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GAO Reports by subject "Health care programs"

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Date Report No. Title
Date April 19, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-70 Title

Income Security: The Well-Being of Older People in Cleveland, Ohio

L1 S THE WELL-BEING OF OLDER PEOPLE IN CLEVELAND, OHIO I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE/AND OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES I *.,. HRD-77-70 4f19177 We have identified at least 134 Federal programs which assist the elderly. To measure the impact of such programs, we interviewed a random sample of more than 1,600 people, 65 years or older, in Cleveland, using a questionnaire designed to determ...
Date March 16, 1977 Report No. 102509 Title

Health: Survey of States' Utilization Review Programs for Noninstitutional Services Under Medicaid

6, Mr. Don I* Uortmar: )* AcUng Administrator Health kdmMstratian Department of Health, bnd Uelfam Care Financing -.. _ _ Dear**uortman: .- 3 . - This is to advise you that we have ampleted a survey of States’ utititation review (also called utiTi2atQm control) program5 for non-institutional services under Kedicaid. Suc?m ?-am fpxs on serviceE- provided by phyawlcare intended to sicians, dentist...
Date Feb. 4, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-23 Title

Health: Fundamental Improvements Needed for Timely Promulgation of Health Program Regulations

Date Dec. 7, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-25 Title

Health: Funding of Mission Community Health Center, San Francisco, California

DOCUMENT RESUME 00500 - [A0590617i Funding of California. ission Commun ty Health Center, San Francisco, B-164031(5); HRD-77-25. December 7, 1976. 3 PFp Report to Secretary, Department of Health, Educatior., and welfare; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Faciliiies (1203)} Coutact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health: Health Care Servi...
Date Nov. 4, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-3 Title

Health: Investigation of Allegations Concerning Indian Health Service

llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LMI 00493 c3 0 B-164031(5) RLSTRICTEL) ACCOWI~‘~~ by the Office _ OfKce of -_ . Not to be on released the basis Refations, ‘orrtside of spec;~c the except Congressional Gmeraf approvsl i The Honorable James G. Abourczk United States Senate Dear Senator Abourezk: In our March 15, 1976, letter report (ERR-76-108) we responded to your April 30, 1975,...
Date Oct. 21, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-175 Title

Health: Greater Assurances Are Needed That Emotionally Disturbed and Handicapped Children Are Properly Cared for in Department of Defense Approved Facilities

lllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll LM100491 REPOIW TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED ST,4TE§ I . Greater Assurances Are Needed That Emotionally Disturbed And- Handicaploec? %kildren Are Properly f;area For In ‘:pp Dkpar-tinsi7t ro?,: ed faci ~‘74 1 iti es :J&nf,;l. th* F T;&I ‘ypes of speciaiized freirtment facilities approved for participation in the ...
Date Sept. 17, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-170 Title

Education: Review of the Health Facilities Surveyor Training Program Funded by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

RELEASED The Honorable ,,auoe Pepper Chairman, Subcommittee TV. !:calth and Long-Term Care Select Committee or, Aging House of Representatives Dear Mr. I ,'hairman: _j I .'I' : ;-' r 1 On May 71, 1976, you asked us to revieu the health facilities surveyor training program funded by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), particularly in view of HEW's plans to discontinue support of...
Date Sept. 1, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-112 Title

Health: Operation of the Emergency Food and Medical Services Program

u REPORT 8 EiVERAL COMPTROLL QF THE UNITED STATES Operation Emergent Medical Community Services gram Administration The Emergency Food and Medical Services Program was established to counteract starvation and malnutrition among those segments of the poor difficult to reach through other Federal programs. The Community should Services Adminstration --develop better data on the population served by ...
Date Aug. 10, 1976 Report No. 089547 Title

Veterans Affairs: Survey of VA Outpatient Medical and Dental Program

UNIT& STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION I Mr. Wallace E. Busbee Director, Internal Audit Veterans Adminlstratlon Dear Mr. Busbee Service Df I&- In September 1975, the General Accounting Office initiated afiurvey of the Veterans Admlnlstratlon (VA) outpatient medical and dental program 1 In the subsequent months survey work was performed at several loca...
Date July 6, 1976 Report No. 089542 Title

Health: Nebraska's Efforts To Provide Alternatives to Institutional Care for the Mentally Disabled

NEBRASKA'S EFFORTS TO PROVIDE ALTERNATIVES TO INSTITUTIONAL FOR THE MENTALLY DISABLED CARE Kansas City Regional Department of Health, Office Education, and Welfare Caring rather lives In Its for the mentally disabled in the community than State mstltutlons can improve their Nebraska has made conslderable progress efforts to provide community care If mentally disabled persons in Nebraska are to ach...
Date May 5, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-123 Title

Health: Investigation on the Complaints About the Performance of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

IMY 5 B-164562 c’: The Honorable James A. House of Representatives Mr. Baley: Haley 1976 oqoo Fo ‘. Dear ~ ! This is in response to your request that we investigate complaints about the performance of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Prowere related primarily to delayed paygram_, The complaints ment of claims, delayed and unresponsive replies to...
Date Jan. 26, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-83 Title

Health: Federal Employees Need Better Information for Selecting a Health Plan

llBRARY s”sTE,z/r UNITED STATES *GENERAL, ACCOUNTING OFFICE ’ ‘. - IllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIII LM099970 Federal Employees Information For Selecting A Health U.S. Civil Service Commission Need Better Plan The Federal Employees Health Benefits Act requires that the Civil Service Commission make available to Federal employees sufficient information to enable them to make informed choices a...
Date Jan. 22, 1976 Report No. 094302 Title

Social Services: Department of Human Resources Plan To Construct a New Receiving Home for Juveniles

Date Dec. 4, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-52 Title

Veterans Affairs: Cost To Operate the Veterans Administration Hearing Aid Program

erate The istration id Program The Veterans Administration program provides for issuing a hearing aid, including all the necessary accessories, to each eligible veteran. The Administration has 45 clinics available to evaluate whether a veteran needs a hearing aid. At the clinics visited it cost an average of $199.90 to provide a hearing aid to a veteran. The costs reviewed appeared reasonable and ...
Date Nov. 21, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-48 Title

Health: Management of the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services Needs Improvement

Department of Defense In 1970 and 1971, GAO issued five reports containing 31 recommendations to improve program management and pointing out opportunities to reduce costs. GAO’s followup review showed that 19 recommendations have been acted on to some extent, although slowly, and 20 recommendations still require action. MWD-76-48 k,I 0 \.,I. ? 1 1975 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE U...
Date Nov. 14, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-55 Title

Health: Information on Psychiatric Benefits Under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

. ',,.T T. THE PERMANENT -T SENATE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RIESTRICTED Account-eng Office except >^'* Ole, Not to be releazecd e on te. btshge ht e; '~s .:4riI , z-'.2'... m5I by the Office of Congressional RetatEo. . information On Psychiatric Benefits Under The Civilian Health And Medical Program Of The Uniformed Services Department of D...
Date Oct. 8, 1975 Report No. GGD-76-17 Title

Social Services: District of Columbia's Lack of a Comprehensive Plan for Adequately Caring for Its Needy Children

6 / Subcommittee on District Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: of Columbia _ ‘L “I _ 1 *,” The Senate Subcommittee on District of Columbia Appropriations has been concerned for some time about the District’s lack of a comprehensive plan for adequately caring for its needy children. The Subcommittee has been particularly interested in the adequacy of th...
Date June 2, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-87 Title

Social Services: Outlays, Beneficiaries, and Evaluations of Federal Programs Benefiting the Poor

En response to your letter of March 20, %973, we gathered data on.189 Federal programs bemcfi%ing the poor, As agreed with youa: officer this dlata inclladed outlays, beneficiaries S@KVE?d and agency eva%uations fi of %he pacogarams. The infoKmation was derived from public documents0 discussions with agency officia%s, and data Puacnished by them. Also, as agreed with your office, we accumulated a ...
Date May 28, 1975 Report No. FOD-75-14 Title

Employment: Study of Various Personnel Policies of the Canal Organization and Other Federal Agencies in the Canal Zone

I TT TA s Panama Canal Company of Defense And Canal Zone Government Department Federal Federal Aviation Highway Smithsonian Administration Administration Research Institute Tropical FOD-75-14 i4AY28,1975
Date March 22, 1974 Report No. 093541 Title

Health: Questionable Payments to the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Under Part B of the Medicare Program

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFEE WASHINGl.ON, DC 20548 MANPOWER 1 AND DIVISION WELFARE March 22, 1974 I Mr. James B. Cardwell Commlssroner of Social Department of Health, and Welfare Dear Mr. Cardwell. Security Education, The General Accounting Offlce has revlewed the methods used to reimburse the Southern Callfornla region of the Kaiser Foundation Kaiser is Health Plan, Inc under part B of t...
Date March 7, 1974 Report No. 088966 Title

Financial Management: Financial Management of Grant Funds by the Abnaki Health Council, Claremont, New Hampshire

* * UNITED STATES GENERAL WUXJNTJNG OFFICE WASHINGTON, \ MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE D C 20548 March 7, 1974 Mr. Robert L. Trachtenberg Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants and Procurement Management Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Washmgton, D.C. 20201 c Dear Mr. Trachtenberg. The General Accountrng Office LS revrewlng the grant and contract programs of the Department of Health, E...
Date March 5, 1974 Report No. 089481 Title

Agriculture and Food: Special Supplemental Food Program--Proposed Design of Medical Evaluation

. Mr. Edward J. Nekman, Administrator Food and Nutrition Service Department of Agriculture Dear Mr. Hekman: As part of our responsibility as set forth in Public Law 92-433 to evaluate and report on the Special Supplemental Food Program, we have engaged several consultants to assist us in monitoring the Food and Nutrition Service’s CFNSI evaluation of the medical benefits of Qn December 17 and 18...
Date Jan. 1, 1974 Report No. 091041 Title

Special Publications: Hearings and Legislation

Date Dec. 11, 1972 Report No. 089494 Title

Economic Development: Boston, Massachusetts, Model Cities Program

UWEDSTATE~GENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFKE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIVISION Dear Mr Hyde Offxce has completed of the Model Cltles a review Program of In certain Boston, The General Accounting aspects of the admlnlstratlon Massachusetts This work was performed at the headquarters of the Department of HousIng and Urban Development (HUD), at the RegIonal Offices of HUD, Depart...
Date May 10, 1972 Report No. 094505 Title

Budget and Spending: Direct and Indirect Expenditures by Federal Agencies for Prescription Drugs

Date April 20, 1972 Report No. B-166217 Title

Education: Narcotic Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs in Washington, D.C.

REPORT TO SUBCOMMITT&b NV. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ESENTATIVES HOUSE r’,.’ ,I” .- : i I , ;.p / 4 ~8llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllli LM096591 -- Narcotic Addiction Treatment tion Programs . c. B-166217 COMf’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20148 STATES D.C. B-166217 Dear Mr. Chairman: In accordance with your October 15, 1971, request, the General Accounting Office ...
Date Jan. 25, 1972 Report No. 092456 Title

Health: Review of the Indemnity Benefit Plan of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION JAN 2 5 1i72 Dear Mro Ruddock: Our eview of the Indemnity Benefit Plan of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program revealed certain errors and questionable practices in addition to the matters discussed in our draft report to the Congress, which was previously forwarded to the Chairman of the Commission for comments...
Date Sept. 16, 1971 Report No. B-166539 Title

Health: Review of Expenditures Incurred for Health Services Provided at a Community Health Center in Bellaire, Ohio

SPECIAL STUDIESSUBCOMMITTEE /- -/^ COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OpERATI()NtJ li -- ' ; i :'d .> HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES r/z- eview Of Expenditures Incurred ealth Services Provided At A Community Health Center ifn Beiiaire, Ohio B-166539 Office of Economic Opportunity Department of Mea&h, Education, and Welfare BYTHECOMPTROLLER GENERAL OF'THEUNITED STATES COhWl-ROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNI...
Date May 12, 1969 Report No. 094478 Title

Budget and Spending: Guidelines for Estimating the Benefits of Public Expenditures

FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 1O:OO a.m.EST Monday, May 12, 1969 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Sm OF STAATS, COMITROI,LERGENERAz THEUNVED STATES OF mmTHE SUBCOIdMITTEE EICONOMY GOON IN JOINT ECONOMICCOMMI'PIEE, UNI!F.ED STATES SENATIZ ON~~~FoREs~~T~G~~~~SOFpuBLIC EX?ENDITUF@~ I.=EUlERB. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: We are pleased to appear be...
Date Sept. 27, 1968 Report No. 091184 Title

Special Publications: The Manager, the Government, and the Accounting Profession

Date Jan. 1, 1968 Report No. 091142 Title

Health: Planning of Health Programs in El Salvador

Date Jan. 1, 1968 Report No. 091153 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Winter 1968

w - WINTER 96% $4 ~~ ~ ~~ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washingtoo D.C. 20402. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.50 per year; SO cents additional far foreign mailing. Published quarterly for the accounting and auditing staffsof the U.S. General Accounting Office Protecting the Taxpayer's Dollar By Elmer B. Staats Comptroller General...