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GAO Reports by subject "Naval aircraft"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 31, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-98 Title

Navy A-12: Cost and Requirements

l_l---.-.l”--l- ._-..... ..^ _._ .-_-.- .^_ ._._. _..._____ GAO --l.--~---------.-- I)c*c~t~~i~lwr I!t!tONAVY A-12 Cost and Requirements Illlllllll llllll 14287 -. -..- - .-_. l_....l-l”l .I- .I.II “^” 1,, “,* II , ,. “.IL ““.“.l_.ll”-.---l~ . ..-..---_ --_--~ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division...
Date Dec. 14, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-46 Title

T-45 Training System: Navy Should Reduce Risks Before Procuring More Aircraft

T-45 TRAINING SYSTEM Navy Should Reduce Risks Before Procuring More Aircraft 142817 II --__-.______(;A@.)/ ^II ..-_-_.- -.- ____ --.------.------- ----__-_---- NSIAI)-91 -(If; . I_ 1111 _” .,, ,... ,,.lx,,“, ._ ,.,,““1 .,,,,,” ,).,” .,.., “a I”~ 1,. l,“.--“ll-” .-- “_. “- .-... “- .--..- -.-f‘ 1L’ National Security and International Affairs Division B-240156 Decembe...
Date Oct. 12, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-45 Title

Naval Aviation: The V-22 Osprey--Progress and Problems

- Unittd States Gttmral Accounting Office ii! GAO -_--.. ---_P__ -..--- Report to t,he Ranking Minority Member, Committee on .Arrned Services, I-hw of’ Representatives Oct.otwr 1990 NAVAL AVIATION The V-22 OspreyProgress and Problems 142638 BEmICTIED--Not to be rei&kd outaide the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RWASED G4O,‘NSIAI)...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-79 Title

Embedded Computers: Navy's Approach to Developing Patrol Aircraft Avionics System Too Risky

,.s c i I
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-246 Title

Navy Fielded Systems: Operating and Support Costs Not Tracked

. .“. ““.“_....“_l. .l.-l”__ .,.. ..“.. “._.._l._.*_.--l.-.---~~sty,1 ~~llllW1‘ I !)!M) NAVY FIELDED SYSTEMS Operating and Support Costs Not Tracked 142542 .. _........-..^l__l-__-..._-_..._- ..- _-...._ _.-..-... __..- “._-.- _. ..__ I-... ll.-,--“.-l-.-___, --- :a 1 ‘1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International A...
Date June 18, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-193BR Title

Navy Maintenance: Improvements Needed in the Aircraft Engine Repair Program

. .__ _ ._ ~. GAO ..” ,“.” “.“__ -.-...._... . _.l”._” -----_-. .Illrlc~ I!)!)0 -- NAVY MAINTENANCE Improvements Needed in the Aircraft Engine Repair Program a I 141621 United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239616 June 181990 The Honorable Les Aspin Chairman, Committee on Armed Services House of Representa...
Date May 31, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-54 Title

Embedded Computers: Navy Not Ready to Buy Avionics Computers for Its LAMPS Mk I Helicopters

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1990 Report to Congressional Requesters EMBEDDED COMPUTERS Navy Not Ready to Buy Avionics Computers for Its LAMPS Mk I Helicopters .. RESTRICTED --Not to be released outside the General Accounting office unless speciik&y approved by the Offlee of Congressional Relations. GAO General Accounthg Office Wwhingtan, D.C. 20648 Information Technology Manage...
Date Feb. 9, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-11 Title

Computer Acquisition: Navy's Aviation Logistics System Not Ready for Deployment

I'thI)rllilry I!)!)() COMPUTER ACQUISITION Navy’ Aviation s Logistics System Not Ready for Deployment _-______ -~~ ---- - - (;AO/IM’ l1:(:-!)O-1 I‘ 1 Information Management and Technology Division B-237899 February 9,199O The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report is in response to your pr...
Date July 7, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-108 Title

Naval Aviation: The Flying Hour Program's Budget and Execution

, .e. .,~ ^ .,, + 2,. ^ ,-1 -’ ““a. .- %. 1. United States General Accounting Office ’ Report to Congressional Requesters Jadg 1B89 NAVAL AVIATION The Flying Hour Program’s Budget and Execution GAO/lYSIAIMHO8 National Security and International Affairs Division B-234337 July 7, 1989 The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Repres...
Date Jan. 13, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-88 Title

Navy Procurement: Option for EA-6B Aircraft Parts Should Be Reexamined

r United W-&t& General Accounting Office GAO January 1989 Report to the Under Secretary of the Navy NAVY PROCUREMENT Option for EA-6B Aircraft Parts Should Be Reexamined I)’ : GAO/NSIAD89-88 unlted states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-232950 January 13,1989 The Honorable H. Lawrence Garrett III The Under Secretary of the N...
Date Sept. 13, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-242BR Title

Aircraft Basing: Assessment of Navy's May 1988 Basing Study for the TACAMO Aircraft

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters September 1989 AIRCRAFT BASING Assessment of Navy’s May 1988 Basing Study for the TACAMO Aircraft 1 GAO/-NS-242BR 3mL/ 13LX3? 1 GAO Llnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division September B-226357 13, 1988 The Honorable The Honorable United St...
Date March 23, 1988 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-16 Title

National Defense: Estimates of Potential Savings by Retiring Two Aircraft Carriers Early

U&edStUerGeneralAccountingOeB~e Testimony Relearse on Delivery zx7pe;ted W&esday harch 23, * . at 1988 'B*tilUate* of Potential Two Aircraft Carriers Savings By Retiring Early Statemen,t of Bill W. Thurman, Reporting National Security Division Deputy Director for Planning Affairs and . , I and International Before 'The Subcommittee'on Projection ; Forces and Regional Defense Committee on Armed Ser...
Date Oct. 8, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-88-9FS Title

Additional Costs to Government: Reflagging Kuwaiti Ships and Protecting Them in the Persian Gulf

United States General Accountin# Oi!t!ice w&y . Fact Sheet for the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate October 1987 ADDITIONAL COSTS TO GOVERNMENT Reflagging Kuwaiti Ships and Protecting Them in the Persian Gulf 134177 RESTFUL-Not to be releavcld outtaldethe Cim& Accounting Officb axcept on the basis of sptil0 fbpproval by the Office of CongressionslRelation& RELEASED c GAO United S...
Date July 17, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-182FS Title

Aircraft Requirements: Navy's Plans To Acquire a New Maritime Patrol Aircraft

, GAO July 1987 Fact Sheet for the Honorable Howard L. Berman, House of Fkpres~entatives AIRCRAFT REQUIREMENTS Navy's Plans to Acquire a New Maritime Patrol Aircraft . . r 1: GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 National Securi~ and International AfTairs Division B-227526 July 17, 1987 Berman The Honorable Howard L. House of Representatives Dear Mr. Berman: 14, 1987, vo...
Date June 26, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-157 Title

Navy Maintenance: The P-3 Aircraft Overhaul Program Can Be Improved

I . I Unite d S ta t& ~ G q0 r l tl A c c o u n tin g e O ffice I.‘;: R e p o rt to th e S e cre ta ry o f th e N a vy June 1987 NAVY MAINTENANCE T h e P -3 A ircra ft O verhaul P rogram Can B e Im p r o v e d ~ U1 1 1 1 1 IUIUU 133341 G A O /NSIAD-87-157 ~ 3 vs5 GAO General Accounting Office Wa&in&on, D.C. 20648 National Security and Intmmational Affairs Division united states B-226749 June 26,...
Date April 9, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-85BR Title

Material Management: Repair of Defective Government-Furnished Material

United States Geneml Accounting OfPlce Briefing Report to the Honorable William Proxmire, U.S.Senate na99 ! April’ 1987 MATERIAL MANAGEMENT Repair of Defective Government-Furnished Material Illlllllll 111 Ill 132991 GAC)/NSIAD-87-86BR . -.-~-.- GAO United States General Accounting OflIce Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International AlTalrs Divieion B-226610 April 9, 1987 The Honora...
Date April 3, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-106FS Title

Aircraft Basing: Decision To Base Navy TACAMO Aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma

GAO April 1987 United States General Accounting Off’ice ’ ) -- Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters I AIRCRAFT BASING Decision to Base Navy TACAMO Aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma I I 132698 - 1-- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 --National Security and International AfTab Dlvieion - -- B-226357 April 3, 1987 The Honorable The Honorable The Honor...
Date Feb. 19, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-62BR Title

Navy Contracting: Competition in Providing Maintenance for Navy Aircraft

1 8” * , / ’ * Unitad f&es General Accounting OfPlce GA6 Februmy 1987 Briefing Report *to&he Honorable John C. Sten nis,United States Senate k NAVY CONTRACTING Competition in Providing Maintenance for Navy Aircraft 132342 GAWNSIAD-87.62BR / 5?!l3w ) . “ c * February 19, 1987 The Honorable United States Dear Senator John C. Stennis Senate Stennis: 1986, On February 10, awarded contract trazne...
Date Oct. 22, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-87-18 Title

Navy Maintenance: Opportunities To Improve Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance

United States General Accounting Office GAO October 1986 Report to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Shipbuilding and Logistics) NAVY MAINTENANCE Opportunities to Improve Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance 037 145 GAO/NSIAD-87-18 13igpj Requests for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Post Office Box 60 15 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877 Telephone 202-275-6241 Th...
Date Sept. 22, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-214BR Title

Carrier Landing Systems: Replacement of the Navy's Automatic Landing System May Be Premature

Appropriations, House of. Representatives ., September 1986 ., .‘-’ , CARRIER LANDING -Replacement of the Navy’s Automatic Landing Systk May .Be-Premature RBcsTRlcpED----Not to 80 mbamd outside the General Amuntil@ o?fb0 8Xc8pt On the bssia Of SpdfiO approval by the OffkO Of &Ik@eas!and E?&&iOnS. RELEASED GAO/NSIAps&214BB 536630 .- -__ , _ . ., ‘-T;l;J;- _ * ._. T&y ‘:- ‘-- 4 _.... ---...
Date Aug. 25, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-45S-6 Title

DOD Acquisition: Case Study of the Navy Undergraduate Jet Flight Training System

August $5, 1986 I I DOD ACQUISITION CaseStudy of the Navy Undergraduate Jet Flight Training System I b Preface The Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and its Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management asked GAO to examine the capabilities of the program manager and contracting officer in weapon systems acquisition. As part of this study, GAO examined 17 new major weap...
Date July 8, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-112 Title

National Defense: DOD Guidance on the Combined Procurement Procedure Needs Provisions for Audit Verification

BY THEUS GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense DOD Guidance On The Combined Procurement Procedure Needs Provisions For Audit Verification The objective of the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) combined procurement procedure is to reduce acquisition costs by consolidating orders for spare parts with orders for production components. GAO concluded that the DOD guidance on the...
Date Feb. 14, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-31 Title

National Defense: Installation of an Air Force F-15 Aircraft Radar in a Navy P-3A Aircraft for Use by the Customs Service

UN~TEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS AND DIVISION B-217247 The Honorable Glenn English Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives The Honorable Dennis DeConcini Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal and General Government Comm...
Date Dec. 4, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-85-13 Title

National Defense: Opportunities To Strengthen Navy Aircraft Engine Research and Technology Program Planning

UNITED Srms GENERAL ACXCNNTING OFFICE D.C. 20548 WASHINGTON, NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS AND OIVISION DECEMBER 4, 1984 R-216716 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. John F. Lehman of the Navy ullllll lllllll 125772 Secretary: Opportunities to Strengthen Planning for the Navy's Aircraft Engine Research and Technology Programs (GAO/NSIAD-85-13) Subject: Navy aircraft engine research and ...
Date Nov. 2, 1983 Report No. 122774 Title

National Defense: Readiness of Navy Tactical Air Forces

I . t ’ . I j /didI y 4 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Washinqton, D.C. FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, November 2, 1983 STATEMENT OF Frank National Security C. Conahan, and International before Subcom m ittee on Legislation the and National Operations Security Director Affairs Division' 122774 Com m ittee on Governm ent House of Representatives Readiness of Na...
Date Sept. 22, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-58 Title

Government Operations: Sole-Source Award of a Contract for Aerial Reconnaissance Cameras to Zeiss Avionics Systems, Inc.

General Accounting Office Sole-Source Award Of A Contract For Aerial Reconnaissance Cameras To Zeiss Avionics Systems, Inc. Defense Acquisition Regulations require the use of competition to the maximum extent practical. This report addresses the Navy’s actions which led to the sole-source award of a contract for 38 aerial reconnaissance cameras and presents GAO’s conclusions concerning the pro...
Date June 10, 1983 Report No. MASAD-83-28 Title

National Defense: Navy's F/A-18 Program Faces Budget Concerns and Performance Limitations as Aircraft Enter the Fleet

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Defense, Committee On Appropriations House Of Representatives - Navy’s F/A-18 Program Faces Budget Concerns And Performance Limitations As Aircraft Enter The Fleet As the new dual-purpose F/A-l8 naval strike fighter begins to enter the fleet, it faces controversies over budgeting, testing, and fleet introduction. To cov...
Date March 17, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-56 Title

National Defense: Alternatives Available To Fulfill the Navy's Training Carrier Needs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT, AND READINESS LOGISTICS. OIVISION B-i10901 The Honorable Joseph P. Addabbo Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: MARCH 17,1983 Alternatives Available To Fulfill the Navy's Training Carrier Needs (GAO/PLRD-83-56) Your letter of February 9, 1982, re...
Date Jan. 26, 1983 Report No. C-MASAD-83-6 Title

National Defense: Navy Needs To Increase S-3A Readiness To Ensure Effective Use of Planned Weapon System Improvements

This is an unclassified digest furnished in lieu of a report containing classified security inforznation. UNCLASSIFIED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY NEEDS TO INCREASE S-3A READINESS TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE USE OF PLANNED WEAPON SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS DIGEST -----The S-3A is a carrier-based aircraft designed to protect U.S. surface ships from submarine threats. Offensive and ...
Date Feb. 26, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-20 Title

National Defense: Navy's F/A-18 Expected To Be an Effective Performer but Problems Still Face the Program

t I , BY TtiE C0hPTROLLER GENER f&port ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Navy’s F/A-l 8 Expected To Be An Effective Performer But Problems Still Face The Program naval strike fighter development is near completion. Development flight testing, which will end in the spring of 1982, shows that the F/A-18 will meet most of the design performance goals, and it is expected to effectively perform its f...
Date Oct. 7, 1981 Report No. PLRD-82-6 Title

National Defense: Retention of Unneeded Government-Owned Special Tooling by Contractors Causes Unnecessary Costs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING F ICE OF WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 f’ ItO(;lJl?t ANI) lit ML NT, AINNCSS I OGISTICS. IJIVISION B-204553 116565 OCTOBER 7,198l The Honorable The Secretary Caspar W . W e inberger of Defense Dear M r. Secretary: Subject: Retention of Unneeded Government-Owned Special Tooling by Contractors Causes Unnecessary Costs (PLRD-82-6) - ~ W e reviewed the management of Governm...
Date Feb. 28, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-11 Title

National Defense: Air Force and Navy Plans To Acquire Trainer Aircraft

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL’ OF THEUNITED STATES ,I/ -- Report ToThe Congress Air Force And Navy Plans To Acquire Trainer Aircraft The Air Force and Navy plan to acquire four different aircraft for training missions. Total costs are expected to be several billion dollars. With one exception, the Air Force Next Generatijon Trainer and the Navy Undergraduate Jet Flight Training System acquisition pro...
Date Feb. 18, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-3 Title

F/A-18 Naval Strike Fighter: Progress Has Been Made But Problems and Concerns Continue

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES F/A-l 8 Naval Strike Fighter: Progress Has Been Made But Problems And Concerns Continue The Navy and its contractors have made progress in solving technical roblems discussed In GAO’s February 14,l B 80, report on the F/A- 18 but problems remain. Futuredecisions should include consideration of whether --modifications to the wing w...
Date Feb. 9, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-2 Title

Review of Air Force's Next Generation Trainer Aircraft Program: Department of Defense

OF THEUN’ITED STATES Review Of Air ~FCNC~B’S N Trainer Airc Department of The Air Force‘s original plans effectively eliminated the Navy’s current primary trainer aircraft--the T-34Cfrom consideration as its new ,primary trainer aircraft. GAO believes this elimination is inconsistent with OMB Circular A-109. This inconsistency has, however, been negated by recent congressional direction fo...
Date June 6, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-65 Title

National Defense: Operational and Support Costs of the Navy's F/A-18 Can Be Substantially Reduced

B’r’THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Operational And Support Costs Of The Navy’s VA-18 Can Be Substantially Reduced The Navy’s logistics support planning for the F/A-18 aircraft is comprehensive; however, its operational and support costs could be substantially reduced if the Navy would adopt the following alternative concepts: --Use multiport --Consolidate av...
Date Feb. 8, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-23 Title

National Defense: A Decision by the Secretary of Defense Is Needed on the AV-8B Aircraft Program

I .I . , BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL * Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES A Decision By The Secretary Of Defense Is Needed On The AV-8B Aircraft Program The estimated cost of the AV-88 aircraft program has increased greatly although little progress has been made in completing its development. Intense competition for Navy aircraft procurement funds between the AV-86 and the F/A-18 aircraft progr...
Date Dec. 5, 1979 Report No. LCD-80-23 Title

National Defense: Followup on the Navy's Efforts To Improve Productivity at Navy Aircraft Overhaul Depots

., UNITED STATE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WiSHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTICS A;?C:gM~UNICAflONS B-113014 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Harold Brown of Defense P < DECEMBER 5,195 Secretary: 1 Subject: ,&o?lowup On The Navy's Efforts To Improve Productivity at Navy Aircraft Overhaul Depotx(LCD-80-23) I In December 1975 we to improve productivity of In responding i the possibility of consolidati...
Date Sept. 24, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-432 Title

National Defense: Naval Aircraft Accidents During Launch and Recovery Operations

J- .I l a .I Illlllllllllllll~ Ill1ti yl~~lllllIll1 Ill11 II& . REPORTBYTHEU.S. II I Naval Aircraft Accidents During Launch And Recovery Operations Over the past 5-i/2 years, the Navy has had 730 aircraft accidents resulting in substantial aircraft damage, aircraft losses, and some crew fatalities. Not all these accidents occurred during carrier operations, and only 29 were associated with launch ...
Date March 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-77 Title

Navy Operational Test and Evaluation: A Valuable Tool Not Fully Utilized (Unclassified Digest of a Classified Report)

DOCUUIIT 05l14 - [ 000554#1J MlSUNU fully mavy Opalatioal Test sad Ivaluatioti a Valuable Tool Not of a Cliasified Ieport), Utiltzed (Unoulasitli4 Digest PvSAU-i-77. Rarch 29, 1978. ainserl. epsILt to the Congressi by Ilmr B. tlastm, comptroller (t900)l Issue Area: federal Procureen*t of Goods and ServitCe aa4 Setviceesl ngitneerilg Federal Procuremeat of Goods Development Before producing (1903)....
Date March 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-27 Title

Government Operations: Is Production of the CH-53E Helicopter Warranted?

DOCUMENT RESUME 05512 - [B0885817] Is Production of the CH-53E Helicopter B-163058. March 23, 1978. 27 pp. Report to the Congress; by Robert arranted? PSAD-78-27; Acting Comptroller . Keller, Gene: a1l. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Congress of Status of Important ProcureLent Programs (1905); Federal Procurement of Goods nd Services: Definition of Per;formanc...
Date Feb. 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-61 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Navy's Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

DOCONBIT 135f1fB 05053 B0585501 ] Status of the avyts Vertical Short Takaoff and Landing ircraft. PSD-78-61* -163058. ebruary 23, 197]. 24 pp. + 3 appendices (16 pp.). Report to the Congress; by IBlle D. Statas, Coptroller Ceneral. Issue Area: Federal Procuremen. of goods and Services (1900); Federal Procueseat cf goods end Services* lotifyina the Congress of States of Imsportant Procurement Progr...
Date Sept. 12, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-409 Title

National Defense: The Navy's Multimission Carrier Airwing--Can the Mission Be Accomplished with Fewer Resources?

DOCUMENT _ESUME 03398 - tA2513712] (3estricted/Ct ! ife , The Navy's Multimission Carrier Airwing--Can the Mission Be Accomplished with Fewer Resources? LCD-77-r09; B-133118. September 12, 1977. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Military Preparedness Plans: Lcgistic Support Planning for major Equipment (801). Contact: Logistics and Communicaticns Div. Bud...
Date Nov. 10, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-443 Title

National Defense: Management Action Needed in the Department of Defense To Realize Benefits From a New System of Aircraft Maintenance

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Management Action Needed In The Department Of Defense To Realize Benefits From A New System Of Aircraft Maintenance A new maintenbnce concept has been used successfully by major commercial airlines, greatly reducing aircraft maintenance costs and improving aircraft availability for operations. Many of these same results can be ...
Date Jan. 5, 1976 Report No. 098308 Title

Energy: Energy Conservation Measures at the Naval Air Station (NAS), South Weymouth, Massachusetts

Captain Henry L. Cassani, USN C-ding Officer Naval Air Station south weymouth, Mas8achusett8 02190 Daar Captain Cassanir p(p of~z~ We have completed a review of mergy use at the Naval Air Station The pUrpOW Of thi8 lX?FTi.eW Wa8 o?As) # south WeyIliouth, MaserachW6tts. to find out how effectively Govemumnt field instaklatiorm were implementing the energy r&ucCim program. The rwiew iricludad thar -...
Date Dec. 23, 1975 Report No. LCD-75-432 Title

National Defense: Navy Aircraft Overhaul Depots Could Be More Productive

BY THE COMPTROL%%%-ENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096879 Navy Aircraft Overhaul Depots Could Be More Productive: Department of Defense There is continuing concern over the amount of industrial capacity available in the Department of Defense and the amount needed even under mobilization. This report gives some insight into industrial capacity needs for mobilization ...
Date May 2, 1975 Report No. PSAD-75-70 Title

National Defense: Inefficient Management of F-14 Spare Parts

TO THE CONGRESS Illllllll lllll II111 lllll Ill1 Ill1 III 1111 lllll Ill1 LM097040 Inefficient Management Of F-14 Spare Parts . Department of the Navy BYTHECOlkPl'ROLLERGENERAL OFTHE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED 20548 STA7-ES B-168464 /’ -I --- To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives spare This is our report on inefficien...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093066 Title

National Defense: CVAN-68/69 and CVN-70 Nuclear Aircraft Carriers

U.S. GENERAIL ACCOUNTING OFFICE STAFF STUDY LCVAN-68/69 AND CVN-70 NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MARCH 1974 B~~~~-.t~fi~ lo6'v JcY3 .0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 i~* '4 iK. 3 i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 A- c~~ I ,E ~ :··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 I i r · I ' i, 14 I i.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~~ii; ''4 1/ 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 4 £ I. if4 I'4 I4 I ~ I a ,` i I i...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093516 Title

National Defense: F-14/Phoenix Weapon System

U, S. GEMBAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE SW STUDY ON THE F-lb/T)HOENIX FTEASON SYSTEM DEPARTMENT THE NAVY OF MARCH1974 CONTENTS M-m----S-Y CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION System descrlptlon Scope lEAPON SYSTEMSTATUS cost F-14A F-14B PHOE3lIX Escalation Other costs Contract data AIrframe Grumman fuxxxzxal problems TF30-P-412 engxne F-401~PW-400 engine AWG-9 weapon control system PHOENIX Schedule Au9rame Engines Nav...
Date Aug. 30, 1973 Report No. B-178547 Title

National Defense: Navy's Bombing Practices at the Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in the Ocala National Forest, Florida

B-178547 The Honorable Bill Chappell )! -House of Representatives k Dear Mr. Chappell : / In response to your June 22, 1973, letter we have lookc~d into the Nav ~oI>ombi.n,~ctices at the Pinecastle Elcctr0la.i r, I Warfare Range in the Ocala Ns’t’idnal Forest, Florida. You requested that we obtain information on the frequency of bomb- We reviewed pertinent records and interviewed Navy ofit< ci...
Date June 21, 1972 Report No. B-175251 Title

National Defense: Plan To Acquire Commercial Aircraft for the Naval Reserve

RESTI CTED - Not to b1 released C*tflde basis of spec. c Aceoustit.g Office except oa e o ra I. 1; 4 y, Ott .e Congrolow oe _ = / REPORT TO THE COMMITTEES ON APPROPRIATIONS ~ntw~ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND cco U UNITED STATES SENATE p sl% FRELEASED Plan To Acquire Commercial Aircraft For The Naval Reserve 8.175251 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES . w .O~~8 5EJUNE21 A~~~~~~~ 1 97 9...