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GAO Reports by subject "Freight transportation"

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Date Report No. Title
Date April 28, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-27 Title

National Defense: Weaknesses in Negotiating Rates and Services for Commercial Containerized Sealift

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE PROCUREMENT, AND READINESS LOGISTICS. OIVISION APRtL 29.1981 Rear Admiral Bruce Keener Commander Military Sealift Command @cIcop Dear Admiral Subject: 34 3 Keener: in Negotiating Rates and or Commercial Containerized ervices (PLRD-81-27) We have completed our review of the management of commercial containerized sealift service and the ...
Date March 26, 1981 Report No. 115535 Title

Energy: Natural Gas Supply Problem Encountered by Massachusetts During January 1981

MAR M >2 ; 'Set The c'.;ora e ?ri .n Tmo---,c-I7y United St,.tes Th-use of ~c:'rc.-;ti es At your rewcet we perfnor- ed a curso-ry rvs ; of tCieLn.Ezu.ral ez -e-.-of c:s -- ered by Yczusschusetts during lv' *i vs -- l.RC':z f r C, -l .I n Z) -~ O' t:?---.
Date Dec. 3, 1980 Report No. 113893 Title

Transportation: Cargo Security

Date Nov. 10, 1980 Report No. CED-81-2 Title

Transportation: There Is No Shortage of Freight Cars--Railroads Must Make Better Use of What They Have

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES There IsNo Shortage Of Freight Cars-Railroads Must Make Better UseOf What They Have flailroads cannot satisfy the demand for freight cars because they do not use the existihg car fleet efficiently. Enough cars areavail&e, but they are not in the right place at the right time. Federal agencies can do little tc) substantially impr...
Date Oct. 31, 1980 Report No. CED-81-23 Title

Transportation: Impact of Work Cutbacks on Northeast Corridor Improvement Project

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Impact Of Work Cutbacks On Northeast Cc)rridor Improvement Project Work planned under the Northeast Corridor / Improvement Project, to improve high-bpeed rail passenger service betwee/n Boston and Washington, has been cut back substantially to stay within the proje t’s budget--now 8 2.6 billion, Accord’ g to project officials, reductions in plan % work f...
Date Oct. 10, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-8 Title

National Defense: DOD Should Resolve Certain Issues Concerning the C-X Aircraft

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROt3JRKhlCNT ACQUISITION AND SYSTEMS DIVI@IDN October 10, 1980 B-200766 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Illllllllllll ll 113556 Should Resolve the C-X Aircraft3 Proposals From Industry Engineering Development Secretary: Subject: Before Requesting for Its Full-Scale (P...
Date Oct. 6, 1980 Report No. LCD-81-6 Title

National Defense: DOD's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System

United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Logistics and Communications Division B$200212 OCTOBER 6,198O The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Harrison Senate Schmitt: LDOD’s Schmitt 113661 System d 7 Carrier Evaluation (LCD-81-6) and Reporting Your October 17, 1979, letter tie impact of the Department of Etpaluation and Reporting System sttorage industry in New Mex...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-110 Title

National Defense: If Excess Chartered Sealift Capacity Is Needed for Contingencies, It Should Be Put to Maximum Peacetime Use

BY THE U.S.GENERALACCOUNTiNG OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense . If Excess Chartered Seatift Capacity Is Needed For Contingencies, It Shokl Be Put To Maximum Peacetime Use The Navy’s Military Sealift Command charters ships to carry military cargo. These ships USLJally sail more than half empty. At the same time, the Navy is buying space on regularly scheduled commercial ships. The Navy j...
Date June 27, 1980 Report No. CED-80-90 Title

Transportation: Federal Assistance To Rehabilitate Railroads Should Be Reassessed

ort e ngress GF THEUNITED STATES Federal Assistance To Rehabilitate Railroads Should Be Reassessed Title V of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 authorized $1.6 billion in assistance to the Nation’s railroads. Eight railroads have rehabilitated more than 2,100 miles of track and restored 8,800 locomotives and freight cars under the program. Despite the program’s past...
Date June 16, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-56 Title

National Defense: Air Force Justification for Storing Its Advanced Medium Short Takeoff and Landing Prototype Aircraft

--.v UNITED STATES G~NERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHiNGTON, D.C. 20548 ---- --- PROCUREMENT ACQUISITION AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-199037 JUNE t6,t980 -- ._-.-.~~ L' The Honorable Robert 3. Lagomarsino House of Representatives Dear Mr. Lagomarsino: I I 112609 Subject: r Force Justification for Storing Its t Takeoff and Landing vanced Medium S PSAD-80-56) Prototype Aircraf 3;, 1980, letter, we have In resp...
Date March 13, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-40 Title

Energy: The Federal Government Should More Actively Promote Energy Conservation by Heavy Trucks

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Date Jan. 15, 1980 Report No. CED-80-51 Title

Transportation: Conrail's 5-Year Plan for Abandoning or Discontinuing Service Over Its Rail Lines

(~( '--/. :n -. .- UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. COMMUNrIY AND ECONOMIC DEVVIOPMENT DIVISION 20548 RELEASED JANUARY 15, 1980 B-197328 The Honorable James J. Florio II Chairman, Subcommittee on Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Ilf iii l Subject: LConrail's 5-year Plan For Abandoning Or Discontinuing Service Over Its ...
Date Jan. 14, 1980 Report No. CED-80-41 Title

Transportation: Improvements Needed in the Department of Transportation's Truck Size and Weight Study

RESTRICTE '*" ° - . AC o 52s - fappovalB bse Lafemns. Accountijngffflcl except On by the Office of Congresson WASHINGTON. D.C. 0548 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES B-197216 RELEASED JANUARY 14, 1980 The Honorable Sam M. Gibbons Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight . Committee on Ways and Means -I +! House of Representatives /7'/ ,;1./ 111277 11111 Dear Mr. Chairman: 8Improvements Needed I...
Date Nov. 16, 1979 Report No. CED-80-8 Title

Transportation: American Seaports--Changes Affecting Operations and Development

F&@rt ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES - American Seaports-Changes Affecting Operations And Development This overview report discusses thd challenge of adjusting to technological change and environmental and social constraints faced by American seaports. The adjustment has been expensive and many ports are experiencing financial difficulties. Existing trends affecting ports involve --deeper ship...
Date Oct. 2, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-229 Title

National Defense: Manner in Which Net Weight of Constituent's Household Goods Was Determined

UNITEDSt-~m GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE \ WAJHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-195897 OCTOBER 2 1979 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Your Lawton Chiles Senate Chiles: L Manner in Which fiiss Net Weight of a Constituent's Household Goods Nas Determined J (LCD-79-229) of July 25, 1979, asked us to comment on a constituent's inquiry concerning the manner in which the The constituweight of his hou...
Date Aug. 10, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-212 Title

National Defense: Material Handling Equipment--A Weak Link in the Defense Logistics Chain

.- ~ : r REPORTBY THE U.S. I unting Material Handling Equipment--A Weak Link In The Defense Logistics Chain ti 4 he material handling capability of Army and Air Force units overseas is seriously impaired because of material handling equipment problems/ Much equipment on hand is overaged and overused resulting In severe maintenance problems. In addition, shortages of needed equipment are hindering ...
Date June 15, 1979 Report No. CED-79-99 Title

Transportation: ICC Cannot Allow Independent Truckers To Lease to Private Carriers Without a Change in Legislation

RELEASED COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGfON. OF THE D.C. UNITED !YfATE$ 20548 B-187797 JUNE 15, 7979 The Honorable Marty Russo Chairman, Subcommittee on Special Small Business Problems Committee on Small Business House of Representatives BY Dear Mr. Chairman: 109698 7* o” P' ‘t ‘F; you asked that we (1)/j& In your January 9, 1979, letter study the Interstate Commerce Commission's E.As) single so...
Date May 1, 1979 Report No. CED-79-75 Title

Transportation: 'Weight Bumping'--Falsifying Household Moving Weights To Increase Charges--What ICC Needs To Do

?EPORT'I% THE r General IIF THE UNITED STATES --Falsifying Household ht Bum dloving Weights To Increase [Charges--What ICC Needs To Do There is no accurate measure of the extent of “weight bumping” in the household moving industry. Neither the Federal, State, nor local governments have ’ adequate controls over weighing operations to detect and prevent the practice. Both the Interstate Commer...
Date April 25, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-208 Title

Employment: Federal Agencies Can Provide More Opportunities for Minority Motor Carriers

REPORTBY'TkE US, " 1 General Accounting Office Federal Agencies Can Provide More Opportunities For Minority Motor Carriers Participation by minority motor carriers in moving Government cargo has been minimal. The Department of Commerce, the focal point for fostering and promoting minority business enterprise, should work with the individual Federal agencies to develop affirmative action programs t...
Date March 28, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-60 Title

Government Operations: Procurement of Interoffice Moving Services by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare

UMTED STXTES GENERAL~XJNT~NG WAStilNGfON, D.C. 20549 OFFICE HUMAN m DMsloN MARCH 29,1979 B-164031 The Honorable The Secretary and Welfare Joseph A. Califano, Jr. of Health, Education, Dear Mr. Secretary: We,.have completed a review of procedures and practices used by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) to obtain interoffice moving services. This review stemmed from a local movin...
Date March 2, 1979 Report No. LCD-78-243 Title

National Defense: Use of Commercial Air Carriers To Distribute Military Supplies

I* ** OFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, I OW? LO6MTICS AND COMMUNlCATlONS DIVISION B-157476 The Honorable G. William House of Representatives Dear Mr. Whitehurst: II w 108717 DC. 20548 MARCH 2.1979 Whitehurst requested that we review Your March 2, 1978, letter correspondence sent to you by Mr. Paul G. Caplan, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Norfolk Port and Mr. Capl...
Date Feb. 21, 1979 Report No. CED-79-48 Title

Transportation: Review of Allegations of Unfair Treatment of New Breed Moving Corporation

*The Honorable Thomas J. Downey Eouse of ,Representatives Dear Mr. Downey: /..' ./A I- On Noven&er 15, 1978, and 14, 1978, you fo'rwarded to us letters you h,ad'-received from Mr. Frank DeJoy of the New Breed Movie Corporation and requested we look into his complaints that New Breed has been treated unfairly by the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Federal Aviation Administr...
Date Jan. 19, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-206 Title

National Defense: Competitive Rate Program of DOD

UWEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D C 20548 LOGISTICS AND CCMMUNIG%TlONS DIVISlON B-159390 111005 JANUARY 19,1979 . The Honorable United States Dear Senator Spark- M. Matsunaga Senate Macsunaga: corvnent Rate Among other a'1976 GAO a more recent Fisheries to Your letter of September 5, 1978, asked us on a constituent's letter concernxng the&ompetltive Program +&33%) of 443-e Depart-2 DO th...
Date Dec. 28, 1978 Report No. B-193433 Title

Government Operations: Bills of Lading Requirements for Freight Shipments From Government Suppliers

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 December 28, 1978
Date Aug. 4, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-240 Title

Transportation: Test Involving Shipment of Unaccompanied Baggage as Space Available Mail on Commercial Airlines

DOCUEifNT RISWIE 0''019 - [B2207225] rTest Involving Shipment of Unaccompraied Baggage as Spcce AvailA:ble Mail on Commercial Airlizes]. LCD-78-240; B-133025. Auqust 4, 1978. 3 pp. Report to Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, Chairsan, Senate Committee on Appropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccuptrcller General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material management: Federal Transportation of Things (704). Contact: ...
Date Aug. 1, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-132 Title

Government Operations: GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers

DOCUMENT RESUME 06928 - [B2147193] [GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers]. PSAD-78-132; B-114807. Auqust 1, !978. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Lawton Chiles, ChairmaL, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Federal Spending Practices and Opex Government Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Co...
Date July 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-240 Title

Transportation: GSA Can Improve Traffic Management Practices

REPORTBYTHEU.S. lIliillilllliilllillllllIl~llllllllllll LM106754 The General Services Administration needs to give civil agencies more assistance in traffic management matters. The potential for improvements and savings is great. Large savings also can be realized in moving goods from vendors’ plants to General Services Administration depots. Cost analyses are needed to identify the lowest overa...
Date June 29, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-218 Title

Transportation: Summary of Actions Taken To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Agency Transportation Study

DOCUMENT RESUBE 06~50 - [B1846865] Summary of Actions Taken To Implement t'e 8ecoxsevdaticns cf the Joint Agency Transportation Study. LCD-7E-i18; B-163736. uune 29, 1978. 22 pp. + 2 appendices (8 pF.). Staff study by Fred J. Shafer, Directcr, Lcgistics and Communica tions Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Material fmanagement (7CO). Contact: Logistics and Conaunicaticna Div. Budget Function: Genera...
Date June 20, 1978 Report No. 090194 Title

Transportation: GSA Should Review the Responsibilities To Audit Freight Charges on Payments Made in Connection With Commercial Bill of Lading Shipments

s UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 LOGISTICS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION JUN 2 0 1978 Mr Robert P Graham, Commlssloner Federal Supply Service General Services AdmInistratIon Dear Mr. Graham We recently sent the Department of Defense (DOD) our report on the use of commercial forms to procure domestic freight transportation services The message conveyed in the report was ...
Date April 28, 1978 Report No. CED-78-81 Title

Agriculture and Food: Redesigning Shipping Containers To Reduce Food Costs

DCCUMENT RESUME 06210 - r B17263261 Redesigning Shipping Containers To aeduce food Costs. CED-78-81; B-114824. April 28, 1978. 71 pp. + 4 appendices (8 pp.). Report to the Conqress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Food (1700). Contact: Community and Economic DevelcFuent Div. Budget Function: Commerce and T-ansportation (400); Agriculture (350). Organization Concerned: Departme...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-232 Title

Transportation: DOD's Use of Commercial Documentation and Procedures for Common Carrier Domestic Freight Transportation

DOCUMENT 05790 [B1086039] ESUME rDOD's Use f Commercial Documentation and Procedures Carrier Domestic Freight Transportaticr]. LCD-,77-232. for Common pril 10, 1978. 6 pp. Beport to John P. hite, Department of Defense: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Marnpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics); by Henry W. Connor, Associate Director, ogistics and Communications Div. Contact: Logistics and Communicat...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. 090238 Title

National Defense: The Department of Defense Can Make Greater Use of Commercial Carrier Shipping Forms

UNITEI) STATES*GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 LOGlSTlCS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION The Honorahle John P, Whzte Assistant Secretary (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics) Dear Mr. Whxte, We have completed a study of the Department of Defense"& :DOD) use of commercial documentatzon and procedures to purchase and pay for common carrier domes&c frezght transportation Since 1969 th...
Date April 4, 1978 Report No. CED-78-82 Title

Transportation: Information on Questions Asked about Conrail's Service in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, Area

DOCURlIT RESURE 05624 B0965894] Information on Questions Asked about Conrails Service in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, Area. CD-78-82; B-164497 (5). April 4, 1978. 2 pp. appendix (13 pp.). Report to Sen. H. John eins, II; by Henry Bschwege, Director, Community and Bconomic Developent Div. Issue Area: Transportatioa Svsems and Policies: Railroad Freight Transportation system (2407). Contact: Communit...
Date Feb. 28, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-215 Title

Information Management: DOD's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System

lllllllllllllllllRslullllllllllllllll LMl05227 The Honorable Manuel Lu janr House of Representatives Dear Kr . Lujan: Jr. i In your December 5, 1977, letter, you asked us to look into the procedures for rating household goods carriers under the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System (CERS). You were concerned that high performing carriers were bainsr * lassiffe...
Date Feb. 24, 1978 Report No. CED-78-32 Title

Transportation: New Interstate Truckers Should Be Granted Temporary Operating Authority More Readily

-. \,. ,\ !** \ lullllllllllllll ” ’.’ lllll Ill llllilllll llullillllll~ LMl05330 REPO.RT TO THE CONGEESS “‘1). _ “1. --c Lpi ; ‘.:.J .p .,&-’ BY THE COMPTROLLER GE?lERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Nevv I ntersta e Truckers Be Granted Temporary ore Readily ng Authority The Interstate Commerce Commission controls entry tc interstate trucking to assure adequate service ap.d protect regula...
Date Feb. 14, 1978 Report No. 105784 Title

International Affairs: Reimbursement of Foreign Military Sales to Saudi Arabia

DOCUMENT RESUE 05784 Bl166129] fReimbursement f Foreign Military Sales to Saudi Atabia]. February 14, 1978. 2 pp. Report to Commander, Department of TanK-Automotive Hateriel Readiness the Army: Army Ccmand, Warren, I; by Henry W. Cnnor, Associate Directcr, Logistics and Ccmmunications Div. Contact: Logistics and Communications iv. Orqanization Concerned: Department of the Army. A foreign military ...
Date Feb. 14, 1978 Report No. 090244 Title

International Affairs: Transportation Costs of Saudi Arabia Foreign Military Sales Case

Date Jan. 30, 1978 Report No. 104774 Title

National Defense: Follow-up Survey of DOD's Cargo Security Program in the Far East Area

. . . . HONWUW. . HAWAII 9-3-W&459 -. ._ -. .i _comaadcr in chief uN~uswEusA dpo San ‘fraacisco 96301 _,. J2-i0673 2 lllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll LM104774 . . We b&e reviiwed xhc tar60 security ~3d acco*mtability prscetkres h );araa with eqhasis on the operations of the U.S. i%zy ?ort, ?ussn, Our efforts were directed towards assessing (1) tie effcetivexss KQtta. of correct...
Date Jan. 24, 1978 Report No. CED-78-23 Title

Transportation: Conrail's Attempts To Improve Its Use of Freight Cars

')OCUnENT 05027 [ B0265134] RESUME Conr;il's Attempts To~mprove Its Use of Freight Cars. CED-78-23; B-164497(5}). January 24, 1978. 27 pp. + 2 appendices (4 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer E,. Staats, Comptroller General. Railroad Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: Freight Transportation System (2407). Contact: Community and-~conomic Develcpment Div. Budqet Function: Commerce ...
Date Dec. 21, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-234 Title

Container-Oriented Logistics System: Will It Be Ready When Needed by the Department of Defense?

DOCUMENT 04541 - (B3574841] ESUME Container-Oriented Logistics Systema ill It Be eady When NeedeO by the Department of Defense? LCD77-234; B-145455 Decembex 21, 1977. 20 pp. + 6 appendices (12 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccaptroller General. Issue rea: acilitie and Material anagement (700); Transportation Systems and Policies (2400). Contact: Logistics and Communications Div....
Date Nov. 11, 1977 Report No. CED-77-138 Title

Transportation: Changes Needed in Procedures for Setting Freight-Car Rental Rates

Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. 093828 Title

Energy: The Role of the Federal Government in Expanding the Use of Coal

"4 - I CThe R o l e of t h e F e d e r a l Government i n Expanding t h e Use of CoalJ P r e s e n t e d by Monte C a n f i e l d , J r . 1/ D i r e c t o r , Energy and M i n e r a l s D i v i s i o n U.S. G e n e r a l A c c o u n t i n g O f f i c e Before A Symposium t o I n c r e a s e t h e Use of C o a l : Today t o 1990 Reston, V i r g i n i a November 7 , 1977 S p o n s o r e d by t h e M...
Date Oct. 31, 1977 Report No. LCD-78-203 Title

Information Management: Department of Defense's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System for Measuring the Performance of Household Goods Carriers

DOCUMENT RESUME 0993i f.3074j2]9 If DeLamnt o Detense's Carrier Evaluation and Pepcrtir.g System ror ;d.usurinq tnh Periormauice of Household. Goods CazrierE]. £bL-7d -; r-15.z83. October 31, 177. 9 F. r'e!ort to ep. Melvin Price, Chairmarl, r. vice_; by Robert F. Keiler, Acting House Committee on Armed omptrolle Gneral. Issu- Area: FaCilities and Material Managewent. Federal transportation of Th...
Date Sept. 9, 1977 Report No. PAD-77-82 Title

International Affairs: Costs of Cargo Preference

DCCUMENT RESUME 03669 A2573714] B-95832. September 9, Costs of Cargo Preference. PAD-77-82; 1977. 43 pp. appendix (1 pp.). Deport to Rep. John M. Murphy, Merchant Marine and Fisheries; General. Chairman, House Committee on by Elmer B. Stuats, Comptroller (3600); ransportation Systems and Policies (2400). Contact: Prcgram Analysis Div. Budget Function: Commerce and ransportation: Water Transportati...
Date July 29, 1977 Report No. PAD-77-74 Title

Transportation: Assessment of Cost Estimates Associated with H.R. 1037, a Cargo Preference Bill

DOCUrENT RESUME 03064 A2153250] (Restricted)7 _e4 2 [Assessment of Cost Estimates Associated with H.R. 1C37 a Cargo Preference Bill]. PAD-77-74; B-95832. Jujy 29, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Rep. John . Murphy, Chairran, House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: National Policies and Programs (2406). Contac...
Date June 8, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-216 Title

National Defense: Military Services Should Uniformly Adopt Improved Packaging Techniques

DOCUMENT RESUME 02437 - [A1712686] ([ilitary Services Should Uniformly Adopt Improved Packaging Techniques]. LCD-77-216; B-1570i76. June 8, 1977. 15 pp. + 2 appendices (3 pp.). Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Robert G. Rothwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Communications Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management: Federal Transportation of Things (704). Co...
Date May 3, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-226 Title

International Affairs: Recommendations on Containerized Shipping Service to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Guam

DOCUM3RT RESURE 02327 - [A1332326] (Recommendations on Containerized Shipping Service to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Guam]. LCD-77-226; B-145455. Ray 3, 1977. 8 PPReport to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Fred J. Shafer, Di rector, Logistics and Communications Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Haterial Managementt Federal Transportation of Things (704); Military Preparedness Plans: Transportation ...
Date April 14, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-203 Title

Government Operations: Cost to the Government for Moving Household Goods of Its Civilian Employees

Date Jan. 12, 1977 Report No. CED-77-21 Title

Railcar Compliance and Enforcement: An Update

REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RELEASED LM101777 llllill~llllill~illlllllll1ll1 Efficient Wailcar Use: An Update Of The Interstate Commerce Commission’s Corn pliance And Enforcement Program The Interstate Commerce Commission periodically inspects railroads to make sure they comply with Commission rules and railroad procedures which promote efficient handling of railcars. ...
Date Jan. 5, 1977 Report No. 102750 Title

Financial Management: Implementation of Section 5 of the Fly America Act