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GAO Reports by subject "Military cost control"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 1, 1991 Report No. PEMD-91-17 Title

Military Training Options: Feasibility of Using Civilian Institutions

,,,^,.l .._- .._.” _“._-.._ ..“* ..___._. .._ .l-.l..-l ._..._ ._ ._. .-.-.l.l. ” GAO I 1 I Rl;r>, I!)!)1 MILITARY TRAINING OPTIONS Feasibility of Using Civilian Institutions II llllll Ill ll 143798 --l.l-l--._l-~ _... I.__-__“.* --.--...-.---.--.--..._. -- GAO,/‘ f:MI~-91-17 I’ 1 __I- - _--- GAO united states Wa&ington, General Accounting Ofllce D.C. 20548 Program Evnhation and Meth...
Date April 23, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-25 Title

National Defense: Defense Logistics Agency Customers Order Supplies Uneconomically

United States General Accounting Oface / !r/qo 4// . GAO Testimony lllllllllllllll 144041 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST April 23, 1991 Defense Logistics Customers Order Uneconomically Agency Supplies Statement of Donna M. Heivilin Director, Logistics Issues National Security and International Affairs Division Before the Subcommittee on Oversight Government Management Committee ...
Date April 11, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-15 Title

National Defense: Information on the A-12 Default Termination

United States General Accounting Office / L1/3 -5_A gf GAO Testimony III II llllll 143589 For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EDT, Thursday, April 11, 1991 Information on the A-12 Default Termination Joint Statement of Paul F. Math, Director, Research, Development, Acquisition, and Procurement Issues Director, Navy Issues Brad Hathaway, Associate National Security and International Affa...
Date April 11, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-19 Title

Naval Aviation: Status of V-22 Osprey Full-Scale Development

r .. . United States General Accounting OffIce / 4 3.r-7 ’ GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST Thursday, April 11, 1991 Testimony Ill Ill1 III Ill1 143587 NAVAL AVIATION: Status Full-Scale Development of V-22 Osprey Statement of Martin M Ferber, Director National Security and International Affairs Division Before the Subcommittee on Research and Development and Subcommittee on...
Date April 10, 1991 Report No. OGC-91-7 Title

Impoundment Control: President's Third Special Message for 1991

Comptroller General of the United State8 Washington, D.C. 20648 B-241514.6 April 10, 1991 II Ill III lllll 143612 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives On February 28, 1991, the President submitted to the Congress his third special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991. This message reports 26 proposed rescissions of budget , authority, one new deferral ...
Date March 29, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-177 Title

Military Bases: Processes Used for 1990 Base Closure and Realignment Proposals

Uni-$a# St&m3 General Accounting .CMTice GAO keghtto the Honorable Sill Alexwder, Ekmse of Representatives : .’ .; GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division /YYDl B-242417 March 29, 1991 The Honorable Bill Alexander House of Representatives Dear Mr. Alexander: This report responds to your request that we determine (1) ...
Date March 22, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-145 Title

Naval Safety School Relocation: More Credible Cost Analysis Is Needed

-MO- -.--- IJnited States General Accounting Office ‘ I Report to the Chairman, Comrnittee on Armed Services, House of Representatives March 1!I9 I NAVAL SAFETY ~~~~~~SCHOOLRELOCATION More Credible Cost Analysis Is Needed -r”Lii-d * GAO/NSIAD-H-145 * __.. . .-.---_- .._....__.__ __... . ._. “_. . ... ..__.___ __..__... -----I____ -~--. United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. ...
Date March 14, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-39 Title

Lease Refinancing: A DOD-Wide Program Is Not Currently Feasible

--Alit tx*II; IO07 I * ~-_----- LEASE REFINANCING A DOD-Wide Program Is Not Currently Feasible 1; 1 -. .._.._. -..-.-_._ .._-I_._ -----_-.---..- _-_--.-_-_.-___ Accounting and Financial Management Division H-235188 March 14,1991 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to your request, we evaluated the feas...
Date March 14, 1991 Report No. T-HRD-91-11 Title

Health: The Military Health Services System--Prospects for the Future

United States General Accounting Olllce GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at lo:30 a.m. EST. Thursday, March 14, 1991 Testimony The Military Health Services Prospects for the Future Syster-- Statement of David P. Baine, Director Federal Health Care Delivery Human Resources Division Before the Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Issues GAO/T-HRD-91-11 I I': -...
Date Feb. 28, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-114 Title

Abrams Tank: Operating Costs More Than Expected

GAO -.,.. .._... .” - -” __ --- .- . . - --..__-_ -.--..---_..-_.--I~‘ t~l,r~llit I’* I !N’ I \’ --. - .-- ABRAMS TANK Operating Costs More Than Expected RESTRICTED--Not to be General Accounting OBlce unless specifically approved by the Offhe of Congressional Relations. “-..l.l I .l”.-- _...,....l_ I~__-._-..~._. (;A() ‘ NSlA!)-91-l I4 1 GAO General Accounting Office Washington, ...
Date Feb. 14, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-39 Title

Defense Inventory: Defense Logistics Agency Customers Order Supplies Uneconomically

DEFENSE INVENTORY Defense Logistics Agency Customers Order Supplies Uneconomically 143685 RELEA$'Etr RESTRICI’ ED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relationa. .-...- _..._ ._ ~.. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-241013 Februar...
Date Feb. 1, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-138 Title

Aircraft Development: Reasons for Recent Cost Growth in the Advanced Tactical Fighter Program

---_ llnit.ecf Sf.~t,es General -.- ._._---- .---- ----- Accounting Office GAO Rctport to the Honorable William Y. Cohen, U.S. Senate AIRCRAFT DEVELOPMENT Reasons for Recent Cost Growth in the Advanced Tactical Fighter Program GAO,‘ NSIAD-9 I - 138 ._ _-..I *__. _l.“-lll”.“,l .,_l”l”~“l.ll_“~~_l------ - . . . . . . ..-... -- --.. .__.-__.- -____-l_----__----- GAO General united sta...
Date Jan. 30, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-67 Title

Army Training: Computer Simulations Can Improve Command Training in Large-Scale Exercises

GAO I _-_-.,,_ -._ll-.~ ---.-------- Report, to t,lw Chairman, Subwnmittee on I2tmhess, Committee on Armed l Iilllllil~V I!)!) 1 ARMY TRAINING Computer Simulations Can Improve Command Training in Large-Scale Exercises RESTRICTED--Not to be released out&de the General Accounting Ofl’ unless specifhlly lce approved by the Offke of Congressional Belations, :RTlEASED (iAO/NSIAI)-!)I-07 .- . ..-.. -_...
Date Jan. 23, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-22 Title

Financial Audit: Financial Reporting and Internal Controls at the Air Force Systems Command

United States General Accounting Office *e -, GAO Janurvy 1991 Report to the Commander, Air Force Systems Command FINANCIAL AUDIT Financial Reporting and Internal Controls at the Air Force Systems Command Cincinnati Regional Office B-234326 January 23,1991 General Ronald W. Yates Commander Air Force Systems Command Andrews Air Force Base Washington, DC. 20332 Dear General Yates: Cincinnati Commerc...
Date Jan. 16, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-61 Title

Over-The-Horizon Radar: Better Justification Needed for DOD Systems' Expansion

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters January 1991 OVER-THE-HORIZON RADAR Better Justification Needed for DOD Systems’Expansion GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2091 18 January 16,1991 The Honorable J. James Exon Chairman, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and Nuclear Dete...
Date Jan. 16, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-65 Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions in Aircraft Procurement Budget

” . -_ -- ._._ -..l.,-l. -..l-. -I “”._ . _._.,” -..... 1i Statc ~ s Gc~tlt~ral Accounting - -* l---_.--- O fTice GAO .-I -__.-_l .-.. I^_.” ___----_l_._” -... licport l,o Congres s ional Reques ters .Iarlll;lry l!I!)I NAVY BUDGET Potential Reduc tions in Aircraft Procurement Budget 142963 llll _I_---- GAO/NSIAI)-9 l-65 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D....
Date Jan. 9, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-41 Title

Antisubmarine Warfare: Tactical Surveillance Sonobuoy and Related Software Need to Be Tested Together

.. ._,“_-”II-..I*_I .I- ,“-“l..._-.-. - .-.. ..._.._._______-_____ (;enrral lit~itwl St,at.w _.-. II-_,,.. _._......... .-.._ - Acwunting Office GAO I_ .-_. - -I.. _--.--._--.-_I__-_ Rctport to t,he Secretary of’the Navy .lilIlll;lry l!)!)l ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE Tactical Surveillance Sonobuoy and Related Software Need to Be Tested Together 142911 ---1 ..-. __I --- -...-- --.------1-1-- (...
Date Jan. 7, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-109 Title

Military Bases: Process Used by Services for January 1990 Base Closure and Realignment Proposals

GAO --. -_.--- . . ..I..._ _-- ..I - ....-- ~ .---. -.-.hrtuitty ]!)!)I -... --_--_-__~ -~ MILITARY BASES Process Used by Services for January 1990 Base Closure and Realignment Proposals 143021 I (&40,./NS1A1)-!~1-1 O!) - ------_ i .-----.-------- ;GAO United States General Accounting Office Waahlngton, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-242417 January 7,199l The Hon...
Date Dec. 31, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-98 Title

Navy A-12: Cost and Requirements

l_l---.-.l”--l- ._-..... ..^ _._ .-_-.- .^_ ._._. _..._____ GAO --l.--~---------.-- I)c*c~t~~i~lwr I!t!tONAVY A-12 Cost and Requirements Illlllllll llllll 14287 -. -..- - .-_. l_....l-l”l .I- .I.II “^” 1,, “,* II , ,. “.IL ““.“.l_.ll”-.---l~ . ..-..---_ --_--~ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division...
Date Dec. 18, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-12 Title

Weapons Production: Impacts of Production Rate Changes on Aircraft Unit Costs

United States General Accounting Office 3 Report to Congressional Requesters December 1990 WEAPONS PRODUCTION Impacts of Production Rate Changes on Aircraft Unit Costs i GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division R-241189 December 18,199O The Honorable Robert C. Byrd Chairman, Committee on Appropriations United States Sen...
Date Dec. 17, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-44BR Title

Army Weapons: Status of the Sense and Destroy Armor System

-___,,,.,,_, _.__... ____ .___ ._ lir~it,wl St;rt.c~s (knr~ral .._ I_..._. .l”l.l.l “I“.“l-*.-.-.---------.--“. “,.“,” Awottttt.irtg ---- Ol‘f’iw __-_--l -- _--_ -_,,___-. _._._I,.,“_ “..“.,l I “. “.----.. --.--..--... ----I ~-- -- Ikw~rttl,c~r 1!W) ARMY WEAPONS Status of the Sense and Destroy Armor System _.._ -_-..----.-_~---.--- _~_-_---- GAO United States General ...
Date Dec. 13, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-42BR Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions to Shipbuilding and Conversion Funds

GAO ._.... _...- -. ._. __.______ __ -._ ---- .-_..-..-- NAVY BUDGET Potential Reductions to Shipbuilding and Conversion Funds I(;A() NSlAl)-!~l-~l:!Illt --... ~-~.- ,I .“_ . ..-.. “.-^ .-- .__....-....... -._- -.-. ._.... - --~ ____.__ -- - _. ..” .--- l .~__.~ ---I--- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2...
Date Dec. 10, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-51 Title

Army Acquisition: Air Defense Antitank System Did Not Meet Operational Test Objectives

~l - l _ ~l l - ~l . - A R M Y A C Q U IS IT IO N A i r D e fe n s e A n ti ta n k S y s te m D i d N o t M e e t O p e ra ti o n a l T e s t O b j e c ti v e s II Il l 142922 R E S T R IC I’E D --N o t ta b e re l e a s e d d & s i d e G e n e ra l A c c o u n ti n g O fl ’S r ~ u n l e s s s p e c i fl c a l l y a p p ro v e d b y th e O fW e a Y C o n g re s s i o n a l R e l a ti o n s . t...
Date Dec. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-66BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to the Strategic Missile Systems Budget

.~-_ ..--.-- -..------ __ .-..- ..___.__ I GAO AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Strategic Missile Systems Budget al Mlll lllll ll 142785 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division R-241923 December 7,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States...
Date Dec. 5, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-55BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions in Helicopter Programs

~-- .-... -.... -----.----_ litril,t*tl --... ~-l____i__l_--_- St,at,w (kweral Ac:c* Offiw GAO ..* l-“ll l. I1._. l_.“” _,. ,._. l_-l-..._---__-~ Brid’ing Report to t,he Chairmen, Sut~commi2;t,ceson Defense, Senate and ~~Iouse Cornrnittees on Appropriations IhYY~llll,t~t~ l!W) ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions in Helicopter Programs .-. Wlll Ill 142767 GAO United States General Acc...
Date Nov. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-23 Title

Army Logistics: Better Management of the Army's Unserviceable Inventories Could Save Millions

GAO ARMY LOGISTICS Better Management of the Army’s Unserviceable Inventories Could Save Millions 142752 GAO/NSlAI)-91-23 Y : GA!0 Uuited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division R-2402 13 November 30,lQQO The Honorable Earl Hutto Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ch...
Date Nov. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-14BR Title

Navy Budget: Potential Reductions for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation

------_--~--._-.--.---..- _----.-____1Jui t,~d States Wnt~ral Accounting Office i GAO Potential Reductions for Research, Development, Test, md Evaluation ~llllll~ll~ 142747 ---- (;AO/NSIAI)-!jl-14HIt _l.l_--“l-l.ll._.-- I.... I . . . _...“.“ll .“l._.l . ..---.- -I-.I_- -.---- -“.-.-----_--~~ , ------ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and...
Date Nov. 29, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-3 Title

Army Force Structure: Lessons to Apply in Structuring Tomorrow's Army

GAO --“‘_“l.l -.I._*“I-__ ..,I _. .-.. ----.-. _-_li-.1---1 I___--. 0I Novt~lllt,c~r 1000 ARMY FORCE STRUCTURE Lessons to Apply in Structuring Tomorrow’s Army I lllllI 142720 I -.“_“- --- --- National Security and International Affairs Division B-241 242 November 29,lQQO The Honorable Michael P. W. Stone The Secretary of the Army Dear Mr. Secretary: With the anticipated reduction in ...
Date Nov. 23, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-24BR Title

Defense Reorganization: DOD's Efforts to Streamline the Special Operations Command

GAO NoVl~lulM’r 1!)!)O kief’ing Fkport to the Chairman, Subcornrnit;tee on Investigations, Chmnittce on Armed Services, House of I2eprmmtativcs DEFENSE REORGANIZATION DOD’s Efforts to Streamline the Special Operations Command _.- III II llllRllllll 142873 .-..--. ..-..-.--._. .--- ___.__ -.. _..__ . .._.-._-__ .I..^ .____ ^_ ,I, -11,“1” ,IYLI*I.I, “l--..--._l.“-..I----.------ . GAO U...
Date Nov. 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-40BR Title

Defense Reorganization: DOD's Efforts to Streamline the Space Command

GAO .____-.r_-_XI_ - I3rief‘ing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations, @ommitt,eeon Armed Services, House of Representatives I( 1 I I, I Now1111wr 1!)!N DEFENSE REORGANIZATION DOD’s Efforts to Streamline the Space Command 142843 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240714 November21,199O The H...
Date Nov. 20, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-58 Title

Army Logistics: Authorized Levels of Repair Parts at the Divisions Are Overstated

-“-.l...--- “-~I Jni~.wl St.aCc*s Gc*nc*ral Accout~ti ng Of’i’iw - GAO Chairman, Srxbcommittw Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives IZeport to the on Readiness, : ARMY LOGISTICS Authorized Levels of Repair Parts at the Divisions Are Overstated 142682 -, II ._- GAO,‘NStAI)-9 l-58 I .___.-__..-..-_I “.-” ._. .._.1.1..14-1-.~ .-.. .._1.” -.l_lll..“ll.lll__. lll...“...
Date Nov. 16, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-35 Title

Strategic Missiles: Uncertainties Persist in the Advanced Cruise Missile Program

GAO No\~~~IIIIwL’ I!)!)() STRATEGIC MISSILES Uncertainties Persist in the Advanced Cruise Missile Program WI ll lllllllllll 142656 (;hO/NSIhI)-91 -:K General Accounting Office National Security and International Affairs Division B-240467 November 16,lQQO The Honorable Les Aspin Chairman, Committee on Armed Services Houseof Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In responseto your request, we reviewe...
Date Nov. 15, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-16BR Title

Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Stock Fund Budget

-.--....%.-. “----. “.ll-.“.” “1111.11 l.~---_l-.-.~ I...-__ .I~ 111-1. I lni t.cvl St.;lt,w4 (knvral Acconnt,ing Office t GAO Novf~mtwt’ t 990 fi’i ng Ikport uesters to Congressional .. . .--.__- .__.._ ..---l-_I._..-.-.-. -.. -.-“--l._l-..-~“._*__.._..”.-__ AIR FORCE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Fiscal Year 1991 Stock Fund Budget 142648 i, .-_. --_-------I ---. ----_-.- -._...
Date Nov. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-37BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions in Tracked Combat Vehicle Programs

c CD ! y== m ow , ,-.. l_..l*l”. 1 l.“-.“” . _” --... ._ --. ..-. --.. ._.. ._-- -_-- . .._.._ ----.____---.-~~------ ,--l*LI .,- I L GAO United States General Account&g Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-222086 November 7,lQQO The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senat...
Date Oct. 26, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-36BR Title

Defense Reorganization: DOD's Efforts to Streamline the Transportation Command

DEFENSE REORGANIZATION DOD’s Efforts to Streamline the Transportation Command / Ill llllllll111 142674 RELEASED --RESTRICTED --Not to be released outside the General Accounting Offlce unless speciflcally approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. ..,.,-.... . -- .-,,-
Date Oct. 5, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-18 Title

Navy Contracting: Ship Construction Contracts Could Cost Billions Over Initial Target Costs

- ” _-- ..^. ------ _--..._-..___.. - ._-.- --.-_..- . . . --.-- .._.. ----._-- _--_--. -- --l.-“l-“-,-.-” --.- -.. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-228619 October 5,199O The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairma...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-267 Title

Special Operations Forces: Army Plans Highly Concurrent Acquisition Strategy for Costly Helicopters

SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES Army Plans Highly Concurrent Acquisition Strategy for Costly Helicopters w‘ HllllllllI II ll 142536 * ^_... _. ..-... __,._“_.l.“. ..__ ___-“_“.--__--.--.----- E f ^. .._. I ..__ ____ _( ..- --ll..--“-.. ._ .._.l..~l.---l-l--l United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240262 September ...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-79 Title

Embedded Computers: Navy's Approach to Developing Patrol Aircraft Avionics System Too Risky

,.s c i I
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-246 Title

Navy Fielded Systems: Operating and Support Costs Not Tracked

. .“. ““.“_....“_l. .l.-l”__ .,.. ..“.. “._.._l._.*_.--l.-.---~~sty,1 ~~llllW1‘ I !)!M) NAVY FIELDED SYSTEMS Operating and Support Costs Not Tracked 142542 .. _........-..^l__l-__-..._-_..._- ..- _-...._ _.-..-... __..- “._-.- _. ..__ I-... ll.-,--“.-l-.-___, --- :a 1 ‘1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International A...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-241 Title

Army Housing: Overcharges and Inefficient Use of On-Base Lodging Divert Training Funds

------.-.“. “..._“..“” ..l..-- * .-_. ________- ~, ilrrihtvi StaWs Cbneral Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives ‘zc;’ Overcharges and Inefficient Use of OnBase Lodging Divert Training Funds 142535 RESTRIcTED --Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-295 Title

Chemical Weapons: Status of the Army's M687 Binary Program

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters : September 1990 CHEMICAL WEAPONS . Status of the Arrny’~,~ M687 Bi-na~~ prOgm GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238454 September 28,199O The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Committee on Armed Services United States Senate The Honorable D...
Date Sept. 27, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-302BR Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to the Army and Navy Missile Programs

cc? c+ 0 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-205940 September 27,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives As you request...
Date Sept. 26, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-57BR Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of the Air Force's Budget Request

--7 ---.--__------_-. lirril.cvl States (h~nt~ral Acconllling Offiw GAO ----------. St~~,t>twltwI~ 1!WO II3riel’ing Report to the Chairman, Subctornrnittec~ on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of i-kpresentatives ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of the Air Force’s Budget Request 142507 Rr,‘,‘“,ASED lSTRICTED --Not to be released outaide the eneral Acdountlng O...
Date Sept. 24, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-301BR Title

B-2 Bomber: Proposed Revision to Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Request

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives September 1990 B-2 BOMBER Proposed Revision to Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Request ‘, r I’: ’ GAO/NSIAMO-30iBR .. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-241182 September 24, 1990 The Honor...
Date Sept. 17, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-84BR Title

ADP Budget: Potential Reductions to the Department of the Navy's Budget Request

.4f ,, *,-__._.___ ...._.. --.-_ ‘I I Iii Wtl __-. ..~_.. _-...______I_._....--I...St,;kt.w (~t~t~c~ml Acw~in _._-_l..“l_(t ing Ol’f‘iw --.l--..- < / GAO ISr~id’ing Ilcpwt to the Chairman, SubconYrnit,t~ee I.Mense, Cornrnitt~ee on 0x1Appropriations, House of’ Ihqxwentat~ives ADP BUDGET Potential Reductions to the Department of the Navy’s Budget Request 3 111ll llllllIl .-. 142432 REL...
Date Sept. 10, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-275BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions to the Operations and Maintenance Budget

._..__ -l--__“l--l-lll-.l-l.. ..I---.I ..I.. --I.._ . ..-.. -_--...-.-..---.-_. ._-_---_..._.. l-“ll-^“l ___-___.___ -- StyI (wll)t’l’ 1!WO ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions to . the Operations and Maintenance Budget 142236 -.-- -~-l.~._-.-~- (;AO/‘NSIAl)-!~O-27~lII1: GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division ...
Date Sept. 7, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-131 Title

Defense Health Care: Potential for Savings by Treating CHAMPUS Patients in Military Hospitals

- c United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1990 - Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Personnel and Compensation, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives DEFENSE HEALTH CARE Potential for Savings by Treating CHAMPUS Patients in Military Hospitals GAO,‘HRD-90-131 Human Resources Division B-240715 September 7, 1990 The Honorable Beverly B. Byron Chairman, ...
Date Sept. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-272BR Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to Air Force and Navy Missile and Other Budgets

-.._ - . . _--.” -.-_ - ..-_- I__l!j!N) ~~--I-- _..- S~~~)llwllwr- DEFENSE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Air Force and Navy Missile and Other Budgets L lllllIllllllll ll 14216 . - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240708 September ‘7,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Com...
Date Aug. 20, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-184 Title

Army Depots: Plans Abandoned for the New Distribution Center at the Red River Depot

_-_I ..--.-,- ---_- -_-- Alrl,[llst~ I!)!)0 ARMY DEPOTS Plans Abandoned for the New Distribution Center at the Red River Depot 142037 (;AO/NSIAJ)-!)()-I84 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-221107 August 20,199O The Honorable Earl Hutto Chairman, Subcommitteeon Readiness Committee on Armed Services House of Repr...
Date Aug. 16, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-126 Title

Defense Inventory: DOD Could Better Manage Parts With Limited Manufacturing Sources

United States General Accounting Office GAO