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GAO Reports by subject "Systems conversions"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 6, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-17 Title

Information Management: The Veterans Administration's Plans To Convert the Automated Hospital Information System at the Washington, D.C., Medical Center

... 1 I” OOMFTROLLCR ORNLRAL WmHINOTDN. OF THE touI UNITED WA- D.C. ~-199666 NOVEMBER 6,198O The Honorable Richardson Preyer Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman; llllllll llllllll 113689 Subject! @e Veterans Administration's Plans to Convert the Automated Hospital Information System a...
Date Oct. 20, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-81-4 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: IRS Can Expand and Improve Computer Processing of Information Returns

r R E P O R TB Y T H E C o m p troller G e n e ral O F T H E U N !TE DS T A T E S /Is- -i--a IRSC a n E x---a n d A n d Im p rove C o m p u te r p P rocessing O f lnformath R e tu rns T h e Internal R e v e n u e Service h a s m a d e conside r a b l e progress in m a tching tax returns with information returns (such as W - 2 s a n d 1 0 9 9 s ) filed by employers a n d organizations that p a y di...
Date June 3, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-35 Title

Conversion: A Costly, Disruptive Process That Must Be Considered When Buying Computers

. .-,, w ll2s33 BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Chairman, Committee On Appropriations House Of Representatives OF THE UNITED STATES That Must Be Considered When Buying Computers Federal agencies have invested billions in computer programs. When an agency outgrows its present computer, the computer must be replaced. If the agency simply buys a larger computer from its present supplrer, compe...
Date Feb. 15, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-34 Title

Information Management: Review of Selected Computer System Procurements

The Bonorable Jamie Khitten Committee on Appropriations Chairman, Bouse of Representatives j-jg&? oo34’ Dear Mr. Chairman: -. MllllllllI 111651 Review of Selected Computer System (FGMSD-80-34) 4 rocurements J asked us By letter of October 5, 1978, your Committee to study how conversion costs affect the procurement of new Cf particular concern was whether includcomputer systems. ing conversion co...
Date March 1, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-43 Title

An Analysis of IRS' Proposed Tax Administration System: Lessons for the Future

DOCUMENT RESUME 05049 - [ B0685604 I An Analysis of IRS Propoed Tax Administration System: Lessons for the Future. G(D-78-43; B-137762. 8arch 1, 1978. 49 pp. + 3 appendices (15 pp.). Rcport to te Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Automatic Data Processing: Social Ipacts of Computer-Based Systems (109); Tax Administration (2700). Contact: General Government Div. Budget ...
Date Oct. 14, 1977 Report No. LCD-78-102 Title

National Defense: Review of Energy Conservation by the Government

DOCUMENT FESUME . i ? 03706 - [B29114157] j/tcte j( 0/P1i rReview of Energy Ccnservation by the "overnmert]. LCD-78-102; B-146864. October 14, 1977. 1 pp. 4 4 enclosures (4 pp.). Report to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy; by Robert G. Rothwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Iogisti-s and Communications Div.). Issue Area: Military Preparedness rlans: Military Communications and Information Processing Needs ...
Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. 090884 Title

Special Publications: A Selected Bibliography on Computer Software Conversion

Date Sept. 15, 1977 Report No. 090831 Title

Special Publications: Provisional Checklist for Software Conversion Projects

. . .P&OVISIONAL CHECKLIST FOR SOFTWARE, CDNVEkSION PRGJLCTS _- a LNTRODGCTION CONVERSIGL4 TO HEPLACEhENT SYSTEPiS CONVERSIOM OF PRGGWG * I W E N T O R Y 5ATA StiEETS FROS OTHER IL~STAL'LATIONS This checklist was prepared during t h e GAO stuay of software conversion i n tile Federal Government. h i h i l e t h i s checklist is only an unofficiiil working document, we feel t h a t i t may be usefu...
Date June 30, 1976 Report No. 091305 Title

Veterans Affairs: Survey of VA Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Mr, Wallace E. Busbee director t Internal Audit Veterans Administration D’ear Tar, Busbee: Service We surveyed the Veterans’ Administration (VA) vocational rehabilitation program administered by VAQs Department of Veterans Benefits (DVB), Our survey was conducted at VA’s central office, Washington, D-C. 5 the Data Processing Center (DPC) at St, Paul, Minnesota; and the Waco, Houston, New Orl...
Date March 15, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-406 Title

National Defense: Improvements Needed in the Navy's Fleet Modernization Program

. 499I? BY OF COMPTROLLER GENERAL UNITED STATES \\\lll~~lllll~lilll~llllllllllllll LM099917 rovements ram Y Departments of Defense and Navy This report Navy to alterations. points out opportunities improve its program for the for ship Also, it provides recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the Navy’s ship alteration management information system. , LCD-76-406 LM A fi c !-I 1. F; , 1 97...