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GAO Reports by subject "Irregular procurement"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 11, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-143 Title

Government Operations: Illegal Expenditure by the Army To Replace Laundry and Drycleaning Equipment

DOCUlENT RESUME 07515 - [C28679751 Illegal Expenditure by the Army ro Replace Laundry and Drycleaning Equipment. PSAD-78-113; B-178978. October 11, 8 pp. + 2 appendices (5 pp.). Report to the Congress; by 1978. lset B. Staats, Comptroller Geaeral. Issue Area: Appropriate Consideration of All Factors in Deciding to ake or Buy eeded Goods or Services. (1915), Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisi...
Date Sept. 29, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-146 Title

The Department of the Army's Food Irradiation Program: Is It Worth Continuing?

DOCUMENT RESUKE 07349 - [C2827914] The Department of the Arty's Food Irradiation Program: Is It Worth Continuing? PSAD-78-146; B-146700. September 29, 1978. 42 pp. . 4 appendices (7 pp.). Report to Rep. Thomas J. Downey; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Food (1700); Consumer and Worker Protection: Safety of Food Additives (905);Science and Technology: Management and Ove...
Date July 6, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-330 Title

Government Operations: GSA Use of Advertised and Negotiated Contracts for New Construction and Major Repair and Alterations

DOCUMENT RESUME 06644 81986983] [GSA's Use of Advertised and Negotiated Contracts for New Construction and NMaor epair and Alterations]. LC-78- _0; B-95136. July 6, 1S78. 5 p. + enclosure (5 p.). Report to Joel . Solomon, Administratcr, General Services Administration; by Robert G. othwell (for fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Communicaticrt iv.). Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Gccds an...
Date July 6, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-323 Title

Government Operations: Use of Advertised and Negotiated Contracts for Construction and Major Repair and Alterations

DCCUMENT 06b43 - I B1986984 1 RESUIE and Advertised and Negotiated Contracts for Construction r ise of B-95136. July 6, Major Repair and Alterations]. LCD-76-323; 1978. 2 pp. + 2 enclosures (13 pp.). Member, Senate Report to Sen. Charles H. Percy, Ranking Minority Permanent Subcommittee on Committee on Governmental Affairs: red J. Shafer, othwell Ifor Investigations; by Robert G. Div.). Director, ...
Date April 17, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-61 Title

Income Security: Review of INS's Contract with J. A. Reyes Associates, Inc., for a Residential Study of Illegal Aliens

DOCUMENT RESUmE 05804 - 81226186] Whrt REWaS4*ctV- rReview of INS's Contract with J. A. Bayes associates,-lnc., for a Residential Stvdy of Illegal Aliens]. GGI-78-61; B-125051. April 17, 1978. 15 pp. + 2 enclosures (9 pp.). Report to Rep. Joshua Eilberg, Chairuar, Hcuse Committee on the Judiciary: Immigration, Citizenship and International Law Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General,...
Date Jan. 24, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-307 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Deficiencies in a Painting Contract at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas

UNITED STATES GETERAL WASHINGTON. E-161487 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Dale Bumpers Senate Bumpers: RELEASED of September 19, 1977, we have followed deficiencies on a painting contract at Fort in our earlier letter to you dated September As requested in your letter up the matter involving alleged Chaffee, Arkansas, as discussed 1977. 6, Our follow-up work revealed that the Army and th...
Date May 27, 1977 Report No. 102628 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Inadequacies and Irregularities in Remodeling an Enlisted Men's Dining Facility at the Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia

DOCUMENT fR. 02628 - [A1732725] (Restricted) [Alleged Inadequacies and Irregularities in Remodeling in Enlisted Men's Dining Facility at the Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia]. May 27, 1977. 4 pp. Repor:t to Rear Adm. C. C. leid, Commane: , Atlantic Div., Department of the Navy: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Norfolk Naval Base, VA; by Alfonso J. Strazzullo, Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regi...
Date Feb. 16, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-64 Title

Government Operations: Review of Contracts Awarded to Raycomm, Inc., Freehold, New Jersey, by the Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey

DOCUMENT RESUME 01119 - [ao0751260] (Review of Contracts Awarded to Raycomm, Inc., Freehold, New Jersey, by the Army Electronics Coamand, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey]. PSAD-77-64; B-173487. February 16, 1977. 8 pp, Report to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy; Sen. Edward V. Brooke; by Robert F. Keller, Deputy Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procuremen...
Date March 20, 1974 Report No. B-180063 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Selected Federal Contracts With the Chemical Industry

Dear Mr. In GAO has i,wLGyi exist. Justice sale of Steiger: accordance with your request of November 14, 1973, /examined selecteh Federal contracts ei(mmm3with the chemical Irml.~Mauern,~,*m~~*~~~ “.-mm--a . to find out whether unethical Irocurement ,li” practices ,, .“““ai.,~,~.Tl~;l,hlnrUIirill liii ? -=-mwwm~“~~Fm%~7m~~m~ ., 1/,“,.,,~~l’)*~~~~‘,,~il,,~,~,~~~ You informed us th...
Date Oct. 23, 1973 Report No. B-177748 Title

National Defense: Review of Selected Subcontracts Awarded by Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton, Industries, Inc.

.3 ii2 x2 a .I JE m q b m 3 -a L w s “0 uCD % 3 CD .m > a, CT f -Ii? .-u-l KS .-> 3 .- 0 a COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE 205l8 UNITED STATES B-177748 The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman, Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government ‘7, ‘Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States i I Dear Mr. Chairman: request we inquired and employees of Industries, Inc....
Date Aug. 6, 1973 Report No. B-167196 Title

International Affairs: Procurement of Commercial Trucks in Australia for Cambodia

WASHINGTON. B.C. 20548 - ” RELEASEiI I c1 J p The Honorable Henry S. Reuss House of Representatives Dear Mr. Reuss : GAO to In your letter of May 3, 1973, you requested investigate and report on the accuracy and objectivity of the judgments made concerning the 1 rocurement of commercial L~w~hm~;;;-‘-&;f f , trucks in Australia ” forcambodia.! ,d*“‘.*“.r.. ,’ ~~~.,~~~““‘&~~“...
Date Nov. 29, 1972 Report No. B-177350 Title

Education: Lack of Effective Coordinated or Centralized Management Control of Closed-Circuit Television Used in DOD for Training and Education

WASH I NGTON, D.C. 20548 /I FEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COMPENSATION DIVISION 73-oas3 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllllll LM096232 B-177350 Dear Mr. Secretary: The purpose of this report is to alert officials in the 1 Department of Defense (DOD) to the lack of effective coordi/nated or centralized management control of closed-circuit television (CCTV) used in DOD for This lack of control ha...
Date Dec. 15, 1971 Report No. B-173432 Title

National Defense: Construction of TNT Lines and Related Facilities at the Newport, Indiana, and Joliet, Illinois, Army Ammunition Plants

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHtNGTON. OF DC. THE UNI 20548 B-173432 ‘1 Dear Mr. Chairman : 12 This is in further reference to your request of June 17, 1971, that we investigate certain charges against the Chicage District of the Army Corps of Engineers made in a letter to you dated March 31, 1971. These charges, pertaining to costruction facilities at the New“--.“~---=“,~~*of TNT lines and relat...
Date July 28, 1971 Report No. B-165302 Title

Financial Management: Inquiry Into Contentions of Irregularities in Contract Administration and Premature Progress Payments

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. ~-IE u 20342 B-165302 Dear Mr. Chairman: RELEASED ofs 736 LM089730 17 In response to your request of July 24, 1970, we have completed our'inquiry into contentions of irregularities in contract administration and premature progress payments contained in two letters to you dated February 14 and July 10, 1970, from an unidentified employee of the Pacific Missil...
Date March 26, 1971 Report No. B-168560 Title

Government Operations: Information Concerning Contingent Fees Paid to Private Companies

In your letter dated January 23, 1970, you requested that we review the legality of the contingent fees paid by contractors under the Department of Labor's Special Impact program in Los Angeles, California, to the investment banking firm of Dempsey-Tegeler and Company, Incorpo=rated, and that we look into the entire question of contingent fees paid to private companies who act as a liaison with th...