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GAO Reports by subject "Systems design"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-112 Title

Financial Management: Approval of Accounting System Design for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services

IT. ucxllon, Km. .; “I, “. b1U4 .G /--? COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF DC THE UNITED 2OS40 STATES The Honorable The Secretary Services Dear Mr. Richard S. Schweiker of Health and Human I 16966 Secretary: Subject: Approval of Accounting System Design for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services (AFMD-81-112) It is my pleasure to approve the a...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-114 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Design for the Joint Uniform Military Pay System--Army Retired Pay

ii -’ *fq . .2 “: _.. .A-. ‘, *. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE 20548 c UNIlED STATES .&G-7n wJ/ B-159797 \ The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) II II 116971 Military Secretary: Approval of the Design for the Joint Uniform Pay System, Army Retired Pay (AFMD-81-114) Subject: It is my pleasure t...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-113 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Design of the Defense Intelligence Agency Accounting System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINOTON OF THE W UNITED STATES D.C. . * B-159797 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant Secretary (Comptroller) of Defense lll~llllll IIll 116967 Intelligence Secretary: Approval of the Design of the Defense Agency Accounting System (AFMD-81-113) Subject: It is my pleasure to approve the design Agency Accounting System, subm...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-115 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Design of the District of Columbia Government's Water and Sewer Billing System

.I .d rl COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, ‘l/l-L/L< AZ37 OF D.C. &cl # lG/sv w THE UNITED STATES 20546 * SEP 3-O 1981 c; _ =.-. *-; -- The Hayor Dear Honorable of the Mayor Subject: Marion District 5. Barry, Jr. of Columbia se Barry: Approval of the design of the District of Columbia government's Nater and Sewer Billing System (AFPiD-81-115) c - It is my pleasure to approve tne system design for ...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-108 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Federal Election Commission Accounting System Design

E-192886 The !ionorable John Varren Chairman Federal Election Commission Dear Mr. Subject: NcGarry ~l~lllllll~ ll 116963 McGarry: Approval Accounting of the Federal System Design Election Commission (A?KD-81-108) your internal auditors periodically that Xe svggcst assure that it is operating as designed. the system to we .ti~ill examine the system, or selected future date, advise you as to whether...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-110 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Statement of Accounting Principles and Standards and Accounting System Design

COMPTROLLER GEN WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 . B-115349 SEP3 (‘)1981 E. Moffett The Honorable Kenneth Acting Di'rector Federal Mediation and Service Dear Mr. Moffett: Conciliation Subject:' Approval of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Statement of Accounting Principles and Standards and Accounting System Design (AFMD-81-110) my pleasure to approve the accounting principles and stand...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-117 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Functional (Accounting) Design of the Program and Fund Distribution Control System--Phase II

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 4 \ STATES I .-. _ h .. ,.. >- The Honorable - The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar'W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) -. Secretary: Approval of the Functional (Accounting) Design of the Program and Fund Distribution Control System--Phase II (AFMD-81-117) . Subject: L I\‘ _. r.
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-116 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Metric Board Accounting Principles and Standards Statement

. COMPTROLLER GE;JERAL WASHINGlON OF D.C THE UNITED ZG548 l STATES Mr. Theodore Farfaglia Executive Director United States Metric Board Dear Hr. Farfaglia: Approval Principles of 116969 Subject: the Metric Board Accounting and Standards Statement (AFMD-81-116) Principles of Sepwith the It is my pleasure to approve the Statement of Accounting and Standards for the Metric Board submitted with your l...
Date Sept. 28, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-93 Title

Financial Institutions: The Comptroller of the Currency Should Decide the Extent to Which His Action Control System Is Needed

U&ED’ STATES GENERAL Acc0~~Tit-G OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549’ GENERAL GOVaRNMENf OWlSION $EPTE@lBER 28,1981 B-204180 The FIonorahle Charles Acting Comptroller of Dear ?4r. E. Lord the Currency Lord: : The Comptroller of the Currency Should Decide "'Extent to Which PIis Action Control System is Needed (GGD-81-93) the SUBJECT: As part of our study of changes in bank supervision since 1976, we ...
Date Sept. 18, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-148 Title

Information Management: The Veterans Administration's Efforts To Consolidate Computer Programming Resources at a Single Location

. JELEASEII /&\ ,:_ ;“e> I; ‘: j:; yhzAf’,i’ ,;: c .. ,;,;: \ ‘+9&g RE§TRICTEB - hlQ* to be released outside the flWQUf¶tif. + 8t-- ,?I: @XCept 072 Pke baGiS Qf specific by the Office of Congressional Relations. General approval UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 -/ HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION B-204572 SEPTEMBER 18,198l The Honorable and Alan J, United States C...
Date Sept. 15, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-44 Title

National Defense: Evaluation of the Army's Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WUWINOTDN OF D.C THE W UNITED 8TAThs SEPTEMBER l&1981 The Honorable Joseph P. Addabbo Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations HOUBe of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: llllllllY llllll 116378 Evaluation of the Army's Advanced Field T,actical Data System (MASAD-81-44) Artillery Your December 12, 1980, letter asked us to evaluate (1) the progress ...
Date Sept. 4, 1981 Report No. CED-81-140 Title

Transportation: Conrail Needs To Further Improve Inventory Control and Management

I) . BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL’ Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES inventory Control And Management The Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) hes made progress in its attempts to improve control over materials and supplies used to maintain and rehabilitate the railroad, but more needs to be done. Since 1976 the Congress has provided $3.3 b/Won in Federal funds to Conrail, about $11.4 bill...
Date Aug. 19, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-96 Title

Financial Management: Financial Control System Problems at the Community Services Administration Will Not Be Fully Solved by the Current System Redesign Project

I * UNITED STATES GENERAL.ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20348 ACcoUM1N0 MANAOCM AND r INANC?AL CNT OIVISION B-203960 The Honorable Dwight A. Ink Community Services Director, Administration Dear Mr. Ink: AUGUST 19,1981 Subject: Financial Control System Problems at the Community rServices Administration will not be Fully Solved by the Current System Redesign Projec_fSI(AFMD-81-96) Our recent rev...
Date July 9, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-90 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Health Services Administration's Accounting System Design

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 I AccoclNTlNG MAJWCEMCNT AND FINANCIAL DIVISIDN B-203747 The Honorable The Secretary Services Dear Mr. Richard S. Schweiker of Health and Human Secretary: Approval of the Health Services Administration's Accounting System Design (AFMD-81-90) Subject: It is my pleasure to approve the accounting system design for the Health Services Admin...
Date June 29, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-119 Title

Information Management: HHS Ability To Effectively Implement Incentive Funding for State Information Systems in the Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program

I UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ‘*’ /’ / I” 3647 l4UMAN RESOURCEJt DIVISION June 29,. 1981 B-203774 The Honorab,le Richard S. Schweiker The Secretary of Health and Human Services Dear Mr. Secretary: llllllllllllllll 115697 Subject: Ability to Effectively Concerns about&IS" Implement Incentive Funding for State o Families Information Systems in the Aid with ...
Date June 19, 1981 Report No. CED-81-116 Title

Information Management: Department of Agriculture Needs Leadership in Managing Its Information Resources

Report To The Chairman Committee On Government Operations House Of Representatives OF WE UNITEDSTATES Department Of Agriculture Needs Leadership In Managing Its Information Resources A strong central management office and greater top management involvement wit1 be necessary if Agriculture is to provide the leadership and direction that is needed for its growing investment in computer and informati...
Date May 15, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-40 Title

Financial Management: Millions Wasted Trying To Develop Major Energy Information System

-_ Hp-ua I “i eV THEKW/‘lPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES IISG 7 Report ToThe Congress Millions Wasted Trying To Develop Major Energy Information System From the early 1970s through t977, the Federal Power Commission invested millions of dollars in an unsuccessful effort to develop a large computerized system to improve Federal and State effectiveness in regulating the energy industry. After...
Date April 27, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-68 Title

Energy: Concern Over Efforts To Put in Place a Permanent Facility for Solar Energy Research Institute

UNITED STATESGEENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WMHENCTON, D.C. 20548 B-198431 APRIL 2?, 1981 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. James B. Edwards of Energy Secretary: to Put in Place a 6 oncerns Over Efforts for MRa Solar Energy Permanent Facilit (EMD-81-68) Research Institu : Subject: The General Accounting Office has completed a review of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) efforts to put in place a pla...
Date April 2, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-19 Title

Information Management: Better Management Needed in Automating the Federal Judiciary

REPORT THEU.S. BY General Accounting Office Better Management Needed In Automating The Federal Judiciary Through fiscal year 1981, the Federal Judicial Center will spend about$24 million to develop new computer- based systems, evaluate and acquire ready-made systems, and operate them in support of the US. Courts. These systems will not reach their full potential until systems development and imple...
Date April 1, 1981 Report No. 120952 Title

Do It Yourself: Compare and Improve Your Payroll System

Illl llllli11lillI ll li 11 1 !' l 120952 I ? DO I T YOURSELF COMPARE AND IMPROVE YOUR PAYROLL SYSTEM A P R I L 1981 J O I N T F I N A N C I A L MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM F0REWORD The F e d e r a l p a y r o l l f o r t h e 2 . 8 m i l l i o n c i v i l i a n Accordingly, workers amounts to about $52 b i l l i o n a n n u a l l y . e f f i c i e n t , economical, a c c u r a t e , and t i m e...
Date March 31, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-25 Title

National Defense: Reliability and Maintainability Requirements Need More Emphasis in Weapon System Development

I,,” 88 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 MISSION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ACQUISITION AND DIVISION B-201505 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports MARCH 31.1981 114765 Subject: Reliability and Maintainability Requirements Need More Emphasis in Weapon System Development (MASAD-81-25) We have comp...
Date Feb. 20, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-20 Title

Information Management: Government-Wide Guidelines and Management Assistance Center Needed To Improve ADP Systems Development

?70 -, ?a m0I-T BY THE US. I : General Accounting Office Government-Wide Guidelines And Management Assistance Center Needed To improve ADP Systems Development In more than 57 reports in the past 10 years, GAO has identified management weaknesses in the design and development of large, complex Federal data processing systems. These weaknesses led to the waste of over $300 million and systems which ...
Date Feb. 17, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-1 Title

The MX Weapon System: Issues and Challenges

f?fsport To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES TideMX Weapon System: IsduesAnd Challenges The MX weapon system is 1 year into full-scale dev lopment. Progress has been made, but the Dep rtment of Defense still faces major challeng s in achieving cost, schedule, and perfor ante goals. i The MX weapon system is designed to be able to r spond to an increased threat. The system can : be expanded by addin...
Date Feb. 6, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-47 Title

Information Management: Social Security Needs To Better Plan, Develop, and Implement Its Major ADP Systems Redesign Projects

BY THE US GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services Social Security Needs To Better Plan, Develop, And Implement Its Major ADP Systems Redesign Projects The Social Security Administration undertook a major project to redesign the computerized system it uses in administering the Retirement, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance programs. Although substanti...
Date Jan. 29, 1981 Report No. PSAD-81-17 Title

National Defense: Effectiveness of U.S. Forces Can Be Increased Through Improved Weapon System Design

Many of today’s mjlitary systems cannot be adequately operated, maintained, or supported be&itsa the D#&ment of Drifense does not pay enough attention to logistic support, humen fa@tors, Bnd quality assurance during the design phase df the acquisition pt?cess. These problems deter the systems’ effectiveness to defend our country ‘in case of war. _ GAD. t&&fore makes recommahdations%o improve...
Date Dec. 22, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-18 Title

Energy: Adequacy of Insulation at Leetown Laboratory, National Fish and Wildlife Service

a + -’ .. RESTRICTED - Not to be released outside the Qenerd Accounting Office except omthe basis of specific approval by the Office of Congressional Relatbns. I \ww GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 B-201506 DECEMBER 22,199O RELEASED Logktics and Communications Division The Honorable Robert C. Byrd Chairman, Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies Committee ...
Date Nov. 12, 1980 Report No. C-PSAD-81-2 Title

National Defense: Potential of LoAD Ballistic Missile Defense System for Protecting the MX Missile System

‘. - _ REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL-OF THE UNITED STATES . c POTENTIAL OF .T&'LoAD BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM FOR PROTECTING THE MX MISSILE SYSTEMM DIGEST -----An objective of U.S. national defense policy is to maintain.a force of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS) capable of surviving a Soviet attack in numbers adequate for a retaliatory strike. Because of concern...
Date Nov. 7, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-20 Title

Information Management: Review of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Procurements of Automatic Data Processing Equipment

COMPTROLLERoFTHE STA,ES GC,,ERA~ UN,TEo 0~ 205,8 WASHINGTON November7, 1980 B-201063 The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: #II HI II Ill 113929 beview of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Procurements of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (EMD-81-20) -.I In your letter of March 25, 1980 (see enc. I) you expressed concern ...
Date Oct. 27, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-4 Title

National Defense: Deficiencies in the St. Louis Defense Telephone Service Should Be Avoided in Future Consolidations

b’ ‘HE U.S.GENERALACCIXJNTING OFFl~f. deport To The Director. 6X The Office 193 09 Of Management And Budget And The Secretary Of Defense , Dbficiencies In The St. Louis Defens_e T&ephone Service Should Be Avoided IniFuture Consolidations Then Department of Defense has established a long-range program to’ develop consolidated local area telephone systems for its activities. As uture systems a...
Date Oct. 17, 1980 Report No. 117533 Title

Information Management: Use of Computerized Information for Local and National Health Care Planning Purposes

I * L ,ORGANISATION FOR COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Technical Cooperation Service RESTRICTED /,s-'G 6 6 P a r i s , 17th October, 1980 English o n l y 1111111111111ll11lllOII111 I 1 I I 1 117533 I I f L COOPERATIVE ACTION PROGRAMME Joint Activity on Computer Utilisation in Public Administration AD HOC MEETING OF GOVERNMENT EXPERTS THE ROLE OF EDP IN THE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT O ' PUBLIC HEALTH CA...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-94 Title

Government Operations: Approval of Accounting Procedures Used for the Department of Justice Working Capital Fund

UNITED STATES GENFIRAI. ACCOUNTING OFFICE , WASIHING'i0N. D.C. 20548 Mr. Kevin D. Rooney Assistant General, Administration Justice Management Division Department of Justice Dear Mr. Rooney: / L Approval for the Capital of Accounting Procedures Used Dcfpartmt-J:lt of Justice Fund](FG?.?:;i) -80.-94) Rttorney Subject: Your letter of September 26, 1380, requests approval of used for the Dcyp...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-93 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Accounting System Design for Program Operations

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES B-200556 . The The Dear Honorable Secretary M r. Bob Bergland of Agriculture Secretary: ,.LApproval of The Agricultural Stabilization Subject: and Conservation Service Accounting System Design For Program Operation; (F(;KSD--80.-93) 3 It is my pleasure to approve the accounting system design for program operations of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conse...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-92 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Department of Interior Denver Pay-Personnel System

, lIl\IllIIllIII11111lllllll 114001 Slimerely >-;ours, CC: bc : M r . Scantlebury (F'GYED) M r . Campbell (FGMSD) I .-\ M r . Reifsnyder (FGMSD) b~r. S b o n e t t e (FGMSD) ,r 7- (93580) ( v i b p n n \
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-90 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Design of the Defense Mapping Agency Accounting System

.. . .. A tt e n ti o n : s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y o f c! E fer, s e (Conptroll e r 1 D e ; i r !4r. S e c r e t a r y : Silbject: i* p p r o v a l of t h e DesiSn o f t h e D e r ' e ~ s e!
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-91 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Executive Office of the President Accounting Principles and Standards Statement

SEP 3 Signed Elmer B. S t a d s -
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-95 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Social Security Administration Administrative Accounting System

r i I I i ,./' ! The Honorable Patricia Roberts Harris The Secretary of Health and Human Services Dear Mrs. Harris: Subject: fipproval of the Social Security Administration Administrative Accounting Syste (FGPISD-80-95) 3 i It is my pleasure t o approve the design of the Social Security Administration's Administrative Accounting System as you requested on September 25, 1980. The design is adequate...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-97 Title

Government Operations: [Reapproval of the National Labor Relations Board Accounting Principles and Standards Statement]

nk5nIr.GlON D C 20j48 ' 4. E-115390 September 30, 1280 The Honorable John Fanning Chairman, National Labor Relations Board Dear Mr. Fanning: Subject: KReapproval of the National Labor Relations Board Accounting Principles and Standards Statement (FGMSD-80-97) 1 It is my pleasure to reapprove the Statement o f Accounting Principles and Standards for the National Labor Relations Board submitted with...
Date Sept. 4, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-87 Title

Government Operations: [Approval of the Federal Trade Commission's Accounting Principles and Standards Statement]

,. c : : * . - . . -.- SEP 4 t3ac The Honorbble J-!5 c h a e l P e r t s c h u k Chairnan, F e d e r a l T r a d e Comzission Dear YI. Chairmen: Subject: [ A ~ ~ r o v a l of t h e F e d e r a l T r a d e C o m r i s s i o n ' s k c c o mt i n g Pr i n c i p l e s and S t a n d am3 s S t a t em e ntJ ( K ! . S D - 80- 87 ) It i s my p l e s s u r e t o tipprove t h e S t z t e n e n t of k c c o w...
Date Aug. 14, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-81 Title

DOD Energy Monitoring and Control Systems: Potential for Nonenergy Savings; Better Planning and Guidance Needed

BY THE U.S.GENERAL Report ToThe Secretary Of efense DOD Energy Monitoring And Control Systems --Potential For Nonenergy Savings --Better Planning And Guidance Needed In addition to reducing energy costs, computerized energy monitoring and control systems offer the potential to reduce personnel and maintenance costs. Funding these systems under current energy savings criteria does not permit the De...
Date July 31, 1980 Report No. 112917 Title

Information Management: Bureau of the Census' Development of the Mail List, Personnel Policies and Promotion for the 1980 Census

Date July 22, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-72 Title

Financial Management: Problems in Implementing the Department of Housing and Urban Development's New Payroll System

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION GENERAL OP FINANCIAL MANAGPMKNT AND STUDIES B-199134 ‘. JULY 22,198O The Honorable Moon Landrieu The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: i B-J3 ;i/@ AI- / roblems in Implementing of Department of I;;-Housing and Urban Development's New Payroll Systeg(FGMSD-80-72) At the request of Congressm...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-69 Title

Financial Management: Improvements Are Needed in the Department of Agriculture's Centralized Payroll System

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION GENERAL OF PlNANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUOIES B-199187 JULY 17.1980 Dr. Joan S. Wallace Assistant Secretary for Administration Department of Agriculture Dear Dr. Wallace: /'Improvements Are Needed in the Department "xgriculturels Centralized Payroll Syst ..* (FGMSD-80-69) of Subject: Weaknesses in the U.S. Department of Agricultu...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-61 Title

Financial Management: Problems in Implementing Regulatory Accounting and Costing Systems for Railroads

BY’THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To T OF THE UNITEDSTATES Congress Problems In Implementing Regulatory Accounting And Costing Systems For Railroads The Interstate Commerce Commission recently revised its regulatory accounting system and is in the midst of establishing a new costing system to develop information needed to judge rates for railroad services. GAO believes the Commission must do mor...
Date July 15, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-62 Title

International Affairs: Approval of the Design of the Defense Security Assistance Agency Foreign Military Credit Sales Accounting System

* :‘ . . -_ -:A-, ;*. _._ J' = I.! " 1.. . . . .-/ -;: . ', -.'. 1 .. ,i I i) _- h-l 59797 Tt~e ?!r,rrorntle Fferold Lrwn The Secretary Atterttion: of kfense As: isr:rnt Secretary !C:.;:,st r 01 1 “I-) of W:er:se . leasure to apeprove the design; cf rfie FJ*r-fi-nse Secur i ty .,cy Foreign Military Credit Saies .Lccounring System, sut,n:j t :I t3 '. j‘:.. ;:0ur letter of ibiay 27, as co:lCcr...
Date July 14, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-36 Title

Government Operations: Approval of the Design of the Defense Logistics Agency Base Operating Supply Accounting System

E-1 59797
Date July 14, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-65 Title

National Defense: DOD Should Determine Cost and Operational Effectiveness of Helicopter In-Flight Escape Systems

UNITED STATES GENEFMLACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASWJNGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACQUISlT1ON AN0 SYSTEMS DIVISION B-199334 JULY14,f980 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) IUI*l.l I Reports Dear Mr. Secretary: 1. Subject: DOD Should Determine Cost and Operational Effectiveness of Helicopter In-Flight Escape Syste (PSAD-80-65) We ha...
Date July 1, 1980 Report No. 112925 Title

Special Publications: The Post-Implementation Review

/ FY41 Ki~~~~~41~~~F' \J4JgVIET LI LL LVL ng~g organizatmn-al culture HizU Peking's joint venture laws will work The sexual side of enterprise T- high cost and he stress of relocation _ ____ -/7 -. ~ ~ Jl WSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'4 - ~ -. ~~. - - :. .a American Managefnent Associations The magazine for motivated managers Volume 69, Number 7, July 1980 m 7 'y T -2 _ l8...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-61 Title

National Defense: Implications of Highly Sophisticated Weapon Systems on Military Capabilities

Report To he Co OF THEUNITEDSTATES Implications Of Highly Sophisticated Weapon Systems On Military Capabilities A host of factors surrounding the reliability, availability, maintainability, and sustainability of major weapon systems being acquired today contributes to serious problems. These systems developed by the United States have grown in sophistication, complexity, and cost to a point where ...
Date June 27, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-72 Title

Government Operations: GSA'S Planned Procurement of a Consolidated Telephone System for the Washington, D.C., Area

RLSTRlCTEO +'" RELEASED Accounting & - Not to be released outsldo t)re Qenoral Office except on the bawls q? qpcJfiq &pprora the Qffico ~f.,~qgm~iona~~ -~ek~onr. “.---e-L .-.. .I COMICIROUR GENERAL WMHIMQTOH. OF THE iwI UNITED STATES D.C. B-197814 June 27, 1980 The Honorable Subcommittee Max Baucus, on Limitations Contracted and Delegated Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Dear Mr. ...
Date June 2, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-79 Title

Energy: Impact of an All Competitive Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. Of THE UNITED 2OSdI STATES D.C. B-198902 The Honorable Mark 0. Hatfield Ranking Minority Member Committee on Energy and Natural United States Senate JUNE 2,198O Resources The Honorable Wendell H. Ford Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Materials Production ---Committee on Energy and Natural ‘IllI lllllllll i ’ 112589 Resources United States Subject: 1 Senate 1...