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GAO Reports by subject "Drug trafficking"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date April 19, 1978 Report No. 105730 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs Across the U.S. Mexican Border

DCCUNMENT RESUSL 05730 - [ B1226188 Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drug, Mexican Border. April 19, 1978. 12 pp. Across the U.S. Testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee: by william J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Contact: 3eneral GovernL,>-t Div. Orqanization Concerned: Drug Enforcsveet Administration; Immiqration and Natu...
Date March 29, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-45 Title

Drug Control in South America Having Limited Success: Some Progress but Problems Are Formidable

DOCUMENT RESUME 05436 - [B0945855] Drug Control in South America Hai ag Progress But Problems Are Formidable. Limited Success: Some GGD-78-45; B-175425. March 29, 1978. 33 ?p. + 3 appendices (4 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Stiaas, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention (500). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: Law Enforcement and Justice: ...
Date Dec. 27, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-74 Title

Financial Management: Weaknesses in the Drug Enforcement Administration's Financial Management System

DOCUMENIT SESUME 04617 - [E00249221 Weaknesses in the Drug Enforcement IdhinistrationQs Financial sanagesent System. FG6SD-77-74; B-183363. Decembsr 27, 1977, 2 pp. + 2 enclouures (6 pp.). Deport to Peter B. Bensinger, Adainistrator, Drug Eaforcement Administration; by D. L. Scantlebury, Director, Fin.,ncial and General Management Studies Div. Issue Area: Accountitg and Financial Reporting (2100);...
Date Nov. 16, 1977 Report No. 104063 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Drug Law Enforcement Programs

DCCUMENT RESUME 04063 B3254486 6, 1977. 1 pp. Federal Drug Law Enforcement Programs. November + 7 enclosures (18 pp.). Testimony before the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control; by William J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: Law Items (502); to Drug Law Prevention: Enforcement and Crime Preventicn: Controlled Law Enforcement and Crime Provention: Appr...
Date March 14, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-25 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Methadone Deaths in New York City

DOCUMENT RESU'2/ 00518 - (A1o05188] Methadcne Deaths in 14, 1977? 27 pp. (2est-*ete-?New York City. B-164031(2); /77 2 GGO-77-25. March Repcrt to Rep. Charles B. Rangel; by Victor L. Lowe, General Government Div. Director, Issue Area: Health Programs (502); Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention: Controlled Items (1200). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: Health: Prevention and Contro...
Date Feb. 18, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-6 Title

Opium Eradication Efforts in Mexico: Cautious Optimism Advised [Unclassified Digest]

DOCUDEBT RESUME 00613 - [A07513961 (estricted / ....- opium Eradication Efforts in Mexico: Cautious Cptimism Advised (Unclassified Digest]. 9D-77-6. February 18, 1977. Report to Rep. Charles S. Comptroller General. Rangel; by Elner B. Staats, Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention: Controlled Items (502); International Economic and Military Programs: U.S. Development Assistance Overseas ...
Date Dec. 18, 1975 Report No. GGD-76-32 Title

Federal Drug Enforcement: Strong Guidance Needed

Departments and the Treas of Justice Federal drug law enforcement efforts have for years suffered from problems of fragmented organization and resulting interagency conflicts. Efforts to resolve the problem have not been successful. This report addresses this problem and several other issues related to Federal drug law enforcement. GAO made recommendations General concerning: to the Attorney --Coo...
Date July 29, 1975 Report No. ID-75-77 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: If the United States Is To Develop an Effective International Narcotics Control Program, Much More Must Be Done

REPO@F !Ffy T’?f?8TCONGRESSOfb7J+ JUL 3 I ?wl LM096967 “-...-. x-- UN1TED STATES llillllllllllillll1lll1lll~lll If The Un’ited States Is To Develop An Effective International Narcotics Control Program, Much More Must Be Done In this Feport GAO examines U.S. diplomatic actions and other activities aimed at halting International production and trafficking of illicit narcotics and at stopping t...
Date May 30, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-80 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Problems in Slowing the Flow of Cocaine and Heroin From and Through South America

.o REPORT TO THE CONGRESS eCcou$ ~ Problems In Slowing The Flow Of Cocaine And Heroin From And Through South America Drug Enforcement Administration Department of Justice Department of State Central Intelligence Agency BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES GGD-75-80 371 Y30, 19 5 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNIre, O.C. 'WASIRIrD. STAT, B-175425 To the President of the Senate and the Speak...
Date Dec. 31, 1974 Report No. GGD-75-44 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Efforts To Stop Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Coming From and Through Mexico and Central America

Id GGD-75-44 DEC.31,1974 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED D.C. 20540 STATES B-175425 c/l To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate This is our report entitled, “Efforts to Stop Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Coming From and Through Mexico and Central America. TV We made our review pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S...
Date July 23, 1974 Report No. B-173123 Title

Health: Issues Relating to the Supply and Demand for Crude Opium and Opium Derivatives

The Honorable Charles IIouse of Representatives Dear Mr. Rangel: B. Range1 Il0llllll10011 Ill lIoln 00110111110011 rnllrnl 11111001 LMO90265 Your letter of May 9, 1974, requested that we study issues relating to the supply and demand for crude opium and opium derivatives. In an discussions with your offices it was agreed that we would provide The effect that initial report on the first three issue...
Date Aug. 15, 1973 Report No. B-176095 Title

International Affairs: Cut-Off of Foreign Aid and Loans to Nations Involved in Narcotics Trafficking

-1 (.s h. ,I RELEASED B-176095 tr 4 The Honorable Charles B. Range1 House of Representatives -P Dear Mr. Rangel: Your letter dated May 29, 1973, requested that the General Accounting Office update its July 14, 1972, response to you concerning/cut-off I,.,l,y‘ll of '-'""" r%':.~ilwt foreign , ,.*.*,",Y~lljn..l>~LZ.l ,Il.?" ,.A I*I1, c--"'l _ * in,,,,narco,tics.trafftcking. You -,A*.*- aid and loa...
Date Oct. 4, 1972 Report No. B-176625 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: United States Efforts To Increase International Cooperation in Controlling Narcotics Trafficking

I . . 4 . -. \ m. . -. 2%~ is In unclassified digest furnis a report containing classified securit a COMPTROLLEh'GENERAL'S Rl?PORT TO THE CONGRESS UNITED STATES EFFORTS TO INCREASE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN CONTROLLING NARCOTICS TRAFFICKING Department of State B-176625 DIGEST ------- WHYTHE SURVEY WASMADE Narcotics addiction is a major conDrug abuse is a national emergency. ?%butor to crime in ...
Date Sept. 26, 1972 Report No. B-176833 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Heroin Hotline

COhAFTROLLER GEMERAL WALOHlNGTOM. OF D.C. THE UNlTED 2094B STATES B- 176833 Dear Mr. Wolff: This is our report on selected aspects of the Department of Justice’s heroin hotline. This review was made in accordance with your request of August 7, 1972. We did not submit the report to the Federal agencies inv~lveel cussed. for their official comments in the matters dis- We assistance We less distri...
Date April 17, 1972 Report No. B-175425 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Efforts To Prevent Dangerous Drugs From Illicitly Reaching the Public

_I I , ’ , - REPQRT TO Illllllll lllllllllllllll IIIll Ill11 Ill11 llllllll LM096596 Efforts To Prevent Dangerous Drugs From illicitly Reaching The Public B.175425 Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Department of Justice BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D.C. B-175425 To the President Speaker of the This Narcotics to p...
Date July 8, 1971 Report No. 094418 Title

Government Operations: Comments on H.R. 8093, 6882, and Similar Bills

Date May 30, 1971 Report No. 094425 Title

Government Operations: Individual Action for Social Change

0 * i I i ! L C0"EhTCEPENT ADDRESS ELIZAEETHTOIi? COLLEGE ELIZABETHTOId" PESNSYLVAiiTIA BY ELPER E. STAATS COFPTROUER GENEPSiL OF TEE UNITED STATES MAY 30, 1971 1 i ! i "INDIVIDUAL ACTION FOR SOCIAL C U K G E " I consider it a g r e a t honor t o have been i n v i t e d t o speak t o you 1 i I this afternoon on the occasion of commencement e x e r c i s e s of Elizabethtown Col1 ege . One i s t h ...