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GAO Reports by subject "Centralization"

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Date Report No. Title
Date March 9, 1978 Report No. 105158 Title

Government Operations: The President's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978

DOCIUBNT RBSUBE 05158 - [ 8073564#5 The President's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978. Harch 9, 1978. 15 pp. Testimony before the Senate Committee on governmental Affairs, by Blsur B. Staats, Comptroller Gan
Date Feb. 2, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-30 Title

Information Management: By Making the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory a Federal Computer Center, the Department of Energy Can Save Millions While Serving Government Agencies

DOCUENIT ESUOB 06772 B2267291] By aking the Lawrence Berikeley Laboratory a Feaderal Co. uter Center the Department of Energy Can Save illiorj #hile Serving Government Agencies. EBD-78-30; B-115369. ebruary 2, 1978. 16 pp. + 3 appendices (26 pp.). Report to Rep. Jack Brooks, Chairman, house Committee cD Government Operations; by Eleer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Automatic Data Proc...
Date Jan. 26, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-14 Title

Government Operations: Labor Management Relations Program of the Social Security Administration

NOTICE This document has been reproduced from the best copy available. Although it is recognized that certain portions are illegible, It is being released in the interest of making available as much information as possible. DOCUMENT HESUME 04848 - [B0305177)] w_ _ Maan,
Date Jan. 17, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-10 Title

Government Operations: Survey of Service Contracts Awarded by Local Authorities

DOCUNIT RBSUI 04689 - BC0185082] [Survey of Service Contracts Awarded by Loeal Authorities]j PSAD-78-10; -167637. January 17, 1978. 4 pp. + enclosure (1 PP-) . Report to Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development; by Henry schwege, Director, Coemunity and Econosic Develofment Div. Issue Area: ederal Procuresent of oods and Services 119001; Federal Procurement of Goods and ServicesZ Mot...
Date Dec. 23, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-118 Title

Information Management: Cooperative Actions Result in More Economical Computer Acquisition and Improved Security at the New Orleans Computer Center

DGZCUIET RESUOR 04537 - (B363487'.] Cooperative Actions Result in lore Economical Computer Acquisition and Improved Security at the uew Orleans Computer Center. LCD-77-118; B-146864. December 23, 1977. 21 pp. + 3 appendices (15 pp.). Report to Rep. Jack Brooks, Chairman, House Cmcmittee on Government Operations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Automatic Data Processing: User R...
Date Nov. 8, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-227 Title

Transportation: Centralized Department of Defense Management of Cargo Shipped in Containers Would Save Millions and Improve Service

DOCUMENT RASOUB 04143 - [B3134407] Centraliza2 Department )f Defense Banaqement of Cargo Shipped in Containers Would Save Millions an4 Improve Service. LCD-77-227; B-181'14. November 8, 1977. 10 pp. * appendix 42 pp.). Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Robert G. IoRthwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and CoUmunicitions Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and rateria.l Banagement...
Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-76-82 Title

Information Management: New Methods Needed for Checking Payments Made by Computers

Date Sept. 29, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-32 Title

Government Operations: What Needs To Be Done To Improve the Supply System of the District of Columbia

DCCUKIffT RISUME 03845 A2794028] What Needs to Be Done to Iprove te Supply ystem of te District of Columbia. GGD-77-32; B-118638. September 29, 1977. 19 pp. + appendices (9 pp.). Report to Mayor and City Council, District of Col'imbia; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management: Consolidating or Sharing Supply and Maintenance Systems (701); Facilities a...
Date Sept. 16, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-46 Title

Financial Management: Centralization of the Billing and Collecting Functions of the Foreign Military Sales Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 03459 - [A26337t9]1 rCentralization of the Billing and Collecting Functions of the Foreign Military Sales Program). FGKS$D-77-46; B-174901. September 16, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by D. L. Scantlbury, Director, Financial and General Management Services niv. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (28C£,). Contact: Financial and General Manageme...
Date June 13, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-426 Title

Government Operations: Centralized Direction Needed for Calibration Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 02498 A1792789] Centralized Direction Needed for Calibration Program. LCD-77-426; B-160682. June 13, 1977. 8 pp. + appendix (16 pp.), Report to Bert Lance, Director, Office of Managemecnt and Budget; by William J. Anderson (for Victor L. Lowe, Director, General Government Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management: Consolidating or Sharing Supply and Maintenance Systems ...
Date Jan. 21, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-15 Title

Government Operations: Transfer of Mail Markup Functions From Colorado Springs to Pueblo, Colorado

. : RELEASED ), ,s \v*S”IPjGTcJh‘. D c. :o::a llllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM100442 Dear ,R!r . Armstroncj : , we exPn:ked the P 17 E u ? z t to vour !!?v 1!3, 1976 recwest r transfer cE Colorado SFrinqs’ tail :r:arknc functiom 1/ to ycu ss4cd us to (1) ver ifv *se Puehlc. SFecif iczll-;, ravixs estir?tec, (2) 2scess the ?f:ecT of Postal SorTrice’s 6el,ivery perforcencc, end (3) Efcr on xi...
Date Nov. 4, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-129 Title

Information Management: Consolidation of Computer-Output-Microfilm Facilities in Hawaii

UNITEDSTATESGENERAL &COUNTlNG WASHINGTON. D.C 20.548 OFFICE I B-115369 NOV4 I976 The Honorable The Secretary . of Defense I Dear Mr. Secretary: Recently we completed a survey of automated data including utilization of computerprocessing activities, output-microfilm (COM) equipment, at various DCD locations in the Far East. The COM equipment that we surveyed prepares reports on microfilm faster tha...
Date Sept. 29, 1976 Report No. 089046 Title

Government Operations: Survey of the District of Columbia Procurement System

c UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION September 29, 1976 Mr Sam D Department Dxstrlct of WashIngton, Dear Mr Starobln, Director of General Servxes Columbia Government D C 20004 c 12c Starobln* The General Accounting Offrce (GAO) has been studying the Dlstrxt's procurement system to determlne (1) if benefits would accrue from a more centrally ma...
Date July 9, 1976 Report No. 093978 Title

Transportation: District of Columbia's Motor Fleet Management Program

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE \ WASHINGTON, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION Mr Herbert L Tucker Acting Dlrector Department of Environmental Services Dlstrlct of Columbia Government Washington, D C 20004 Dear Mr Tucker CJq We have been studying the District's motor fleet management program/to determlne (1) If benefits woul.d accrue from a centrally manage&operation and (2) how effec...
Date July 6, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-113 Title

Government Operations: Economies Available Through Consolidating or Collocating Government Land-Based, High Frequency Communications Facilities

- -- - ‘r; .-, ,” 1 ,- - REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLL OF THE UNITED STATES LM098246 JoL Illllllll llllllllllllllllllR 11111 llllllll III 11111 Economies Available Through Consolidating Or Collocating Government Land-Based, High Frequency Communications Facilities Office of Telecommunications Departments Policy of Defense and Transportation Various U.S. Government organizations opera...
Date June 25, 1976 Report No. ID-76-55 Title

International Affairs: Suggestions To Improve Management of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Board for International Broadcasting The Board was established in 1973 to oversee Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The Government-financed Radios provide an alternate service to five East European countries and the Soviet Union. The Board, operating on an informal basis, has with strong congressional mandate promoted changes in the Radios. Future improvements, however, may be difficult unless the ...
Date April 12, 1976 Report No. RED-76-89 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities for Improving Internal Auditing

‘ Y THE COMPTROLL .+3 OF THE UNITED STATES ‘* 2 ‘-J~Jm~ &&&j LM099376 l1i\iilll~lllllllllllllIllllllllllllllll r Improving uditing Department of Transportation AK@37 The Department of Transportation’s internal audit office functions independently, is composed of qualified auditors located throughout the United States, and has a formalized system for auditing the Department. GAO believes in...
Date April 12, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-81 Title

Government Operations: Relocation of the Bryan, Texas, Post Office

UNITED STATES GENERAL A~COLINTING OFFICE % > GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 - y-p.7 6 ------B ~-114874 The Honorable Olin E. Teague House of Representatives IX Dear Mr. Teague: t4w-l12 1976 On December 8, 1975, you requested that we determine why the Bryan, Texas, Post Offide was relocated and whether the move was beneficial to the Government. You also asked that we determine w...
Date April 9, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-105 Title

Government Operations: Need To Control Federal Warning System Proliferation

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Need To Control Federal Warning System---Proliferation There are eight Federal agencies responsible for managing and operating Federal warning dissemination systems to alert the public of natural disasters and enemy attacks. Actions have been taken by the Interagency Warning Steering Group to coordinate efforts, but much remains to be done. If unchecked, over $182 million ma...
Date March 17, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-98 Title

Comprehensive Cancer Centers: Their Locations and Role in Demonstration

lllllIlllllllllllllll%lllll LM099412 ~l!jFiARY SYSI-WI Corn prehensive aflcer centers: Their Locations nd Role emonstration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare The National Cancer Institute should clarify for the Congress how it plans to designate comprehensive cancer centers and how these centers are to work with the public, physicians, and researchers in their communities. MWD-76-98 17,...
Date March 1, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-65 Title

Employment: Relocating Employees From San Pedro to Los Angeles

Relocating Em plcyees From * Sx Pedro To IAS Angeles U.S. Customs Department Service c,f the Treasury The Customs Service is moving 35 employees frc:n the customhouse In San Pedro to its regional offrce in downtown Los Angeles primarily (1) to improve supervislon and control of regronal employees, (2) to improv; coordination of field activitrtr, (3) to ianprove communica,ton among field managers, ...
Date Feb. 24, 1976 Report No. 089362 Title

Education: Supply Management in the District of Columbia Public Schools

GZNERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION Mr. Vincent Reed Acting Superintendent D. C. Public Schools District of Columbia Dear Mr. Reed: *, . Government The General Accounting Office (GAO) has been studying District supply management operations to determine (1) if benefits would accrue from a more centrally managed supply system and (2) how effectively and economically materials are provided to City department...
Date Dec. 2, 1974 Report No. B-181844 Title

Government Operations: Consolidation of Aerial Photography Laboratories in Salt Lake City, Utah

R- 181844 RELEASED The Honorable Roy A House of Representatives Dear Mr Taylor Taylor This letter 1s m response to your July 16, 1974, request relating to the July 12, 1974, announcement by the Admlmstr ator of the Agrxultural Stablllzatlon and Conservation Service (ASCS), Department of Agriculture, that the Asheville, North Carolma, and Salt Lake City, Utah, aerial photography laboratories would ...
Date Oct. 9, 1974 Report No. B-178806 Title

National Defense: Problems And Progress Of The U.S. Army Materiel Command's Automated Data Processing Service Center Concept

siVD S:1tos,j' m, hy .. -. ut S . p.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U~~L M FaterielI Com manc, S Atrf) fwto.w C. tProcessing Co ~rConcept 8-786 X' Departm lnvt of the A.rAimy BY TIf/-, COM147PTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES /1,=% j ,,&qa,4t-T. 9, 19 7 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES * } WASHINGTON. D.C. ROM B-178806 The Honorable Frank E. Moss United States Senate The Honorable Bill Nichols H...
Date March 28, 1974 Report No. B-146782 Title

Government Operations: Some Progress in Improving Management of Government-Owned and Leased Real Property Overseas

6.146782 Department of State COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES ~20548 B-146782 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our followup report on the progress in improving the management of Government owned and leased real property overseas by the Department of State. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget ing Act, 1921.(31 U.S...
Date Feb. 3, 1972 Report No. B-173044 Title

National Defense: Review of the Plans Made by Avco Corporation To Close Its Charleston Plant and Its Effect on the Department of Defense

.- . COMl=-l-ROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF DC. THE 20548 B-173044 ‘J RELEASED Hollings: /i R Dear Senator I ‘G As requested by you, Senator Strom Thurmondc and Repre/ (. 7, sentative Mendel J. David we have reviewed the plans made by 1 1 Avco Corporation to close its Charleston plant and to consol-.~r~~~ idate all of its operations in a Government-owned facility in Stratford, Connecticut. We e...
Date Dec. 22, 1971 Report No. B-169857 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Benefits From Centralized Management of Leased Communications Services

l~ll~lllll~llllllllllllllll~l~~lll 21 LMO95448 7 Benefits From Centralized Management Of Leased Communications Services,.,,,,,, Department of Defense UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING B OFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL AG~~UNT~NG WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE DEFENSE DIVISION B- 169857 Dear Mr. Secretary: on the benefits services. from centralized management This is our report of leased communications ...
Date Oct. 20, 1971 Report No. B-174178 Title

Government Operations: Survey of the Management of Civilian Personnel Offices

UIWED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTIN WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 I’- DEFENSE DIVISION -.’ : B-174178 Dear Mr. Secretary: . LM095500 11111111111111 Ill Ill11 Ill1 lllll11111 lllll lllllllll the management of civilian letter of October 31, 1969. We have recently completed our,survey-of personnel offices as outlined to you in our \ We visited 17 civilian personnel offices in Texas (see enclosure), and found...
Date Feb. 17, 1971 Report No. B-114874 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Savings Expected From Centralization of the Procurement and Storage of Vehicles Repair Parts

. . -. REPORT,. TO THE S.UB;OMMIT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREtiENT SELECT COMMITTiE ON SMALL BUSINESS ;7/ 7 I? 2 c ‘l’$ - Review Of The’Savings ‘.’ Expected From Centiralizat‘ion Of’The Procurement. And Storage .Of vehicles Rep&r Parts B-114874 Post Office Department BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED SPATES ~ FEB.17&371 - COMPTROLLER . . GENERAL WASHINGTON. . -J OF D.C. THE UNITED S...
Date Dec. 1, 1969 Report No. 092656 Title

Government Operations: GSA Procurement of Magnetic Computer Tape

Date Oct. 31, 1969 Report No. 092677 Title

Information Management: Forest Service's Planning for Acquisition and Operation of Computers in its Four Western Regions

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFEE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 OCT 3 1 1969 Dear Mr. Cliff: In 3une 1969, we requested your comments on a draft report concernlng the orest Service's plannrng for acqulsrtron and operation of computers in its four western regions. 3 We stated In the draft report that our revrew showed that the Forest Service had purchased and Installed automatic data processing (ADP)...
Date Aug. 27, 1969 Report No. 092691 Title

Financial Management: Benefits Available From a Centralized System of Voucher Processing

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOU~QTING OFFICE WASH1 NGTON, CIVIL DlVtSlON D,C. 20548 . AUG 21 1969 Dear Mr, Cliff: The General Accounting uffice has reviewed the Forest Service's procedures for processing vouchers for the payment of goods and services purchased from sources outside the Service. The objective of our review was to ascertain whether a centralized system of processing such vouchers might b...