48226 Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Communication Station Londonderry, Northern Ireland Dear Sir: \lllllM~lllllllI IlI llllllllllllll1 iilil LMO92948 As part of our centralized examination of disbursing officers' ,DL_QC~&~~ accounts at the Navy Finance Center, Cleveland ...
Date May 14, 1971 |
Report No. 092973 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCCWN~NG OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 1800 FEDERAL 911 WALNUT OFFICE OFFICE STREKT BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64106 Ms. Milton L. Healy, Director Postal Data Center U. S. Postal Service 1720 Market Street St. Louis, Missouri 63180 Dear Mr. Healy: llMlllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll~llllll LMO92973 We have completed a review of selected administrative operations and related ...
Date May 14, 1971 |
Report No. 092974 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 204, ATLANTA, 161 PEACHTREE GEORGIA OFFICE STREET, N.E. 30303 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~lll % LM092974 : < 8’ ., I’ I,!, .> /> I 1’ . ,.A .-t-4, i 0)‘5+&UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 204. 161 PEACHTREE OFFICE STREET, N.E. ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30303 Y . .
Date May 13, 1971 |
Report No. 092975 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL AK~~JNTING ~FFKE WASHINGTON FIFTH REGIONAL FLOOR OFFICE 803 WEST BROAD STREET FALLS CHURCH,!/IRGINIA 22045 Commanding Officer United States Army Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir Department of the Army Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 Dear Sir: We have made a review of the practices and procedures applicable to the administration of certain payroll matters for selected civilian ...
Date May 13, 1971 |
Report No. 092976 |
Reports and Testimonies lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM092976
Date May 13, 1971 |
Report No. 092977 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 7014 FEDERAL BUILDING. COLORADO OFFICE 1961 STOUT STREET DENVER, 80202 IlllllllllllllIIllllllillll LM092977 ,_i;‘. ‘, 2
Date May 13, 1971 |
Report No. B-170686 |
Reports and Testimonies . *...a This is iour report ion -problems in implem~entation of the FderaL Goal Mine Health and Safety Act af 1969 by the Department oh: thlc Interhr. The resets of 0aar review are being made available t0 you in response to your requeet of August 13, 1970. Our appear25 principal observationa at the beginning of the are report. summarized in the digest which Aw a result of agralrjrmerrlt reached ...
Date May 13, 1971 |
Report No. B-170847 |
Reports and Testimonies r-i I 0 L COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B- 170 847 Dear Senator Proxmire : This is our report on the use of ambulance trains and We made the review in response to your assigned personnel. request of September 15, 1970. We plan to make no further distribution of the report unless copies are specifically requested, and then we shall make distribution only after your ...
Date May 12, 1971 |
Report No. B-164497(3) |
Reports and Testimonies REPORT TO THE COi’kGRESS rogram Shows ress Toward asing Accessibility To And T S-164497(3) Appalachian Regional Comm won BY THE CQMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 1 COMPTROLLER GEN;RAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D C B- 164497(3) To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives Program Shows LlmTo and Through by the Appalachian This 1s our report ...
Date May 11, 1971 |
Report No. B-159835 |
Reports and Testimonies PST c ESCALATIONS ON CIVIL AGENCY PROJECTY 7 B-159835 5-11-71 ii ~lllllllllllll RESTRICTED Report to the Chairman, House Committee on Armed Services pursuant to his request. The report and on other projected contained information approved the original on certain nonmilitary nonmilitary projects projects on which congressionally costs exceeded cost estimates. ’ a> .., . I_ . ..a . ‘_ z = ‘. E . :. ...
Date May 11, 1971 |
Report No. 093003 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 11, 1971 |
Report No. 089325 |
Reports and Testimonies Mr. J@ffrey P. Hillclson Rcgioinab Administrator General Services Administration l5OQ East Bannister Road Kansas city, Missowxi 64131 Clear Mr. Ei”llelson: llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LMO89325 WC have made a review ~accountablx oPf%eers at the of mu- rawiew was for fiscal made pursuant tcp tha Budget the Accourxhirag and Auditing directed toward the settlement of accounts of ...
Date May 11, 1971 |
Report No. 093002 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 11, 1971 |
Report No. 092981 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 143 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING. OFFICE 50 FULTON STREET SAN FRANCISCO~CALIFORNIA IN REPLY REFER TO 94102 36624 Mr. A. Alan Post, Legislative ltposar 306 State Capitol Analyst llllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllll LM092981 Dear Mr. Post: In your letter to t& t2omptroller Gmeral dated July 30, 1970, you suggested that the General Accounting Offfce ...
Date May 10, 1971 |
Report No. 093004 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 I 1971 I :; CIVIL DIVISION MA Dear Mr. Donaty: BEST DOCUMENT AVAILABLE The General Accounting Office has reviewed the status of ap ropriated _u ds of the Securities and Exchange Commission as of March 31, 1971, pursuant to a request of November 12, 1970, by the former Chairman, Mr. Hamer Budge. Our review was directed at determining ...
Date May 10, 1971 |
Report No. 089326 |
Reports and Testimonies employees handling cash have 93-8 becy: bonded, (2) certain cash handling and recording duties wtre not separated, and (3) some receipts were not promptly deposited. Elk noted that recent remrts by !?L avid l-kadquarlers auditors disclosed several problems wi tin the procedures for accumwl ati ng and distributing costs bc-ixeen AEC and IX?>! pr-iva?x work. These probl eris reiatcd to both the ...
Date May 10, 1971 |
Report No. B-158712 |
Reports and Testimonies COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20948 STATES B-158712 my 10, 1971 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM095662 Dear Senator Your Proxmirc: letter of rchase requested information conLIarch 22, 1971, of collision coverage for auto_,-. --_.--- -.... insurance -.__ employees of the ‘Federal Government. cerning mobiles the ren J Commercial rental cars used by Federal employees in ...
Date May 7, 1971 |
Report No. 093000 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 7, 1971 |
Report No. B-171990 |
Date May 7, 1971 |
Report No. B-114860 |
Reports and Testimonies Department of f-lousing and Urban Development OLLER GENERAL STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B- 114860 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is out report on examination of financial’statements pertaining to insurance operations of the Federal Housing Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, for ...
Date May 6, 1971 |
Report No. 093005 |
Reports and Testimonies UNITED STATES GENERAL MCOUNTING OFFKE INTERNATiONAL FAR EAST DIVISION BRANCH I833 HONOLULU, KALAKAUA HAWAII AVENUE 96815 Captain G, G. jjunn Commanding Offlccr IJava Supply Center I302; 300 FPO San Francisco 96610 Dear Captain Jhin: We have completed our audit of civilian pay matters at the Naval Supply Center, Pearl Iiarbor. Ouz audit $ncJ.udod a review of personnel actions prepared by the ...
Date May 6, 1971 |
Report No. 093006 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 6, 1971 |
Report No. 089327 |
Reports and Testimonies Xr. Willian Lange, Chief Division of Nanagement Support Engineering and Research Center Bureau of l?;ration Building 67 Denver Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 Dear Hr. Lange: We have completed our review of the adequacy of the accounting procedures and controls employed by the Cureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center, in recording and reporting accrued revenues and ...
Date May 6, 1971 |
Report No. B-157476 |
Reports and Testimonies B-157476 BY THE CQMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ,-I -. i I*) -,’ COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20.548 STATES D C. B-157476 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on the savings available through reduced use of air parcel post shipments by the Department of Defense. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget and ...
Date May 5, 1971 |
Report No. B-114800 |
Reports and Testimonies @QNP~WOLLPR GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. TtdE UNITED 20585 SPATES B-114800 Dear Mr. Chairman: The General Accounting Office has made an audit of the financial transactions charged to the appropriations for salaries and expenses for the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1969 and 1970. Our audit was made pursuant to the request of the Executive Director of the ...
Date May 5, 1971 |
Report No. 089328 |
Reports and Testimonies ALLAS, -ikXAS Hr. James L. Davis State Director, Selective Service sys tern Mississippi State Headquarters 4785 Interstate 55 Earth Jackson, Mississippi 39206 Dear Mr. Davis: for the settlement of the acc2ouiits We have completed our review of the certifying officers of the Selective Servi-ce System, Mississippi State Headquarters, for fiscal years I.969 and 1970, and the The review was made eight ...
Date May 3, 1971 |
Report No. 092993 |
Reports and Testimonies
Date May 3, 1971 |
Report No. 094427 |
Reports and Testimonies c( STATEMENT OF ROBERT F. KELLER, ASSISTANT COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES BEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE, APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE UNITED STATES SENATE ESTIMATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971 f? a4 MR. CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE: We appreciate discuss the opportunity request for to appear fiscal funds, costs before year you today to our supplemental for 1971. Our request is ...