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GAO Reports by subject "Systems design"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 27, 1987 Report No. GGD-87-75BR Title

Decennial Census: Automation of the Geographic Support System

United Stakes General Accounting Of&e GA!!!0 iMw 198’ 7 p3 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters DECENNIAL CENSUS Automation of the GeographicSupport s Syt em RESTRICTED-- Not to be released outslde the General Amounting Office except on the basis of specific approval by the Office of Congressional Relations. GAO/GGD-87-76BR RELEASED 53% KL /33/J 3 . . I GAO (Inlted Staten General Accounti...
Date May 20, 1987 Report No. IMTEC-87-24FS Title

Software Development: Information on Department of Defense Central Design Activities

, , . F GAO May 1987 F a c t S h e e t fo r th e C h a irm a n , S u b c o n u n itte e o n D e fe n s e , C o q u n itte e o n ’ A p p r o p r ia tio n s , H o u s e o f. R e p r e s e n ta tive s S O FTW A R E DEVELO P M E NT' In fo r m a tio io no n D e p a xtm e n t o f D e fe n s e C e n tral D e sig n A c tivitie s d ’ II i 133391 r 03wel G A O /lM T E X - 8 7 - 2 4 F S . -. .’ c i GAO...
Date May 1, 1987 Report No. T-IMTEC-87-5 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Planned Use of Information Technology for the Space Station

United States General Accbunting Office 1 I ._ Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10 a.m. EST Friday May 1, 1987 National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Planned Use of Information Technology for The Space Station Statement of Dr. Carl R. Palmer, Associate Information Management and Technology Division Director Before the Subcommittee on HUDIndependent Agencies, Committee on Appr...
Date April 27, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-124 Title

Interoperability: DOD's Efforts To Achieve Interoperability Among C3 Systems

Houseof Representatives April 1987 d INTEROPERABILITY DOD’sEfforts to Achieve y Interoperability Among C3 SyStems“. GAO General Accosting Offlce Wadngton, D.C. 20548 National security and International Affairs Division E2266!l3 united state9 April 271987 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Legrslation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representative...
Date April 22, 1987 Report No. T-AFMD-87-9 Title

Natural Resources: A Cost Accounting System Designed for Timber Sales in National Forests

United States General Accounting Office 1 Testimony * For Release on Delivery Expected at 10-a.m. EDT Wednesday April 22, 1987 SYstem Designed for Timber Sales in National Forests A Cost Accounting Statement Frederick Accounting of D. Wolf, Director and Financial Management and Division Before the Subcommittee on Interior Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Ill Il...
Date April 21, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-33 Title

Timber Program: A Cost Accounting System Design for Timber Sales in National Forests

. United Stx$es General Accounting Office 27‘qf 1 Report to CongressionalRequesters Aptill TIMBER PROGRAM ALcost A,ccountin~ System Design for Tirnber Salesin National Forests (cl38W GAO/AF’MD-87-W I “GAO General Accounting Off’ice Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division united states B-226680 April 21, 1987 The Honorable Sidney R. Yates Chairman, The Honorable ...
Date Oct. 9, 1986 Report No. IMTEC-87-2 Title

ADP Acquisition: SEC Needs To Resolve Key Issues Before Proceeding With Its EDGAR System

.’ G.0 I., Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Com.mittee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives United StathGenelal Accounting Office 1986 I3f5Q October ADP ACQUISITION SEC Needs to Resolve Key Issues Before Proceeding With Its EDGAR System jQ?STRICTEID-- Not to be released outside the f&mm3 ~vept on 2x3 basis of cpeeifie Accounting Officafi iiapproval...
Date Aug. 29, 1986 Report No. IMTEC-86-28 Title

Data Processing: SBA Needs To Strengthen Management of Its Computer Systems

r I . 1 United States General Accounting Office 1 30876 L GAO Au@& 1086 Report to the Acting Admkistrato:r, ,&mall Business Administration DATA PROCESSING SBA Needs to Strengthen Management of its Computer Systems I 130876 L . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Information Management and Technology Division B-206699 August 29, 1986 The Honorable Charles L. Heatherly...
Date Aug. 21, 1986 Report No. IMTEC-86-30BR Title

Computer Systems: VA's Target Project Never Achieved Redesign of Its Processing Software

. . , I 1% United States General Accounting Of&e GAO August 1986 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Mairs, House of Representatives COMPUTER SYSTEMS VA’s Target Project Netter Achieved Redesign of its Processing Software 131060 GAO/IMTEC-86-30BR 03G7ka i- GAO United States General Accounting Once Washington, D.C. 20648 B-223777 August 21, 1986 The Honorable G. V. (Sonny) M...
Date March 14, 1985 Report No. 126441 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) System

Date Feb. 1, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-84-54 Title

Government Operations: GAO Examination of Air Force's Proposed Multiyear Procurement for DSCS III

UNITEDSTATES CENERALACCOUNT~NC OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 NATIONAL INTLRYATIONAL SLCUIIW AffAlRS AN0 OlVlLlON February 1, 1984 B-206570 The Honorable Ted Stevens Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: GAO examination of Air Force's proposed procurement for the Defense Satellite Communications System III (NSIAD-84-54) multiy...
Date Jan. 18, 1984 Report No. IMTEC-84-7 Title

Information Management: Air Force Progress in Implementing the Phase IV Base Level Computer Replacement Program

BYiHE COMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Chairman, Committee Government Operations House Of Representatives On OF THE UNITEDSTATES Air Force Progress In Implementing The Phase IV Base Level Computer Replacement Program The Air Force has desrgned a program--called Phase IV--to replace computers at 118 air bases around the world by July 1985 Because of drfflculties rn convertrng the old software to ru...
Date Jan. 9, 1984 Report No. AFMD-84-30 Title

Financial Management: Withdrawal of Approval of the Federal Election Commission Accounting System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINOTON OP THE UNITED STATES O.C. iWM8 January 9, 1984 The Honorable Danny L. McDonald Chairman Federal Election Commission Dear Mr. McDonald: Subject: W ithdrawal Commission of Approval Accounting Ill Illllll IllI 123202 of the Federal Election System (GAO/AFMD-84-30) We have completed a review of the Federal Election Commission as requested by the Commission. accounting sy...
Date Jan. 3, 1984 Report No. RCED-84-42 Title

Energy: The Energy Information Administration Needs To Strengthen Its Computer Systems Development Procedures

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING O.C. 2S48 OFFICE 3, 1984 January RRfoURCIS. CLMMUNIPI. 4110 RCONOMIC DRVI1LOPMRNt DIVISION ~-213127 The Eionorable J. Erich Evered' Energy Information Administratori Administration Dear M r. Evered: Subject: llllllllll 123180 The Energy Information Administration Needs To Strengthen Its Computer Systems Development Procedures (GAO/RCED-84-42) W e have c...
Date Nov. 15, 1983 Report No. 125125 Title

Design, Methodology, and Technical Assistance Groups in GAO: A Concept Paper

DESIGN, METHODOLOGY,AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GROUPS IN GAO: A'CONCEPT PAPER t Office November of Quality r9) 1983 Assurance CONTENTS Page Background Functions Structure and Definition 1 to be Performed of the DMTAG and Its GAO Units Considerations Procedures Relationship 4 6 8 10 to Other Staffing Operating BACKGROUND AND DEFINITION General approved on February 18, 7983, the Comptroller various re...
Date Oct. 18, 1983 Report No. GGD-84-24 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: FBI Management of Its Automated Information Systems

UNITEDSTAT& GENERAL ACCOUNTINGO F F ICE WASHINGTON, DE. 205411 22cos2’ 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION B-206422 OCTOBER 18, 1983 The Honorable W illiam H. Webster Federal Bureau of Director, Investigation Dear Judge Subject: Webster: FBI Management Of Its Automated Systems (GAO/GGD-84-24) Information a study of 12 of the FBI's autoW e have recently completed W e found that the FBI (See enc.) mated...
Date Oct. 7, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-84-6 Title

National Defense: Comments on Navy's Manpower, Personnel, and Training Planning Process

UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 w*no**L INTIIINATIONAL 81cuam AWAIRS lruo OIVISION OCT ? 1983 The Honorable Chapman 8. Co% Assistant Secretary of the Navy Manpower and Reserve Affairs Dear Mr. Cox: Subject: Comments on Navy’s Manpower, Personnel, and Training Planning Process (GAO/NSIAD-84-6) In March 1983 GAO began surveying the effectiveness of Navy's manpower, pers...
Date Aug. 29, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-31 Title

Agriculture and Food: Irrigation Assistance to Developing Countries Should Require Stronger Commitments to Operation and Maintenance

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Administrator, Agency For International Development (rrigation Assistance To Developing Countries Should Require Stronger Commitments To Operation And Maintenance The United States, directly through the Agency r International Development and indirectly rough the World and Asian Development banks, as invested billions of dollars in irrigation sys:e...
Date Aug. 19, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-48 Title

National Defense: Navy Logistics Data-Base Problems Need Increased Management Attention

UNITED ,STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 NATIONAL INTtRNATlONAL SCCURITV AFFAIRS AND DIVISION AUGUST 19,1983 Rear Admiral A. A. Giardano Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command Dear Admiral Subject: We improve project ventory Audit Giordano: Navy logistics data base problems need increased management attention (GAO/NSIAD-83-48) have completed our review of the Navy's efforts...
Date July 21, 1983 Report No. AFMD-83-85 Title

Financial Management: Army Can Benefit From Lessons Learned in Developing a New Facilities Management Information System

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ?FJm--H AccouwIlHa MANAacMlM AN0 FILIAL DlvUKm B-207031 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Office of GAO Report Analysis JULY 21,19= Subject: Army Can Benefit From Lessons Learned in Developing a New Facilities Management Information System (GAO/AFMD-83-85) We have recently comple...
Date April 26, 1983 Report No. B-211567 Title

Transportation: UMTA Could Take Steps To Reduce Costs in the Development of Light Rail Projects

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE RESOURCES, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMtC DEVELOPMENT DIVtSION April 26, 1983 B-21 1567 Mr. Robert H. McManus Associate Administrator for Grants Management Administration Urban Mass Transportation Department of Transportation Dear Mr. McManus: Subject: UMTA could take steps to reduce costs development of light rail projects: 121319 in the Lar...
Date March 11, 1983 Report No. AFMD-83-51 Title

Approval of the Design of the Department of the Army Commodity Command Standard System: Wholesale Stock Fund

r-4 .. * COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGT0N~D.C. 20548 la07533 B-159797 'The Honorable Caspar W. Weinbrger The Secretary of Defense Attention: Assistant Secretary of Defense bnptroller) 120783 Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Approval of the Design of the Department of the Amy Cmmdity Ccmnand Standard System--Wholesale Stock Fund'bO/AEMD-83-51) It is my pleasure to approve the design ...
Date Jan. 27, 1983 Report No. AFMD-83-43 Title

Financial Management: Interior Should Solve Its Royalty Accounting Problems Before Implementing New Accounting System

(-4S BY THE US. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Interior Interior Should Solve Its Royalty Accounting Problems Before Implementing New Accounting System The Department of the Interior is developing a new royalty accounting system to correct many serious financial management problems that have plagued it for over 20 years. While GAO is encouraged by the Department's ongoing...
Date Jan. 26, 1983 Report No. MASAD-83-9 Title

National Defense: Issues Concerning the Department of Defense's Global Positioning System as It Enters Production

. IllIll 11111 120320 Request sent to: for copies of GAO reports should be U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and Information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 Telephone (202) 275-6241 The first five copies of individual reports are free of charge. Additional copies of bound audit reports are $3.25 each. Additional copies of unbound report (i.e., letter reports)...
Date Dec. 17, 1982 Report No. AFMD-83-44 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section, Accounting System Design

COMPTROLLER GENEI~AL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTOI~ O.C. 205flZ B-206063 December 17, 1982 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. George Shultz of State _., HH b-h...' , 120153 3 Secretary: Subject: Approval of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section, Accounting System Design (GAO/AFMD-83-44) It is my pleasure to approve the accounting system design of the Internatio...
Date Nov. 22, 1982 Report No. AFMD-83-18 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Design of the National Park Service Accounting System

.. COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE 20648 UNITED STATES WASHINGT0N~D.C. 120008 The Yonorahle The Secretary Subject: James G. Watt of the Interior Approval of the Design of the National Park Service Accounting Svstem (GAO/AFMD-83-18) Dear Yr. Secretary: It is my pleasure to approve the design for the National Park Service accountinq system submitted to letter dated us for approval by Mr. Richard R. Hite'...
Date Nov. 10, 1982 Report No. AFMD-83-16 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Design for the Terminally Operated Personnel/Payroll System

COM1’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. 20548 UNITED STATES Q409lq3 NOV101982 Samuel R. of Housing Pierce, Jr. and Urban The Honorable The Secretary Development Dear Mr. Secretary: Approval of the Design Operated Personnel/Payroll (GAO/AFMD-83-16) for the Terminally System Subject: It is my pleasure to Operated Personnel/Payroll October 6, 1982, as being with the approved accounting of your ...
Date Oct. 22, 1982 Report No. AFMD-83-3 Title

Financial Management: Inadequate Internal Controls Affect Quality and Reliability of the Civil Service Retirement System's Annual Report

, , ,* ” 3 I .YYa I./cl 7 33 BY :THECOMbTROLLER GENERAL &port ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Inadequate Internal Controls Affect Quality Ar?d Reliability Of The Civil Service Rqtirement System’s Annual Report The IOffice of Personnel Management did not esta lish adequate internal control and reporting e”rocedures to ensure the reliability of the financial and actuarial information it pre...
Date Oct. 12, 1982 Report No. 119949 Title

Financial Management: [Government Financial Management Systems]

Date Oct. 4, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-125 Title

Financial Management: Reapproval of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Accounting System Design

L C+lPTROLLER B- 157162 October 4, 1982 ) 14 636 The Honorable The Attorney Dear Mr. William General French Smith Attorney General: Reapproval of the Service Accounting (GAO/AFMD-82-125) Immigration and Naturalization System Design Subject: It is my pleasure to reapprove the accounting system The ~ design for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Subsequent ( system was originally approved o...
Date Oct. 1, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-122 Title

Information Management: Approval of the Bureau of the Mint Bullion and Monetary Accounting System Design

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. 20548 UNITED STATES B- 2fW303 October 1, 1982 The Honorable The Secretary Donald T. Regan of the Treasury IRIIII 119734 Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Approval of the Bureau of the Mint Bullion and Monetary Accounting System Design (GAO/AFMD-82-122) system design It is my pleasure to approve the accounting of the Bureau of the Mint's Bullion and Monetary Ac...
Date Sept. 28, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-119 Title

Financial Management: Approval of Design of Military Sealift Command Industrial Fund Accounting System

C:OhlP’I’ROLI.EK GENERAL WASHINGTON OF TIE D.C. 20548 UNITED STA’I‘ES The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Casper W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant (Comptroller) Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: Approval Industrial of the Fund Design of Accounting the Mili System tary Sealift Command (GAO/AFMD-82-119) Subject: It is my pleasure to approve the design Industrial Fund Accounting Sy...
Date Sept. 8, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-71 Title

Financial Management: Major Improvements Needed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Accounting System

Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Major Improvements Needed In The Bureau Of lndbnAffairspAccounting System The Bureau of Indian Affairs has lost aazountability over hundreds of milfions of dollars of grant, comact, and trust funds becaurs &rr wtwnated accounting and finnce system producsa; utmllable information. Also, system tqwdag drtlibenokp, lncrwJtn0 inadequate amtrokovartireceiptttic...
Date Aug. 16, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-109 Title

Financial Management: Withdrawal of Approval of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Accounting System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED SiTAlES The Honorable James G. Watt The Secretary of the Interior Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Withdrawal of Approval of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Accounting System (GAO/AF%D-82-109) As a result of our recent review, we are withdrawing our approval of the Bureau of Indian Affairs accounting system. The reason for this withdrawal is that the system in cperation ...
Date Aug. 5, 1982 Report No. 121320 Title

Transportation: Aviation Safety Hazards

Date June 24, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-91 Title

National Defense: The Army Should Evaluate the Need for Previously Planned Military Facilities

Date June 17, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-95 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Metric Board Accounting System Design

COMPTROLLER GE.:IERd-DF WASHINGTON O.C. THE w&u UNITE0 STATES June . 17, 1982 Mr. Theodore Farfaglia Executive Director United States Metric Dear Mr. Farfaglia: Board Subject: It Approval of the Metric Ecard Accounting System Design (GAO/AFVD-82-95) is my pleasure with submitted with your letter terial reqxcts and standards. to approve the design of the accounting system of June 2, 1952, as confor...
Date June 17, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-76 Title

Information Management: The OMB Efforts To Develop and Augment the Federal Information Locator System Have Not Met Congressional Expectations

COMPTROLLER 1 GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES 20548 B-207554 June 17, 1982 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government ,The Office of Management and Budget's Efforts to Develop and Augment the Federal Information Locator System Have Not Met Congressional Expectations~~(GAO#GG.D=82-76)/ J As requested by your representatives on May 7, 1982, we are reporting to you on th...
Date June 4, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-91 Title

Information Management: Review of the FAA Response to Letter on the National Airspace System Plan

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF O.C. THE UNITED 2OS# STATES The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Subject: Review of the Federal Aviation Administration's Response to Chairman Jack Brooks' Letter on the National Airspace System Plan (GAO/APMD-82-91) Dear Mr. Chairman: May 25, 1982, letter (see encl. I), we Aviation Administration's (FAA's...
Date June 1, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-88 Title

Financial Management: Approval of the Executive Office of the President Accounting System Design

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASNINGTON OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-l.92886 June 1, 1982 . . The President The White House Dear Mr. . President’: Approval of the Executive Accounting System Design Office of the President (GAO/AFMD-82-88) Subject: It to approve the accounting system design for is my pleasure Office of the President. The design, submitted by -_ of October 1, 1981, is in conformity in...
Date May 24, 1982 Report No. B-199008 Title

Evaluation of DOD Comments Re: DOD Instruction 5000.5X, Standard Instruction Set Architectures for Embedded Computers

SYSTEMS ACQUISITION DIVISION B-199 008 RELEASED MAY 24,1982 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Evaluation of DOD Comments Re: "DOD Instruction 50O0.5Xf Standard Instruction Set Architectures for Embedded Computers'' As requested by your office, we have evaluated the Department of Defense (DOD) comments on our ...
Date May 19, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-27 Title

Financial Management: Improvements Needed in Operating and Using the Army Automated Facilities Engineer Cost Accounting System

. , * , , 1 !TIcII I . I BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL + Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Improvements Needed In Operating And Using The Army Automated Facilities Engineer Cost Accounting System The Army’s automated Facilities Engineer Job Order Cost Accounting System was devised to help manage a work force of about 45,000 employees charged with 92.6 billion in facility maintenance and repair...
Date May 11, 1982 Report No. AFMD-82-77 Title

Information Management: Approval of the Design of the Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Fuel Automated Management System

c ,ir2 .I1 COMFTROU..ER GENERAL OF THE UNITE0 STAlXS ,- WASHINGTON, O.C. 2OS4l /,,, ‘$AY 1 1 1982 . -“\ Ii B-159797 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant Secretary (Comptroller) of Defense \ Secretary: \‘\~.\,d Subject: Approval of the Design of the Defense Logistic Agency, Defense Fuel Automated Management System (GAO/AFMD-82-77) It is my ...
Date April 2, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-28 Title

Information Management: Need To Reexamine JTIDS Requirements and Architecture

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL A~~~UNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 /r79Q MISSION ANALYSIS AND SYSTEMS ACQUISITION OIVISION B-206851 APRIL 2,1982 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W . Weinberger of Defense Director, GAO Affairs Secretary: Need to Reexamine JTIDS Requirements Architecture (MASAD-82-28) and Subject: In light of the Office of the Secretary of Defense planned March 31 a...
Date Feb. 25, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-21 Title

National Defense: Issues Concerning the Survivability and Capability of the ICBM Force

WASHINGTON, D.C, 20548 MISBION ANALYSIS SYSTLMS ACOUISITION AND DIVISION FEB 2 5 1982 B-196893 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar of W. Weinberqer GAO Affairs Defense Director, Secretary: Issues Concerning me Survivability And Capability Of The ICBM Force (MASAD-82-21) Subject: On March 2, 1981, we advised you of our plans to survey DOD's efforts to modernize the land-based Int...
Date Feb. 24, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-31 Title

Financial Institutions: Federal Review of Intrastate Branching Applications Can Be Reduced

BY~HE~~MPTR~LLE~? GENERAL I Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Federal Review Of Intrastate Branching Applications Can Be Reduced The Federal review of intrastate domestic bank new branch applications rarely restricts branch actions, produces little new information of supervisory value, and, in the case of State-chartered banks, duplicates State efforts. GAO recommends that laws and policies...
Date Jan. 27, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-16 Title

National Defense: DOD Instruction 5000.5X, Standard Instruction Set Architectures for Embedded Computers

COMPTROLLER G&JEFiAi WASHJNWDN OF THE UNITED D.C. 2W48 STATES Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: DOD Instruction Architectures RELEASED 5000.5X, Standard Instruction Set For Embedded Computers “[(MASAD-82-16) On July 30, 1981, you requested that we review the Department of Defense (DOD) plans to implement proposed DOD Instruction 500...
Date Nov. 18, 1981 Report No. CED-82-6 Title

Information Management: Problems Plague National Weather Service ADP System

I BY THECOMPTROLLER-GENERAL +, - IMq t 3 l&port ToThe Congy OF THEUNITEDSTATES Problems Plague National Weather Service ADP System Poor project management and severe techmcal problems have hmdered National Weather Set-v Ice efforts to develop Its Automatron of Field Operations and Services system AFOS IS at least 5 years behind schedule, has cost $100 mllllon- about $22 mrllron over Its orrgmal bu...
Date Oct. 19, 1981 Report No. MASAD-82-2 Title

Information Management: The World Wide Military Command and Control Information System--Problems in Information Resource Management

1BV COMPTROLLERGENERAL -THE Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES The World Wide Military Command And Control Information System --Problems In Information Resource Management GAO’ evaluation of the World Wide Military s Command and Control Information System modernization effort showed that continuing problems associated with providing automated support for command and control functions are ...
Date Sept. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-111 Title

Financial Management: Approval of Accounting System Design for the Department of Justice Property Management System

C3t4fTROLLER t. GENERAL * > OF THE LJNiTfC ST& . B-157162 The The Dear Honorable Attorney Mr. Subject: William General French Smith ~1~~~11 llllllI ll 116965 System Property Design for Management the ' Attorney General: Approval of Accounting Department of Justice System (AFMD-81-111) It is my pleasure to approve the Department of Justice Property Management System. The design, submitted formally ...