Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date Nov. 17, 1993 |
Report No. T-GGD-94-58 |
United States General Accounting Office I Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Government Operations U.S. House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 930 a,m+EST Wednesday November 17,1993 TAX ADMINISTRATION IRS’ New Business Vision
Statement of Jennie S. Stathis, Director Tax Policy and Administration Issues General Governmen... |
Date Nov. 3, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-94-38 |
United States General Accounting Of&x Report to the Secretary of Defense November 1993 AIR FORCE TRAINING Delaying Pilot Training Could Avert Unnecessary Costs United States General Accounting Offlee Washington, D.C. 20648
National Security and International Afpairs Division B-254059 November 3,1993 The Honorable Les Aspin The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: As part of U.S. efforts to dra... |
Date Nov. 2, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-94-27BR |
.- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government B-2 17675 November 2,1993 Affairs Division The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental United States Senate The Honorable William L. Clay Chairman, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives The Honorable Dennis DeConcini United States Senate The Honorable Vie Fazio H... |
Date Oct. 28, 1993 |
Report No. 150181 |
TestimonyBeforethe Committeeon Government Operations, House of Representatives
Issues Important to GAO’ s Career Level Staff Issues Important To GAO’ Career Level Staff s Introduction Good Morning Mr. Chairman and Membersof the Committee: My nameis Kelly Wolslayer. I am a Band.1evaluatorin the Accounting and Iuformation ManagementDivision, and I s-e as ... |
Date Oct. 28, 1993 |
Report No. 150180 |
United States General Accounting Offke Testimony
Before the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expected at LO;00a.m.. EDT Thlrrsday, cktokr 28. 1993 Views of Mid-Level Staff Statementof Debra McKinney, Chair of GAO’ Mid-Level s Employees Council INTRODUCTION
Good morning,
Committee. Mr. Chairman and members of the I am My Name is Debra McKinney. a... |
Date Oct. 27, 1993 |
Report No. HRD-94-22 |
. ,’ ., < ; :., ‘ . ^, :’ ,’ ‘ . ; I_, .,‘ . .-. ” \ ‘ 1 ,.: .‘ I ” Human Resources Division B-251113 October 27,1993 The Honorable Shirley S. Chater, Ph.D. Commissioner of Social Security Department of Health and Human Services Dear Dr. Chater: This is our follow-up report evaluating SSA'S actions in response to the recommendations in our March 1987 report, Social Security Ach... |
Date Oct. 22, 1993 |
Report No. T-GGD-94-32 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Releaseon Detivery Expectedat 9:3Clam. EDT Friday October 22, 1993 Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives PERSONNELPRACTICES
Retroactive Appointments and Pay Adjustments in the Executive Office of the President Statement of Nancy R. Kingsbury, Director,... |
Date Oct. 15, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-94-31R |
GAO United States General Accounting OftIce San Fmmcisco Regional Office B-255424 October 15, 1993 The Honorable Vie Fazio U.S. House of Representatives 722% Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 Dear Mr. Fazio: In letters dated June 2, September7, and September 20, 1993, you asked us to investigate allegations by dozens of Vietnam veterans that the Defense Logistics Agency @LA) has withheld certain righ... |
Date Oct. 13, 1993 |
Report No. T-GGD-94-20 |
UnitedStates General Accounting Office Testimony
Before the Subcommittee.QII Select Education and Civil Rights, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expected at 9% a.m. EDT Wednesday October 13, 1993 EEOC: FEDERAL AFFIRMATIVE PLANNING RESPONSIBILITIES Statement of Nancy Kingsbury, Director, Federal Human Resource Management Issues, General Government Di... |
Date Oct. 8, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-94-16R |
GAO united sutel4 oonerrl Accoaming OffIce Washh#on,D.C.20~ Generrrl Government Dividon
B-254766 October 8, 1993 The Honorable Jim Lightfoot House of Representatives Dear Mr. Lightfoot: In your letter of September 14, 1993, you requested answers to questions on a number of matterm discussed in RetroActive our report entitled Personnel Practices: Appointments And Pay Adjustments in the Executive Of... |
Date Oct. 5, 1993 |
Report No. T-OSI-94-1 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m., EDT Tuesday October5, 1993 Testimony
Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives U.S. FOREST SERVICE IndependenceStill Lacking in Law Enforcement Organization
Statement by Richard C. Stiener, Director Office of Special Investigations Mr. Chai... |
Date Oct. 1, 1993 |
Report No. OIMC-94-2 |
. ..^_. . .. _, - I.. ._. . _._ ,. -._.~ A Accidents and Injuries Personnel’ Employee Benefits Branch is GAO'S liaison between employees s who are injured on the job and the Department of Labor’ Office of s Workers Compensation Programs. Report on-the-job accidents resulting in injuries to your immediate supervisor and to the Employee Benefits Branch, which stocks all necessary forms. Employee... |
Date Oct. 1, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-94-15 |
GAO United States General Accounting Offlice Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-254562 October 1,1993 The Honorable Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chainnan: This letter responds to your March 24,1993, request that we review the bonuses that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (n>Ic> and the Reso... |
Date Sept. 30, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-241 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
September 1993 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Force Requirements and Personnel, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate MILITARY DOWNSIZING Balancing Accessions and Losses is Key to Shaping the Future Force GAO/NSIAD-93-241 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-... |
Date Sept. 30, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-143 |
ThtcomptroilerOaneral ofthelmted~ B-255157 September 30, 1993 To the President Speaker of the
House 150013 of the Senate and the of Representatives This is an interim report on the General Accounting Office (GAO) review of the White House travel office being conducted pursuant to Public Law 103-50. During May 1993, White House and other officials took a number of actions that led to the announceme... |
Date Sept. 23, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-138 |
1 (“‘A(:)
..“---- St*pt t’Illlw1’ 1!w:< FEDERAL PERSONNEL Employment Poliey Challenges Created by an Aging Workforce -. -_ . _... _ . .._ .._ ., . I”_. I . ._-.--....-.__ -__-.------. _..- ---- _...__.. l_” _ - -.._ .” _- -.__.. _...... ---.-- _...._.__._. - -__--- ___.. l-.__.---_l .---~l~- GAO United Statea General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Divis... |
Date Sept. 23, 1993 |
Report No. HRD-93-108 |
Report to the Honorable Ckwles S. Robb, U.S. Senate VA HEALTH CAINE Labor Management and Quality-of-Care Issues at the Salem VA Medical Center ll.RlR GARY
15b155 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional . Relations. SsSOclr) RELEASED I I 1 /I 1 . ...”..-. ----. -- --.-. -- __.--... -_...-. I.,..lll-._ ..“... |
Date Sept. 9, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-148 |
(I I ll”-l”l_“llll,.---_~.“_I_. svpt 1’111 twr I !)!Kj F-P ‘, PERSONNEL PRACTICES Retroactive Appointments and Pay Adjustments in th.e Executive Office of the President 149956 ~-- ---, (;iZ()/(;(;I)-!):~-l‘llH GAO United States Genersl Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-264766 September9,1993 The Honorable Jim Lightfoot Ranking Minority Member Subc... |
Date Sept. 2, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-62R |
GAO United Statea General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-210883 September 2, 1993 The Honorable William L. Clay Chairman, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This letter responds to your request for information on how the U.S. Postal Service plans to use a contractor to help screen job applicants and determi... |
Date Sept. 2, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-280R |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-254659 September 2, 1993 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: #I llll 111111
149857 we are providing In reply to your July 26, 1993, letter, our re... |
Date Aug. 24, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-233 |
IJnited States General Accounting Of’ fice GAO
I Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Federal Services. Post Office. and C;ivil Service, C;ommittee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate
N. .1N I . I August, 1 XX3 ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND Providing Early Retirement Incentives in 1990 Could Have Saved Money I (;AO/NSIAI)-!333-233:3 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 ... |
Date Aug. 12, 1993 |
Report No. RCED-93-183 |
NUCLEAR SECURITY DOE’s Progress on Reducing Its Security Clearance Work Load ill Ill 111111 ll
RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. , 557823 RELEASED I”_ ..l‘.l.” .“I l l”l--ll”“.l - -.--..... ..-. - . . . .._.__.___-..--... - ._-.. -- -.._ - _.-- I”_I_lII-lIC--..-l--___ ... |
Date July 27, 1993 |
Report No. T-HRD-93-30 |
. United StatesGeneral Accounting Office GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 10:00a.m. EST Tuesday July 27.1993 Testimony
Subcommittee on Select Education and Civil Rights, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives EEOC An Overview
Statement of Linda G, Morra, Director, Education and Employment Issues, Human ResourcesDivision 149741 I llwlll SUMMARY EEOC upholds a basic right of... |
Date July 26, 1993 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-93-20 |
United States General Accounting Office ~4qcld *li Testimony
Befofe the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives For Release On Delivery Expected at 2:00 p.m., EDT Monday July 26, 1993 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Reforming the Economic Aid Program
Statementof Frank C. Conahan,Assistant Comptroller General, National Security and International Affairs Division 149686 ~.TJ1771S/ plWG
Date July 9, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-172 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
July 1993 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives ARMY TRAINING Expenditures for Troop Schools Have Not Been Justified -- GAO/NSIAD-93-172 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-252861 July 9, 1993 The Honora... |
Date July 9, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-49R |
- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-253973 July 9, 1993 The Honorable William L. Clay Chairman Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This letter is in response to your request that we review House ReDort No. 101-4. Dnvestiaatic an into the 198... |
Date July 1, 1993 |
Report No. TI-93-1 |
~. United States General Accounting O f i c e.-. - R m g Institute .July 1993 1992 n m g and Education Report f TI Mission The Training Institute supports GAO's mission by fostering an environment for continuuus learning. Our mission is t o promote exemplary organizational effectiveness and productivity, as well as individual performance and satisfaction, by delivering high-quality and timely trai... |
Date June 30, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-111 |
CUSTOMS SERVICE AND INS Dual Managemen Structure for Border Inspections Should Be Ended _-----“- -- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-261101 June 30,1993 The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This report responds to the November 12,1992, request from former Chairman Ll... |
Date June 30, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-119 |
United General Accounting Office GAO
June 1993 Report to Congressional Requesters FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT Inquiry Into Sexual Harassment Issues at Selected VA Medical Centers GAO/GGD-93-119 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-253883 June 30,1993 The Honorable Barbara Mikulski Chair, Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban ... |
Date June 28, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-105 |
United States General Accouuting Office GAO
June 1993 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs U.S. Senate THRIFT FAILURES Actions Needed to Stabilize RTC’ s Professional Liability Program United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-251260 June 28,1993 The Honorable Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Bankin... |
Date June 25, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-215 |
United States iibne~~~~ccommg ante 17 I 1 I - ’ GM
June 1993 Report to the Honorable John W. Warner, U.S. Senate HOMOSEXUALS IN THE MILITARY Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries Ill lllllll Ill I
149440 Printed copies of this document will be available shortly. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-253590 ... |
Date June 24, 1993 |
Report No. T-GGD-93-37 |
United StatesGeneral Accounting Office pkqsksf GAO
For Releaseon Delivery Expected at 200 p.m. EDT Thursday June 24. 1993 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Compensation and Employee Benefits, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT
Comments on Reauthorization of the Performance Management and Recognition System
Statementof Nancy R. Kingsbury, D... |
Date June 16, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-46R |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-125051 June 16, 1993 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: ~llllllll~ Ill
149407 This letter responds to your March 2, 1993, request for ' information concerning corrective actions negotiated between the Immigration and Naturalization... |
Date May 28, 1993 |
Report No. HRD-93-47 |
LTnikcl St,at,w General Accounting Office Report to t,he Secretary of Education DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Long-Standing Management Problems Hamper Reforms (;I\o/HRD-X3-47 United Statee General Accou.nting Oft!ke Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Besources Divbion B-241690 May 28,1993 The Honorable Richard W. Riley The Secretary of Education Dear Mr. Secretary: This report on the U.S. Department of Educat... |
Date May 21, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-43R |
B-253509 May 21, 1993 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This letter is in response to your constituent's inquiry to you in which we regarding our June 17, 1992 letter concluded that it would be costly to require the United States Postal Service to withhold both local residence and workplace taxes from employees at locations... |
Date May 14, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-194 |
May 1!)!I3 -----*, I trritcv! StateM (;clnc:rwl Accounting Office Rtqxx-t; to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Armed Swviws, House of Representatives DEFENSE CMLIAN DOWNSIZING Challenges Remain Even With Availability of Financial Separation Incentives GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2... |
Date May 5, 1993 |
Report No. T-NSIAD-93-14 |
. United States General Accounting Office WY’LI o-- ’ L GAO
For ReIease Delivery on Expectedat IO:00 a.m..EDT May 5, 1993 Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Civil and Constitutional Rights, Committeeon the Judiciary, and Subcommitteeon the Civil Service,Committeeon PostOffke and Civil Service Houseof Representatives ADMINISTRATIVEDUE PROCESS Denials and Revocationsof ’ Security Clearancesan... |
Date May 5, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-97 |
iI;1 y- 1!I!):$ Rqmrt t;o the Chairman, Subconmitt,ee on Oversight, Committee on Ways and Mmns, House of Representatives TAX ADMINISTRATION Improved Staffing of IRS’Collection Function Would Increase Productivity __ __ _.__._.__..,-_- ______ --.__ 1--- _,._ “-_.. .._ -... ..--. l.l.-- _._-.__..-. -- _.__ -- ---..- GAO United States General Accounting Office
Washingto... |
Date April 30, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-74FS |
lo-Year Staffing Trends at 30 Federal Age “, ““” ___.. ““_ _. ._,, _ .._-. - ..^_ ._.--._ -.___ .__- .._- I-. _.._. --_.l-” ..I -,--.-...-..-..---- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-252323 April 30, 1993 Affairs The Honorable John H. Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental United Stat... |
Date April 29, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-36R |
Date April 27, 1993 |
Report No. RCED-93-123 |
COAST GUARD Acauisition Prosavam A Staff Were F’ unded Improperly ” __.“l,“-.l, ___.._,.l___l___-._ ____.-._ -__.._ ____ I _.“_.. _.-“..“ll I-..--I __ -. __llllll- .___--_. .“.__ __-,~-““.,ll -,-. l---l. ~_-- GAO United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-252380 April 27,1993 The Honorable Frank Lauten... |
Date April 26, 1993 |
Report No. NSIAD-93-129 |
IJttitctd St ;tt.~ (;clttt?ritl Accottttt.ittg Of’ fice Iicport to Congressional Committees I1, April l!)!KX ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT Implementation of/ the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act 148920 I i --- (;AOlN,S1AI)-!):)-l~!) GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-247174 April 26,1993 The Honorable Ro... |
Date April 26, 1993 |
Report No. T-RCED-93-33 |
United StatesGeneralAccounting Office I t 4 4 073 ’ ‘. i Testimony
Before the Subcommitteeon Transportation and Related Agencies,Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:OO a.m. EDT Monday, April 26,1993 FAA BUDGET Important Challenges Affecting Aviation Safety, Capacity, and Efficiency
Statementof Kenneth M. Mead, Director, Transportation Issue... |
Date April 26, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-31R |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249779 April 26, 1993 Federico Pefia of Transportation The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: I II
149018 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses... |
Date April 26, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-30R |
,GAO United Statea General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-249779
April 26, 1993 Lloyd Bentsen of the Treasury The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business proc... |
Date April 26, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-29R |
i 144al~
United States General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division -- . *GAO B-249779 April 26, 1993 B. Kelso, the Navy the Navy II The Honorable Frank Acting Secretary of ATTN: Comptroller NCB-53 Dear Mr. Secretary: of Ill Ill lllllIlllll
149016 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality throug... |
Date April 22, 1993 |
Report No. T-RCED-93-32 |
United States General Accounting Office lY8799’ . Testimony
Before the Information, Justice,Transportation, and Agriculture Subcommittee,Committee on GovernmentOperations,House of Representatives For Relexx on Delivery Expected ;it WH);m., EDT Thurs&iy April 22, 1003 REVITALIZING USDA A Challengefor the 21st Centurv
J Statementof Robert A. Robinson, AssociateDirector, Food and Agriculture Issues... |
Date April 19, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-84 |
GAO united General Accounting OfTlce Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division states B-262630
April 19, 1993 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommitteeon Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report responds to your request that we review efforts being made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and... |
Date April 14, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-28R |
United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Genersl Government Division B-249779
April 14, 1993 The Honorable Daniel S. Goldin Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dear Mr. Goldin: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through TQM also organizationwide efforts based on facts and d... |
Date April 2, 1993 |
Report No. GGD-93-20R |
GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Divtslon El-249779 April 2, 1993 The Honorable Jesse Brown Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dear Mr. Secretary: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that strives to achieve continuous improvement of quality through organizationwide efforts based on facts and data. TQM also focuses business process... |