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Congressional Research Service Report Search

Full-text search of 67,139 reports from the Congressional Research Service
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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 28, 1994 Report No. 94-192 Title

Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments: A Comparison of Selected Legislative Proposals in the 103rd Congress

94-192 ENR Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments: A Comparison of Selected Legislative Proposals in the 103rd Congress Mary Tiemann Specialist in Environmental Policy Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division February 28, 1994 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments: A Comparison of Selected Legislative Proposals in the 103rd Congress SUMMARY In 1986, Congress amended and reauthorized the Safe ...

Date Feb. 23, 1994 Report No. 94-176 Title

Welfare Reform: A Comparison of H.R. 3500 an

94-176 EPW CRS Report for Congress Welfare Reform: A Comparison of H.R. 3500 and S. 1795 With Current Policy Carmen D. Solomon Specialist in Social Legislation Education and Public Welfare Division February 23, 1994 : The Library of C gress e TABLE OF CONTENTS AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN (AFDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 GENERALDESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . ...

Date Feb. 7, 1994 Report No. 94-87 Title

Tax Aspects of Clinton's Health Care Plan: The Classification of Workers as Independent Contractors or Employees

94-87 A Tax Aspects of Clinton's Health Care Plan : The Classification of Workers as Independent Contractors or Employees Harry G . Gourevitch Senior Specialist in Taxation and Fiscal Policy Office of Senior Specialists Marie B . Morris Legislative Attorney American Law Division February 7, 1994 i iIIIIII!III!!!H IIIII!III!!III TAX ASPECTS OF CLINTON'S HEALTH CARE PLAN : THE CLASSIFICATION OF ...

Date Feb. 4, 1994 Report No. 94-91 Title

Colleges and Universities Attended By Senators of the 103d Congress

94-91 GOV Colleges and Universities Attended By Senators of the 103d Congress Mildred L . Amer Specialist in American National Government Government Division February 4, 1994 CRS IIIIII IIIII 9III IIIIII iii II01 IIII COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ATTENDED BY SENATORS OF THE 103D CONGRESS SUMMARY This report identifies the colleges and universities attended by Senators elected to the 103d Congress . ...

Date Feb. 2, 1994 Report No. 94-75 Title

White-Collar Crime: A Conceptual

I - 94-75 GOV CRS Re;~ortfor Congress White-Collar Crime: A Conceptual and Statistical Overview Suzanne Cavanagh Specialist in American National Government David Teasley Analyst in American National Government Government Division February 2, 1994 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: A CONCEPTUAL AND STATISTICAL OVERVIEW SUMMARY White-collar crime is often ...

Date Jan. 25, 1994 Report No. 94-72 Title

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Under the NAFTA

94-72 A Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Under the NAFTA Dorothy Schrader American Law Division January 25, 1994 ) I ' ' f *_ , J ENFORCEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY R I G H T S U N D E R T H E NAFTA SUMMARY The NAFTA represents the first multilateral agreement to incorporate broad intellectual property standards in a trade-based agreement. At the insistence of the United States, those ...

Date Jan. 21, 1994 Report No. 94-59 Title

Intellectual Property Provisions of the NAFTA

94-59 A - .* ' " - . . " " ."' ' \J/-^'A\.'' ::.: j - i " - ; - , I f ' * } . " ^'__J 1. - 1 _ 1 ' - ' . , ' Intellectual Property Provisions of the NAFTA Dorothy Schrader American Law Division January 21, 1994 '.*!'' I.'I ;';* I'v* \ . " . )-i'-'\'iti,i;; Sly: I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y P R O V I S I O N S O F T H E NAFTA SUMMARY This report surveys and analyzes the ...

Date Dec. 29, 1993 Report No. 94-12 Title

Income Protection for Judges of Selected Federal Courts

94-12 EPW Income Protection for Judges of Selected Federal Courts Dennis W . Snook Specialist in Income Maintenance Jennifer A . Neisner Technical Information Specialist Education and Public Welfare Division December 29, 1993 CRS INCOME PROTECTION FOR JUDGES OF SELECTED FEDERAL COURTS SUMMARY Federal courts can be divided into constitutional and legislative courts, the former authorized under ...

Date Dec. 29, 1993 Report No. 93-1067 Title

Campaign Finance Reform: Comparison of Current Law with H.R. 3 and S. 3, As Passed by the House and Senate in the 103d Congress

93-1067GOV Campaign Finance Reform: Comparison of Current Law with H.R. 3 and S. 3, As Passed by the House and Senate in the 103d Congress Joseph E. Cantor Specialist in American National Government Government Division and L. Paige Whitaker Legislative Attorney American Law Division December 29, 1993 CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: COMPARISON OF CURRENT LAW WITH H.R. 3 AND S. 3, AS PASSED BY THE HOUSE ...

Date Nov. 9, 1993 Report No. 93-980 Title

The Executive Office of the President: An Historical Overview

93-980GOV Distributed by Penny Hill Press The Executive Office of the President: An Historical Overview Harold C. Relyea Specialist in American National Government Government Division November 9, 1993 THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT: AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW SUMMARY Established in 1939, the Executive Office of the President consists of a group of Federal agencies immediately serving the ...

Date Oct. 22, 1993 Report No. 93-931 Title

Background to the Overthrow of President Aristide

Order Code 93-931 F CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web Haiti: Background to the 1991 Overthrow of President Aristide October 22, 1993 Maureen Taft-Morales Analyst in Latin American Affairs Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress Haiti: Background to the 1991 Overthrow of President Aristide Summary The overthrow of Haiti ...

Date Oct. 14, 1993 Report No. 1993 Title

Hamas: The Organizations, Goals and Tactics of a Militant Palestinian Organization

Hamas: The Organizations, Goals and Tactics of a Militant Palestinian Organization. Hamas: The Organizations, Goals and Tactics of a Militant Palestinian Organization. OCTOBER 14, 1993 Hamas had its beginnings in 1967 as a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. 1 In 1978, the same organization was registered with Israeli authorities as a nonprofit, religious organization under the name, `al Mujama,' ...

Date Sept. 28, 1993 Report No. TRANSFERS-PCW Title

Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era

. ." . .. .. CRS ~ort for_ Co_n~_e_s_s_ __ Con!:,rressional Research Service The Library of Congress Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division OVERVIEW Conventional arms transfers in the post-Cold War Era are likely to be notably different from those that occurred prior to the collapse of ...

Date Sept. 28, 1993 Report No. 93-852 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era

. .. . ." CRS ~ort .. for_ Co_n~_e_s_s_ __ Con!:,rressional Research Service The Library of Congress Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division OVERVIEW Conventional arms transfers in the post-Cold War Era are likely to be notably different from those that occurred prior to the collapse of ...

Date Sept. 28, 1993 Report No. 93-852F Title

Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era

. .. . ." CRS ~ort .. for_ Co_n~_e_s_s_ __ Con!:,rressional Research Service The Library of Congress Conventional Arms Transfers in the Post-Cold War Era Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division OVERVIEW Conventional arms transfers in the post-Cold War Era are likely to be notably different from those that occurred prior to the collapse of ...

Date Sept. 20, 1993 Report No. 93-808 Title

Long-Range Bomber Facts : Background Information

93-808 F Long-Range Bomber Facts : Background Information Dagnija Sterste-Perkins Foreign Affairs Analyst Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division September 20, 1993 r_.OWL CRS LONG-RANGE BOMBER FACTS : BACKGROUND INFORMATION SUMMARY The U.S . Air Force has spent over $100 billion to develop, produce, and modernize the planes currently comprising its long-range bomber fleet -- the B52, the B- ...

Date Sept. 17, 1993 Report No. 93-797 Title

Israeli-Palestinian Agreement

Order Code 93-797 F Updated September 17, 1993 Israeli-Palestinian Agreement Carol Migdalovitz Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division Summary On August 27, 1993, Israel and the Palestinians announced that Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) official Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen) had initialed a ...

Date Aug. 30, 1993 Report No. 93-789 Title

Workload and Activity Report: United States Senate, 1946-1992

93-789 GOV Workload and Activity Report : United States Senate, 1946-1992 Robert Moon Consultant and Carol Hardy Vincent Analyst in American National Government Government Division August 30, 1993 CRS WORKLOAD AND ACTIVITY REPORT: UNITED STATES SENATE, 1946-1992 SUMMARY This report is designed to furnish Senators and Senate staff with a single source of statistical information on Senate activity ...

Date Aug. 3, 1993 Report No. 93-708 Title

Access to Medical Records Under Federal Law

93-708 A Access to Medical Records Under Federal Law Gina Marie Stevens Legislative Attorney American Law Division August 3, 1993 CRS ACCESS TO MEDICAL RECORDS UNDER FEDERAL LAW SUMMARY In recent years, our society has come to increasingly rely on medical information to perform basic functions and to make decisions about individuals . However, over the last several decades, a number of fundamental ...

Date July 26, 1993 Report No. 93-686 Title

Intelligence Technology in the Post-Cold War Era: The Role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

93-686 F eRS Repqri for Congress Intelligence Technology in the Post-Cold War Era: The Role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Richard A. Best, Jr. Analyst in National Defense Foreign Mfairs and National Defense Division July 26, 1993 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress The Congressional Research Service works exclusively for the Congress, conducting research, analyzing ...

Date July 19, 1993 Report No. TRANSFERS85-92 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992

93-656 F I I l) Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992 Richard F. Grimmett ~ Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 19, 1993 CRS Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE TmRD WORLD, 1985-1992 SUMMARY The major political and economic transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued ...

Date July 19, 1993 Report No. 93-656 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992

93-656 F I I l) Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992 Richard F. Grimmett ~ Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 19, 1993 CRS Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE TmRD WORLD, 1985-1992 SUMMARY The major political and economic transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued ...

Date July 19, 1993 Report No. 93-656F Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992

93-656 F I I l) Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1985-1992 Richard F. Grimmett ~ Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 19, 1993 CRS Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE TmRD WORLD, 1985-1992 SUMMARY The major political and economic transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued ...

Date June 10, 1993 Report No. 93-585 Title

Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Policy, Missions and Programs: Current Status

Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Policy, Missions and Programs: Current Status Steven A. Hildreth Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division PLEASE RETURN TO: BMD TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE ORGANIZATION 7100 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON D.C. 20301-7100 DTlQQ U A m I.N$I?E June 10,1993 The S ~ Y Vrn:akes such n:scawh asrailable, ix7itX.lout ~CC jtartisan bias, in m m ...

Date June 4, 1993 Report No. 93-323 Title

Iraq's Nuclear Achievements: Components, Sources, and Stature

Iraq's Nuclear Achievements: Components, Sources, and Stature Peter D.Zhmennan Consultant Foreign Affaim and National Defense Division February 18,1993 Revised June 4,1993 A 114114 rrtrr CRS IRAQ'S NUCLEAlR ACHLEW3COMPOMWFS, SOURCES,AND STATURE SUMMARY Iraq began an ambitious program to develop nuclear weapons in the 1970s, and continued it at least until January 1991 when Cualition air Forces ...

Date May 20, 1993 Report No. 93-515 Title

Photocopying of Scientific Journal Articles: American Geophysical Union v. Texaco Inc.

93-515 A May 20, 1993 Photocopying of Scientific Journal Articles: American Geophysical Union v. Texaco Inc* Douglas Reid Weimer Legislative Attorney American Law Division SUMMARY A recent decision of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York determined that the widespread practice of photocopying entire scientific journal articles by research scientists employed by profit- ...

Date May 7, 1993 Report No. IB92130 Title

Redefining the Federal Role in Elementary and Secondary Education: The Goals 2000 Proposal and Reauthorization of the ESEA

^^^ci^errts Departiiori! Order dode IB92130 Oklahoma State University Ubrary CRS Issue Brief Redefining the Federal Role in Elementary and Secondary Education: The Goals 2000 Proposal and Reauthorization of the ESEA Updated May 7, 1993 by The Education Section Education and Public Welfare Division CRS Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONTENTS SUMMARY MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ...

Date April 16, 1993 Report No. 93-478 Title

Biotechnology, Indigenous Peoples, and Intellectual Property Rights

CRS ReDort for Confess Biotechnology, Indigenous Peoples, and Intellectual Property Rights Josephine R. Axt M. Lynne Corn Analysts Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division Margaret Lee Legislative Attorney American Law Division David M. Ackerman Legislative Attorney American Law Division Coordinator AprU 16, 1993 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress ,.J The Congressional ...

Date April 15, 1993 Report No. 93-409 Title

Homosexuality: Selected Studies and Review of Possible Origins

93-409 SPR Homosexuality : Selected Studies and Review of Possible Origins Edith Fairman Cooper Analyst in Social Science Science Policy Research Division April 15, 1993 WA4WVkk loi= i CRS HOMOSEXUALITY: SELECTED STUDIES AND REVIEW OF POSSIBLE ORIGINS SUMMARY The question about whether homosexuality is inherent or the result of environmental influences and choice has been debated since at least ...

Date April 9, 1993 Report No. 93-398 Title

The EC's Government Procurement Directive : Has "Fortress Europe" Arrived?

93-398 E The EC's Government Procurement Directive : Has "Fortress Europe" Arrived? Glennon J . Harrison Specialist in International Trade and Finance Economics Division April 9, 1993 _yam II-11= CRS THE EC'S GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT DIRECTIVE : HAS "FORTRESS EUROPE" ARRIVED? SUMMARY On January 1, 1993, the European Community put into effect new rules on government procurement (the Utilities ...

Date April 7, 1993 Report No. 93-396 Title

Copyright Law: Recent Caselaw Developments in The "Single Receiving" Exemption

93-396 A Copyright Law: Recent Caselaw Developments in The "Single Receiving" Exemption Douglas Reid Weimer Legislative Attorney American Law Division April 7, 1993 C O P Y R I G H T LAW: R E C E N T CASELAW D E V E L O P M E N T S IN T H E "SINGLE RECEIVING" E X E M P T I O N SUMMARY This report examines the "single receiving" exemption ("exemption") to the public performance rights of the ...

Date March 29, 1993 Report No. 93-355 Title

Plant Closings, Mass Layoffs, and Worker Dislocations: Data Issues

Order Code 93-355 E CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web Plant Closings, Mass Layoffs, and Worker Dislocations: Data Issues March 29, 1993 Mary Jane Bolle Specialist in Labor Economics Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress Plant Closings, Mass Layoffs, and Worker Dislocations: Data Issues Summary For at least 15 years ...

Date March 29, 1993 Report No. 93-395 Title

President Bush's Judicial Nominations During the 101st and 102nd Congresses

Order Code 93-395 CRS Report for Congress President Bush s Judicial Nominations During the 101 st and 102nd Congresses Updated March 29, 1993 Denis Steven Rutkus Specialist in American National Government Government Division President Bush s Judicial Nominations During the 101 st and 102nd Congresses Summary There are ten categories of courts (including the local courts of the District of Columbia ...

Date March 7, 1993 Report No. 93-346 Title

The Endangered Species Act and Private Property

93-346 A CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web The Endangered Species Act and Private Property: A Legal Primer Robert Meltz Legislative Attorney American Law Division March 7, 1993 THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT AND PRIVATE PROPERTY: A LEGAL PRIMER SUMMARY If the 103rd Congress embarks upon an effort to reauthorize the Endangered Species Act (ESA), it will run into an old acquaintance: ...

Date March 1, 1993 Report No. 93-280 Title

Wilderness Legislation: History of Release Language, 1979-1992

93-280ENR Distributed by Penny Hill Press Wilderness Legislation: History of Release Language, 1979-1992 Ross W. Gorte, Specialist Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division and Pamela Baldwin, Legislative Attorney American Law Division B March 1,1993 WILDERNESS LEGISLATION: HISTORY OF RELEASE LANGUAGE, 1979-1992 SUMMARY In 1979, the Forest Service completed a nationwide review of potential ...

Date Jan. 13, 1993 Report No. 93-57 Title

A Tax on Consumed Income

93-57 E A Tax on Consumed Income Gregg Esenwein Specialist in Public Finance Economics Division January 13, 1993 ARIMMIJIMIL CRS A TAX ON CONSUMED INCOME SUMMARY It is often argued that a tax on consumed income would be equitable, efficient, simple, promote increased personal savings, and help reduce the Federal budget deficit . As a result, some advocate replacing the current income tax with a ...

Date Nov. 17, 1992 Report No. 92-821 Title

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act of 1992: Summary of Major Provisions

92-821 GOV Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act of 1992 : Summary of Major Provisions Coordinated by Suzanne Cavanagh Analyst in American National Government November 17, 1992 CRS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1992 : SUMMARY OF MAJOR PROVISIONS SUMMARY The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (P .L. 93-415) as ...

Date July 20, 1992 Report No. TRANSFERS84-91 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991

92-577 F 'j Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 20, 1992 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THmD WORLD, 1984-1891 SUMMARY The ID8jor political transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued in 1991, resulting in ...

Date July 20, 1992 Report No. 92-577 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991

92-577 F 'j Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 20, 1992 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THmD WORLD, 1984-1891 SUMMARY The ID8jor political transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued in 1991, resulting in ...

Date July 20, 1992 Report No. 92-557F Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991

92-577 F 'j Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1984-1991 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division July 20, 1992 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THmD WORLD, 1984-1891 SUMMARY The ID8jor political transitions wrought by the end of the Cold War continued in 1991, resulting in ...

Date March 27, 1992 Report No. 92-365 Title

Medicaid: Recent Trends in Beneficiaries and Spending

Medicaid: Recent Trends in Beneficiaries and Spending Kathleen King Richard Rirnkunas Specialists in Social Legislation and Dawn Nuschler Technical Information Specialist Education and Public Welfare Division March 27, 1992 CRS MEDICAID: FtECENT TRENDS IN BENEFICIARIES AND SPENDING SUMMARY Total (Federal, State and local) Medicaid spending increased by 18 percent in FY 1990. In FY 1991,it ...

Date March 3, 1992 Report No. 92-246 Title

Basic Questions on U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization

Order Code 92-246 March 3, 1992 CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web Basic Questions on U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Larry M. Eig Legislative Attorney American Law Division Summary This report answers the following questions: Who is a United States citizen at birth? How does one become a naturalized citizen? Must citizens take loyalty oaths? What is the required period of ...

Date Jan. 1, 1992 Report No. 92-50 Title

The Fair Labor Standards Act: Changes Made by the 101st Congress and Their Implications

92-50 E i The Fair Labor Standards Act: Changes Made by the lOlst Congress And Their Implications William G. Whittaker Specialist in Labor Economics Economics Division January 1, 1992 1 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress The Congressional Research Service works exclusively for the Congress, conducting research, analyzing legislation, and providing information at the request of ...

Date Dec. 18, 1991 Report No. 91-893 Title

Congressional Office of Constituent Assistance: Proposals, Rationales, and Possible Objections

91-893 GOV L71L 7/- (9 oro CRS Re ort for Con ess A Congressional Office of Constituent Assistance: Proposals, Rationales, and Possible Objections Frederick M. Kaiser Specialist in American National Government Government Division December 18, 1991 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress The Congressional Research Service works exclusively for the Congress, conducting research, ...

Date Nov. 20, 1991 Report No. IB79045 Title

Women in the Armed Forces

Order Code IB79045 CRSIsM ^^ ^m^^^m Women in the Armed Forces updated November 20, 1991 (Archived) by EUen C. Collier Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division '^-^^^ Congressional Research Service The Library of Con&iss CONTENTS SUMMARY ISSUE DEFINITION BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS Should the Armed Forces Expand Recruitment of Women? Should Congress Change Legal Restrictions Against Women in ...

Date Oct. 25, 1991 Report No. 91-395 Title

Iraq-Kuwait: United Nations Security Council Resolutions Test and Votes -- 1991

CRS Report for Congress Iraq-Kuwait: U.N. Security Council Resolutions Texts and Votes-1991 Compiled by Marjorie Ann Browne Specialist in International Relations Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division April 30, 1991 (Updated October 25, 1991) L-f/i 7/' Gil Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress IRAQ-KUWAIT: U.N. S E C U R I T Y C O U N C I L R E S O L U T I O N S TEXTS AND ...

Date Aug. 2, 1991 Report No. TRANSFERS83-90 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990

91-578 F Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Mfairs and National Defense Division August 2, 1991 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THIRD WORLD, 1983-1990 SUMMARY The general decline in the value of new arms transfer agreements with the Third World seen in recent ...

Date Aug. 2, 1991 Report No. 91-578 Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990

91-578 F Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Mfairs and National Defense Division August 2, 1991 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THIRD WORLD, 1983-1990 SUMMARY The general decline in the value of new arms transfer agreements with the Third World seen in recent ...

Date Aug. 2, 1991 Report No. 91-578F Title

Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990

91-578 F Conventional Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1983-1990 Richard F. Grimmett Specialist in National Defense Foreign Mfairs and National Defense Division August 2, 1991 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress CONVENTIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE THIRD WORLD, 1983-1990 SUMMARY The general decline in the value of new arms transfer agreements with the Third World seen in recent ...

Date May 15, 1991 Report No. 91-421 Title

Persian Gulf War: Defense-Policy Implications for Congress

LTz^i/ - (^^y CRS ReDort for Con Persian Gulf War: Defense-Policy Implications for Congress Ronald O'Rourke, Coordinator Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division May 15, 1991 Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress The Congressional Research Service works exclusively for the Congress, conducting research, analyzing legislation, and providing ...