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GAO Reports by subject "Radiation exposure hazards"

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Date Report No. Title
Date April 15, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-103 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: More Attention to Health and Safety Needed at Pantex

April 1!)!I 1 NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY More Attention to Health and Safety Needed at Pantex --_- -.--..-~-- (;Ao/It(:~I)-!)l-lo:l I , -‘ *rr ~ I I 1 -I.._I_._ .-... j__” -... I---~.__ . . ..--._l.-.l.l^_-*.~l-“..---- GAO United States General Accounting Office Wahiugton, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-240636 April l&l991 The Honorable Mike Synar Chairma...
Date Oct. 10, 1990 Report No. RCED-91-34 Title

Nuclear Energy: Consequences of Explosion of Hanford's Single-Shell Tanks Are Understated

~Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives NUCLEAR ENERGY Consequencesof Explosion of Hanford’s Single-Shell Tanks Are Understated 142478 GAO/ tI(:tm-Y1-:~4 ! ,! GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-241479 October lo,1990 The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy,...
Date May 3, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-118 Title

Food Irradiation: Federal Requirements and Monitoring

..-“l.“.“. l”“. ““. ““.. GAO May I !NO FOOD IRRADIATION Federal Requirements and Monitoring GAO General Accounting Of’ fice Wahington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-239069 May 3,199O The Honorable Douglas H. Bosco House of Representatives Dear Mr. Bosco: Because of your concern about the safety of food that has been exposed to radiation for preservation purposes, you as...
Date Feb. 2, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-73BR Title

Nuclear Science: The Feasibility of Using a Particle Accelerator to Produce Tritium

I I’rlittd States Gent~ral Accountit~g Office GAO February 1990 Ih-icf’ing Report to Congressional Reques t,ers NUCLEAR SCIENCE The Feasibility of Using a Particle Accelerator to Produce Tritium United States Washington, GeneralAccountingOffke D.C. 20648 and Division Resources, Commanity, Economic Development B-231142 February2,1990 The Honorable United States Brock Adams Senate The Honorable ...
Date Dec. 26, 1989 Report No. RCED-90-24 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Better Earthquake Protection Needed at DOE's Savannah River Site

* d I ( ll~lit.wl St ;~tw Gvnc1ral Accounting Office / GAO --_-__.-..__._ -__. -._” . Ihw~~lIll,c~r l!lH!l Report to the Chairman, Environment, ’ ’ !; hergy and Natural Resources SubcOmmittee, Cornrnittee on Government Operations, House of Representatives -NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY Better Earthquake Protection Needed at DOE’s Savannah River Site GAO United States General Accounting Office ...
Date June 16, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-129BR Title

Federal Research: Final Site Selection Process for DOE's Super Collider

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Honorable Dennis DeConcini, U.S. Senate June 1989 FEDERAL RESEARCH Final Site Selection Process for DOE’s Super Collider GAO/RCED-89-129BR . - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-227295 June 16,1989 The Honorable Dennis DeConcini United States Se...
Date Oct. 27, 1988 Report No. RCED-89-53BR Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Summary of Major Problems at DOE's Rocky Flats Plant

United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Honorable David E. Skaggs,House of Remesentatives October 1988 NUCLEAR IHEALTH AND SAFETY Summary of Major Problems at DOE’s Rocky Flats Plant GAO/RCED-89-53BR c‘ -,,_ .. .. _,.. -’ ,-I, , ._-. .---- ,-... - ,,--- ------ ,,-. - . ---- ,..----.,- --,, .-..~ -.-- ..-, -, - About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers r...
Date Oct. 12, 1988 Report No. RCED-89-15 Title

Nuclear Regulation: Stricter Controls Needed for Radioactive Byproduct Material Licenses

United States General Accounting Office &A0 October 1988 Report to the Honorable Edward F. Feighan, House of Representatives NUCLEAR REGULATION Stricter Controls Needed for Radioactive Byproduct Material Licenses , RESTRICTED-- Not to be released outside the Feral Accounting Office except on the basif of the spcfic aPProv+ by the Of.lice~ congressiod aelat@-- GAO/RCED-W-16 5435\;j/133&4 I @$I0 ~~~...
Date Sept. 27, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-195 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: DOE Needs to Take Further Actions to Ensure Safe Transportation of Radioactive Materials

septe!mber1988 NUCLEARHEALTH .~DSAFETY~ Further Actions to to Take ‘. ” .. . Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-222195 September 27,1988 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This report presents the results of our review on how effectively the Department of Energy is self-regulating its transportatio...
Date May 18, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-43 Title

Environmental Protection: Limited Federal Response To Reduce Radon Contamination in Housing

GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday, May 18, 1988 Limited Federal Response Contamination in Housing to Reduce Radon Statement of John H. Luke, Associate Director Resources, Community and Economic Division Before the Subcommittee on Superfund Oversight Committee on Environment United States Senate Development and Environmental and Public Works .5 p&d I\“-IQ I...
Date April 6, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-103 Title

Indoor Radon: Limited Federal Response To Reduce Contamination in Housing

1 GAO April 1988 United States General Aczounbg Office Report to the Honorable Frank R. Lautenberg, U.S. Senate INDOOR RADON ’ Limited Federal Responseto Reduce Contamination in Housing BEsm~Nuttobem~~autsi&~&nerat Accounting Office except on the basis of the specificapprod by the Oflice of CongressionalRelations. . ) 2 pack-a-day smoker b 1 oack-a-dav 10 0.05 30-l 20 per year 20 0.1 6C-210 4 0...
Date Sept. 29, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-134 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Radiation Exposures for Some Cloud-Sampling Personnel Need To Be Reexamined

g. s .,I -,. Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-222195 September 29,1987 The Honorable Alan Cranston Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This report is in response to your request that we determine how many personnel were involved in manning or decontaminating aircraft that flew through nuclear clouds during operations Tumbler-S...
Date Aug. 10, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-123 Title

Nuclear Waste: Shipping Damaged Fuel From Three Mile Island to Idaho

I &A0 August 1987 . -*, : United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters -- NUCLEAR WASTE Shipping Damaged Fuel From Thr& Mile Island to Idaho RES’ ;RICTED-- Not tc be released outside the Generu Accounting Office except on the ba,ais of specific approval by the Office ot Congressional Relations. GAO/RCED-87423 53%&Q Resources, Community, Economic Development and Divi...
Date April 14, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-93 Title

Nuclear Materials: Alternatives for Relocating Rocky Flats Plant's Plutonium Operations

United States General Acco GAO April 1987 - Report to the Ho:norable Timothy E. Wirth, U.S. Senate NUCLEAR MATERIALS Alternatives for Relocating Rocky Flats Plant’s Plutonium Operations . 53858a, GAO/ RCED-87-93 , . 1 - GAO United States General Accounting Of’fice Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-2 16376 April 14,1987 The IIonorable Timothy E. Wu...
Date June 30, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-170 Title

Air Pollution: Hazards of Indoor Radon Could Pose a National Health Problem

House of Representatives June1986 AIR POLLT,JTION Hazardsof Indoor Radon.Cdd Posea Nat&ml” Health ’ _ GA!0 united states B-223233 June 30,1986 General Accounting Office Wa&dngton, D.C. 20648 l&sources, Commun.ity, and Economic Development Division Members, Pennsylvania CongressionalDelegation House of Representatives As requested in your September 18,1986, letter and subsequent discussionswith...
Date Dec. 11, 1985 Report No. 128596 Title

Operation Crossroads: Personnel Radiation Exposure Estimates Should Be Improved

Date Nov. 8, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-15 Title

Operation Crossroads: Personnel Radiation Exposure Estimates Should Be Improved

ad United S&s General Accounting Office ru* Report to the Honorable @an Cranston, U.S. Senate i November 1985 OPERATION CROSSROADS Personnel Radiation Exp osure Estimates Should Be Improved s “I 3 About Our Kew Look This GAO report was produced using a new design and printing process to help you get the information you need more easily. GAO will phase in this new design during 1985. As we do so,...
Date Nov. 7, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-86-9 Title

Radiation Accident: Incident at Clear Air Force Station, Alaska

c- “$ . United States Gene& Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Don Young, House of Representatives November 1985 RADIATION ACCIIXNT Incident at Clear Air Force Station, Alaska Illlllll Ill1 I 128544 GAO/NSIAD-86-9 About Our New Look . . . This GAOreport was produced using a new design and printing process to help you get the information you need more easily. GAOwill phase in this new desi...
Date Dec. 13, 1984 Report No. RCED-85-47 Title

Energy: Return of Spent Nuclear Fuel From Foreign Research Reactors to the United States

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. OFFICE 20548 ~ X3-217124 The Honorable Richard L. Ottinger Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Return of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Foreign Research Reactors to the United States (GAO/RCED-85-47) Your letter of June 12, 1984, requested that we exa...
Date April 16, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-84-11 Title

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Plan for Revitalizing U.S. Civil Defense: A Review of Three Major Plan Components

. CUD34 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On HUD/Independent Agencies, Committee On Appropriations, United States Senate OF THE UNITED STATES The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Plan For Revitalizing U.S. Civil Defense: A Review Of Three Major Plan Components In 1980, the Congress amended the Federal CIVII Defense Act of 1950, stating that CIVIL defense should...
Date Nov. 30, 1983 Report No. RCED-84-50 Title

Energy: DOE's Safety and Health Oversight Program at Nuclear Facilities Could Be Strengthened

Report To The Honorable Patricia Schroeder House Of Representatives DOE’ Safety Ai7d Health Oversight s Program Ai Nuclear Facilities Could Be Strengthened The Department of Energy has made improvements in its safety and health program since GAO’ 1981 report on this subject. s However, these improvements have been made on an individual basis and the major cause of the problems has not been add...
Date Dec. 17, 1982 Report No. RCED-83-45 Title

Energy: Comments on a Critique of GAO's Radioactive Waste Ocean Dumping Report

.-5+&y UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE 1203~~ WASHINGTON, F-2C4?46 The Eonoratle Korrran Cta i rman, Euhcommittee Ccmmittee cn Merchant Fisheries Fcuse of FeFresentatives Lear P!r. Chairman: Ccrr,men ts cn Waste Ccean a Critique ;Cum&ing of FeFort GAG’s Fadioactive (CAC/FCEL-&3-45) E. C’Amours on Cceanography Marine and Subject: letter ycu requested that we In ycur August 3,...
Date Aug. 24, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-91 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Actions Being Taken To Help Reduce Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Powerplants

, . . @YTHE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To Senator John Glenn Abtions Being Taken To Help Reduce Obcupational Radiation Exposure At Ci mmercial Nuclear Powerplants 0 Wo kers who operate and maintain comme 1cial nuclear powerplants are exposed to low doses of radiation. Although exposures to i dividual workers have remained relativ ly constant, the total dose received by all nu lear powerp...
Date April 14, 1982 Report No. EMD-81-108S Title

Energy: Better Oversight Needed for Safety and Health Activities at DOE's Nuclear Facilities

a*, 1 ,,*. /rsoQt5 SUPPLEMENTTOAREPORTBY’THE ’ 1 Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Better Oversight Needed For Safety And Health Activities At DOE’s Nuclear Facilities This report supplement contains GAO’s analysis and response to the Department of Energy’s comments on the issued report. While disagreeing with many of GAO’s recommendations, DOE did not directly address, in GAO’...
Date Nov. 5, 1981 Report No. EMD-82-B2 Title

Environmental Protection: Comments on H.R. 1720

-f--j;-- COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTC>N OF K3.c. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-202929 NOVEMBER 5,198l The Honorable Walter B. Jones Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Comments on H.R. 1720, a bill to establish a task force to study past radioactive waste ocean dumpsites 116823 Your letter of April 3, 1981, requested our views and ...
Date Aug. 4, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-108 Title

Energy: Better Oversight Needed for Safety and Health Activities at DOE's Nuclear Facilities

B\/ THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Better Oversight Needed For Safety And Health, Activities At DOE’s Nuclear Facilities Major changes are required in the safety and health oversight program at the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) contractor-operated nuclear facilities to ensure that safety, health, and environmental standards are met. This responsibility falls...
Date Jan. 2, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-1 Title

Health: Problems in Assessing the Cancer Risks of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure

BY THECOMPTR-9LCERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES I Report ToThe Congress ’ LMI 14088 lllllllllrlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Problems In Assessing The Cancer Risks Of Low-Level ionizing Radiation Exposure Volume 1 of 2 Volumes After decades of research, important questions remain unanswered about the cancer risks of low-level ionizing radiation exposure. With the increasing use of materials and ...
Date Nov. 19, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-19 Title

Energy: GAO's Analysis of Alleged Health and Safety Violations at the Navy's Nuclear Power Training Unit at Windsor, Connecticut

General 7-r-P Accounting Office except on the basis Of Spccifs by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELEASED GAO’s Analysis Of Alleged Health And Safety Violations At The Navy’s Nuclear Power Training Unit At Windsor,Connecticut At the request of the Chairmen, Subcommittees on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, and Legislation and National Security, House Committee on Government O...
Date Nov. 4, 1980 Report No. CED-81-5 Title

Transportation: Programs for Ensuring the Safe Transportation of Hazardous Materials Need Improvement

Comptroller General R&ms~* bF THE UNITEDSTATES RELEASED Programs ForEnsuringTheSafe ’ransportation Of Hazardous Materials Improvement he Department of Transportation administers a proram to protect the public from risks involved in the of over 250,000 shipments of hazardi ransportation ous materials each day. The following improvements &e needed to more effectively carry out this program. --Obta...
Date July 21, 1980 Report No. 112914 Title

Health: Department of Energy's Safety and Health Program at Uranium Enrichment Plants

Date July 11, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-78 Title

Energy: Department of Energy's Safety and Health Program for Enrichment Plant Workers Is Not Adequately Implemented

REPORTES’THE mptroller OF THE UNITEDS-WTES Department Of Energy’s Safety And Health Program For Enrichment Plant Workers Is Not Adequately Implemented The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) program to protect the safety and health of employees at its contractor-operated uranium enrichment plants has not beenfullyimplemented by DOE’s Oak Ridge Operations Office. Appraisals and inspections of ...
Date May 28, 1980 Report No. B-198243 Title

Government Operations: [Comments on H.R. 6745]

#IL E COMPTROLLER CgEiL OF THE UNITED STATES Z0548 . . p-^ WASHINGTON. D.C. B-198243 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: MAY 28 190 On March 18, -1980, you requested comments on H.R. 6745, 96th Congress. The bill requires (1) consolidating in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the major Federal Government respons...
Date Feb. 8, 1980 Report No. CED-80-63 Title

Environmental Protection: What Have HUD and EPA Done To Deal With High Radiation Levels in Two Montana Cities?

Radbtion Levels In Two hlontana Cities? Tests have shown that many houses in Butte and Anziconda, Montana, are exposed to higher than normal levels of radiation. Similar problems may exist elsewhere. In September 1479 the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a ruling that it would not provide financing for housing t4at did not meet interim Environmental Protection Agency standards. S...
Date Dec. 4, 1979 Report No. HRD-80-25 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Radiation Control Programs Provide Limited Protection

111 0cC-l REPORTBY THE l *-- - /zz37 .. \ Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES - Radiation Control Programs Provide Limited Protection
Date May 8, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-54 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Enewetak Atoll--Cleaning Up Nuclear Contamination

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress c OF THE UNITEDSTATES IQ* Enewetak Atoll--Cleaning Up Nuclear Contamination The United States will spend an estimated $100 million to clean up, rehabilitate, and resettle Enewetak Atoll, a nuclear weapons testing site from 1948 to 1958. The Defense Nuclear Agency, responsible for the cleanup, is projecting that all major cleanup objectives will be ...
Date April 5, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-51 Title

Comments on Report Entitled "Cleaning Up Commingled Uranium Mill Tailings: Is Federal Assistance Necessary?"

“. . . UNITEXI STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 EWEROY AND MINEICAUI DIVISION APRIL 5, 1979 B-164052. The Honorable John., W. Wydler House of Representatives Dear Mr. Wydler: IH I Ill 109013 a report entitled Tailings: Is Federal Assistance Necessary?” (EMD-79-29). In that report, we recommended that the Congress provide assistance to active mill owners to share the cost...
Date March 30, 1979 Report No. EMD-78-110 Title

Energy: Areas Around Nuclear Facilities Should Be Better Prepared for Radiological Emergencies

L Srvo of BY THE COtiPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress4 OF THE UNITED STATES Areas Around Nuclear Facilities Should Be Better Prepared For Radiological Emergencies GAO visited 11 nuclear facilities and sent questionnaires to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto prepared nuclear Rico to find out how well activities and the areas around them are for a radiolog...
Date Jan. 26, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-16 Title

Reporting Unscheduled Events at Commercial Nuclear Facilities: Opportunities To Improve Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oversight

General Accounting Office Reporting Unscheduled Events At Commercial Nuclear Facilities: Opportunities To Improve Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oversight The Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires nuclear facility and materials licensees to report unscheduled events to the Commission so it can inspect, evaluate operating experi- 1 ences, and inform the public. The Commission should improve its eva...
Date Jan. 17, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-20 Title

Energy: Decommissioning and Dismantling of the 100-F Reactor

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 MCNQY AN0 DIVISION MINENAU B-164052 JANUARY 17,1979 The Honorab@e The Secretary Dear Mr. James R. Schlesinger of Energy Secretary: We are reviewing the Department of Energy’s longand short-term disposition plans for dealing with its highly Although our review is not contaminated nuclear sites. we have identified a project at one site ...
Date Jan. 2, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-21 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Department of Energy's Controversial Termination of a Research Contract

B)’;Hg$f$f$!&TT; Co o COWml Rolatioruk - Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Review Of The Department Of Energy’s Controversial Termination Of A Research Contract A contract to study the effects of low-level radiation on workers in the Department of Energy’s nuclear facilities, begun in 1964, was conducted by a University of Pittsburgh researcher, Dr. Thomas Mancuso. On July 1, 1977, t...
Date Sept. 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-146 Title

The Department of the Army's Food Irradiation Program: Is It Worth Continuing?

DOCUMENT RESUKE 07349 - [C2827914] The Department of the Arty's Food Irradiation Program: Is It Worth Continuing? PSAD-78-146; B-146700. September 29, 1978. 42 pp. . 4 appendices (7 pp.). Report to Rep. Thomas J. Downey; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Food (1700); Consumer and Worker Protection: Safety of Food Additives (905);Science and Technology: Management and Ove...
Date April 18, 1978 Report No. 105670 Title

Environmental Protection: EPA Efforts To Guard the Public in a Period of Radiation Proliferation

DCCUMIBINT RESUEb 05670 - fB1226195] EPA Efforts To G6ard the Public in a period of Radiation Proliferation. Apcil 18, 1979. 10 pp. Testimony before the hrlde Committee. C Government uperationa. Environment, Energy, and Natural Iesources SutcOofittte; by Henry Es,:hvee, Director, COimmaity and economic OeelOpe-nt Div. Contac+. Community and Economic Developlent D.11 Orqanization Concerned: Znviron...
Date March 29, 1978 Report No. CED-78-79 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency To Protect the Public from Environmental Nonionizing Radiation Exposures

DOCOiBMT aBSUOE 05369 BO09659011 Efforts by the BEnironmental Protection Agency To Protect the Public froms nvironmental onionizing Radiation Exposures. arch 29, 1978. Released April 5, 1978. 2 CED-78-9; -166506. pp. + 3 app¢rices (11 pp.). Report to ep. lizabeth Holtzman; by Henry Eschwege, Cosmunity and Economic Developnevt Div. Director, Issue Area: Envircanental Protecc.or Pgrams: Bvironaenta...
Date Jan. 20, 1978 Report No. CED-78-27 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: The Environmental Protection Agency Needs Congressional Guidance and Support To Guard the Public in a Period of Radiation Proliferation

DOCUMENT RESUMO 04796 - 3B02451031 ^ The Envir¢ nmental Protqction Agency Needs Congressional Guidance and Suppozt To Guard;tJe Pqblic in a Period of Radiation Proliferation. CED-78-~7: B-166506. January 20, 1978. 37 pp. + 7 appendices (44 pp.).':¶ ' Report to the Congre Soy Elmer B. Stuiats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: ConsusearrT forker Protection: standards and Regulations Adeqa:py and T...
Date Sept. 27, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-70 Title

Financial Management: Need for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service

DCCUMENT BFSUMF 03716 - [B279140271 rNeed for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service]. ED-77-70; B-1665t6. September 27, 1977. 6 PP. Report to Douglas . Costle, Administrator, Envircnmental Protection Agency; by Baltas E. Birkle (for Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div.) Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: ...
Date Sept. 27, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-69 Title

Financial Management: Need for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service

DCCUMPNT FESUME 03715 - [A2794026] [Need for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service]. EMD-77-69; B-178726. Sptember 27, 1977. 6 PP. Report to Robert W. Fri, Acting Administrator, Energy Research and Development Administraticn; by J. Dexter Peach (for Monte Canfield, Jr., Director, Energy and Minerals Div.). Issue Area: Accounting and Finaiicial Reporting (2800). ...
Date July 6, 1977 Report No. CED-77-95 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental Protection Agency's Role in Protecting the Public and the Environment From Nonionizing Radiation Exposure

DOCUMENT RESUME 02794 - [A1993071] (e tric 4. [Environmental Protection gency's Role in Protecting the Public and the Environment from Nonionizing Radiation Exposure]. CED-77-95; B-166506. Jujy 6, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Rep. ohn E. Moss, Chairman, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Envir...
Date April 9, 1976 Report No. RED-76-102 Title

Energy: Survey of Federal Programs and Policies for Disposing of Obsolete and Unused Nuclear Facilities

L’ PJ - * ,” I d&, : , --L ‘1. c / I ' UN~TEDSTATESGENF'RALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 . RESOURCES AND PEYELOPMENT ECONOMIC OIVISION April 9, -a-c B-164052 MIllIIll11 llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll LM099377 The Honorable Admi nf strator, Development Dear Dr. Rcroert C. Seamans, Jt , Energy Research and b&C Administration *J ,hO Seamans: and policies Me learned a743 In our s...
Date May 21, 1975 Report No. RED-75-365 Title

Environmental Protection: Controlling the Radiation Hazard From Uranium Mill Tailings

e .r ,; . .^ -_ .I ---- REPORT TO THE CONGRESS LM097030 llllllllllllllllIlllllilllllllIlllllsllllll/lll Controlling The Radiation Hazard From Uranium Mill Tailings Energy Research and Development Nuclear Regulatory Commission Administration BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES , COhWTROLLER GENERAL. WAStlINGTON. OF DC. THE UNITED STATES 20!548 S-164052 Q To the President of the Senate a...