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GAO Reports by subject "Freight transportation"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 22, 1976 Report No. CED-77-14 Title

Transportation: Improved Service to the Small Shipper Is Needed

-,\\ ” ” ‘., -‘$k 3 .. * :: y -_y-i*.> ‘:*‘. 3 ,,*‘, I,(,,,,)’ f\\’ _ BE’ THE C(;ikfPT’ROliLER GCi’wen of uy .:=zdedICC statistical data gathering. Even by increasirg the already slabstantlal resources of Pimr! and money going to ICC field office@, it still may be simply impossible to establish the actual extent of the small shipper problem. The GAO recommendation that the ...
Date Nov. 16, 1976 Report No. B-185135-O.M. Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc., Loss and Damage Claim

C UNmTED STATES GOvERNMENT Kenneeth Siegel Transp/ G;NERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Memorandum 01X : Director, CD FA o fxeral Counsel - Paul G. 'De bling SUIJECt. B-185135-O.M. Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc. Loss and Damage claim papers pertaining We refer to the attached claim file and related (Mayflower); by letter of to Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc. deducted by the June 19, 1974, it in ef...
Date Oct. 6, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-226 Title

National Defense: The National Defense Reserve Fleet, Can It Respond to Future Contingencies?

DOCUOIWT RESUME 00079 - [OOO1491 The lational Defense Reserve Fleet, Can It Respond to Future Contingencies? LCD-76-226; B-116779. October 6. 1976. 37 pp. Report to the Congresss by Blmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Areas: ilitury Preparedness Plans: Transportation in Emergency Situations (804). Cortacts Logiitics and Conauniat.ions Div. Budget Function: lational Doftnst: Defense-related Activ...
Date May 5, 1976 Report No. 089604 Title

National Defense: Review of Accessorial Charges for Foreign Military Sales

‘I~~Ill;s~lii~illl~~~iiilll~,illj,, ~llnlllllllllllllllli:llllll iljt,/Ii‘j//If ‘%i///I/)~!/lj:;,//l/lll//,//lll,, iliMillb,ill!! cI;il;~lll~lll~~liInliiilil~li;~l~lii:iiilll;,ill//l/~~ll11ll1lllll~‘~l/,,~ll!!!ll.://il!; lilllli ~llll1~(Nlb@i///ill ,jl,, ~I1 ‘;/II,, !lll/
Date April 13, 1976 Report No. 089557 Title

Transportation: Survey of DOD and GSA Systems for Buying and Distributing Automobile Tires

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE SUITE 500. WASHINGTON 234 STATE DETROIT, BOULEVARD STREET BlJtLDING MICHIGAN 48226 ,. Major General C, M. McKeen, Jr. Commanding General U. S. Army Tank-Aut;;cmgve Command (TACOM) 7 Warren, Michigan Dear General McKeen: are currently surveying the Department of Defense (DOD) and General Services Administration (GSA) systems for buying and dis...
Date Jan. 21, 1976 Report No. ID-76-40 Title

Agriculture and Food: Decision by the Department of Agriculture Not To Grant the United Nations World Food Program Permission To Use a Freight Forwarder

L1 The i:onorable Clarence Hotise of Repr,senkltivcs Dear Mr. Long: D. Long 11111111111 LM098123 -. .L.' . . Your letter of June :o, 1975, reqmsted us to invest_igate whether congressional in'cent MS contravened by a February 1975becision by the I~~Departrr,ent of Acricuiture ~lo'i to grant the United Uations tGoi*id Fohd Program permissfm to iise m'Hm--Ym,3nc.. as theiT63 freight f~r;rar~~, +-t-J...
Date Jan. 12, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-56 Title

Employment: Improvements Needed in Administration of Benefits Program for Injured Workers Under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act

io Department of Labor =t The 1972 amendments to the program greatly increased Labor’s claims workload and backlog. Labor has not provided sufficient resources to meet the increased workload. This affected Labor’s ability to effectively oversee the claims to assure that injured employees received the compensation and other benefits under the act. -- r- COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF DC. TH...
Date Dec. 9, 1975 Report No. PSAD-76-48 Title

National Defense: Should the Gama Goat Be Improved or Replaced?

hlBRARY SYSTEM --REPORT TO THE CONGRESS LM096895 IIIIIIllIlllllllllllllllllllllll Should The Gama Goat Be Improved Or Replaced? Department of Defense Comments made by users of the U.S. Army’s Gama Goat or M561 Cargo Truck to GAO and the Army raise questions on the effectiveness of this vehicle in performing its basic mission. The Army is planning a product improvement program to increase the per...
Date Sept. 18, 1974 Report No. B-169347 Title

Transportation: Department of Transportation's Cargo Security Programs

. COMPTROLLEK GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20848 STATES B-169347 The Honorable Alan Bible Chairman, Select Committee on Small Business United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: I This is our report on the Department of Transportation's cargo security programs. We made our examination in accordance with your request of January 31, 1973, and subsequent discussions with your office. As your ...
Date April 9, 1974 Report No. B-177692 Title

Transportation: Information on Department of Defense Rail Carload, Motor Truckload, and Household Goods Van Carrier Shipments

4' The Honorable hhilip A, Hart United States Senate Dear Senator Hart: In your letter of December 15, 1972, you requested up-to-date information on the use of sea&n 22 of..the,.I.nt.erstate_ Cocmer.c,e,=~Act assist you in your to work on surface . ---.A-~) _L.. .. ~, _,legislation. transportation __ .L.. _r_ .~__ -z. _,___,_ * L ! Through discussions with your staff, we agreed to limit our work t...
Date April 4, 1974 Report No. B-179218 Title

Transportation: Investigation of Rates for Manufactured Products, Agricultural Commodities, and Raw Materials Shipped by Rail

. _. - . . COMPTROU-ER GENERAL WApklHGruN. OF THE UNfl-ED 0s. zcaa ETA- B-179218 7r de la Garza APR 4 1974 The Honorable E (Kika) House of Representatives '_ Dear Mr. de la Garza: In your letter investigate ratesfor commodi.ties, dnd raw points in Texas and to determine whether or discriminatory. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM090572 of July 12, 1973, YOU asked that we manufac...
Date Jan. 23, 1974 Report No. B-180220 Title

Transportation: Department of Defense's Cargo Security Program

UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTICS APJ~vJ,lUNICATIONS 7y4% JAN 2 3 1974 James R. Schlesinger of Defense 5 c B-180220 I The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: / I showed that Our survey of the services have established what appear to be reasonable procedures to control pilferage, These procedures provide for extra safeguards over sensitive and highly pilf...
Date Oct. 30, 1973 Report No. B-179620 Title

Agriculture and Food: Diversion of Department of Agriculture Cargo From Great Lakes Ports to the Port of New Orleans

B-179620 RELEASED The Honorable Clement &(q House of Representatives ‘F Dear Mr. Zablocki: As requested J. Zablocki in your August 30, 1973, letter, we looked Department of Agriculture cue from @L s. This=,, ,“pacx~e*~~Qf, transported on river barges between Chicago and New Orleans, was handled by a U.S. flag carrier, Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, Incorporated. \ Yp3/1 Department officials...
Date Aug. 15, 1973 Report No. B-174839 Title

National Defense: Build and Charter Program for Nine Tanker Ships

Build And Ch r Program 6-174839 Military Sealift Command Department of the Navy BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 701eso AUG.15, 1973 COMPTROLLER GENERAL, WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20248 STATES B- 174839 To the President Speaker of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives to build Command, and charter Department nine of This is our report on the program tankers for use...
Date June 25, 1973 Report No. B-149748 Title

Transportation: Extent of the Use of Foreign-Flag Air Carriers for Both Direct and Indirect Government-Supported Travel of Passengers and Cargo

COMF’TROLLER RELE&ED GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED 20242 STAT _,. B-149748 The Honorable Warren G. Magnuson ,’ t Chairman, Committee on Commerce ) United States Senate k- Dear Mr. Chairman: 2 ‘22 3.~ Your letter of August 21, 1972!, requested us to report quarterly to your Committee on the ~~~~~~~~~-~f~o,,r,~~~~a~a~c.arr,iers~..fa,r -both! direct an.d..&,i.n.di.rect .Gove.rn.mentswp...
Date March 1, 1973 Report No. 093807 Title

National Defense: Capabilities of the Heavy Lift Helicopters Under Development by the Army and the Navy

llllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllll LM093807 U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE S'JWFSiUDYOI?THE ILITIES OF THEHEAVY LIFT HELICOPTERS UNDER-DEVEZOPMElNTBYTHEARMYANDTHi 1. c . . Con'tents --m----e SW (43uPTER .. . 1 2 INTRODUCTION Scope of Review THEARMYMANAGEDHLHPROGRAM Shipboard Compatibility Operational and Payload Requirement Logistical Mission Requirements NAVYCH-53E PROGRAM CH-53E Lift Capabilit...
Date Feb. 22, 1973 Report No. B-175460 Title

Transportation: Status of Demonstration Program for Extension of the Navigation Season on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway

tatus Of emonstration Program For Extension Of The Navigation Season On The rest Lakes And St. Lawren Seaway 6.175460 Corps of Engmeers (CIVII Functions) Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COhWTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-175460 Dear Mr. Ths Ruppe IS our report on the status of the demonstration program for extension of the navigati...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093806 Title

National Defense: CH-53E Helicopter

--- llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllHl LM093806 U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OIFXICE -533 HELIcoPllER -- _- -FEBRUARY 1973 , \I \\ Contents INTRODUCDON History of the Program Multi-Service H?LH Development Program Separate Army and Navy HLH Development Programs Scope of Review 2 WEWON SYSTEM STATUS System Cost Experience System Schedule Experience System Performance Experience-Selected Acquis...
Date Jan. 18, 1973 Report No. 093936 Title

Transportation: Need for Improvements in Cargo Security and Accountability Procedures

. I UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFKE INTERNATIONAL FAR EAST 1833 KALAKAUA DIVISION BRANCH AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 JAN 18 1973 Lieutenant General Commanding General U.S. Army, Japan APO San Francisco Dear General Dolvin: W. G. Dolvin 96343 DLL N7
Date Dec. 14, 1972 Report No. B-177404 Title

National Defense: Need To Improve Administration of Stevedoring Contract at the Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, North Carolina

Date June 19, 1972 Report No. B-176139 Title

National Defense: Survey of the Worldwide Ammunition Distribution System of the Department of Defense

LOGISTICS AND COMMUNICATION8 DIVISION B-176139 Dear Mr. Secretary: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096524 7 We have completed our survey of the worldwide ammunition __._-.~." 1 \ distribution-sys-tern of the Department ofTfense(DOD). We d / found that the'"system had been responsive to military requirements and that ammunition had moved with relatively few delays en route. We believe...
Date Jan. 25, 1972 Report No. B-174518 Title

Government Operations: Allegation of Irregularities and Possible Conflict of Interest in the Award of a Contract at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 !STATES ~-174~18 JAN 2 5 1972 Q"%ar Senator Proxmire: /43 This is in response to your letter of November 10, 1971, in which you referred to this Office a letter from the National Federation of c. 1 Federal Employees (NFFE) concerning allegations of irregularities and conflict of in~erestTnthe~r~~~~~~:~ W.$y--
Date Sept. 7, 1971 Report No. B-165421 Title

Transportation: Test Results Inconclusive for Determining Economies of Using Great Lakes Instead of Tidal Ports for Shipping Military Cargo

Test Resu Its Inconclusive For Determ in ing Econom ies Of Using Great Lakes lnstkad Of Tidal Ports For Shipping Military Cargo 8. 765421 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 2OY8 B-165421 Dear Senator Mondale: Pursuant to our letter of May 18, 1971, enclosed is our report on our evaluation of a test made by the Department of Def...
Date April 26, 1971 Report No. B-172376 Title

Housing: Reorganization of the Household Goods Shipping Administration in Hawaii

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASH I NGTON, D.C. 20548 TRANSPORTATION DIVISION APR z 6 w-1 1N FZEPLY PLEASE PUOTH B-172376 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) The General Accounting Office reviewed the recent reorgani; zation of the household goods shipping administration in Hawaii. Our review included an exami...
Date April 13, 1971 Report No. B-169935 Title

Government Operations: Determination of Optimum Mix of Civil Service and Contract Longshoremen and Shortshoremen

C0W=TROUER *9 r,ENEBP.L WASHtNS.TON. OF Y-HE UNlTED !3TATES D.C. ZOW3 Dear Sk, XMtehurst: J%xrther reference is-made to your letter dated October 6, 1970, and subazzquent communications with our representa,tives, requesting that we detezz&ne ðer the Government is getting the most for its money under the 2reseat mix%fW&.&l service and contract longshoremen'and certain ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.ortshorer...
Date March 9, 1971 Report No. 094439 Title

National Defense: Use of Vessels Under Time Charters for Military Cargo

Date Sept. 26, 1968 Report No. B-133025 Title

Transportation: Savings Available By Using Space On Military Aircraft To Transport Baggage Between United States and Europe

Illllllllllllllllllllllllll1ll 087482 ,/ REPORT TO CONGRESS Savings Available By Using Space On Military Aircraft To Transport Baggage Between United States And Europe 8-733025 Department of Defense BY THE COMPTRQLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES S EPT. 26,19 8 6 COMPTROLLER GENERAL O F THE UNITED STATES W A S H I N G T O N . D C . 20548 B-133025 To t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e Senate and t h ...