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GAO Reports by subject "Collection procedures"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 27, 1975 Report No. 089582 Title

Financial Institutions: Opportunities To Improve Internal Controls at the National Credit Union Administration

9 IlnwIll! IMllIIBI lllll II! III11 Ill IMI IIUI LMO89582 iik ./ ” . “,“, .,,,/ * . .
Date May 22, 1975 Report No. FGMSD-75-32 Title

Financial Management: Survey of Systems of Accounting and Internal Control

‘YNITED STATES GENERAL ACXCNJNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION GENERAL OF PiNANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUDIES ^ /. ‘? B-164031(1) The Honorable John D. Young Assistant Secretary, Comptroller Department of Health., Education and Welfare Dear Mr. Young: / / ;.F This is our report on our survey of systems of accounting and internal control concerned with receipt and disbursement transactio...
Date March 25, 1975 Report No. 089382 Title

Social Services: Fairfax County Procedures To Collect Child Support Payments

a WASHINGTON FIFTH 803WEST FALLS REGIONAL FLOOR STREET OFFiCE BROAD C;HURCH,VIRG~R~~A 22046 Mr. Edward W. Sterling, Director Fairfax County Department of Social 404% University Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Dear Mr. Sterling: Services * The General Accounting Office, as part of its nationwide evaluation of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AJDC) program, surveyed Fairfax Counfyqs proced...
Date Nov. 14, 1974 Report No. 093085 Title

Financial Management: Concerning 1974 Audit of Veterans Canteen Service

~H’B’I-EDSTATES GENERAL &XOUNTlNG WASHlNGTON REGIONAL OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR 803WESmr BROAD STREET FALLSCHURCH,VIREINIA OFFICE 22046 Mr. Clyde C. Cook, Director Veterans Canteen Service Veterans Administration Vermont Avenue between I-1 and I Streets, VJashington, D .C . 20420 Dear Hr. Cook: IlllllllllllllllllllllIllll~ LM093085 NW. i As you know , we have completed our audit of the Veterans Cante...
Date Feb. 26, 1974 Report No. 093540 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of the Veterans Canteen Service, Fiscal Year 1973

UNITED ST’~TES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, i *i fE DC 20548 MANPOWER AND DlVlSION WELFARE i If FEB 2 6 1974 Hr. Robert E. Lindsey, Jr., Dlrector Division of Englneerlng Service Department of lledlclne and Surgery Veterans Admlnistratlon Dear Mr. Lindsey. BESTDOCUMENT AVAkRBLE I r , The General Accounting Office annually audlfs the financial statements of the Veterans Canteen Service (VC...
Date Oct. 31, 1973 Report No. 094526 Title

Environmental Protection: Department of the Interior Activities Under the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969

Date Oct. 29, 1973 Report No. 093588 Title

National Defense: Williams AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE REGIONAL. 7014 FEDERAL OFFICE STREET ~~UILDING,~~~SSTOUT DENVER,COLORADO 80202 October 29, 1973 Commander Williams Air Force Base Arizona 85224 We have examined certain transactions affecting the JUMPS Interim Leave System at the Air Force Accounting and Finance Center (AFAFC) to determzne how well the accounting and finance offlcer (AJ?O) at your lnstallatlo...
Date Oct. 26, 1973 Report No. 093587 Title

National Defense: Tyndall AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Sept. 10, 1973 Report No. 089512 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts

Date Aug. 9, 1973 Report No. B-137762 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Collection of Taxpayer Delinquent Accounts

B-137762 The Honorable Russell B. Long Vice Chairman, Joint Committee Internal Revenue Taxation Congress of the United States Dear Mr. Vice Chairman: on Today I transmitted to you our report to the Joint Committee on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS’s) ,c*olBecause the lection ‘.,-i’zhrr:13* .~,W3Ll w.Wrni.‘i~ ,&*,el”“-, of_( >mI\UII,,IU,,,Y’ delinquent~~~~~~~~~~~~~s. NMbbw%WC,,...
Date July 27, 1973 Report No. 088978 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date June 22, 1973 Report No. 089526 Title

Financial Management: Review of Procedures and Controls for Processing Military Pay and Allowance Transactions Under JUMPS

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 8112 FEDERAL FIFTH AND OFFICE MAIN OFFICE SUll STREFTS DING CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 3 L_ -- - MaJor General 5. H. Cushman Commandxng Officer 1Olst Airborne Dzmslon and Fort Campbell Fort Campbell, Kentucky 42223 Dear General Cushman* We have completed our renew of the procedures and controls used by the 1Olst Airborne Dxvlslon Finance Offxe for proce...
Date June 6, 1973 Report No. 089532 Title

Government Operations: Survey of the Patent Office's Administration of Fees Charged Specific Beneficiaries for Services

“~lll~~~ll~ll~~l~~ll~‘III/IIliII~~lll~~ll~ll~iilllll~~lll~llIlli,;,I II illli/llllll//llll~~ll~~~ll~~~ll~~~ll~,~l~ill,~I~~lll~,~~l~,lil~~~ll III, ‘8 ‘III Illl~~~lllllllll~lll ,,/ ,,,#N,,SN ~ll11;l1ll~~ll~I / i,\ll/ llllll ~lll1lI * ‘, ‘I ,1,, : ,, ” I, ‘~‘l~l~l~~~lll~l~~~~~~~~/ll ~I/~ll(1/~))l(1/1) 1//1ll/11/)~1~~~~~ 1,,~1,~~ ~~llli~~ Ill I~~~~ ,,I,I,,, ,,,,, ,II,,,,,,,,,~,I~;,,I...
Date May 29, 1973 Report No. B-117604(4) Title

Financial Management: Improvements Noted in Payment and Debt Claims Operations

(13 ul .-t c, t H .2 . UNITED STATES GENERAL A~~OIJNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20348 TRANSPORTATION AND CLAIMS DIVISION B-117604(4) The The Dear Honorable Secretary Mr. of the Air Force ’ ~ Secretary: We have completed our second review at the Air Force Accounting and Finance Center in Denver. We evaluate periodically Center regulations, procedures, and operations in settling claims against th...
Date April 9, 1973 Report No. 093858 Title

Financial Management: McConnell AFB, Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date March 15, 1973 Report No. 093873 Title

Financial Management: Malmstrom AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Feb. 15, 1973 Report No. 093897 Title

Financial Management: Fairchild AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Feb. 13, 1973 Report No. 093900 Title

National Defense: Webb AFB, Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave Statement

Date Feb. 13, 1973 Report No. 093899 Title

National Defense: Wurtsmith AFB, Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Feb. 7, 1973 Report No. B-117604(15) Title

Financial Management: Administration of Debt and Payment Claims Can Be Improved

Illlillil lllll IN Ill Iill Ill llllllllll Ill11 II LM096174 Administration Of Debt And Payment Claims Can Be Improved B-117604(15) Agency for International Development UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 TRANSPDRTATION CLAIMS DIVISION AND B-117604(15) Dear Dr. Hannah: This is our report on the administration of debt and payment cl...
Date Jan. 24, 1973 Report No. 093924 Title

Financial Management: Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Dec. 15, 1972 Report No. 089490 Title

Financial Management: Procedures and Controls for Processing JUMPS

Date Dec. 14, 1972 Report No. 089489 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave Statement

Date Dec. 12, 1972 Report No. 089493 Title

Financial Management: Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Dec. 4, 1972 Report No. 089497 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Oct. 6, 1972 Report No. 093271 Title

Government Operations: Altus AFB Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date Sept. 15, 1972 Report No. 093281 Title

Government Operations: Review for Settlement of Accounts at Regions 2, 5, and 9, U.S. Forest Service

DIVISION GENERAL OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUDIES B-125053 Dear Mr Clxff. September 15, 1972 We have reviewed the accounts of accountable officers at the Denver, CoLorado (Region 2); San l?mnc~sco, California (Region 5>; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Region 91, regjonal offxes of the U.S. Forest Service and at selected forest and ranger district offices located wzthin each of these regions. We exam...
Date May 5, 1972 Report No. 092372 Title

Financial Management: Accounting for Accrued Expenditures at Warner Robbins Air Materiel Area

ConmiandeP Warner Robins Air Materiel Area Robins Air Force Base, Ceorgia 31093 ar Sir: We bave completed our survey of accrued expenditure reporting procedures at Warner Robins Air Materiel Area ( ) , Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. The wodc pe~fomed was part of y sf the communication and coatsol of accrued expenditure data at selected activities $n the partment of Defense ( The results of our wo...
Date April 28, 1972 Report No. 092379 Title

Financial Management: Accounting Practices and Procedures of the Office of National Capital Parks

WASI-i!NGTGN 803 FALLS REGIONAL OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR WEST BROAD STREET CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 ll11lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM092379 I_ f P
Date March 2, 1972 Report No. 092420 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Accounts of Accountable Officers, National Labor Relations Board

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR 803 WEST BROAD STREET FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 MAR 2 1972 Dear Mr. Wright: We have examined the accounts of accountable officers of the National Labor Relations Board through June 30, 1971, and the payroll and leave records through-the leave year ended January 9, 1971. We evaluated procedures and internal controls r...
Date Jan. 21, 1972 Report No. B-117604(13) Title

Government Operations: Debt Collection Operations and Regulations of the Federal Housing Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development

GUBNIS DlWlSlOM IN REPLY PLEASE W O E U T B-117604(13) Dear Mr. Gulledge: During fiscal year 1971 we reviewed debt collect,ion operations and regulations pertaining to tiSle'-I-'aebts at the 8 central office o f the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) fl Department of Housing aSCr5a%-De%e-ropmeht (HIID-]9 Washington 9q .C., and at the Insuring Office in Hempstead, New York, whichf4/7/@ was then i...
Date Dec. 20, 1971 Report No. B-117604(12) Title

Financial Management: Administration of Debt and Payment Claims

Administration Of Debt And Payment claims 80177604(72) United States Coast Guard UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE DEC.20,1971 UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCWNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, R.C. 20548 CLAIMS DIVISION IN REPLY PLEkSE QUOTE ,jii7 / B- 117604(12) Dear Admiral Bender: This is our report on the administration of debt and payment claims at the United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington,...
Date Nov. 2, 1971 Report No. 092448 Title

Financial Management: Disbursing Transactions, Naval Ammunition Depot Crane, Indiana

UNI ,'ED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 2006 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD BUILDING 234 STATE STREET DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 NqV 2 1971 Captain J. C. Donaie CGo--i.mldig Officer Naval Anrmuaitio Crane, Indiina Depot Dear Captain Donahue: We hae exadined selected trwactinas in the 1970 financial returns of the depot to evaluate the quality of your disburing Center, Cleve1lad, operations. I...
Date Aug. 25, 1971 Report No. 092589 Title

Health: Collection of Third-Party Payments for Medical Services Provided to Model Neighborhood Residents

.L ‘-’ r’.‘lL DlVlSlON I UMTEDSTATES GENERAL WASHINGTON. ACCO~JNTING D C 20548 \ OFFiCE Dear Mr. Hyde During our review of the Model Cltles Program at selected locations, we noted certain weaknesses In the practices of City Demonstration Agencles (CDAs) relative to the colLectLon of payments from State agencies and private organlzatlons (generally referred to as third-party payments) for s...
Date June 28, 1971 Report No. 092614 Title

Financial Management: Accounting for Import Duties on the Bureau of Customs Automated Revenue Accounting System

Dear Mr. Ambrose: We have made a revxew of the accounting for Import dutLes by the Bureau of Customs automated revenue accounting system. We found that input data submitted by the port of Baltimore and the New York Region and reJected by the computer as erroneous or unacceptable was not being corrected promptly. The re-jected data consisted of errors in the coding and recording of cash collections...
Date March 31, 1971 Report No. 089310 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts of the Accountable Officers, HUD Region IX

Y # 1111 “111 illll 1111 “,,. “,* “IM III III 1111 ,,,,. ,,,,. Mr. Robert H, Baida, Regional Administrator Department of Housing and Urban Devekopment, 450 Golden Gate Avenue - Box 36003 San Francisco, California 94102 Dear Mr. Baida: on the officers Region Region IX Here is our report accounts of accountable and Urban Development, review for the settlement of the Department of IX, San Fra...
Date March 29, 1971 Report No. 093023 Title

Housing: Department of Housing and Urban Development Activities Financed Through the Assessment of Fees

iriAR 2 3 1971 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllll LM093023 Dear Wr. Condon: of the policies and Urban of funds obtained of eight loan The General Accounting Gffice has made a review and practices followed by the Repartment of Housing Development (HUR) in its management and utilization through the collection of fees from the beneficiaries and grant programs. In fulfilling its respons...
Date March 9, 1971 Report No. 093230 Title

Government Operations: Review for Settlement of Accounts of the Accountable Officer at the Philadelphia Regional Office, U.S. Civil Service Commission

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING REGIONAL 502 U S CUSTOMHOUSE PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE OFFICE 2D AND CHESTNUT STREmS 19106 PENNSYLVANIA Mr MI lton I. Sharon I Regional Director U.S Civil Service Commission Room 706, U.S. Customhouse 2nd and Chestnut Streets 1 Phi iadelphra, Pennsylvania 19 Dear Mr. Sharon 06 We have made a review accountable officer at the Service Commission, through for the settlemen...
Date Feb. 25, 1971 Report No. 089335 Title

Budget and Spending: Need To Evaluate Collectability of Outstanding Loans

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE f.-~~~ ~ ,~ LM089335 WASHINGTON, D.C. CIVIL DIVISION 20548 FEB 25 1971 Dear Mr. Smith: The General Accounting Office has reviewed the practices followed by the Farmers Home Administration (FHA) in establishing and accounting for allowances for losses on uncollectible loans-for FHA's various loan programs. In a report issued to the Congress on improvements ne...
Date Feb. 9, 1971 Report No. 089336 Title

Information Management: Improvements Needed in Certain Loan Management Practices and Certain Aspects of the Management Information System of Farmers Home Administration

CIVIL DIVISIO?4 FE13 3 1971 Dear Mr. Smith: Office has made a survey and certain aspects of the Farmers Home Administration. of selected management The General Accounting loan management practices information system of the Our survey work, performed at FHA's national headquarters office and at the State office and one county office in Virginia, was directed toward determining ways in which the eff...
Date Feb. 27, 1969 Report No. 089449 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

CIVIL DIVISION Dear Mr, Luft: We rece tly completed our annual L audrt of the Federal Crop rnsurance FCIC), Department of Agriculture, pursuant to the provrsions Corporatron Control Act (31 U,S.C, 841) and the Federal of the Go $ nment Corporatron Crop rnsurance Act of 1938, as amended (7 U,S.C, 15131, During the audit we noted two reserve accounts whrch, in our oprnlon, were overstated and These ...