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GAO Reports by subject "Helicopters"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 15, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-29 Title

National Defense: Improving the Weapon Systems Acquisition Process

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE ?Qo UNITED STATES B-203043 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. MAY l&l981 Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Secretary: Improving the Weapon Systems Subject: Acquisition Process MASAD-81-29) We are pleased to note the initiatives Secretary Frank Carlucci have your the weapon systems acquisition process. In his...
Date Feb. 23, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-4 Title

National Defense: The Light Airborne Multipurpose System, Lamps MK III, Progress Evident but Some Problems and Questions Remain

UNCLASSIFIED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES THE LIGHT AIRBORNE MULTIPURPOSE SYSTEM, LAMPS MK III, PROGRESS EVIDENT BUT SOME PROBLEMSAND QUESTIONS REMAIN DIGEST -----helicopter weapon by the Navy is the MlllW LAMPS"9 It is a computer-integrated "ghx v and helicopter system designed principally for antisubmarine warfare (ASW) with secondary mission capabilities of antiship su...
Date Feb. 18, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-2 Title

National Defense: The Army's Standoff Target Acquisition System--A Program Having Development Difficulties

UNCXASSIFLED REPORT'BY THE COMPTROLLER GE!JERAL OF THE UNITED STATES THE ARMY'S STANDOFF TARGET ACQUISITION SYSTEM--A PROGRAM HAVING DEVELOPMENT DIFFICULTIES DIGEST -----The Standoff Target Acquisition System (SOTAS) is a $1.1 billion Army program to develop an airborne radar system to detect and locate moving targets at distances far beyond the forward edge of the battle area. Although experiment...
Date Feb. 12, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-1 Title

National Defense: Problems Affecting the Procurement and Operation of the Army's AH-64 Attack Helicopter and Associated Systems

UNCLASSl FI ED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENE= .OF THE UNITED STATES . PROBLEMS AFFECTING THE PROCUREMEL~TAND OPERATION OF THE ARMY'S AH-64 ATTACK HELICOPTER AND ASSOCIATED SYSTEMS DIGEST ------The attack helicopter, with its guided missiles and other armament, plays a key role in supporting ground troops battling enemy armored units concentrated'around the forward edge of the battle area. The Arm...
Date July 14, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-65 Title

National Defense: DOD Should Determine Cost and Operational Effectiveness of Helicopter In-Flight Escape Systems

UNITED STATES GENEFMLACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASWJNGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACQUISlT1ON AN0 SYSTEMS DIVISION B-199334 JULY14,f980 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) IUI*l.l I Reports Dear Mr. Secretary: 1. Subject: DOD Should Determine Cost and Operational Effectiveness of Helicopter In-Flight Escape Syste (PSAD-80-65) We ha...
Date Sept. 20, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-88 Title

Undergraduate Helicopter Pilot Training: Consolidation Could Yield Significant Savings

_-. . . ::..: I..’ :.. _ ..:,.. . . ..:. .. ..;I :.‘.‘-: II’.:::...’ .: ,.... ..: .: . . (.. . . . _.. . _: .; The Department of Defense prbposes to conhelicopter solickte existing ufxkrgradua~e pilot trzining pt~ograms into me program at Fort Rucker, Ale!mn.z. Consolidation should mske significant savings possii$e over the next 5 years. . . Q . . f , . e II IIII 111498 .._.:. ._; .,.: :...
Date July 31, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-324 Title

National Defense: Planned Realignment of New Cumberland Army Depot

GAO ’ B-172707 ’ Office IIlllll~illlll~~~~~~~ T LLogistics al:d Communicatrons Division JULY 31, 1979 _. -__ Llnited States General Accounting \;“Jashin,non, DC 20548 The Honorabie William House of Representatives Dear Mr. F. Goodling 109984 Goodling: In response to your April 6, 1979;lkequesg, we have reviewed the Army'.s economic justification for its decision to phase out aircraft mainten...
Date June 11, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-65 Title

Aerial Fire Support Weapons: How Useful Would They Be in a European Conflict?

4s & ‘, &e?fJ A~fid~d This is an undssified digest furnished in lieu of a report containing classifiedsecurity informatior LM109593 IQ9s1$3 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BE IN REPORTBY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES DIGEST ------ r'AERIAL FIRE SUPPORT WEAPONS: HOW USEFUL WOULDTH A EUROPEAN The effectiveness and survivability of aerial fire support weapons which are to assist gr...
Date May 10, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-407 Title

National Defense: If Army Helicopter Maintenance Is To Be Ready for Wartime, It Must Be Made Efficient and Effective in Peacetime

REPORTBYTHEUS. LM109302 General Accounting Office If Army Helicopter Maintenance Is To Be Ready For Wartime, It Must Be Made Efficient And Effective In Peacetime The Army needs to improve its depot maintenance mobilization planning for its 8,000 helicopters. It must first determine realistic requirements and then the appropriate resources needed to meet the requirements. To improve depot effective...
Date Dec. 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-79-21 Title

National Defense: Review of the Navy's Ship Acquisition Process

UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OmcE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20518 B-163058 The Honorable The Secretary Attentfonr Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) I WC: 29 1978 -- Reports Dear Mr. Secretary: process We are currently reviewing the Navy's ship acquisition for selected programs, including FFG-7 class frigates. Although our review is not yet completed, we are bringing ...
Date May 3, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-415 Title

National Defense: Survey of Integrated Logistics Support Planning of the UH-60 Blackhawk

DOC UENT RESJUME 05646 - f B1246223] Survey of Integrated Logistics Sepport Planning of the UB-60 Blackhawk. LCD-78-415; B-163058. May 3, 1978. 6 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Fred J. Director, Logistics and Communications Div. Shafer, Issue Area: Military Preparedness Pl&as: Logistic Support Planning for Major Equipment (801); Facilities and Naterial Management: Requirements ...
Date March 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-27 Title

Government Operations: Is Production of the CH-53E Helicopter Warranted?

DOCUMENT RESUME 05512 - [B0885817] Is Production of the CH-53E Helicopter B-163058. March 23, 1978. 27 pp. Report to the Congress; by Robert arranted? PSAD-78-27; Acting Comptroller . Keller, Gene: a1l. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Congress of Status of Important ProcureLent Programs (1905); Federal Procurement of Goods nd Services: Definition of Per;formanc...
Date March 20, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-79 Title

Government Operations: The Department of Defense's Application of the Design-to-Cost Concept

DOCUABET RESUNE 06782 Concept]. B2267294] PSAD-78-79; B-163058. arcb 0, 178. 7 pp. [The Department of Defense s Application of the Design-tc-Cost Report to Secretary, Department of Defease; by Richard U. Gutmann, Director, Procurement ad Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procureient and Syste;~s Auisition Die. Budget Function: Nat.obal ...
Date March 16, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-17 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Army's Advanced Attack Helicopter Program

Date Feb. 24, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-18 Title

Government Operations: Can the Army's $2.8 Billion Program To Modernize the CH-47 Helicopter Be Improved?

DCCUROBT RESUOE 05219 - [B06S55731 Can the Armys S2.8 Billion Program To odernize the CH-47 Helicopter Be Improved? PSAD-7f-18; B-163058. ebruary 2, 1978. 20 pp. Report to the Congress; by Elmaer B. Stasts. Comptroller Genral. Issue rea: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: otifying the congress of Status of Important Procurement Programs (19...
Date Feb. 10, 1978 Report No. CED-78-54 Title

Transportation: Use of Helicopters in the Thirteenth Coast Guard District for Emergency Medical Services

DOCOhENT RESUME 05029 - r0o4453381 r Use of Helicopters in the Thirteenth Coast Guard District for Emergency Medical Ser.4ces]. CED-78-54; B-114851. February 10, 1978. 1 pp. + enclosure (15 pp.). Report to Rep. John J. iMcFall, Chairman, House Committec on Appropriations: Tra4sprtation Subcommittee; by Robert FP Keller, Comptroller Geteral. Issue Area: Transporiation Systems and Policies (i400); H...
Date June 7, 1977 Report No. 102447 Title

Education: Undergraduate Helicopter Pilot Training

Date May 5, 1977 Report No. FPCD-77-52 Title

Government Operations: Consolidation of Helicopter Pilot Training

DOCUMENT RESUME 02255 - [A1332330] (Consolidation of Helicopter Pilot Training]. FPCD-77-52; B-157905. May 5, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Rep. George B. Mahon, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations; Rep. Melvin Price, Chairman, House Committee on Armed Services; Sen. John L. McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations; Sen. John C. Stennis, Cha'.rman, Senate Committee on Armed Services...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. 101184 Title

National Defense: CH-53E Helicopter Program

DOCUMENT RESUjE 01181. A08914571 CH-53E Helicopter Program. February 25, 1977. 6 pp. Testimcny before the Senate Committee Federal Spending Practices, Efficiency on Government Operations: and open Government Subcommittee; by J. H. Stolarow, Deputy Directcr, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal P:ccurement Contact: Procurement and Systems of Goods and Services (1900). Acquis...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-32 Title

Government Operations: Status of Advanced Attack Helicopter Program

DOCUMENT 92151 A1572553] RESUME Status of Advanced Attack Helicopter Program. B-163058. February 25, 1977. 12 pp. Report to the Congress; General. by Robert F. Keller, PSAD-77-32; Acting Comptroller Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Congress of Status of Important Procurement Programs (1005). Contact: Procurement ...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-31 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System Program

DOCURBIT RBSUlE 01122 &0891453 1 Status of the tility Tactical Transport Aircraft System Program. WSAD-77-31; B-163058. February 25, 1977. 12 pp. Report tc the Congress; by Robert Generai. . Keller, acting Comptroller issue Area: ederal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of oods and Services: otifying the congress of Status of Iaprtant Procureent Programs (1905). Contact...
Date Feb. 10, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-33 Title

Government Operations: Status of the CH-53E Helicopter Program

DOCURENT RESUbR 01117 - (A07512481 Status of the CH-53E Helicopter Program. PSAD-?7-33; B-163058. February 10, 1977. 14 pp. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Congress of Status of I--ort.nt Procurement Programs (1905); Science and Technology: Management and Oversight of Programs (2001). Contact: Pro...
Date Nov. 30, 1976 Report No. LCD-77-300 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for Helicopter Research and Development

DOCUBIlT RESOBs 00001 - [A05905601 ) R EL. eA Sec NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for ilelicopteL Research and Development. LCD-77-300; LCD-77-301; B.1333'.0. bovember 30, 1976. 3 pp. Report to Rep. Thomas N. DowniAg; Sen. Villian L. Scott; Son. Harr) P. Byrd, Jr.; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccptrolle- General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management (700). Contact: Logis...
Date Nov. 30, 1976 Report No. LCD-77-301 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for Helicopter Research and Development

DOCUBIlT RESOBs 00001 - [A05905601 ) R EL. eA Sec NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for ilelicopteL Research and Development. LCD-77-300; LCD-77-301; B.1333'.0. bovember 30, 1976. 3 pp. Report to Rep. Thomas N. DowniAg; Sen. Villian L. Scott; Son. Harr) P. Byrd, Jr.; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccptrolle- General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management (700). Contact: Logis...
Date Feb. 1, 1975 Report No. 093068 Title

National Defense: General Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship and the DD-963 Antisubmarine Warfare Destroyer Shipbuilding Program

I111111 Ill1 11111 Ill1 Ill11lllll Ill11 lllll 093068 I i : % I--. - - ----,. -.--. \ 2J 20 20 23 23 25 Indicator of propxs in ccmstructim _.. -- - .-I- .-. --.---“..-.-. ..- - _---.- SCN cm Shbpbutldinlg azxd Cmvereiun, Ka9 Appropriation Other Procure~~~e, Operations Light Navy Appropriation Ka9 Appropriatfon and Haintenance, fJmltipurpose Report Office Airborne System Selected General Deparfze...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 092647 Title

National Defense: Advanced Attack Helicopter

Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093062 Title

National Defense: CH-53E Helicopter

U.S. OFFSS GENERAL ACCOUNTING U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE STAFF STUDY CH-53E HELICOPTER 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MARCH 1974 Contents Pags System Description and Status Coming Events Contract Data Cost Economic Escalation Funding Schedule Performance Management Reporting System Selected Acquisition Report Difference in SAR and DCP speed requirements DCP payload thresholds not contained in SAR Co...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 092649 Title

National Defense: Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System

Date June 12, 1973 Report No. B-177166 Title

Transportation: In-Flight Escape Systems for Helicopters Should Be Developed To Prevent Fatalities

.J REPORT TO THE CONGRESS I In-Flight Escape Systems For Helicopters Should Be Developed To Prevent Fatalities 6a777766 Department of Defense BY THE COMPTROLLER OF THE UNITED STAT GENERAL GOMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGION OFTHE DC UNITED 20648 STATES B-177166 4 / To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives We are reporting that In-flight escape systems helicopters s...
Date March 1, 1973 Report No. 093807 Title

National Defense: Capabilities of the Heavy Lift Helicopters Under Development by the Army and the Navy

llllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllll LM093807 U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE S'JWFSiUDYOI?THE ILITIES OF THEHEAVY LIFT HELICOPTERS UNDER-DEVEZOPMElNTBYTHEARMYANDTHi 1. c . . Con'tents --m----e SW (43uPTER .. . 1 2 INTRODUCTION Scope of Review THEARMYMANAGEDHLHPROGRAM Shipboard Compatibility Operational and Payload Requirement Logistical Mission Requirements NAVYCH-53E PROGRAM CH-53E Lift Capabilit...
Date Feb. 8, 1973 Report No. B-176984 Title

Financial Management: Analyzing Current Cost Estimates for the UTTAS Helicopter Program

RELEASED B-176984 Dear Mr. Aspin: Pursuant to your request of September 1, 1972, we have analyzed the c~~~~~~,n.~~~c~o,s~tj~e~s~~~~~ma~,~,~.,,., for, the UTTAS. .h.eli,,cop ter -am. as shown in the June 30, 1972, Se&c&e-d .-Acquisition R--Q~K, “‘(SAR) . l-2 I We are reviewing the UTTAS helicopter for the Congress” as part of We willannual r the cost and~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~ aspects our ,,&ct...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093806 Title

National Defense: CH-53E Helicopter

--- llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllHl LM093806 U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OIFXICE -533 HELIcoPllER -- _- -FEBRUARY 1973 , \I \\ Contents INTRODUCDON History of the Program Multi-Service H?LH Development Program Separate Army and Navy HLH Development Programs Scope of Review 2 WEWON SYSTEM STATUS System Cost Experience System Schedule Experience System Performance Experience-Selected Acquis...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 092648 Title

National Defense: Patrol Frigate

U. S. GENERAI, ACCGU.NTXNG OFFXE SG STUDY -- DEPARTMENT THENAVY OF FEBRUARY 1973 Page SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 Eistory Responsibdities Scope 2 WEAPON SYSTEM STATUS System cost experience Possible aaddl0nal program COSTS Economic escalation -Design-to-cost concept Program funalng Contract data System performance experience System schedule eqenence Relationship to other ships Selected Acqtisdion Reporting ...
Date Dec. 21, 1972 Report No. B-176701 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Award of an Army Advanced Development Contract in 1971 to the Boeing Company Calling for the Design Fabrication and Testing of Certain Critical Advanced Technology Components

B-176701 u,lip / Dear Mr. Chairman: I We are responding to your letter of August 4, l.972$ regarding the 29 award of an Army advanced development contract QJ971 d&*.-yI.".I~".IxI-w+._ to TheI Boeing 'ftir- the ',?Ic!sign fabrication and,to,sting .of certain c.7q The components provide the technology and reduced risk in program definition for the heavy-Lift helicopter, You referred to your Subcommi...
Date May 24, 1972 Report No. B-132923 Title

National Defense: Progress Payments Made by the Department of the Army During Performance of Contracts for Military Helicopters

. , . UNITEDSTATES GE~ERAI~COUN WASHINGTON, D.C. 2054 PROCUREMENT ACQlJlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-132923 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. of Defense Assistant Secretary (Comptroller) of * Defense llllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096556 Secretary: We examined progress * payments made by the Department of _-_--. AL the Army to the Be‘n HeIicopter’-‘Company, Fort Worth, Texa...
Date Nov. 17, 1971 Report No. B-174265 Title

National Defense: Suggestion To Remove Fairings From Combat Helicopters and Appeal for Incentive Award

OLLER _--.---.a-.--. e--w. GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF 13.d. .- B-174265 c1 Dear Mr. Moss: ii In reply‘ to: your September 28.j.1971, ietter about Mr. Patrick J. Schiavo's suggestion to remove fairings from _‘'" : _... combat helicopters and his appeal for an incentive award, we I are of t~~~~~p~nion that the Army was just$f"%-
Date Oct. 20, 1971 Report No. B-173873 Title

Transportation: Contractual Restrictions Against Government Sale or Donation of Used Helicopters to State or Local Governments

RESTF16T7 - Irct to Lc: rcc re o% Dear Senator Proxmire: On August 6, 1971, you sent us a letter from Mr. William R. Meyer which Tan questioned Hughes Tool Company Bell Helicopter Company contractual restric- tions against Government sale or donation of used helicopters to State or local governments. You requested a preliminary examination of Department of Defense disposal procedures. ic 1969 to B...