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GAO Report Search

Full-text search of 52,071 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091135 Title

Special Publications: Generalized Computer Programs--Are They Worth the Effort?

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091154 Title

Special Publications: Hearings and Legislation

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091157 Title

Special Publications: Importance of Auditor Participation in ADP System Design

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091165 Title

Special Publications: The Relationship of Budgeting, Program Planning, and Evaluation

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091164 Title

Special Publications: The Tangled Purse Strings

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091155 Title

Employment: GAO Seminar on Federal Manpower Programs

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091136 Title

Special Publications: Women--An Emerging Presence in GAO

Reports and Testimonies

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. B-132900 Title

Financial Management: GAO Views on Internal Auditing in the Federal Agencies

Reports and Testimonies

GAO VIEWS O N INTERNAL AUDITING IN THE FEDERAL AGENCIES UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE 1970 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 29548 B- 132900 The contents of this booklet summarize our views on the organization and operation of the internal auditing function in the Federal departments and agencies. These views are based on our examinations of internal auditing ...

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091192 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Spring 1970

Reports and Testimonies

- ... . , _._. 091192 f For sole by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Go\ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.50 per l r n r : 50 cents additional for foreign mailing. THE GAO REVIEW SPRING 1970 Contents A Positive Program for Improving Communications Between Federal Agencies and Accounting Faculties and Students By WILLIAM L. ...

Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091193 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Winter 1970

Reports and Testimonies

P 1 THE GAO REVIEW For sale by the Superintendent of Docoments, US. Goternment Printing O f c , Washington, D.C. 20402. fie Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: 81.50 per year; 50 cents ndditionnl for foreign mailing. THE GAO REVIEW WINTER 1970 Contents The Relationship of Budgeting. Program Planning. and Evaluation By ELMER B . STAATS 3 The Tangled Purse Strings By MBRVIN COLBS By ...

Date Dec. 30, 1969 Report No. B-165959 Title

National Defense: Management Of Civilian Hiring Limitations And Recruiting By The Department Of Defense Is Costly

Reports and Testimonies

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Management Of Civilian Hiring Limitations And Recruitin The Department O f Defense 1s Costly 8-165959 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES D E C . 3 0 , I 9 6 C, COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B- 165959 To the P r e s i d e n t of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is o u r r e p o r t on the management ...

Date Dec. 29, 1969 Report No. 092672 Title

Government Operations: Procurement of Paper by HUD for Use in Its Xerox Copiers

Reports and Testimonies

I . . IL +r UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CLVIL DlVISlON I11111111 ” ,, lllllIll11 Ill11 Ill Ill11 111111 lllll Ill11 LM092672 ; ! i’ i’ i qi ,!4.’ ‘.,,f ,,

Date Dec. 29, 1969 Report No. B-167982 Title

National Defense: Need To Improve Performance Standards For More Efficient Use Of Civilian Production Personnel In The Department Of Defense

Reports and Testimonies

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Need TQ Improve Performance Standards For erson ne I O f Civilian Produ In The epartm f Defense 8-167982 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES D EC. 29,19 S 6 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B- 167982 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on the need to improve performance ...

Date Dec. 23, 1969 Report No. B-168536 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Actions That Contribute to Reduction in Use of Public Facilities by General Aviation

Reports and Testimonies

B-168536 Dear Mr. Long: In your letter dated November 26, 1969, you requested that we comment on matters brought to your attention in a letter dated November 21, 1969, which you received from Colonel Albert K. Tank, President, Aberdeen Proving Ground Flying Club. Colonel Tank's letter and the attachments refer, in substance, to leglslatlon pending on avlatlon user charges and to certain ...

Date Dec. 23, 1969 Report No. 092673 Title

Government Operations: The Government's Procurement of Security File Cabinets

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 $1 ’ CtVtt DlVtStON December 23, 1969 Dear Mr. Spangler: we have completed our review of the Supply Service pertaining to the for the Federal Government, Our reof competrtlve award alternatives multiple-award Federal Supply by FSS for the procurement of cabineta, This letter xs to inform you that policies and procedures of the Federal ...

Date Dec. 17, 1969 Report No. 092651 Title

Housing: Cost Certification Procedures at the San Francisco Insuring Office of the Federal Housing Administration

Reports and Testimonies

Urmm STATES GENERAL Accoum~~~ OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C 20548 clvlL DlVlSi0~ DEC 17 869 - Dear Mr, Gu Hedge : h We have nade e survey of the sdministretion of Cost certification procedures rekti-g to the fnsurance of mortgage bans for multifamily housing projects by the San Francisco Insuring Office (STXO) ot the Federal sousing tisinistrtition (FHA), Dmartwnt of Housing arid Urban ikvelopnent. Our ...

Date Dec. 17, 1969 Report No. B-162394 Title

Government Operations: Opportunities For More Effective Use Of An Automated Procurement System For Small Purchases

Reports and Testimonies

J REPORT TO THE CONGRhs3 Opportunities For More Effective Use O f An Automated Procurement System For mall Purchases 6 - 162394 Department o f the Navy BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL, OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON,D.C. 20548 B- 162394 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on opportunities for more ...

Date Dec. 16, 1969 Report No. 092652 Title

Government Operations: Recording General Investigation and Survey Costs

Reports and Testimonies

ClVlL DiVISlON Dear General Clarke The General Accounting Offlee has reviewed the Corps of Engineers' (Corps) pol~y and pra&tlces relating to general investigation and /survey costs Incurred prior to congressional authorlzatzon of power proJectsa Our review was lrmlted to the effects of this policy upon the flnanclal statements of and the repayment plans for the Federal Columbra River Power System ...

Date Dec. 8, 1969 Report No. 092653 Title

Transportation: Controlling the Withdrawal of Duty-Free Jet Fuel and the Collection of Duties on Ineligible Flights

Reports and Testimonies

ClVlL DIVISiON Dear Mr. Ambrose: We have completed our review at the Miami District O ffice of Customs control over jet fuel imported and withdrawn, free of duty, under section 399 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, by air We are currently carriers at the Miami International Airport (MIA). finalizing the results of similar reviews performed at the New York The purpose of this Letter is to ...

Date Dec. 8, 1969 Report No. B-164088 Title

National Defense: Need To Improve Project Transition Management By The Department of Defense

Reports and Testimonies


Date Dec. 3, 1969 Report No. 092654 Title

Health: Reasonableness of the Allocation of Selected Administrative Costs to the Medicare Program by the Aetna Life Insurance Company

Reports and Testimonies

- ~JNITED STATES GE&AL ACUXJMTING OFFICE WASMINGTQN, D C 20548 CIVIL DIVISION December 3, 1969 Dear Mr. Ball We have completed a r view of the reasonableness of the allocation of aziected admlnlstratlve costs to parts A and B of the Medicare program by the Aetna Life InsuranceI Company (Aetna) for calendar year 1967 Under a cost-type contract with the Social Security Admlnlstratlon (F&A), Aetna ...

Date Dec. 2, 1969 Report No. 092655 Title

Financial Management: Review of Accounts of Commission of Fine Arts

Reports and Testimonies


Date Dec. 2, 1969 Report No. B-135382 Title

Government Operations: Foreign Travel by HUD Officials

Reports and Testimonies

RELEASED Dear Mr. Gross As requested rn your letter dated July 15, 1969, we have obtalned lnformatron concerning a trip around the world during June and July 196Y by Department of Housrng and Urban Development (HUD) officials Secretary for Renewal and Housrng AssistLawrence M Cox, Asslstadt ante , and Dr. E. Jay Howenstlne, International Economrst, Dlvrsion of We also obtained the lnformatlon you ...

Date Dec. 1, 1969 Report No. 092656 Title

Government Operations: GSA Procurement of Magnetic Computer Tape

Reports and Testimonies

Date Nov. 24, 1969 Report No. 092682 Title

Financial Management: Error Analysis and Reporting System, Payroll System, HEW

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATESGENERALACGOUNTINGOFFICE V!a’ASHIMGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION NOV 24 1969 Dear Mr. Kelly This report 1s the first of a series relating to our evaluations of selected aspects of the automated central payroll system, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). The subJect of this report is the Error Analysis and Reporting System. The former Deputy Assistant Secretary, Finance ...

Date Nov. 17, 1969 Report No. 092681 Title

Government Operations: Payroll and Leave Records, Department of Justice

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GCNERAL &XOUNTING WASHINGTCWd, D C 20548 OFFJCE ClVlL DlVlSiON Dear Mr. Attorney General +a We made a review of the payroll and leave records processed and maintained by the Payroll Section, Administrative Division, Department of Justice, through January 11, 1969. The departmental organlzatlons serviced by the Payroll Section Included the Legal Activities and General Admln~stratlon ...

Date Nov. 17, 1969 Report No. B-163058 Title

National Defense: Need For Management Improvement In Expediting Development Of Major Weapon Systems Satisfactory For Combat Use

Reports and Testimonies

-* - && REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Need For Management Improvement In Expediting Development Of Major Weapon Systems Satisfactor For Combat Use 6-163058 Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES HUV. 17,9.96 9 7 c COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B 163058 - To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is ...

Date Nov. 13, 1969 Report No. B-168141 Title

Social Services: Transportation of New York City Antipoverty Program Members To Protest Cuts in Federal Poverty Funds

Reports and Testimonies

Dear Hr, Meskill: This Petter is in response to an informal request from Mr, Lewis D, Andrews of your staff on April 15, 1969, that the General Accounting Office inquire into whether Federal funds were used to transport members of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Youth In Action Community Corporation (Youth in Action) from New York, N.Y, to Washington, D, C., on April 14, 1969, rj-7w> to protest reductions ...

Date Nov. 6, 1969 Report No. 092675 Title

Financial Management: Deficiencies in the Recording and Reporting of Contractor-Held, Government-Owned Property, Goddard Space Flight Center

Reports and Testimonies

NW 6 1969 .

Date Nov. 3, 1969 Report No. B-166506 Title

Environmental Protection: Examination Into the Effectiveness of the Construction Grant Program for Abating, Controlling, and Preventing Water Pollution

Reports and Testimonies

Date Oct. 31, 1969 Report No. 092677 Title

Information Management: Forest Service's Planning for Acquisition and Operation of Computers in its Four Western Regions

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFEE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 OCT 3 1 1969 Dear Mr. Cliff: In 3une 1969, we requested your comments on a draft report concernlng the orest Service's plannrng for acqulsrtron and operation of computers in its four western regions. 3 We stated In the draft report that our revrew showed that the Forest Service had purchased and Installed automatic data processing (ADP) ...

Date Oct. 31, 1969 Report No. 092676 Title

Financial Management: Accounts of Accountable Officers of the U.S. Tariff Commission

Reports and Testimonies

UNITE~I STATESGI~NEF~ALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION Dear Dr. Sutton. We have made a review &or the eettlemont of accounts of accountabbe officers of the United States Tarxff Commlsslon, Washlngton, D. C., through June 30, 1968. Our review, which was completed In October 1969, was directed prlmarlly toward an evaluation of the admlnlstratlve procedures and Internal ...

Date Oct. 30, 1969 Report No. 092678 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts, Rural Electrification Administration

Reports and Testimonies

-WASI-HNGTON, CIVIL DlVlSlON ;zc -- 0$+$6 D.C 20548 UNITED STATES GENERAL-ACCOUNTING OFFICE OCT3 o 1369 Dear Mr. Hamil: We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of the certifying officers of the Rural Electrification Adminlstratlon (REA), Department of Agriculture. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 531, and the Accounting and Auditing Act of ...

Date Oct. 29, 1969 Report No. 092679 Title

Employment: Need for Improved Utilization of Personnel at Recreation Centers, District of Columbia

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, CIVIL DIVISION D.C. 20548 tlcr 2 9 1969 , Dear Mr. Washington: The General Accounting Office has examined into the utllizatlon of personnel by the DMzict of Columbia Government J at recreation centers operated by the Recreation Department. We exarmned into the manpower policies, procedures, and guidelines of the Neighborhood Centers Dlvlslon of the ...

Date Oct. 23, 1969 Report No. 092680 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Controls Over Taxpayer Data Transferred Between the National Computer Center and Service Centers

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D C 20548 OFFICE ClVlL DIVISION Dear ML Jack The General Accounting Offlce has completed its survey of controls over taxpayer data transferred between the National Computer Center (NCC) and service centers Field work was performed by ou? Kansas City (,+ Regional Offlce at the Mldwest Service Center (MWSC) Our objective was to examine Into the ...

Date Oct. 20, 1969 Report No. 092683 Title

Financial Management: Fiscal Year 1968 Funds, Peace Corps, Micronesia

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING INTERNATIONAL ~~RE~s-A- OFFICE DIVISION 96815 BRANCH 1833 KALAKAUA AVENUE HONOLULU,HAWAII OCT 201969 Dear Mr. Johnson: Our office has made a review of the disbursements of fiscal year 1968 funds appropriated for administrative program and training purposes of the Peace Corps, Micronesia. Our review was directed prlmarlly to examining into the propriety of the ...

Date Oct. 16, 1969 Report No. 089438 Title

Economic Development: Technical Assistance Program, Economic Development Administration

Reports and Testimonies


Date Oct. 15, 1969 Report No. 089445 Title

Health: Hill-Burton Grant Program for Construction and Modernization of Hospitals and Other Medical Facilities

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENEFU~LACCCNJNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, . ClVlL DIVISION D C 20548 of The General the hospital Accounting and medlcal Office faclllt d + 5 Department of Health, Educatlon,and Welfare (HEW). Our review was conducted at the headquarters office of the Health Facllltles Planning and Construction Service and at the HEW reglonal offlces in Charlottesville, V~rglnla; Chicago, Illlnols, and ...

Date Oct. 13, 1969 Report No. 092684 Title

Agriculture and Food: Distribution of Government-Donated Food Commodities to Institutions in Illinois and Minnesota

Reports and Testimonies

CIVIL DIVISION OCTI 3 1969 Dear Mr, Hekman: The General Accounting Offrce has made a revrew of the dlstrrbutlon of Government-donated food commodltles to instltutlons In Tlllnols and Minnesota, The commodrtres are furnlshed to State dlstrlbutrng agencies under the Commodity Distrrbutron Program of the Food and Nutrstlon Service, Our review was made pursuant to the Budget and Accountrng Act, 1921 ( ...

Date Sept. 30, 1969 Report No. 092685 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts, Federal Extension Service

Reports and Testimonies

ClVlL DIVISION SEP 3 0 1969 Dear Mr. Davzs: We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of the certzfying officers of the Federal Extensron Service, Department of Agriculture. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget and Accountrng Act, 1921 (31 U.S C 531, and the Accounting and Audltlng Act of 1950 (31 U S.C. 67). completed in August 1969, was directed primarily toward' Our renew, the ...

Date Sept. 29, 1969 Report No. 092686 Title

Education: Administration of Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON,D.C. 20548 CiVlL DIVISION SEP 29 1969 Dear Dr. Allen: As part of our the Elementary and Into the manner ln Health, Education, of this program. review of actlvltles carried out under title III of Secondary Education Act IESEA) of 1965, we examined which the Office of Education (OE), Department of and Welfare (HEW) was admlnlsterzng certain aspects ...

Date Sept. 24, 1969 Report No. 092687 Title

Agriculture and Food: Aspects of Butter Purchases by the Commodity Credit Corporation

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STA-KS GENERAL fW3mnm WASHINGTON, B C 20548 OFFICE ClViL DIVISICN Dear Mr. Fnck Offrce has made a revrew of selected aspects Commodrty Credrt Corporatron (CCC), Department prrce-support program. The review was made In examlnatron of frnancral actrvrtres of CCC, Corporatron Control Act (31 U.S.C. 841), at Offrce. savrng prrce- The General Accounting of butter purchases by the of Agrrculture, ...

Date Sept. 19, 1969 Report No. 092688 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts, Through Fiscal Year 1968, for the Department of Justice

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, I DC 20548 CIVIL DIVISION SEP 19 1969 Dear Mr. Attorney General: We have reviewed selected.adminlstratIve operations and related financial transactions except for employee compensation in the Legal Activities and General Administration area, Department of Justice, for the purpose of settling the accounts of accountable officers through fiscal ...

Date Sept. 12, 1969 Report No. 092689 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts of the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION September LM092689 12, 1969 1lll1llllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ’ !;I ,J ‘:, if,.

Date Aug. 28, 1969 Report No. 092690 Title

National Defense: Effectiveness and Responsiveness of the Marine Corps Supply System in the Far East

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES G&ERAL ACCOUNTING lNTEHNATtONAL DlVSSlON FAR EAST BRANCH 1833 KALAKAUA AVENUE OFFICE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 AUG2 8 1969 Commanding General Fleet Marine Forces, Camp H. M. Smith Aiea, HawaiS 96701 Pacific Dear Sir: I ’ The General Accounting Office has reviewed selected aspects of the military supply systems in the Far East. This review included an examination into the effectaveness ...

Date Aug. 27, 1969 Report No. 092691 Title

Financial Management: Benefits Available From a Centralized System of Voucher Processing

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOU~QTING OFFICE WASH1 NGTON, CIVIL DlVtSlON D,C. 20548 . AUG 21 1969 Dear Mr, Cliff: The General Accounting uffice has reviewed the Forest Service's procedures for processing vouchers for the payment of goods and services purchased from sources outside the Service. The objective of our review was to ascertain whether a centralized system of processing such vouchers might ...

Date Aug. 27, 1969 Report No. 089440 Title

Information Management: Need To Develop Specifications for Disk Packs

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 CIVIL DIVISION AUG271969 Dear Mr. Sampson By letter dated June 4, 1968, the General Accounting Office suggested that the Federal Supply Service formally advertise for bids and satisfy, through competitive means, the Government's needs for disk packs, which are an important data storage medium having random recording and retrieval ...

Date Aug. 21, 1969 Report No. 092692 Title

Education: Education Allowance Grants Made to Trust Territory Government Employees

Reports and Testimonies

AUG211969 Honorable Edward E. Johnston U.S. High Commissioner Trust Territory of the Pacific Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 Dear Mr. Johnston: a review of education allowance grants Government employees, Our review disclosed’ in the administration of these education may hAva reeultad in unnecessary taxpensa Islands We have completed made to Truet Territory that weaknesoeo existed allowance grants ...

Date Aug. 19, 1969 Report No. 092693 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Internal Revenue Service Data Center, Detroit, Michigan

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCCWNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 CIVIL DIVISION ME 1 9 1969 Dear Mr. Thrower: The General Accounting Office has completed a review of selected activities of the Internal Revenue Servicegs (IRS), Data Center (DC), Detroit, Michigan. The review was limited because not all records pertinent to the areas of our inquiry were made available to us. Howmatters which m our ever ...

Date Aug. 15, 1969 Report No. 089441 Title

Government Operations: GSA Procurement of Wiping Rags and Certain Soap Products

Reports and Testimonies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION Al.!Gl 51969 Dear Mr. Sampson The General Accounting Office has examined of wiping rags and certain soap products by the for its stores stock program. Our examination at the FSS Central Office, Arlington, Vlrglnia, Illinois. into the procurement Federal Sunply Service was performed prImarm and Region 5, Chlcago, Our ...