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GAO Reports by subject "TQM"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 4, 1998 Report No. GGD-98-162 Title

Performance Management: Aligning Employee Performance With Agency Goals at Six Results Act Pilots

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1998 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Civil Service, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Aligning Employee Performance With Agency Goals at Six Results Act Pilots GAO/GGD-98-162 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-275942...
Date June 30, 1998 Report No. GGD-98-118 Title

Federal Prison Industries: Delivery Performance Is Improving But Problems Remain

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1998 Report to Congressional Requesters FEDERAL PRISON INDUSTRIES Delivery Performance Is Improving But Problems Remain GAO/GGD-98-118 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-278134 June 30, 1998 The Honorable Peter Hoekstra The Honorable Mac Collins The Honorable Roscoe G. Bartlett The Honora...
Date May 21, 1997 Report No. RCED-97-126 Title

School Meal Programs: Sharing Information on Best Practices May Improve Programs' Operations

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1997 Report to the Secretary of Agriculture SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAMS Sharing Information on Best Practices May Improve Programs’ Operations GAO/RCED-97-126 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-276623 May 21, 1997 The Honorable Dan Glickman The Secretary of Agricultu...
Date April 1, 1997 Report No. AIMD-10.1.15 Title

Special Publications: Business Process Reengineering Assessment Guide--Version 3

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1997 Version 3 Accounting and Information Management Division Business Process Reengineering Assessment Guide GAO/AIMD-10.1.15 PREFACE Business process reengineering (BPR) began as a private sector technique to help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to dramatically improve customer service, cut operational costs, and...
Date Feb. 26, 1997 Report No. RCED-97-65R Title

USDA Management: Progress in Meeting GPRA's Requirements

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-276114 February 26, 1997 The Honorable Richard G. Lugar Chairman The Honorable Tom Harkin Ranking Minority Member Commit.tee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Fore&-y United States Senate The Honorable Bob Smith Chairman The Honorable Charles W. Stenholm Ranking Minority Member...
Date June 12, 1996 Report No. GGD-96-94 Title

Management Reform: Completion Status of Agency Actions Under the National Performance Review

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1996 Report to Congressional Requesters MANAGEMENT REFORM Completion Status of Agency Actions Under the National Performance Review G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/GGD-96-94 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B255769.4 June 12, 1996 The Honorable Ted Stevens, Chairman The Honorable John Glenn, ...
Date June 1, 1996 Report No. GGD-96-118 Title

Executive Guide: Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1996 Comptroller General of the United States Executive Guide Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/GGD-96-118 Preface In recent years, an understanding has emerged that the federal government needs to be run in a more businesslike manner than in the past. As companies are accountable to shar...
Date April 10, 1996 Report No. HEHS-96-20 Title

Medicare: Federal Efforts to Enhance Patient Quality of Care

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1996 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives MEDICARE Federal Efforts to Enhance Patient Quality of Care G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/HEHS-96-20 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Health, Education, and Human Services Division B-260737 April 10, 1996 The Ho...
Date March 20, 1996 Report No. GGD-96-69 Title

Management Reform: Status of Agency Reinvention Lab Efforts

United States General Accounting Office GAO March 1996 Report to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight MANAGEMENT REFORM Status of Agency Reinvention Lab Efforts G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/GGD-96-69 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-260087 March 20, 1996 The Honorable T...
Date Feb. 29, 1996 Report No. T-OCG-96-1 Title

Budget and Spending: Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Estimates for the U.S. General Accounting Office

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Legislative Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expected at 930 a.m. EST Thursday February 29,1996 BUDGETESTIIWYTES The U.S. General Accounting Office Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States FISCAL YEAR 1997 wis ,Y::, GAO/TOCG-96-1 G A 0 Mr. Ch...
Date Sept. 28, 1995 Report No. T-GGD-95-196 Title

U.S. Competitiveness: Assessing the Impact of Government Activities on Productivity and Living Standards

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Releaseon Delivery Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Technology, Committee on Science,House of Representatives -- Expectedat 9130a.m., EDT Thursday, September28, 1995 U.S. COMPETITIVENESS Assessing the Impact of Government Activities on Productivity and Living Standards Statementof Allan I. Mendelowitz, Managing Director International Trade, Financ...
Date June 23, 1995 Report No. RCED-95-79 Title

National Parks: Views on the Denver Service Center and Information on Related Construction Activities

United States General Accounting Offke GAO ~ Report to Congressional Requesters June 1995 NATIONAL PARKS Views on the Denver Service Center and Information on Related Construction Activities GAWRCED-95-79 : GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-259778 June 23,1995 The Honorable Ralph Regula Chairman The Honorabl...
Date May 2, 1995 Report No. T-GGD-95-154 Title

Government Reform: GAO's Comments on the National Performance Review

United Sates General Accounting OfTice GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 10:00a.m. EDT May 2, 1995 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives GOVERNMENT REFORM GAO’ Comments on the s National Performance Review Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United S...
Date April 18, 1995 Report No. GGD-95-79 Title

Federal Quality Management: Strategies for Involving Employees

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1995 Report to the Director, Office of Personnel Management FEDERAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Strategies for Involving Employees GAO/GGD-95-79 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-249779 April 18, 1995 The Honorable James B. King Director, Office of Personnel Management Dear Mr. King: Quality Ma...
Date March 28, 1995 Report No. T-AIMD-95-101 Title

Business Process Reengineering: DOD Has a Significant Opportunity to Reduce Travel Costs by Using Industry Practices

United States General Accounting Office I Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management and the District of Columbia, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate For Release Delivery on Expected at 9:30 am. Tuesday, March 28,1995 BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING DOD Has a Significant Opportunity to Reduce Travel Costs by Using Industry Practices Statement by Jack L. Broc...
Date Feb. 27, 1995 Report No. GGD-95-48 Title

Federal Office Space: More Businesslike Leasing Approach Could Reduce Costs and Improve Performance

United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1995 Report to the Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan, U.S. Senate FEDERAL OFFICE SPACE More Businesslike Leasing Approach Could Reduce Costs and Improve Performance GAO/GGD-95-48 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-257561 February 27, 1995 The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan United S...
Date Feb. 23, 1995 Report No. T-OCG-95-3 Title

Budget and Spending: Fiscal Year 1996 Budget Estimates for the General Accounting Office

United States General Accounting OfIke GAO 'or Release on Delivery Thursday, 'ebmary 23, 1995 9:30 a.m. Testimony Fiscal year 1996 Budget Estimates General Accountinq Office for tie stat-tof Charles A. Bowsher Carptroller General of the United States Before the Subcumittee on Legislative Ccmnittee on Aupropriations U.S. House of Representatives I am pleased budget request. to be here today to test...
Date Dec. 13, 1994 Report No. NSIAD-95-34 Title

Reengineering Organizations: Results of a GAO Symposium

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1994 Report to Congressional Requesters REENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS Results of a GAO Symposium GAO/NSIAD-95-34 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-258900 December 13, 1994 The Honorable Earl Hutto Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness Committee on Armed Services ...
Date Dec. 5, 1994 Report No. OCG-95-1 Title

Management Reform: Implementation of the National Performance Review's Recommendations

United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1994 Report to Congressional Requesters MANAGEMENT REFORM Implementation of the National Performance Review’s Recommendations GAO/OCG-95-1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-255769.3 December 5, 1994 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., Chairman The Honorable William F. Cli...
Date Sept. 2, 1994 Report No. GGD-94-203R Title

Government Operations: Management Reform

I GAO United States General Accounting Offhe Washington, D-C. 20648 General Government Division I I B-255769.2 September 2, 1994 The Honorable John Glenn, Chairman The Honorable W illiam V. Roth, Jr. Ranking M inority Member Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., Chairman The Honorable W illiam F . Clinger, Jr. Ranking M inority Member Committee on ...
Date Sept. 1, 1994 Report No. OIMC-94-12 Title

IRM Strategic Plan: September 1994

IJnited States General AccountiIIg Office IRM Strategic Plan September 1994 Message From the Comptroller General GAO is facing a very challenging and exciting future. To better fulfill its mission, the agency is reshaping its internal processes to reduce staff time now spent on low-level tasks, improve teamwork, increase access to information and people, improve decision-making, and avoid rework. ...
Date Aug. 30, 1994 Report No. NSIAD-94-193 Title

Organizational Culture: Use of Training to Help Change DOD Inventory Management Culture

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1994 Report to the- Chairmaq Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S.‘ Senate ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 1 GAO United S ta te s G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O ffice W a s h i u g to n , D .C. 2 0 5 4 8 N a tio n a l Security a n d In te r n a tio n a l A ffa b s Division B-247299 A u g u s t 3 0 ,1 9 9 4 T h e H o n o r a b l eJ o h n G l e n n C ...
Date June 30, 1994 Report No. GGD-94-114 Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Interim Report on the Management Reforms in the RTC Completion Act

‘ . ; /. ‘ .. _. ‘ > ,/) _’ ‘ . “, GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-257544 June 30,1994 The Honorable Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Chairman The Honorable Alfonse M. D’ Amato Ranking Minority Member Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs United States Senate The Honorable Henry B. Gonzalez Chairman The Honorable James...
Date May 10, 1994 Report No. T-OCG-94-3 Title

Budget and Spending: Fiscal Year 1995 Budget Estimates for the General Accounting Office

United States Ger_reralAccounting OffIce Testimony For Release on Delivery Tuesday May 10, 1994 1O:OO a.m. Fiscal Year 1995 Budget Estimates General Accounting Office for the Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United Branch States Before the Subcommittee on Legislative Committee on Appropriations United States Senate GAO/T-OCG-94-3 GAO Fom 160 (12/87) Mr. here Chairman toda...
Date March 24, 1994 Report No. T-AIMD-94-98 Title

Information Management: Need for a Chief Information Officer for the General Services Administration

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Legislation and NationaI Security, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives For Relcasc on Delivery Expcmd iu lo30 a.m. EST Thursday. Mnroh 24. 1YY4 INFOFWATION MANAGEMENT ’ Need for a Chief Information Offker for the General Services Administration Statement of Jack L. Brock, Jr., Director Informati...
Date Feb. 11, 1994 Report No. AIMD/GGD-94-90BR Title

Management Reforms: Examples of Public and Private Innovations to Improve Service Delivery

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters /50 February 1994 705 MANAGEMENT REFORMS Examples of Public and Private Innovations to Improve Service Delivery GAO/AIMD/GGD-94-90BR 3 i Notice: This is a reprint of a GAO report. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-256369 February 11, ...
Date Feb. 11, 1994 Report No. T-HEHS-94-99 Title

Child Care Quality: States' Difficulties Enforcing Standards Confront Welfare Reform Plans

United States General Accounting Offke GAO Far Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m., EST Friday, February 11,1994 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Technology Committee on Small Business House of Representatives i CHILD CARE QUALITY States’ Difficulties Enforcing StandardsConfront Welfare Reform Plans Statement of Joseph F. Delfico, Director Income S...
Date Feb. 10, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-76R Title

Education: Total Quality Education

'G O A United States Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-'251772 February 10, 1994 The Honorable William F. Goodling Ranking Minority Member Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives Dear Mr. Goodling: On September 20, 1993, we briefed your staff on the preliminary results of our work concerning the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in elementary and se...
Date Oct. 28, 1993 Report No. 150181 Title

GAO Career Level Council: Issues Important to GAO's Career Level Staff

TestimonyBeforethe Committeeon Government Operations, House of Representatives October 28,1993 GAO CAREER LEVEL COUNCIL Issues Important to GAO’ s Career Level Staff Issues Important To GAO’ Career Level Staff s Introduction Good Morning Mr. Chairman and Membersof the Committee: My nameis Kelly Wolslayer. I am a Band.1evaluatorin the Accounting and Iuformation ManagementDivision, and I s-e as ...
Date Oct. 28, 1993 Report No. 150180 Title

Government Operations: Views of Mid-Level Staff

United States General Accounting Offke Testimony Before the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expected at LO;00a.m.. EDT Thlrrsday, cktokr 28. 1993 Views of Mid-Level Staff Statementof Debra McKinney, Chair of GAO’ Mid-Level s Employees Council INTRODUCTION Good morning, Committee. Mr. Chairman and members of the I am My Name is Debra McKinney. a...
Date Oct. 26, 1993 Report No. T-OPP-94-1 Title

Congressional Oversight: The General Accounting Office

United States General Accounting OfFice GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 1090 a.m., EDT Tuesday, Octohcr 26. I993 Testimony Before the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT The General Accounting Office Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States 3 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I am pleased to be h...
Date July 1, 1993 Report No. TI-93-1 Title

Education: 1992 Training and Education Report

~. United States General Accounting O f i c e.-. - R m g Institute .July 1993 1992 n m g and Education Report f TI Mission The Training Institute supports GAO's mission by fostering an environment for continuuus learning. Our mission is t o promote exemplary organizational effectiveness and productivity, as well as individual performance and satisfaction, by delivering high-quality and timely trai...
Date April 26, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-31R Title

Government Operations: TQM Implementation at Transportation

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249779 April 26, 1993 Federico Pefia of Transportation The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: I II 149018 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses...
Date April 26, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-30R Title

Government Operations: TQM Implementation at Treasury

,GAO United Statea General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-249779 April 26, 1993 Lloyd Bentsen of the Treasury The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business proc...
Date April 26, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-29R Title

Government Operations: TQM Implementation in the Navy

i 144al~ United States General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division -- . *GAO B-249779 April 26, 1993 B. Kelso, the Navy the Navy II The Honorable Frank Acting Secretary of ATTN: Comptroller NCB-53 Dear Mr. Secretary: of Ill Ill lllllIlllll 149016 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality throug...
Date April 14, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-28R Title

Government Operations: TQM Implementation at NASA

United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Genersl Government Division B-249779 April 14, 1993 The Honorable Daniel S. Goldin Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dear Mr. Goldin: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and d...
Date April 2, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-20R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation in Veterans Affairs

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Divtslon El-249779 April 2, 1993 The Honorable Jesse Brown Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business process...
Date March 31, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-17R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation in the Army

GAO united statm Wubla(rton,D,C.20548 General Accomting omce General Govermnent Division B-249779 March 31, 1993 The Honorable John W. Shannon Acting Secretary of the Army Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business processes ...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-16R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at Agriculture

u GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable The Secretary Mike Espy of Agriculture Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. focuses business processe...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-19R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at Commerce

GAO United States General Accounting Ofrice Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249779 March 30,-1993 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Ronald H. Brown of Commerce 148862 Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business ...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-21R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at Energy

Y d GAO United Stat&e General Accounting O!flce Wmhington, D.C. 20548 General Government Divieion B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable The Secretary Hazel R. O'Leary of Energy Dear Madam Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. focuses business pro...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-22R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at EPA

GAO unitedsw General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Genod Government Division B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable Administrator Environmental Carol M. Browner Protection Agency Dear Ms. Browner: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses busi...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-23R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at GSA

GAO United Statee General Accounting OfWe Wrrhington, D.C. 20548 General Govemnrent Divbion B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable Dennis J. Fischer Acting Administrator General Services Administration Dear Mr. Fischer: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also ...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-24R Title

Economic Development: TQM Implementation at HHS

’ GAO United Staten General Accounting Offlee Wadington, D.C. 20548 General Government Divieion B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable The Secretary Services Donna E. Shalala of Health and Human 148856 Dear Madam Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-25R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at Interior

GAO United States General Accounting Of’fice Washing&n, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable The Secretary Bruce Babbitt of the Interior Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. focuses business pro...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-26R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation at Justice

’ GAO United Statea Generd Accounting Of!lce W~hington, D.C. 20648 General Government Divbion B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable Janet Reno The Attorney General Dear Madam Attorney General: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. focuses business process...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-18R Title

Employment: TQM Implementation in the Air Force

GAO United States General Accounting Of’flce Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249779 March 30, 1993 The Honorable Michael B. Donley Acting Secretary of the Air Force Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. focuses bus...
Date March 23, 1993 Report No. T-GGD-93-14 Title

Improving Government: Measuring Performance and Acting on Proposals for Change

United Stabs General Accounting Off’ice (4a!BS~* ’ GAO For releaseon Delivery Expectedat 1O:OO EST a.m. Tuesday March 23,1993 Testimony Beforethe Subcommittee on LegislationandNationalSecurity, Committeeon Government Operations U.S. Houseof Representatives IMPROVING GOVERNMENT Measuring Performanceand Acting on Proposalsfor Change Statement CharlesA. Bowsher of ComptrollerGeneralof the United ...
Date March 11, 1993 Report No. T-GGD-93-9 Title

Improving Government: Need to Reexamine Organization and Performance

United States General Accounting Office GAO For release Delivery on Expected at 9:30 a.m.EST m&Y March ll,l!X’3 Testimony Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United StatesSenate IMPROVING GOVE-NT Need to Reexamine Organization and Perfornnance Statementof CharlesA. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States llllIllIllllllll 148736 A ‘:>.. ‘.,,_ .’ ,( ‘,’ “,., :.: r Mr....
Date March 1, 1993 Report No. QMG-93-1 Title

Quality Improvement Plan: An Update

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States March 1993 All GAO Employees effort to continually improve our operations takes an important step forward with the publication of the attached plan. It represents the best thinking to date of many GAO customers and employees. Specifically, we surveyed some of our most important customers an...