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Budget and Spending: Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1987

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date Feb. 24, 1986
Report No. 129189

GAO discussed its fiscal year (FY) 1987 budget request for $349.6 million to fund an average of 5,200 positions and presented examples of FY 1985 savings it identified in agencies' programs and appropriations. As a result of GAO work: (1) the Internal Revenue Service increased its staff, resulting in an estimated annual increase of $3 billion in tax collection; (2) the Army cancelled procurement of the Sergeant York gun because of poor test performance, resulting in savings of over $1 billion; (3) the Department of Energy cancelled its multibillion-dollar gas centrifuge enrichment project due to decreased demand; (4) Congress transferred excess Navy shipbuilding and conversion funds to cover other Navy expenses; and (5) the Social Security Administration and the Health Care Financing Administration provided states with information on Medicaid Supplemental Security Insurance applicants, enabling the states to identify medical claims that private insurers should pay. GAO also discussed its progress in reaching its goal of improved service to Congress by: (1) improving its reporting system; (2) developing a long-range automatic data processing plan; (3) implementing its Technical Executive Education Program; (4) procuring a modern financial management system; (5) establishing an Office of Affirmative Action Plans to establish goals and timetables for hiring and promoting women and minorities; and (6) consolidating publishing functions under the Office of Publishing and Product Communications. GAO provided a breakdown of its request for an increase of 100 positions and reviewed the possible impact of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act on its functions.

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