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GAO Reports by subject "Prime contractors"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 27, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-4 Title

National Defense: Progress Made by AH-64 Helicopter Contractors in Preparing for High Rate Production

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Dear Mr. Chairman, Progress Preparing Made by AH-64 Helicopter for High Rate Production Contractors (NSIAD-83-4) in Subject: We have completed our review of the Army's AH-64 Apache helicopter program as requested in your letter of February 24, we concentrated our efforts 1983. As agreed with your office, on evaluating the ability of the prime contractors, H...
Date June 1, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-82 Title

Government Operations: Air Force Breakout Efforts Are Ineffective

UNITED STATE~GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, b.C. 205+3 NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS AND DIVISION JUNE 1,1983 B-208191 The The Dear Honorable Secretary Mr. Verne Orr of the Air Force Secretary: Air Force Breakout Efforts """'*'""Are Ineffective (GAO/PLRD-83-82) Subject:;' We havetreviewed the effectiveness of efforts at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC) to implement t...
Date Sept. 9, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-64 Title

Government Operations: Allegations of Unethical Bidding Practices on Federal Construction Contracts

JNI~ED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFiCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 llG337 PROCUPEMENT. AN0 PEADINESS LOGISTICS, DIVISION B-204451 SEPTEMBER 9,1981 The Honorable Leon E. Panetta House of Representatives Dear Mr. Panetta: Subject: Allegations of Unethical on Federal Construction (PLRD-81-64) Bidding Contracts Practices you asked us to investigate In your May 21, 1981, letter, a constituent's complaint c...
Date March 18, 1981 Report No. B-202129 Title

Government Operations: [Views on S. 3]

- COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 B-202129 HRl-BILL-01 March 18, 1981 The Honorable William V. Roth, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This refers to your request for our views on S. reduce the paperwork in the enforcement Government construction contract provisions relating to wage rates paid to employees. S. 3, ...
Date Jan. 30, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-49 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review of Contractors' Pension and Other Benefits for Employees Working at NASA's Scientific and Technical Information Facility

B-194928 JANUARY 30,198l The Honorable Chairman Subcommittee on LaborManagement Relations Committee on Education House of Representatives and Labor The Honorable Gladys Noon Spellman House of Representatives Subject: Review LBenefits m’s of Contractors' for Employees NASA> Scientific Facility In -J response to Congresswoman Spellman's February 28, 1980, request and the Subcommittee's March 6, 19...
Date April 16, 1980 Report No. 113714 Title

[Managing Design and Construction: The General Accounting Office Perspective]

I BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL f # Report T T e Congress o h Prospects Dim For E-ffectively Enforcing Immigration Laws The inability of the Immigration and Naturalization Service to effectively enforce immigration laws is underscored by the estimated 5 million illegal aliens living in the United States. The actions necessary to enforce immigration laws are known-sealing the borders, adopting employe...
Date June 27, 1979 Report No. B-194385 Title

Government Operations: Failure of Lawrence Brothers, Inc. To Receive Payment for Items Supplied to a Prime Contractor of the National Park Service

Date June 13, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-84 Title

Government Operations: Pricing of Subcontracts Awarded to Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFICE WASHINGTON, R.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACQUlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS OWlSION B-168450 109631 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 34336 ASD (Comptroller) JUNE 13, 1979 Reports lco Dear Mr. Secretary: We reviewed the pricing of Navy contracts N 019-72-c-0592 and N00019-73-C-0333, awarded to Pratt & Whitney PAircraft of W...
Date Nov. 16, 1978 Report No. 108090 Title

Financial Management: Pricing of Purchase Order R60967

.L”W III11 llllii;~~ Ill &w*r++s.da
Date Oct. 17, 1978 Report No. CED-78-182 Title

Environmental Protection: More Effective Action by the Environmental Protection Agency Needed To Enforce Industrial Compliance With Water Pollution Control Discharge Permits

DOCUMENT RESUME 07385 - [C29680471 More Effective Action by the Environmental Protection Agency Needed To Enforce Industrial Compliance with Water Pollution Control Discharge Permits. CED-78-182; B-166506. October 17, 1978. 29 pp. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Environmental Protection Programs: Effectiveness of Regulatory Strategies (2208). Contact: C...
Date Oct. 5, 1978 Report No. 094691 Title

Special Publications: Procurement Commission Alumni Association Meeting

Date April 5, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-91 Title

Government Operations: Defense Subcontract for Machine Tools to Mitsubishi Corporation

DCCUMENT RESUME 05786 - f810259761 Corporation]. PSAD-78-91; April 12, 1978. 2 pp. fDefense Subcontract for Machine Tools to Mitsubishi B-191079. April 5, 1973. Released Report to Rep. Bill Gradison; by Richard W. Gutmann, Director, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Servicas 41900). : Contact: Procurement ana Systems Acquisition iv. National Defe...
Date March 1, 1978 Report No. 109289 Title

Special Publications: Guidelines for Survey of the Reasonableness of Subcontract Prices Included in Prime Contract Prices

Date Oct. 5, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-172 Title

Government Operations: Pricing of Two Negotiated Noncompetitive Prime Contracts Awarded by the Naval Air Systems Command

DC(CMEIIT FESUP" C3847 - [ A2874070] rPricing of Two Negotiated Noncompetitive Prime Contracts Awarded by the Naval Air Systems Ccmmand]. PSAD-77-172; E-168450. October 5, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Richard W. Gutmann, Director, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. ssue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Co...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. 089068 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL FEDERAL 280 BUILDING SOUTH DEAR8ORN OFFICE 16~14 FLOOR STREET WEST CHICAGO, ILLJNOJS 60604 I Mr. George R Holland, Acting RegIonal Director Department of Health, Educatzon, and Welfare Regron V 300 South Wackex Drive Ghlcago, Illlnols 60606 Dear Mr. Holland: 7z 2 The General Accountrng Offxe 1s making a review of the Department of Labor's (DOL) and F...
Date Sept. 16, 1976 Report No. 089053 Title

National Defense: Review of the Reasonableness of Noncompetitive Prime and Subcontractor Prices

CQmander, egdeanAir Logissi~s ccmter HilB Force 9eJtaPl Air 84.4.06 llnlllcllll~llllllolnllnlslnllllllllll LIMO89053 .
Date May 20, 1976 Report No. 089592 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Prices Proposed and Negotiated for Fixed Price

GENERAL DALLAS SUITE 800. 1200 ACCOUNTING OFFlCE TOWER MAIN REClQNRL DALLAS, TEXAS 15202 Comander, Aeronautical System Division Air Force Systems Comnd ki.ght Patterson Air Force 3ase, Ohio Dear Comander: * As part of our gatiomide survey of nonconpetitive prize contracts negotiated under the Provisions of Public Law 87-653 (10 'L.S,C, 23c)S), we exatied the prices proposed and negotiated for fixe...
Date March 29, 1976 Report No. 089570 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Negotiation of Contract Prices

Uivma STATES GEIWW. ACCWNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 1903 JOHN F. KENNEDY GOVERNMENT OFFICE FEDERAL CENTER BUILDING BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02203 March 29, 1976 f Lieutenant General James T. Stewart Commander, Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Division Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio 45433 Dear General Stewart: e ‘5 As part of our review of the negotiation of contract prices under the provision...
Date Jan. 29, 1976 Report No. 089366 Title

Government Operations: Survey of the Pricing of Negotiated Contract

. We comp%eted a surwey of the pricinq of rleqotiated conPomon NOC!029-73-C-0505 awarded to G2ncral. Dynamics Oorporation, PomQna, California, by the ekava3 Air Systems Co1rmar.d a our objective was to determine the extent of compliance with the requirement5 of Public Law $7-653 and the impkcrncntinq pTxYisions of eke Armed Services Pro~curemewt RequHation. Pratt ABthouqh we did not able...
Date Jan. 5, 1976 Report No. 089578 Title

Government Operations: Review of Contract Negotiations

3rFeixg of resid'llal assets at currmt current values rather than at acquisition cost exkensiofi Use or" incorrect C5ssi.m i;x:v-lh error prior costs of item in proposal f~c-tor change of contract price ststement ATTACBENT II - Contract Price Me;SoC.a"ced ProDo sed AcqXisition cost of residW1 Essets from prior A-Y3 contrstct used 0~ cUrrent contract Gro-vrth -- 73-5 -- and ~$0 perced 14 percent o...
Date Nov. 19, 1975 Report No. PSAD-76-23 Title

Subcontracting by Department of Defense Prime Contractors: Integrity, Pricing, and Surveillance

RELEASED Illlllllllllllllllllllll Ill11 Ill11 IIIlllll Ill1 Ill1 LM096924 A discussion of subcontracting kickbacks and related transactions, pricing subcontracts valued at less than SStQOi30, and the surveillance of contractor purchasing system. PSAD-76-23 ---. CQMFTROLLER OENERAL W‘W+lNQTON. OF D.C. THE 2HW UNITED ST4TES B-177748 The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman, Subcommittee on Prioriti...
Date July 11, 1973 Report No. B-172046 Title

Housing: Construction of a Family Housing Project at Fort Huachuca, Arizona

i B-172046 The Honorable Morris K. Udall House of Representatives Dear Mr. Udall: You requested on May 8, 1972, that we examine into certain circumstances related to the.:‘; ha&p&o&e&t at Fort Huachuca, Arizon ompany, I Los j:‘f “’ ” cGGn&--Wwas award,ed to Quiller Constr ,‘I! ‘, Angeles, by the Los Angeles District of the Corps of Engineers. Quiller subcontracted a portion of the wo...
Date Jan. 20, 1973 Report No. B-159724 Title

Government Operations: Submission of Cost Data by Prime Contractors

: -71,; n-73 LI ila.;r-:.,.J The Honorable \ The Secretary A%t<i0Il: .f. .Y,pTly. ma of Defense < Secretary of (Comptroller) Assistant Defense Dear Sr, Secretary: We completed a selective examination of subcontract estimates included in prime contract prices negotiated on the data submitted and certified as rebasis of cost or pricing quired by P_ubiic Lav 87-653, rhe Truth-In-Negotiations ------...
Date March 6, 1972 Report No. B-125049 Title

National Defense: Review of Contract Terminations in the Department of Defense

s. -a 7 --, 3 UNITED STATES GENERAL Acco WASHINGTON, D.C. DEFENSE DIVISION Dear Mr. Secretary: We have completed our review of contract.terknJnations in the c__-.1 Department of Defense. Our work was performed at various procureii&t actiVi%ieb of the Army, Navy, and Air Force as well as at several regional offices of the Defense Contract Administration Services. The objectives of our review were t...