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GAO Reports by subject "Audit oversight"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 13, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-25 Title

Financial Management: Need To Strengthen Audit Oversight on Existing and Future Block Grant Programs

STATES COMPTAOLLaR GENERAL OF THE UNITED . D.G. , WAWIN"TON ot to be re1*8ed ouvtide the ~"'."eer I~$TR'TKD B-201636 Acconvit'ng Office except on the bas's of specific alprovai by the Office of Congressional Rehli1onL NOV 1 3 [181. The Honorable David Durenberger Chairman, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate eed to Strengthen Audit Ov...
Date Oct. 30, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-5 Title

Financial Management: State Highway Agencies Need To Employ Independent Auditors for Audits of Federal Funds

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, i/t 370 D.C. 20548 E-204360 The Honorable The Secretary Drew Lewis of Transportation OCTOBER 30,198l Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: IH 116770 State Highway Agencies Need to Employ Independent Auditors for Audits of Federal Funds (AFMD-82-5) We recently reviewed the Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) plan for auditing Federally funded State ...
Date Oct. 19, 1981 Report No. GGD-82-5 Title

Financial Management: Financial Institution Regulatory Agencies Should Perform Internal Audit Reviews of Their Examination and Supervision Activities

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. 20548 B-197162 OCTOBER l&l991 The Honorable Jake Garn Chairman, Committee on Banking, and Urban Affairs tiousing, United States Senate The Honorable W illiam V. Roth, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs united States Senate The Honorable Fernand J. St Germain Chairman, Committee on Banking, and Urban Affairs Finance, House of Rep...
Date April 23, 1981 Report No. 115030 Title

Financial Management: Results of Audits of Community Services Administration and Selected Community Action Agencies

Date Feb. 25, 1981 Report No. 114456 Title

Financial Management: Federal Agencies' Actions To Improve Audit Resolution Systems

Date Jan. 30, 1981 Report No. CED-81-56 Title

Housing: Summary of Major Deficiencies in the Farmers Home Administration's Business and Industrial Loan Program

B-201890 JANUARY 30,1981 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Sub)ect: Roger W. Jepsen Senate Jepsen: In the tSummary of MaJor Deficiencies Farmers Borne Administration's Business and Industraal Loan Program (CED-81-56) 3 Your letter of January 12, 1981, asked us to summarize malor deflcrencles found In the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA'S) Farmers Home Admlnlstration's (FmHA's) Buslne...
Date Jan. 28, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-22 Title

Financial Management: How the Farm Credit Administration Can Improve Its Use of Auditing

B’Y’ THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Governor, Farm Credit Administration OF THE UNITEDSTATES How The Farm Credit Administration Can Improve Its Use Of Auditing The cooperative Farm Credit System holds about one third of the Nation’s total farm debt. Its supervisory body, the Farm Credit Administration, has recognized the need for independent internal review of its management activitie...
Date Jan. 23, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-27 Title

Financial Management: Disappointing Progress in Improving Systems for Resolving Billions in Audit Findings

. fw’ Ill)39 BYTHE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Chairman, Subcommittee On Legislation And National Security, House Committee On Government Operations Disappointing Progress In Improving by the u ia bii ii ,~lgreosiana!-pe)?~~~:qnol, ..- Alt t!!$%!%!ment agencies’ ‘spend hundreds of millions annually to audit Federal programs and operations, most of them still lack effective systems for reso...
Date July 16, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-90 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities To Further Improve Internal Auditing in the Federal Home Loan Bank

,’ UNJTED STAT= GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-197162 JULY 16, 1980 The Honorable Jay Janis Chairman, Federal Home Loan Bank Board Dear Mr. Janis: Subject: [Opportunities to Further Improve Internal Auditing in the Federal Home Loan Bank 112781 of the Federal Home We assessed the Loan Bank Board's internal audit function. activities of the Internal Review Office, which is resp...
Date May 29, 1980 Report No. CED-80-100 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review of Environmental Protection Agency's Efforts To Detect and Prevent Fraud and Abuse

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 COMMUNITY DaVELOPMENT AND LCONOMIC DIVISION MAY 29,198O B-198722 The Honorable Administrator, Protection Dear Mr. Douglas M. Costle Environmental Agency Costle: Protection Agency’s b eview of take Environmental Efforts to Detect and Prevent Fraud and Abuse -J (CED-80-100) Subject: As part of our multiagency fraud task force work, we ...
Date Feb. 19, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-21 Title

Financial Management: Improved Grant Auditing and Resolution of Findings Could Save the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Millions

BY THECOMPTRO~bi GENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES . Ii&g Report ToThe Congress ” Improved Grant Auditing And Resolution Of Findings Could Save The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Millions An ineffective system of auditing grant recipients and resolving auditors’ findings could be costing the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration millions, Many of its grant recipients are not audited at...
Date Sept. 24, 1979 Report No. 110446 Title

International Affairs: Review of the State Department's Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Service

LKITET: S'iPTES GELERFL $.CCCU1Z?Ii'-G CFFICE WiSHIK"OP-, I).C. 20548 For Release on fellvery Expected at lo*30 a.n. Ionday, Septenber 24, 1979 Statement J. Cirector, U.S. Kenneth of Faslck Clvlsion Office II 110446 Internatlonal General Accounting the Before Pause Subcorlmlttee and I1atlonal Committee Concernlng&v1ew of fr. Chalrnan the Inspector of II ' on Leglslatlon Security Operations Eepartm...
Date Aug. 21, 1979 Report No. ID-79-49 Title

Financial Management: Inter-American Foundation Needs To Expand Internal Audit Scope and Improve Internal Acounting Controls

*, --I cr 1 . .‘_ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LM110157 lllllsllllllllllllllllllllllll AUGUST 21, 1979 B-135075 Mr. William M. Dyal, Jr. President Inter-American Foundation Dear Mr. Dyal: pl,cookP : During our recently completed audit of the Inter-American Foundation's fiscal year 1978 and 1977 financial statements, we found several ways the Foundation could imp...
Date Feb. 15, 1979 Report No. 094394 Title

Special Publications: GAO Role in the Development of Internal Auditing in Government

?HE.!FOL,E OF THE GFWZW3ACCOUNT~GOFFICE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF I p E m AUDITING IN GW O7 - -- - Presented by Lloyd G Smith, Director, . Office of Internal Review U S. Generzl Accounting Office . Before the 7th Annual Educational Conference o the IDS Angeles Chapter, f 6 I Association of Government Accountants ary 15 and 16, 197 . 13qg 094394 111lIIl l l l l l l lllllll~~ lI111 lI lI I thank...
Date Jan. 19, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-11 Title

Financial Management: Adequacy of Internal Audit Coverage of Agency Financial Operations

UNITED ST’ATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-160759 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Brock Adams of Transportation JANUARY 19,1979 Secretary: We have reviewed the extent of internal financial auditing performed by your Office of Audits as part of a series of reviews we are conducting in the major Federal The head of each Federal agency departments and agencies. for establi...
Date Nov. 8, 1978 Report No. GGD-79-6 Title

Financial Management: Review of Internal Audit Function of the Postal Service Inspection Service

DOCUMENT RESUME ;7697 - [C318]3)1 Postal [Review of Internal Audit Function of the Novemker Service 6, 1978. GGD-79-6; B-114874. Inspection Service]. + enclosure (8 pp.). 3 pp. Report to William F. Bolger, Postmaster General, Postal Service; by Allen R. Voss, Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: Internal Auditing Systems (200). Contact: General Government Div. Budqet Function: General Gov...
Date Aug. 5, 1977 Report No. CED-77-115 Title

Financial Management: Review of Department of Agriculture Audits and Investigations of the Farmers Home Administration Activities in the State of Maine

DOCUMENT RES'-P 03118 - rA22123151 (Pestricted) r[eviow of Dopart-ent of Agriculture Audits and Investigations of the Farmers Home Administration Activities in the State of Maino1. CFD-~"-115; B-11t4873. August 5, 1977, 7 pp. 9por'r *o Pep. David Genmral. Issuo .v Emery; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Area: T'trernal Auditing Systems: Audit reports Quality and Followup (203). Contact: Communi*y a...
Date July 26, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-49 Title

Financial Management: Why the Army Should Strengthen Its Internal Audit Function

Date June 1, 1977 Report No. CED-77-58 Title

Financial Management: Reporting, Staffing, and Other Changes Would Enhance the Internal Audit Function

--4 NITED STATES U._s l}tGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Reporting, Staffing, And Other Changes Would Enhance The Internal Audit Function Department of Commerce Generally the Department's Office of Audits has performed its activities satisfactorily; if however, greater benefits could be achieved were available. Several advanrrore personnel in the tages and disadvantages were noted by the approach techni...
Date May 31, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-26 Title

Financial Management: Potential for Improvement of Internal Audit Function

.,-.4 ° re-i s UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Potential For Improvement Of Internal Audit Function Department of the Interior The audit effort within the Department of the nterior is not: providing adequate internal fumwCial adit coverage of all assets, liabili- ties. expmes. and revenues of the Departrnent - The Deparment of the Interior needs to evaluate the audit function to determine...
Date May 13, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-77-28 Title

Financial Management: Internal Audit Coverage of Financial Matters in the Department of Justice

DO'UMENT RESUME 02178 - [A1432428] Internal Audit Coverage of Financial tLatters in the Department of Justice. FGMSD-77-28; B-160759. Ma: 13, 1977. 6 pp. + appendices (14 pp.). Report to Departaent of Justice: Office of the Attorney General; by D. L. Scantlebury, Directcr, Financial and General Manzgement Studies Div. Issue Area: Internal Auditing Systems: SufficieLCy of Federal Auditors aud Cover...
Date Nov. 19, 1976 Report No. FGMSD-77-3 Title

Financial Management: Greater Audit Coverage of Internal Financial Operations Is Needed

UATITED STATES GEKERAL ACCOUNTING Oi?FX~E LM100259 111111111111111111 Greater Audit Coverage Of Internal Financial Operations Is Needed Veterans AdqGnistration Vstersns .AdminIszfatiorl audit effort is directed p:imarily towrd audits of hospitals and c&s no: provide adequata average of ;!I internoi !iw.:cial operstions as required oy the Acccunting 3nd Auditing Act of 1950. The . The bernal Audit ...
Date Aug. 12, 1976 Report No. CED-76-136 Title

Financial Management: Review of the Audit Activities of the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Audit

... s j, COMMlNITY AND 9COHOMIC DVEL'OPMENT DIVISION UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.r,. z2054 B-173582 AUG !2 1976 The Honorable Russell E. Train Administrator, Environmental ProtecLion Ag ency A., Dear Mr. Train: We have como;eted our review oF tha audit activities of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA:s) Office of Audit. While the Offlce of Audit i generally operat...
Date April 16, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-33 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Audit of Fiduciary Income Tax Returns by the Internal Revenue Service

, * 3.36-7-z-_“”.,“W,,d ,% ” : REPORT TO THE JOI& COMtii+TEE ON INTERNAL REVENUai!? TAXATION CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ; Audit Of Fiduciary Income Tax Returns By The Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury An analysis of what the Internal Revenue Service has done and is doing to provide more effective audit coverage of income ...
Date March 3, 1976 Report No. ID-76-39 Title

Agriculture and Food: Agriculture's Implementation of GAO's Wheat Export Subsidy Recommendations and Related Matters

-, . 111\1\11111111\111 LM099941 , 3e 3re sending copies 5ffice of Management and Aaricult~~e- - I the Chairmar,, Execct - iw - DireCtok , Council PO1 icy. of Budzet; tk;s :he rspoirSecretzry to the @ire:tor, F:olicv Or, izternztlciaf of &sar-d: and Econoroic the Contents PalIe DIGEST i CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 'r;ieat Export Sc.bsidy Program Pczlrpise of GAO review Agricuiture's propsed ...
Date Jan. 1, 1976 Report No. 090941 Title

Special Publications: Evaluating Internal Audit

Date Jan. 9, 1975 Report No. 094606 Title

Financial Management: Internal Auditing and GAO's Audit Standards

1 t . 4 . . . - w 11 1 l 1I l 1 11ll1 l1 l 1l 094606 c INTERNAL AUDITING AND GAO's AUDIT STANDARDS 1 Ellsworth H. Morse, Jr. . , Assistant Comptroller General U. S. General Accounting Office before the Oklahoma City Chapter of the Institute 3 Oklahoma Cit : /- i. I . t i 709796 The expenditure budget of the Federal Government i s now running a t a c l i p of around $300 bi1,lion a year. W i n t h ...
Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. B-132900 Title

Financial Management: GAO Views on Internal Auditing in the Federal Agencies

GAO VIEWS O N INTERNAL AUDITING IN THE FEDERAL AGENCIES UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE 1970 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 29548 B- 132900 The contents of this booklet summarize our views on the organization and operation of the internal auditing function in the Federal departments and agencies. These views are based on our examinations of internal auditing oper...
Date Jan. 3, 1969 Report No. 087541 Title

Special Publications: Comptroller General's Annual Report 1968

A I I1111llIIIII11111111III11111111111 II 087541 919 Congress, 1st Session - - - - - - House Document No. 14 Annual Report of the COMPTROLLER GENERAL of the UNITED STATES For the Fiscd Yeur Ended June 30, 7968 WASHINGTON : 1968 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1968 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.75 (paper c...
Date Jan. 1, 1969 Report No. 091027 Title

Special Publications: Relationship of Internal Audit to the General Accounting Office