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GAO Reports by subject "Facility management"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 30, 1977 Report No. GGD-76-73 Title

Education: Excess Classroom Space--A Case for Better Planning

Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-417 Title

Government Operations: Challenges to Reducing Government Equipment in Contractors' Plants

DCCUMENT RES 03400 - [A2593736] /c/- - c Challenges to Reducing Government Equipment in Contractors' Plants. LCD-77-417; B-1t0389. September 15, 1977. 34 pp. + 8 appendices ( pp..). Report to Rep. ack Brooks, Chairman, House Committee on Government Operations: Legislation and National Security Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Stats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Hanagement (700...
Date June 16, 1977 Report No. 102463 Title

Environmental Protection: The Problem of Cleaning Up the Remains of Nuclear Facilities

DOCUMENT RESUME 02463 A1752783] The Problem of Cleaning Up the Pemains of Nuclear FPcilities. June 16, 1977. 11 pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Science and Technology: Environment and the Atmosphere Subcommittee; by Monte Canfield, Jr., Director, Energy and Minerals Div. Issue Area: Energy: Making Nuclear Fission a Substantial Energy Source (1608). Budget Function: Natural Resources, E...
Date March 28, 1977 Report No. 100524 Title

Health: Review of St. Elizabeth's Hospital

DOCUMENT RESUME 00524 - lA1051800] [Review of St. Elizabeth's Hospital]. March 28, 1977. 21 pp. Tstimcny before the House Committee on District of columbia: J. Ahart, Fiscal and Gove;'nment Affairs Subcommitteeg by Gregory Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Arca: Health Programs: Health Facilities (1203). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health (550). Organization Concerned: Alcoho...
Date Jan. 24, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-403 Title

National Defense: Survey of the Army's Actions to Modernize Its Food Service Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 00090 - [AO7510491 [Survey of the Aray's Actions to modernize Its Food Service Program]. B-146700; LCD-77-403. January 211, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Rcbert G. Rothwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Communications Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management (700); Military Preparedness Plans (800). coitact: Logistics and Com...
Date Nov. 17, 1976 Report No. LCD-77-407 Title

Government Operations: Reduction of Region III Printing Plant Work Load

H-114829 The Honorable Frank Thompson, Jr. Chairman, Joint Committee on Printing Congress of the United States Dear Hr. Chairman: In an August 3, 1976, letter the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Printing asked us to review the General Services Administration's proposal to reduce its Region 3 printing plant workload on a 36-month schedule. The Chairman pointed out that, as a result of its review...
Date Aug. 25, 1975 Report No. RED-76-17 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Ad Valorem Tax Systems Did Not Meet the Statutory Requirements for User Charge Systems

COMPTROLLER GENEmL WASHINGTON. CWTHE DC. UNITED 20848 STATES [j The Honorable ‘William S. Moorhead Cha. irman, Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: 1’ 1Cl. ‘: ,. i” ’ - In a letter dated January 14, 1575, the Honorable ,r, Kenry S. Reuss,.-.-.--. former Chairman of the Subcommittee, aske...
Date Nov. 14, 1974 Report No. 093085 Title

Financial Management: Concerning 1974 Audit of Veterans Canteen Service

~H’B’I-EDSTATES GENERAL &XOUNTlNG WASHlNGTON REGIONAL OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR 803WESmr BROAD STREET FALLSCHURCH,VIREINIA OFFICE 22046 Mr. Clyde C. Cook, Director Veterans Canteen Service Veterans Administration Vermont Avenue between I-1 and I Streets, VJashington, D .C . 20420 Dear Hr. Cook: IlllllllllllllllllllllIllll~ LM093085 NW. i As you know , we have completed our audit of the Veterans Cante...
Date Aug. 26, 1974 Report No. 093154 Title

Financial Management: Review of Financial Statements of the Veterans Canteen Service

UNITEDSram GENERALWCCOUNTIN~ Omx REGIONAL FIFTH FLOOR WASHING-I-ON OFFICE FALLS 803VVEST'BROADSTREE-f CJHURCH, VIRGI~~IA $2046 Mr. A. A. Gavazzi, Director Veterans Adminis%raBion Hospi%31 50 Irviwg street, NW. kshington, D.6 e 20422 Dear Mr. Gawazzi: 11111111111111 LM093154 We have completed our audit of the Veterans Can&em SeWice [KS) facilities at the Veterans Administration (VA] Hospital, Washi...
Date July 30, 1974 Report No. 089465 Title

Health: FDA's Activities Involving Sanitation Conditions at Food Storage Warehouses

i’dANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE The Honorable Alexander M. Schmidt, M.D. Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration Qepartm'ent of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Dr. Schmidt: We have recently completed a survey of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) sanitation program for food storage During the survey, our representatives accompanied warehouses. FDA and/or State inspectors on inspecti...
Date Nov. 20, 1973 Report No. 093470 Title

Financial Management: Survey of the Accounting for Personal Property on a Multi-Agency Basis

Date July 24, 1973 Report No. B-174013 Title

Government Operations: Review of Federal Library Operations in Metropolitan Washington

I B-774013 . COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-174013 ‘1 # To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives We have Washington. reviewed Federal library operations in Metropolitan Act, We made our review pursuant to the Budget and Accounting 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 (31 u.s.c. 67). are being sen...
Date July 3, 1973 Report No. B-133014 Title

National Defense: Industrial Management Review of the Naval Air Rework Facility, Alameda, California

lndustrlal Management Review Of The awl Air Rework Facility, Alameda, California Department of the Navy 8-733014 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE JULY 381973 UNITEDSTATES GENERA~AC~OU~TING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 l.OOISTICS ANR CQMMUNICATIONS DlVlSlON B -133014 t The The Dear Honorable Secretary Mr of Defense Secretary 3 16~ !, I/ We have reviewed mdustrlal management actlvltles at the ...
Date Aug. 23, 1972 Report No. 093296 Title

Transportation: Utilization of Passenger-Carrying Vehicles at Dulles International Airport

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON FIFTH 803 WEST REGIONAL FLOOR BROAD STREE?’ OFFICE FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 August 23, 1972 Mr. R. Dan Mahaney Manager, Natxonal Capital Azrports Ranger 9, Washington NatIonal Airport Washington, D.C. 20001 Dear Mr. Mahaney: As you know, our office recently completed a survey of motor vehxcle operations at Dulles International Airport (Dulles),...
Date Aug. 2, 1972 Report No. 093308 Title

National Defense: Survey of the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia To Determine Nature and Type of Activities Located at the Installation

803 WEST BROAD STREET Fkirts CHURCH,VIF+GIIYIA 22046 Lt. General Robert P, Keller, Commanding General Marine Corps Development and Education Command Marine Corps Base Quant~co, Virginia 22134 Dear Gaeral Keller. During April to June 1972 we conducted a survey of the Marine Corps Base, Quantieo. The purpose of the survey was to decermzne the nature and types of activities located at the installatio...
Date May 22, 1972 Report No. 088955 Title

Government Operations: Review of Agricultural Research Service Real Property Management Operations

+ . UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTN~ BFMX WASHlkG1 QN, D G 20548 RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIVISION MAY 2 2 1972 Dear Mr. Edmlnster We have reviewed the real property management operations of the Agricultural Research Service CARS). Our review was concerned prlmarlly with the accountablllty for and control, construction, utlllzatlon, and dlsposltlon of real property. We examined laws, regula...
Date Dec. 21, 1971 Report No. 089790 Title

Budget and Spending: Revolving Fund Activities of the Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions)

CIVIL DlViSiON -. llMMllllllllllilllllllliljill& ; LMO89790 . Czar Ger;efal Clarke: The General Accowting Office has reviewed certain activities of the revolving fund of the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army. Our review included an examination of accounting axd billing procedures; calculation of replacement charges; equipment and facil,ity utilization' , cznd the overall management contro...
Date Nov. 12, 1971 Report No. B-173144 Title

Veterans Affairs: Possible Hospital Mismanagement of the Veterans Administration Hospital, University Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

L COMPTROLLER GENERAL WA!SHINGTON. /J 5x59.5 QP D.C. THE UN 20848 I' Dear Senator Schweiker: i i PPn accordance with your request dated May 18, 1971, we examined into statements made to you by certain employees of 7 ,-,the Veterans Administration (VA) Hos$>-Sal, University Drive, 44% __ -.~ '1 .2 r ,t ,: *-i)_,2 I' PittsbG$j$~ PennsyPvaniz$, concerC%%g possible hospital mis4' management. -=.._ VA ...
Date July 12, 1971 Report No. B-172134 Title

Government Operations: Postal Service Contract With the Southwest Research Institute Corporation of San Antonio, Texas, for a Study of Interior Finishes Suitable for Postal Use

c- . -n^W~n ELJ-At _Weot to be l4aod edde AcOunting Office except on the basis of op h is CongrGWiml Rl/t
Date Oct. 29, 1969 Report No. 092679 Title

Employment: Need for Improved Utilization of Personnel at Recreation Centers, District of Columbia

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, CIVIL DIVISION D.C. 20548 tlcr 2 9 1969 , Dear Mr. Washington: The General Accounting Office has examined into the utllizatlon of personnel by the DMzict of Columbia Government J at recreation centers operated by the Recreation Department. We exarmned into the manpower policies, procedures, and guidelines of the Neighborhood Centers Dlvlslon of the ...