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GAO Reports by subject "Drug trafficking"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 11, 1990 Report No. GGD-91-10 Title

Drug Interdiction: Funding Continues to Increase but Program Effectiveness Is Unknown

""." I.. .." l_l.. ..I .-. .,.. I’ t~ittvl GAO S;m hnn, ItflpoY’ I t.0 f~ t.hc ..I._.._.... ._. .. .._......--.-- Stattbs (~~~tt(~~~ili(~~~otttt~itt~Of’ iw f’ ----___-IonoYxt)le __ v 4 . '1 (1. (l~a,irman, IWmttncnt~ 1 I ) I DRUG INTERDICTION Funding Continues to Increase but Program Effectiveness Is Unknown 142928 RELEASED RESTIUCTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting OfYi...
Date Sept. 25, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-296FS Title

Drug Control: Status of Obligations for Fiscal Year 1990 DOD Counternarcotics Funds

* United States General Accounting Office &A0 September 19!I0 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters DRUG CONTROL ‘. Status of Obligations for Fiscal Year 1990 DOD Counternarcotics Funds -. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-241117 September 25,199O The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Co-Chairman, Caucus on In...
Date Sept. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-205 Title

Drug Control: Use of National Guard Aircraft in Counter-Drug Activities

Use of National Guard Aircraft in CounterDrug Activities 142529 RESTRICTED--Not to iillU&iRnteide General Accounthg Of&e unless specifhlly approved by the Offke of Congressional BeIations. t&t! -- --- GAO unit4?d states B-239268 September 7,199O General Accounting Office Wa&hgton, D.C. 20648 National Secnrity and International Affairs Division The Honorable Robert E. Wise, Jr. Chairman, Subcommitt...
Date Aug. 17, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-111 Title

Federal Land Management: Unauthorized Activities Occurring on Hardrock Mining Claims

-’ United States General Accounting Office T GAO August 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Mining and Natural Resources, Committee. oqJnterior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives FEDERAL LAND MANAGEMENT Unauthorized Activities Occurring on Hardrock Mining claims Not to be released outside the RESTRIcTED-General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Ofllce of C...
Date June 27, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-52 Title

International Affairs: Restrictions on U.S. Aid to Bolivia for Crop Development Competing With U.S. Agricultural Exports and their Relationship to U.S. Anti-Drug Efforts

United States General Accounting ORice Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday 1990 June 27, Restrictions Development Exports and on U.S. Competing their Aid with to Bolivia U.S. for Agricultural Crop Relationship to U.S. Anti-Drug Efforts Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director International Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security and International Af...
Date June 4, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-133 Title

Drug Control: How Drug-Consuming Nations Are Organized for the War on Drugs

-., GAO the Chairman, I~ermtnwI, Sbmmnittee on Invest~igatJion.s, Cornrnittee (m Governmental A l’l’airs, U.S. Senate Report to DRUG CONTROL How Drug-Consuming Nations Are Organized for the War on Drugs 141683 GAO/NSIAIMbl:U GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238657.2 June 4,199O The Honorable Sam Nunn Chair...
Date May 14, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-86 Title

Illegal Drugs: Observations and Selected Data Concerning Portland, Maine

^ United States General Accounting Office 6AO May 1990 Report to the Chairman, Permanent SubcoMmittee on Investigations Committee on Governmental Affairs U.S. Senate ILLEGAL DRUGS Observations md Selected Data Concerning Portland, Maine ,: Not to be released out&de the RESTRICTED--General Accoudug Of&e unless specifically approved by the Office of Cmgmasional B&&lOlUL I GAO United States General A...
Date March 21, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-59 Title

Justice Department: Coordination Between DEA and the FBI

ii United States General Accounting Office GAO March 1990 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Coordination Between DEA and the FBI United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-238723 March 21,199O The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Ch...
Date March 19, 1990 Report No. T-GGD-90-25 Title

Drug Crime and the Criminal Justice System: The Situation in the State of Michigan and Cities of Detroit and Adrian

Testimony For kelease on Delivery Expected at 9:b0 a.m. EST Monday March 19, 1990 Drug The Cities Crime Situation of and The in the Criminal State Adrian Justice System: of Michigan and Detroit and Detroit, MI l Statement of Lowell Dodge, Administration 3:rector of Justice Issues Before the Permanent Subcommittee Committee on Governmental United States Senate on Investigati Affairs ons iiAOForm 16...
Date March 8, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-42 Title

Drug Control: Anti-Drug Efforts in the Bahamas

United States General Accounting Office c;J ‘GAO March1990 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Repr&sentatives -> DRUG CONTROL Anti-Drug Efforts in the Bahamas GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-236587 March 8.1990 The Honorable Dante B. Fascell Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives...
Date Oct. 17, 1989 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-3 Title

DOD Counter-Drug Activities: GAO Review of DOD's Compliance With FY 1989 DOD Authorization Act

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:00 p.m. EDT Tuesday, October 17, 1989 DOD Counter-Drug Activities: With GAO Review of DOD's Compliance FY 1989 DOD Authorization Act Statement of Frank C. Conahan Assistant Comptroller General for National Security and International Affairs Before the Subcommittees on Legislation and National and Government Inf...
Date Oct. 13, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-90-7BR Title

Drug Control: Status of Plan to Use Federal Research and Development Facilities

United States General Accounting Office GAO October 1989 Briefing Report to Congressional Committees DRUG CONTROL Status of Plan to Use Federal Research and Development Facilities . GAO,‘NSLAD-9007BR GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-237105 October 13, 1989 Congressional Committees The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of ...
Date Oct. 10, 1989 Report No. T-GGD-90-1 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Profitability of Customs Forfeiture Program Can Be Enhanced

United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expectedat 1:30 p.m. EDT Tuesday October 10, 1989 Profitability of Customs Forfeiture Program can Be Enhanced Statement of Comptroller Richard L, Fogel, Assistant for General Government Programs Before the Subccxrmittee on Oversight Comnittee on Ways and Means House of Representatives General GAO/T-GD-90-l GAO Form 160 (...
Date Sept. 29, 1989 Report No. OSI-89-19 Title

Nontraditional Organized Crime: Law Enforcement Officials' Perspectives on Five Criminal Groups

United States Geueral Accounting Office GAO September 1989 Report to the Chairman, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate NONTRADITIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME Law Enforcement Officials’ Perspectives ’ on Five Criminal 1 Groups GAO/OSI-89-19 Q&o zzgtE;;y;;p , ** Office of Special Investigations September 29,1989 The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Perman...
Date Sept. 11, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-197 Title

Drug Control: Enforcement Efforts in Burma Are Not Effective

RESTRICTED ---Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELEASED National Security and International Affairs Division B-225282 September 11, 1989 The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan United States Senate Dear Senator Moynihan: This report is in response to your August 19, 1988, letter asking us to review the U.S.supp...
Date June 9, 1989 Report No. T-GGD-89-28 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Capabilities for Interdicting Airborne Drug Smugglers Are Limited and Costly

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST Friday June 9, 1989 Capabilities for Interdicting Drug Smugglers Are Limited and Airborne Costly Statement of Arnold P. Jones, Director Administration of Justice Issues Before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee Investigations United States Senate on ! GAOFonnMO(X2/87) CAPABILITIES FOR INTERDICTING A...
Date June 9, 1989 Report No. GGD-89-93 Title

Drug Smuggling: Capabilities for Interdicting Private Aircraft Are Limited and Costly

c United States General Accounting Office . GAO June 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters DRUG SMUGGLING Capabilities for Interdicting Private Aircraft Are Limited and Costly GAO/GGD-89-93 General Government Division B-230748 June 9, 1989 Congressional Requesters: The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 requires us to review the capabilities of the federal governme...
Date June 6, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-139 Title

Drug Interdiction: Customs Service's Procurement of the P-3B Airborne Early Warning Aircraft

AppendixlII CommentsFromtheU.S.CuatomsService The following are GAO'Scomments on the U.S. Customs Service’s letter dated March 28,1989. 1. We agree that the 360-degree radar does not perform as well over land, especially mountainous terrain, when compared with performance over water. Wind velocity, polarization, and the magnitude and the presence of clutter in the atmosphere also affect the rada...
Date April 24, 1989 Report No. T-GGD-89-17 Title

Asset Forfeiture: An Update

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. Monday April 24, 1989 Asset Forfeiture: An Update Statement of Gene L. Dodaro General Management Issues General Government Division Before the Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives GAO/T-GGD-89-17 / SUMMARYOF STATEMENT The House Subcommittee on Crime asked GAO to ide...
Date Dec. 30, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-89-61BR Title

Foreign Aid: Problems and Issues Affecting Economic Assistance

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Honorable Lee H. Hamilton, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives ‘* ’ December 1988 “‘FOREIGNAID :& Problems ‘and Issues Affecting Economic Assistance i.. GAO/NSLAD-89-61BR d I -I j About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the Iatest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentat...
Date Nov. 21, 1988 Report No. GGD-89-8BR Title

Border Management: Options for Improved Border Control Management

United States General Accounting Office GAO November 1988 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. ? Senate BORDER MANAGEMENT Options for Improved Border Control Management About Our New Cover. .. The new color of our re&rt covers represekts the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation’of our reports. I GAO United States General Accounting Offke ...
Date Nov. 1, 1988 Report No. OCG-89-19TR Title

Transition Series: Department of State Issues

GAO November 1988 Department Issues of State > GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-158195 November 1988 The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Representatives The Secretary-designate of State This transition report is one of a series that addresses major policy, management, or program issues facing many key ...
Date Nov. 1, 1988 Report No. OCG-89-13TR Title

Transition Series: Justice Issues

November 1988 Justice Issues GAOiOCG-89-13TR --. -_._ ._-_.-- -.-- ..-. - - .--..- - .-.. _ I. - I GAO united states GeneralA-tingOfflce Washington, D.C. 2064.3 Comptroller General of the United States B-158195 November 1988 The President of the Senate The Speaker of the House of Representatives The Attorney General-designate This summary report is one of a series that addresses major policy, mana...
Date Nov. 1, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-89-24 Title

Drug Control: U.S.-Supported Efforts in Colombia and Bolivia

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress November 1988 DRUG CONTROL U.S.-Supported Efforts in Colombia and Bolivia . 0431s GAO/NSIAD-89-24 I37ao7 Comptroller General of the United States B-225282 November 1,1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 required us to examine the effectiveness of the interna...
Date Sept. 12, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-124FS Title

Border Control: Drug Interdiction and Related Activities Along the Southwestern U.S. Border

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1988 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives BORDER CONTROL Drug Interdiction and Related Activities Along the Southwestern U.S.Border 1 RESTRIC?IED--Notto be relead outsidethe thnend Accounting OfTiceexcept on the bmia of the spe...
Date Aug. 1, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-111 Title

Controlled Substances: Medicaid Data May Be Useful for Monitoring Diversion

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1988 Report to the Chakrnan, Select Committee . on Narcotics A&se and Control, House of Representatives CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Medicaid Data May Be Useful for MonitoringDiversion ~~szaIcTEI)---Not tabe released outsidethe &m?d Accounting Offke except on the basis of the by the Ofice of Congressional Relations. 5w34aJ specific approval I I3&7&2 , .-...
Date July 28, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-113 Title

Drug Interdiction: Should the Customs Command and Control Program Be Continued as Currently Evolving?

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters - July 1988 DRUG INTERDICTION * Should the Customs Command and Control Program E3e Continu@d as Currently Evolving! J : ’ General Government Division B-226654 July 28, 1988 The Honorable Lawton Chiles Chairman, Committee on the Budget United States Senate The Honorable Sam Nunn Chairman, Permanent Subcommittee on Investig...
Date June 8, 1988 Report No. T-GGD-88-38 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Drug Abuse Control Policy and the Role of the Military in Antidrug Efforts

For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:00 a.m. EST Wednesday June 8, 1988 Federal Drug Abuse Control Policy the Military in Anti-Drug Efforts and the Role of Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Senate Committee on Armed Services 0-Q 3Fs GAO/T-GGD-88-38 GAO 1m(U/87) Par FEDERAL DRUG ABUSE CONTROL POLICY AND THE ROLE OF THE MILITARY IN ANTI-DRUG EFFORTS...
Date June 2, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-86 Title

Drug Interdiction: Operation Autumn Harvest: A National Guard-Customs Antismuggling Effort

- __ . ,_ . . ,_ _ . t June 1988 DRUG .. INTERDICTION ,’ General Government Division B-230748 June 2, 1988 Congressional Requesters: The National DefenseAuthorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 requires us to review the capabilities of the federal government to control drug smuggling into the United States. This is one of three reports in responseto that requirement. This report discusse...
Date April 29, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-156 Title

Drug Control: Issues Surrounding Increased Use of the Military in Drug Interdiction

April 1988 DRUG CONTROL Issues Surrounding Increase&Use of the .._.. I_~ .-- ,‘j li.. ,j .,, National Security and International Affairs Division B-230748 April 29, 1988 Congressional Requesters The Kational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 requires us to review the capabilities of the federal government to control drug smuggling into the United States. This is the first ...
Date March 4, 1988 Report No. T-GGD-88-16 Title

Asset Forfeiture Programs: Corrective Actions Underway but Additional Improvements Needed

United States General Accounting Of!ke GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EST Friday March 4, 1988 Asset Forfeiture Actions Programs: Underway But Needed Corrective Additional Improvements Statement. of Gene L. Dodaro, Associate Director General Government Division Before the Subcommittee on Crime, House of Representatives GAO/T-GGD-88-16 I U.S. DEPARTMENTOF JUSTICE AND C...
Date March 1, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-39 Title

Controlling Drug Abuse: A Status Report

5. 4 c .t GAO . . Special Report From The Comptroller General Of The United States Controlling Drug Abuse: A Status Report GAO/GGD-88-39 Contents Message from the Comptroller General of the United States U.S. Drug Problem Persists National Indicators of the Drug Problem Prevalence of Illegal Drug Abuse in the 1980s Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Dangerous Drugs Drug Problems - Local Perspectives in SIX ...
Date March 1, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-114 Title

Drug Control: U.S. International Narcotics Control Activities

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress March 1988 DRUG CONTROL U.S. International Narcotics Control Activities , 04\58Jl53~! GAO/NSIAD-88-114 Comptroller General of the United States B-225282 March 1, 1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives As required by Section 2007 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, this report summarizes the ...
Date Feb. 26, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-94 Title

Drug Control: U.S. Supported Efforts in Burma, Pakistan, and Thailand

February 1988 DRUG CONTROL U.S. Supported Efforts in Burma, Pakistan, and Thailand GAO ,‘NSIAD-88-94 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 ,., Comptroller General of the United States B-225282 February 26,1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 rrtqulres the Comptroller General to examine the eff...
Date Feb. 12, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-24 Title

National Drug Policy Board: Leadership Evolving, Greater Role in Developing Budgets Possible

-1-- .I United States, General Accounting O ffice if GAO - Report to the Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate -. - Februmy 1988 NATIONALDRUG POLICY BOARD Leadership Evolving, Greater Role in Developing Budgets Possible I I 135271 Y nDO/GGD-88-24 Getwrd Govcmunent Division ‘ hr! I lonorablc .JosephI
Date Feb. 2, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-101FS Title

Drug Control: River Patrol Craft for the Government of Bolivia

-“. l.“_.,,”,*,,,,,,_,,*_“_.“--” -,l*l*--tCII-United States General Accounkini “*,, ,,,,,, “I ~-_, ,.-.___ ^-.I I ,.,,,,,,,,, II_ ,,,~,,“_ Office Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Task Forceon International Narcotics Control, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives Febbary 1988 DRUG CONTROL River Patrol Craft for the Government of Bolivia 134986 I;AO/NSIAD-884OlFS I“I...
Date Jan. 11, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-73 Title

Drug Control: U.S.-Mexico Opium Poppy and Marijuana Aerial Eradication Program

United ~- States General Accounting Office /c!ws~ 1 -------t-- Report tothe Congress l~,“.l-l.. I .I l .l.l .I^..--.-- January 1988 DRUG CONTROL U.S.-Mexico Opium Poppy and Marijuana Aerial Eradication Program Nllll llllll llll 134807 , &--.----. GAO-NSIAD-88-73 , 3 ‘ I . I .__.._... .._.. __ .._...... ...I ._._.. ,....... _. __..._. ..” -....... E ‘ C . . __.. _.... _. -._ _..._.. -._--_ ...
Date Dec. 23, 1987 Report No. GGD-88-27 Title

Drug Law Enforcement: Military Assistance for Anti-Drug Agencies

. I ‘I3 4 ’/6 1 United S ta te s General A c c o u n tin g O ffice ” R e p o rt to th e C o n g ress nber 1987 DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT M ilita ry Assistanqe fo r A n ti- D r u g A g e n cie s llllll1 1 1 1 1 134701 G xiw‘G G B 8 8 - 2 7 GAO I United States General Accounting Office W&shington, DC. 20548 General Government Division B-229113 December 23, 1987 I To the President of the Senate an...
Date Aug. 31, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-69 Title

Interagency Agreements: Customs-Coast Guard Agreement for U.S.-Bahamas Drug Task Force Was Proper

. Uhited‘ States General Accounting Office I139 3% Report to Congressional Requesters August 1987 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENTS Customs-CoastGuard Agreement for U.S.Bahamas Drug Task Force Was Proper 133938 cl3w7 GAO/‘ AFMD-87-69 3 . General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division united states B-228826 .4ugust 3 11 1987 The Honorable Dennis DeConcini Cha...
Date Aug. 5, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-87-42 Title

International Affairs: U.S.-Mexico Opium Poppy and Marijuana Aerial Eradication Program

8 United States General Accounting Oface / GAQ For Release on Delivery 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday August 5, 1987 TfMirrmQPn;y U.S. - HJZXICO OPIUM POPPY AND MARIJUANA AERIAL ERADICATION PROGRAM Statement of Associate Director, Joseph E. Kelley, National Security and International Division U.S. General Accounting Office Before the Select Committee on Narcotics Control House of Representatives Affairs ...
Date July 29, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-87-40 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Status Report on GAO Review of the U.S. International Narcotics Control Program

For Release on Delivery 2:oo p.m. Wednesday July 29, 1987 STATUS REPbRT ON GAO REVIEW OF THFi U.S. INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL PROGRAM Statement of Joseph E. Kelley, Associate Director, National Security and International Division U.S. General Accounting Office Before the Task Force on International Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Narcotics Affairs Control 111 ~l~l~llllll...
Date June 12, 1987 Report No. GGD-87-91 Title

Drug Smuggling: Large Amounts of Illegal Drugs Not Seized by Federal Authorities

_ i _- -.f,r- / :,. ,_ _ : - .- . :.< , : . .. , ,-. --:. ? ‘_ .* / . -. w 1 .GAO 1 ,’ United States Geheral Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Information, Justice, and Agriculture, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives lIIllIlllllllIlllllllllllllll LM133441 June 1987 DRUG SMUGGLING Large Amounts of Illegal Drugs Not ‘Seizedby Federal Authorities...
Date May 14, 1987 Report No. T-GGD-87-17 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: The Need for Strong Central Oversight of the Federal Government's War on Drugs

‘ . I . United States G&eral Accounting Office 8 GA!0 For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EST Thursday May 14, 1987 Testimony : . ‘ , , The Need for Strong Central Oversight Federal Government's "War on Drugs" of the Statement of Arnold P. Jones, Senior Associate General Government Division Director . Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate and Select Committee o...
Date May 6, 1987 Report No. GGD-87-64BR Title

Drug Investigations: Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Program's Accomplishments

United Statma General Accounting Office GA!0 May 19!7 Ebiefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate DRUG INVESTIGATIONS Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Program’ s Accomplishments 133040 .m - fe0t t0 be reteased oute’ de the a Genera -____,. ~~~~~%kg Office except on tho basis of SpedfiG by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELEAWJ GAO/( 5301...
Date March 18, 1987 Report No. T-GGD-87-8 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: The U.S. Customs Service's Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Center Program

United States General Accounting Of!Plce * /Qf&pi Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday March 18, 1987 The U.S. Customs Service's Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Center Program Statement of Arnold P. Jones, Senior Associate General Government Division Director Before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Committee on Governmental Affairs Un...
Date March 13, 1987 Report No. T-GGD-87-7 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Millions of Dollars in Seized Cash Can Be Deposited Faster

United SWes Gened .&333unting Office Testimony GAO For Release on Delivery E;c;ecte4 at 1C:OC a.n;. ES': FC162'7 Ma=& 13, 1987 $ MILLIONS IN SZiZE3 CASii CXJ BE DE?3SfTE3 FASTER i32Y57 GAO/T-GGD 87-7 Mr. Chairman We are and pleased of Members to and of the Subcommittee: today to discuss our review be here the Drug which of the (DDA) Customs Chiles' reviewed inciudinq, seized in seized enactment Ho...
Date March 3, 1987 Report No. GGD-87-41BR Title

Criminal Aliens: Majority Deported From the New York City Area Not Listed in INS' Information Systems

March 1987 CRIMINAL ALIENS Majority Deported From the New YorkCity Area Not Listed in INS Information Systems GAO/GGD-87-41BB GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Diwsion B-222060 March3,1987 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Alfonse Senate D'Amato: M. D'Amato This is the third and final report in response to your request discussions with you...
Date Jan. 30, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-72BR Title

Drug Control: International Narcotics Control Activities of the United States

Briefiug Report the Honorable Frank H. Murkowski, United States Senate to l Jaqhry 1987 DRUG CONTROL I International PJarcotics Control Activities of the United States GAO United States General Accounting ORice Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and Int,emational Affairs Division B-225282 January 30, 1987 Frank H. Murkowski Senate Murkowski: The Honorable United States Dear Senator In respon...
Date Dec. 22, 1986 Report No. GGD-87-29BR Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Criminal Penalties Resulting From the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces

United States General Accounting Of&e -GAO Briefing Report to the Chairman Subcommittee on Criminal Law Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate December 1986 CRIMINAL PENALTIES Resulting From the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces GAO,‘GGD-87”29BR 037734 131 40” ($$III ~~~~~;;r~;~~~ce General Gowrnment Division B-223391 December 22, 1986 The Honorable Paul LaXdlt Chairman, ...
Date Dec. 10, 1986 Report No. GGD-87-20 Title

Internal Controls: Drug Enforcement Administration's Use of Forfeited Personal Property

S’IOXLN03 “TVN2I3iLNI 8009zzff -sp.mpuX?~s $ug!pne ~UaWUJaAO$ pa?dam lQc?Jaua%~~~MaCNEpJoXNz?~ g~6~&3qop~o~rC~n~ uroy ~a!Aal *sa.m~~a3.103$a~ aaLoIduravxa a1qe .Inoapewa~ -a%p~~MO~~SO~a~~~M~a~O~~~a~~~~~~p~SO~M‘~O~~~I'IS~UJUIP~~~~ -spq LIndaa ayg Aq ~au.IOW? ayq 03 pa.1la3a~ a.xa~ a3gJo vxa aq?w liaU.ww tnz Poe ~SUO~~~&UI aM *~asuno~ Ja!q3 30 30 a3g~o‘.romwygupy ~ue~s~ssv ...