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GAO Reports by subject "Unemployment compensation programs"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 27, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-37 Title

Income Security: Need To Improve Internal Controls To Curtail Fraud and Abuse in the RRB Unemployment and Sickness Insurance Program

I&WED STATES GENERAL ACCCWNT~NG OFFICE wMwm&mON,D.C. 20548 NUMAN RWURCIWI DlVlSloN B-211212 c FEBRUARY 27,1986 The Honorable Robert Gielow Chairman Railroad Retirement Board Dear Mr. Gielow: 126303 Subject: Need.'to Improve Internal Controls 'Lo Curtail ~'Possfbli# Fraud and Abuse in the Railmad 'I, 88 ReCi~ament Bo~ard's Unemployment and Sickness Insurance Program (GAO/HRD-85-37) We have complete...
Date Sept. 30, 1983 Report No. GGD-83-104 Title

Financial Management: Options for Improving Formulas in the Health Care for Unemployed Workers Program

BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Health Committee On Finance United States Senate Options For improving Formulas In The Health Care For Unemployed Workers Program GAO was asked to comment on formulas proposed to distribute Federal aid to States to help finance health care for certain unemployed workers. Specifically, GAO was to determine the adequacy of fo...
Date Sept. 10, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-121 Title

Employment: Information on the 1974 Trade Act Worker Adjustment Assistance Program Certification Process

UNlTED i?T-ATES GENEI?+ ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, HUMAN RESOURCLJ OlVtStON OX. 2(11)48 RESTRICTED Accounting by We Office (Pffjee of wat to bq~ redeased on the bark outsIda tlii ~e5fi~ approval ewcltpt Congressional of specific B-208873 Relai;ionsm SEPTEMBER10,1Qm The Honorable John Heinz Unit&i Staten Senate Dear Senator Heinm Subjectt RELEASED r/Information on the 1974 Trade Act Worker Adju8...
Date April 14, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-48 Title

Employment: Implementation of the Phaseout of CETA Public Service Jobs

SW. I REPORTBY THEU.S. -< General Accounting Office Implementation Of The Phaseout Of CETA Public Service Jobs The Department of Labor estimated that 300, Wxl people would lose their jobs because of the termination of the Comprehensive Employment andTraining Act’s public service employment programs. GAO reviewed Labor’s efforts to find permanent unsubsidized jobs or new training opportunities ...
Date Feb. 25, 1982 Report No. CED-82-45 Title

Transportation: Assessment of the Federal Aviation Administration's Plan To Close Its Denver and Honolulu Regional Offices

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 February COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIVISION Lms3 1982 25, B-206454 llllllllllll ll 117653 The Eonorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Gary W. Hart Senate Hart: Assessment of the Federal Aviation Administration's Plan To Close Its Denver and Honolulu Regional Offices (CED-82-45) asked us to review the Federal Your October 7, 1981, le...
Date Jan. 12, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-15 Title

Government Operations: Ex-Service Member Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation

. : * GENERAL OF THE DC. UNITED STATES 20S48 II,SfB cOMP-,-ROLLER RELEASED ~mTr?rCTEB) WASHINGTON -f&d tQ b@ M~s~x! outside the General ~-205735 JANUARY l&1982 The Honorable Sam Gejdenson House of Representatives Dear Mr. Gejdenson: Subject: .; .Ex-Service Kember Eligibility Unemployment Compensation for f(FPCD-82-15) This responds to your September 15, 1981, request that we provide you with infor...
Date Nov. 10, 1981 Report No. HRD-82-10 Title

Employment: Labor Needs To Improve Its Oversight of New Hampshire's Denials of Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Rdport To The Secretary Of Labor bor Needs To improve Its Oversight f New Hampshire’sDenials Of l@employment Insurance Benefits T e Oepartment of Labor, through its Empl yment and Training Administration’s Offi e of Unemployment Insurance, is responsibe for assuring that States operate an effecti e and efficient unemployment insurance ogram, including the prompt payment of nefits to eligible i...
Date July 8, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-63 Title

Income Security: Congress Should Scale Down Redwood Employee Program Benefits

Congress Should Scale Down Redwood Employee Program Benefits The Redwood Employee Protection Program, established as a result of title II of Public Law 95-250, provides benefits to workers laid off because of expansion of the Redwood National Park. However, workers whose layoffs are not related to the park expansion also qualify for benefits because of a provision in the law. The program’s excep...
Date Feb. 21, 1980 Report No. 111626 Title

Income Security: Unemployment Insurance and Special Employee Protection Programs

Date Jan. 15, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-11 Title

Employment: Restricting Trade Act Benefits to Import-Affected Workers Who Cannot Find a Job Can Save Millions

APPENDIX IV TABLE 10 Average Layoff Time Lapse to Receipt Projection to adjusted universe Number of days Layoff to petition filing Petition filing to certification Certification to application Application to payment Overall: layoff to payment 221 112 87 68 488 for Workers from of First Check APPENDIX IV Estimated ranges of adjusted universe at the 95% level of confidence Number of days 194 to 248 ...
Date Aug. 28, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-79 Title

Income Security: Unemployment Insurance--Inequities and Work Disincentives in the Current System

BY THECOMPTROLLER-GENERAL ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Unemployment lnsuranceInequities And Work Disincentives In The Current System Unemployment Insurance protects workers who lose their jobs However, the program has not kept up with social and eco lumic changes, such as Increases In taxes, retlrement Income, and work-related expenses As a result, many recipients of unemployment compensation...
Date June 5, 1979 Report No. FPCD-78-19 Title

Part-Time and Other Federal Employment: Compensation and Personnel Management Reforms Needed

BY THE C1;3;MPTROLLER GENERAL lllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll LMlO%a . OF THE UNITEDSTATES Other Federal Employment: i-ion And Personnel forms Needed Workers employed less than full time now comprise almost 14 percent of the Federal work force, and this figure should Increase substantially because of the Part-Time Career Employment Act of 1978. These workers receive the same basic pay rate as ful...
Date April 17, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-20 Title

Financial Management: More Effective Federal and State Cash Management Would Increase Interest Income of Unemployment Trust Fund

Report ToThe Congress OFTHEUNITEDSTATES M More Effective Federal And State Cash Management Would Increase Interest Income Of Unemploykent Trust Fund The Deparmnt of Labor’s ineffective rrwnitoring and guidance of State collections and disbursements of unemployment monies causes Federal and State govermnents to lose mil I ions of dollars in interest irwxne annually on Unemployment Trust Fund depo...
Date May 9, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-53 Title

Employment: Adjustment Assistance Under the Trade Act of 1974 to Pennsylvania Apparel Workers Often Has Been Untimely and Inaccurate

DOCUBENT RBESUe 06196 - [01306296] AdjuStment Assistance under the Trade Act cf 1974 to Pennsylvaaia apparel morkers Often Has Been Untimely and Inaccerete. SRD-7S6-3; B-152183. May 9, 1J70. 20 pp. + 6 appendices (11 pp.). Report to the Congsess; by Blaer L?. Staats, rowptrnller General. Issue Area: BmBloyment and Tr'iniag Procrams. tgport on the Trade Act of 1974 (3208); Income Secuxity Programs:...
Date Dec. 6, 1977 Report No. ID-78-5 Title

Government Operations: Coordination of the Three Adjustment Assistance Programs with Selected Comments on H.R. 8442

IbtOrUWBT IRSDrrl 04305 - [B3414666] Coordination' of the Three Adjustment Assistance Programs with Selecced Comments on H.R. 8442. ID-a8-5; B-152183. December 6, 1977. 10 pp. Report to Rep. Charles A. Vanik, Chairman, Bouse Coammittee on Ways and means: Trade Subcommittee; by lm1er B. Stauts, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Employment and Training Programs: Report on the Trade Act of 1974 (3208)...
Date May 31, 1977 Report No. ID-77-28 Title

International Affairs: Certifying Workers for Adjustment Assistance--The First Year Under the Trade Act

DOCUHENT 02249 - [A1;72548 ESUME Certifying Wrkers for Adjustment Assistance--The First Year Under the Trade Act. ID-77-28; B-152183. May 31, 1977. 48 pp. Repoct to the Congress; by Elser B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Programs for Hatching Unemployed or Underemployed Workers with Unfilled Jobs (1109); International Economic and Kilitary P...
Date Feb. 18, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-24 Title

Employment: Employment Programs in Buffalo and Erie County Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Can Be Improved

DOCUMENT RESUME 00655 - [A07513#4] Employment Programs in Buffalo and Erie County under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Can Be Improved. B-163922; HRD-77-24. February 18, 1977. 62 pp. Report to Rep. Jack Kecp; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Araa: Education, Traininqg, and Employment Programs: Training and Employment Assistance Programs (1107). Contact: Human Resources...
Date April 16, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-60 Title

Employment: Funding of Employment Service and Unemployment Insurance Activities

,_..r,,._,zI 51 f ff -c -, )’ $-’ \ 7-5= IllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM097058 Funding Of Employment Service And Unemployment Insurance Activities Department of Labor BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES MWD-75-60 APEIL I6,19 7 5 . COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED 20546 STATES B-133182 The Honorable James C. Wright 3 House of Representatives F, Dear Mr....
Date Jan. 23, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-49 Title

Employment: Evaluation of Comments on Report on Problems in Filling Job Orders and Placing Job Applicants in Massachusetts

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHING-i-ON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20948 B-179083. t, The Honorable Michael House of Representatives Dea.r Mr . Harrington: J. Harrington As promised in our report to you entitled “Problems in Filling Job Orders and Placing Job Applicants in Massachusetts” herewith is a copy of the Department (U-179083, Oct. 30, 1974), 1 of Labor’s comments (app. II), received after...
Date Dec. 31, 1974 Report No. 089468 Title

Employment: Federal Unemployment Benefits Due to Agnes Disaster in Pennsylvania

WASHINGTON, DC 20548 MANPOWER AND DlVl5ION WEtFARE Mr. Fred G. Clark Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Department of Labor Dear Mr. Clark. P' I/ We have made a survey of selected aspects of the administration of Federal unemployment compensatron benefits in Pennsylvania resulting from the effects of Tropical Storm Agnes which struck Pennsylvania and other Eastern States in June...
Date Nov. 29, 1974 Report No. B-178741 Title

Employment: Employment Services for Vietnam-Era Veterans Could Be Improved

8.178741 Department of Labor COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED DC. 20548 STATES B-178741 The Honorable Vance Hartke, Chairman a I( Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Senate v United States J Dear Mr. Chairman: 9 I This is our report on employment services for Vietnamera veterans made pursuant to your request of May 9, 1973. The report contains the details supportive of testimony given at...
Date Oct. 30, 1974 Report No. B-179083 Title

Employment: Problems in Filling Job Orders and Placing Job Applicants in Massachusetts

Department of Labor COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF DC. THE UNITED STATES aDslul D-179083. . . The Honorable Michael J. Barrington House of Representatives i Dear Mr. Harrington: This is our report on federally funded activities of the Massachusetts Division of Employment Security, made pursuant " to your July 2, 1973, request. In commenting on the report, the Massachusetts Division of Employme...
Date Sept. 26, 1972 Report No. 089474 Title

Government Operations: Improper Determinations of Federal Share of Costs

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 l MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFAR!Z Dear Mr. Zarb We have completed a survey of the extended benefit program established by the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 (26 U.S.C 3304 note) as administered by the Minnesota Department of Manpower Services The survey was conducted as a part of our survey of selected unemplo...