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GAO Reports by subject "Reductions in force"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 17, 1981 Report No. CED-82-26 Title

Natural Resources: Proposed Relocation and Consolidation of the Soil Conservation Service at Fort Worth, Texas

December COhilMWNlW dWLLWMENt AND ECQNC’ MIC DIVl$l~N 17, 1981 B-205850 The Honorable Steny H. Hoyer House of Representatives Dear Mr. Hoyer: nil III 117100 Subject: Proposed Relocation/Consolidation of the Soil Conservation Service’ s Cartographic, Employee and Information Staffs at Fort Worth, Development, Texas ‘ (CED-82-26) This report is in response to your July 15, 1981, letter asking ...
Date Dec. 10, 1981 Report No. PAD-82-24 Title

Budget and Spending: Cost of the Recent Partial Shutdown of Government Offices

. COhPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED STATES 3 1 &‘Gi O.C. 2osu B-202135 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Alan Cranston Senat&& Cranston: Cost to the Government of the Recent Partial Shutdown of Government Offices (PAD-82-24) I 119804 This is in response to your oral request that the General Accounting Office provide you the costs to the Government of the recent partial...
Date Nov. 24, 1981 Report No. OGC-82-4 Title

Budget and Spending: President's Third Special Message for Fiscal Year 1982

. COMPTROLLER c GENERAL WASHINGTON , OF D C rlbq3* THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-205053 Novembey: 24, 1981 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives On October 23, 1981,';hePresldent's third special message for fiscal year 1982 was transmitted to the Congress pursuant to the Impoundment Contiol Act of 1974. The special message proposes two rescissions of budget aut...
Date Oct. 1, 1981 Report No. 116557 Title

Civil Rights: Equal Employment Opportunity Issues

Date Sept. 25, 1981 Report No. FPCD-81-71 Title

Government Operations: Tightening Eligibility Standards Could Cut Involuntary Retirement Costs by Millions of Dollars

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FEDERAL coMmNsATloN PERSONNeEL AND DlYleloN B-201496 SEPTEMBER 25,1981 The Honorable Donald J. Devine Director, Office of Personnel Management Dear Dr. Devine: OTightening Eligibility Involuntary Retirement Dollarsl/(FPCD-81-71) Standards Could Costs by Millions Cut of Subject: The eligibility standards governing the involuntary retire...
Date Aug. 20, 1981 Report No. FPCD-81-67 Title

Government Operations: INS Staffing Levels

* I-==-- / UNJTEDSTATES GENERALACC~UNTMOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 2054(1 I ,_.1’ XI ,/ “E -AA coMMNsATIoN -NU DIVISION AND B-204217 The Honorable Geraldine A. Ferraro Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Human Resources Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives Dear Madam Chairwoman: Levels (FPCD-81-67) J that we review Your letter of March 6, 1981, requested the staffing levels ...
Date Aug. 18, 1981 Report No. FPCD-81-66 Title

National Defense: DOD's Management of Civilian Personnel Ceilings

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 + 7+?7=?? CCDCRAL GOMPSN8ATIW rER8ONNLL DJVl8ION AND B-204269 RELEASED The Honorable William House of Representatives Dear Mr. Hucrhes: OD's Management of Civilian Personnel J. Hughes Subjectr On September 29, 1980, you asked us to review how the Department of Defense (DOD) used its authority to exceed its civilian personnel ceilings a...
Date July 21, 1981 Report No. 115859 Title

Transportation: FAA's Planned Consolidation of Regional Offices

Date June 30, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-105 Title

Health: Appropriateness of Missouri's Mingling of Medicaid Reimbursement Funds With State General Revenue Funds

?Jr&I STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 HUMAN RESOURQS DWISION B-203592 JUNE30.1981 The Honorable House of Representative: Dear Mr. Clay: [xppropriateness‘-of Missouri's Mingling of Medicaid Reimbursement Funds with State General Revenue Funds (HRD-81-105). _7 _' In your March 13, 1981, letter, you requested information on several questions related to the recent lo-percent St...
Date April 9, 1981 Report No. CED-81-93 Title

Transportation: Analysis of Proposal To Reduce Amtrak's Federal Subsidy

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 20548 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANil ECONOMIC DIVISION 9, 1981 B-202798 The Honorable James. J. Florio Subcommittee on Commerce, Chairman, Transportation, and Tourism Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives The Honorable Bob Packwood, Chairman The Honorable Howard W. Cannon Ranking Minority Member Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation United States...
Date March 4, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-8 Title

Government Operations: Contracting Out Vehicle Maintenance and Operations Functions at U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, Florida

UNITED STATEIS GENERAL ACCO~JNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ~~~~ Ill ll 114910 PROCUREMENT ACOlJlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION MARCH4,1981 The Honorable Charles E. Bennett House of Representatives Dear Mr. Bennett: RELEASED Subject: Contracting Out Vehicle Maintenance Lr and Operations Functions at U.S. Naval Florida J (MASAD-81-8) Station, Mayport, May 14, May 23, and comparison that was used t...
Date March 3, 1981 Report No. OGC-81-4 Title

Budget and Spending: President's Fourth Special Message for FY 1981

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES R-200685 March 3, 1981 To the Speaker 114796 Senate and the Representatives 8’ 981, the’ .i President’s fourth spec,ial message On January 29, to the Congress pursuant to for fi-+e& ye-a-r+ 1981 was transmitted The special message prothe Impoundment Co A 01 Act of 1974. posed a rescission (R81-34) of $1.5 million appropriated to ...
Date Feb. 6, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-30 Title

Government Operations: Implications of Electronic Mail for the Postal Service's Work Force

I , I c R’EPORT THE BY Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES I plications Of Electronic Mail F r The Postal Service’s Work Force a El ctronic mail, an emerging development in tel 4 communications, could significantly redu e the Postal Service’s labor force over the ne 5 t 20 years. The largest reduction could be ex ‘ected if the private sector offers electronic mail services and the Serv...
Date Sept. 19, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-79 Title

Government Operations: Army's Contracting Out of Installation Support Functions at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan

PROCUREMENT ACOUISITION AND SYSTKMS DIVISION B-200369 SEPTEMBER 19,198O The Honorable Carl M. Levin Subcommittee on Chairman, Oversight of Government Management Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: - I IIIII 113501 Subject: LArmy's Contracting Out of Installation Support Functions at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan7(PSAD-80-79) J This i...
Date July 8, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-63 Title

Income Security: Congress Should Scale Down Redwood Employee Program Benefits

Congress Should Scale Down Redwood Employee Program Benefits The Redwood Employee Protection Program, established as a result of title II of Public Law 95-250, provides benefits to workers laid off because of expansion of the Redwood National Park. However, workers whose layoffs are not related to the park expansion also qualify for benefits because of a provision in the law. The program’s excep...
Date June 19, 1980 Report No. 112605 Title

Income Security: Voluntary Early Retirements Under the Civil Service Retirement System

u. S. General Washington, Accounting Office D.C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 9:30 a.m. June 19, 1980 Statement Federal Subcommittee Committee United H.L. Krieger, Personnel and of Director Compensation Division Before the on Compensation and Employee Benefits on Post Office and Civil Service States House of Representatives on
Date May 28, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-47 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Staffing Implications of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System and Remote Sensing Activities

WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACOUISITION AND SYSIZMS DIVISION B-198664 MAY 28‘1980 The Honorable William Proxmire, Chairman The Honorable Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on HUD-Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations 4 United States Senate 3 Subject: O')D b %taffing Implications of Tracking and Data a elay Satellite System and Remote Sensing Activit...
Date March 20, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-46 Title

National Defense: Review of the Planned Consolidation of Defense Contract Administration Services Regions in Atlanta

REPORTBY THE “I, RELEASED Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES ~111, Review Of The Planned Consolidation Of Defense Contract Administration Services Regions In Atlanta The Defense Logistics Agency is planning to consolidate the Philadelphia and Atlanta Defense Contract Administration Services regions and locate the new region headquarters in Atlanta. This decision was based on an Agency study...
Date Dec. 20, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-80-20 Title

Financial Management: The Marine Corps Inspection System Should Use Resources More Efficiently

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES The Marine Corps Inspection System Should Use Resources More Efficiently The Marine Corps Inspector General’s Audit Service could abolish one-third positions without hurting its operating bility. The Marine Corps should tion system by -making fewer inspections, -reducing tion, using improve Field of its capa- RELEASED its inspec- noncombat a...
Date Oct. 16, 1979 Report No. FPCD-80-3 Title

Government Operations: Assistance to Displaced Federal Civilian Employees--Avoiding Loss of Needed Trained Personnel

m UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, IlOw D.C. 20548 CCOLRAL PURSONNRL AND COMPU4SATION OIVI8lON OCTOBER 16,1979 B-165959 Mr. Arch S. Ramsay Associate Director for Staffing Services Office of Personnel Management Dear Mr. Ramsay: Subject: Mlllll llll 110597 ,' 1We have completed a review of #assistance provided to Fede'ral civilian employees displaced from their positions through n...
Date Sept. 14, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-332 Title

National Defense: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Unrted States General Accounting Office Wasiwgton, DC 20548 n Logstcs and Communlcatlons Gws~on SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 110370 * E-1687OO The The The The The The The The The The Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Eonorable Honorable Honorable Sublect: Rtchard S. Schwexker, Unrted States Senate H. John Heznz m, United States Senate House of Representatives Lawrence Cou...
Date Aug. 8, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-322 Title

National Defense: Phased Reduction of Loring Air Force Base

Date July 11, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-54 Title

Government Operations: Military Personnel Cuts Have Not Impaired Most Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities

OF THEUNITED STATES In fiscal year 1978 the Congress limited the number of military personnel assigned to morale, welfare, and recreation activities. GAO found that the services met the congressional ceiling, and the reductions did not seriously affect these activities. The additional reduction for fiscal year 1979 should have little impact. The impact of future reductions can be alleviated by con...
Date Feb. 8, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-27 Title

Government Operations: Opportunities To Streamline the Air Force Headquarters Structure in the Pacific

Opportunities To Streamline The Air Force Headquarters Structure In The Pacific The Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, asked GAO to make this review after the Secretary of Defense’s decision in 1974 to disestablish Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces, was not carried out. Some streamlining in Hawaii was made. However, GAO found that $16 million could be saved annually if the Pacific Air F...
Date Oct. 2, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-72 Title

Defense Headquarters Staff Reductions: An Overview

DOCURINT RESURE 07452 - [C28279161 Defense Headquarters Staff Reductions: hn Overview. FPCD-78-72; B-172195. October 2, 1978. 19 pp. + 5 appendices (12 pp.). Staff study by H. L. Kri4'er, Director, Compensation Div. Federal Personnel and Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation Div. Budget Function: National Defense: Department of Defense Hilitary (xacept procuretent & contracts) (051); General...
Date July 31, 1978 Report No. CED-78-138 Title

Transportation: How Long Does It Take Conrail To Process Protected Employees' Claims Under the 1973 Regional Rail Reorganization Act?

DOCBOMET RISUS! 07023 - [B21471871 (Restricted) How Long Does It Take Conrail To Process Protected Imployees" Claims under the 1973 Regional Rail Recrganization Act? CED-78-138; B-164497(5). July 31, 1978. 3 pp. + appendix (18 PP.). Report to RIp. John L. Burton, Chairman, House Committee on Government Operations: Government Activitiem and Transportation Subcommittee; by Eimer B. Staats, Com'.ircl...
Date June 7, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-408A Title

National Defense: Benefits and Problems Associated With Improving the Ratio of U.S. Combat Troops to Military Support Personnel in Europe

DOCURIET BtSUME 06224 - [ 81606636 ] Benefits and Problemrs: ssociated witb Improving the Ratio of U.S. Combat Troops to 1ilitary Support Personael in Europe. iCD-78-408A; B-1468.6. June 7, 1178. 38 pp. * 9 a;Fendices (14 pp.). Report to the ConLgress; by Elmer Be Staats, Comptroller general. Issue Area: ailita:ly Pre'aredness Plans: Hilitary Forces Readiness (805). Contact: Logistics and Commur i...
Date May 31, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-47 Title

Government Operations: Department of Defense Pay Practices for Japanese Nationals Should Be Changed

DOCIBNiT BBSO]E 06024 - [ 81526556 Department of Defense Pay Practices for Japanese Nationals Should Be Changed. FPCD-786-7; B-1793*3. Say 31, 1978. 1 pp. + appendix (13 pp.). Report to Sen. Warlen S. magnuson, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations; by Blmer S. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Personnel management and Compensation (300); Federal Personnel management and Compensatiin...
Date April 21, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-63 Title

Government Operations: Reorganization Impact on the Executive Office of the President

DGCUMENT RESUEB 05691 - [B11661121] (UW.±ta44Kd), e 65 e [Reorganization Impact on the Executive Office of the President]. GGD-7k-63; B-191694. April 21, 1978. 7 pp. + 6 enclosures (9 pp.). Report to Rep. George H. ahon, House Committee on on Steed; lap. Appropriations; Rep. E. A. Cederberg; Rep. Clarance E. Miller; by Robert P. Keller, Acting Comptrcller General. Contact: General Government Div....
Date March 15, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-49 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Closure of the Rockville Centre, New York, Postal Annex

DOCUgENT RESUME 05395 - B07656381 8C.J JF e lYork, Postal arch 22, Review of the Closure of the Rockville Centre, Annex. GGD-78-49; B-114874. larch 15, 1978. Released 1978. 8 pp. + 2 enclosures (2 pp.). Report to Rep. John . lydler; Rep. orman Lowe , irector, General Government Div. . Lent; by Victor L. Issue Area: Facilities and aterial anagement: Building, Buying, or Leasing Federal Facilities a...
Date Oct. 12, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-439 Title

Army Reserve and Army National Guard Unit Reorganizations Disruptive: More Effective Controls Needed

I _ ~. - _-- - -- -- . f .---.-. . . .. . . .. _~ .- __ . .- -‘-~-_ Lfst~ of TARCUXFKS Cases ~5th Customer Assistance d 37,490 PEGli&es .- 4,725 ifs,336 6,800 184,000 5,080 2,800 SazxE Arabia -, Ctia Italy -.. 4,962 --- Switzerland Greece . - __ ._-.-Israel . . .._ IMP WY -~ 23,000 3,529. $456g3D- T&X.?. . . - .- .
Date July 22, 1977 Report No. FPCD-77-65 Title

Government Operations: Reorganization of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Western Test Range at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

;_-7-, - f A073j171j i3·eo-liar.:. z at IS -, ~os'z:i~s4', (io tze- tr-¢ce'l :,2 oWes:ter. :;e, CIL:'fC..Ts]. Aercr.atics a nd .p-e atic;ii at 7aznenber7 A;r Force 7es. -a,;e J;y7 22, 1977. 2 P. i?'2-77-65; 3-133394. -:pogr-to ):':actr, .m-iact: sr:eger, -ep. -obert J. Laocaarzino; by d. _. rFeeral e:rzor.iel amd Cospets3tion Div. Uane.ser.t ard Zoapeeszation (30O). ?ederal Personnel Arpa:...
Date Jan. 14, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-19 Title

Government Operations: Consolidation of the Toms River Mail Processing Center with the Sectional Center Facility in Hamilton Township, New Jersey

DOrUMENT RESOME 00429 - [A0751012] [Consolidation of the Toes River Mail Processinq Center with the Sectional Center Facility in Hamilton Township, New Jersey]. GGD-77-19; B-114874. January 14, 1977. Released February 1, 1977. 9 pp. + enclosures (2 pp.). Report to Rep. Edwin B. Forsythe; Rep. William J. Hughes; by Victor L. Love, Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Materia...
Date Nov. 30, 1976 Report No. LCD-77-301 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for Helicopter Research and Development

DOCUBIlT RESOBs 00001 - [A05905601 ) R EL. eA Sec NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for ilelicopteL Research and Development. LCD-77-300; LCD-77-301; B.1333'.0. bovember 30, 1976. 3 pp. Report to Rep. Thomas N. DowniAg; Sen. Villian L. Scott; Son. Harr) P. Byrd, Jr.; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccptrolle- General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management (700). Contact: Logis...
Date Nov. 30, 1976 Report No. LCD-77-300 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for Helicopter Research and Development

DOCUBIlT RESOBs 00001 - [A05905601 ) R EL. eA Sec NASA Designation of Their Ames Facility to Be Lead Center for ilelicopteL Research and Development. LCD-77-300; LCD-77-301; B.1333'.0. bovember 30, 1976. 3 pp. Report to Rep. Thomas N. DowniAg; Sen. Villian L. Scott; Son. Harr) P. Byrd, Jr.; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccptrolle- General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management (700). Contact: Logis...
Date July 6, 1976 Report No. FPCD-76-35A Title

National Defense: Highlights of a Report on Staffing and Organization of Top-Management Headquarters in the Department of Defense

REPORT TO THE CON Qv& GE4&$ BY THE COMPTROLLER GENE#%&;‘o;;/c~ OF THE UNITED STATES 9 * ’ : Pentagon StaffsIs There Potential For Further Consolidations/Cutbacks? Highlights Of A Report On Staffing And Organization Of Top-Management Headquarters- In The Department Of Defense FPCD-76-35A -7 JELY 6t1.976 COMPTROLLER GENERAL’S REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BI~RLIGBTS OF A REPORT ON STAE’FING AND ORG...
Date Nov. 4, 1975 Report No. FPCD-76-22 Title

Employment: Reduction of Civilian Personnel at New London, Connecticut, Naval Installations

1 ,. # ,’ 1 ;, ,.’ _,, COMF’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES 20!548 B-159835 1’ “1 / J. Dodd Dodd: request, 1975. which The Honorable Christopher House of Representatives Dear Mr. This is our response to your May 22, 1975, we discussed with you on June 19 and August 19, You asked that we: --Investigate whether the loss of civilian manpower has affected the efficiency...
Date March 23, 1972 Report No. B-158547 Title

Employment: Reduction-in-Force Procedures

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096625 Reduction-h-force Procedures 8.158547 National Aeronautics and Space Administration BY THE CQMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES GOMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF O.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-158547 f-- Dear Mr. Downing: This is our report on the reduction-in-force procedures used ’ by the National Aeronautics and Space Administrati...
Date Feb. 19, 1971 Report No. B-171432 Title

Government Operations: Allegations of Gross Misutilization of Civilian Personnel by the U.S. Army, Hawaii

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-171432 February 19, 1971 Dear Mrs. Mink: On November 27, 1970, you forwarded to us correspondence concerning ~~g$JcQ=-~.~~ d Maintenance Agency lve years, and the organized four itions are abolished -.,-Tl-.*m:>l*l.l.. and ;_. usual result is that r ~~~~~,-~~:~~.~~~~~-~~'~fhowhigher this l~&ti‘on&remai situation can be justified. ...