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GAO Reports by subject "Contract performance"

Full-text search of 51,868 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-438 Title

Government Operations: Improving Logistical Support at Kwajalein Missile Range

DCCUMENT 03997 [b31343791 EUME SUE (Restricted) Improvinq Loqistical Support at Kwajalein Miseile Range. LCD-7.'-.38; B-152538. November 7, 1977. 43 pp. + appendices (2 pp.) Report to 5se., William Proxmire; by icbert F. Keller, Acting Ccmptroller Gen ral. Issu;; Area: Facilities and Material Management -700). Contact: Logistics and Communications Liv. Budget Function: National Defense: Department...
Date Sept. 30, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-62 Title

Energy: Federal Agencies Can Do More to Promote Energy Conservation by Government Contractors

DCCUMENT FESUMS 03700 B2774015] Federal Agencies Can Do Mere to Prcmote Energy Conservation by Government Contractors. ED-77-62; B-178205. September 30, 1977. 42 pp. + 8 appendices (30 pp.). Report to the CongreEs; by Robert P. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Energy: Effect f Federal Efforts on Energy Conservation (16C7); Pederal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: E...
Date May 4, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-85 Title

Employment: Inquiry Into Certain Alleged Irregularities in Programs in Berkeley, California, Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973

Date March 1, 1977 Report No. 089065 Title

Financial Management: Survey of the Settlement of Noncompliance Cases Involving Cost Accounting Standards

UNITED STATES GENERAL A~COIJNTJNG OFFICE REGJONAL SUITE 350 1010 SOUTH OFFICE TRADE CENTER STREET WORLD FIGUEROA Los ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90071 MAR j. 1977 BrIgadler General M. W. Baker -?zJ Commander, Headquarters tir Force Contract Management Dzvlslon tirtland Air Force Base New Mexico 87117 Dear General Baker The Los Angeles Regional Offlce has recently completed a survey of the settlement of no...
Date Sept. 7, 1976 Report No. CED-76-153 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Circumstances Surrounding Solicitations and Contract Award To Assist Minority Businesses

EL .I Department of Commerce The Department of Commerce solicited proposals for a new contract to provide technical assistance to minority businesses because of dissatisfaction with the existing contractor’s performance. Before awarding a contract the Department canceled this solicitation and issued a new one. The Department later awarded the new contract to the existing contractor. GAO found --...
Date Jan. 27, 1976 Report No. PSAD-76-70 Title

National Defense: Operations of the Lockheed-Georgia Company

RELEASED Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM099968 Lockbee had increased its staff in the C-133 flrom 52 emphyees in 1973 to 113.2 xipl,oyees in 1975, firmed that %here were hcmases in cq.~loyiuemt clue production nnetbods cGRsideEe~ to be cost effect%??@ kxeased maghly prodractioR rates, and (3) increased of the c-130 pxhlsed, Based up3 these tests, we fPF&@% WoKk fs WaBxaRted. Pleck-Up D...
Date Dec. 10, 1975 Report No. 089390 Title

Transportation: Survey of Distribution of Automotive Tires

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTJNG OFFJCE INTERNATIONAL FAR 1333 EAST KALAKAUA DWSION BRANCH AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 DEC 10 1975 Admiral Noel Gayler Commander in Chief, Camp H. M. Smith Aiea, Hawaii 96701 Dear Admiral Gayler: Pacific [ / The General Accounting Office is currently surveying the distribution of automotive tires within the U,S. Government under GAO Code 943426. During our portion...
Date June 20, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-100 Title

Veterans Affairs: Veterans Administration's Contracts With Architect-Engineering Firms

'gler o\ C ls5ofF 7) - ~RELELgMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 RESTRftCTED Not to be released outside the General Aretent>rg Office except on the basis of spechfic app rovl -i bry .Ehf-e of Cn-gressional Relat'ons, a srecord if w ch :~ B-133044 is kept by th2 Distribution Section, FublicationiY*1, l 5 The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman, Subcommittee on Housing and...
Date Feb. 1, 1975 Report No. 093513 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Space Transportation System

Date Jan. 17, 1975 Report No. LCD-74-319 Title

Government Operations: Use of Surety Bonds in Federal Construction Should Be Improved

/ REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Use Of Surety Bonds In Federal Construction Should Be Improved Multiagency , BYTHECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OFTHE UNITED STATES LCD-74-319 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WAs.HINGTON. OF THE DC UNITED STATES ace48 B-168106 To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate This is our report on why the use of Federal construction should be improved. in...
Date May 21, 1974 Report No. B-178845 Title

National Defense: Nature and Cost to the Government for Corrections of Deficiencies Disclosed by the B-1 Component Testing Programs

CW&‘TRQLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE D.C. 20548 UNITED STATES B-17884 5 , The Honorable Les Aspin ’ House of Representatives /’ % Dear Mr. Aspin: In response to your request of June 5, 1973, and subsequent discussions with your office, we attempted to obtain informat ion r’egarding the *-~~~~~~,~~~~~anid,n.Go6 the Government fo.r ~o~rr.e&ons. .o.f .deficie.ncias .di,~.~;.l”as~e...
Date March 8, 1974 Report No. B-179698 Title

Government Operations: Contract Between the Plato Systems, Inc., With the Small Business Administration To Perform Services for the Department of Labor

WASHINGTON. B- 179698 MAR 8 1974 ‘elH 4.+The Honorable Joel T. ouse of Representatives Dear Mr. Broyhill: Broyhill 7+0537 1973, Inc., letter This is in response to your September 13, ’ requesting that we look into the Plato Systems, ,Q with -~~~,ayul!ii~~,~~~~~~~~ the Small yI> Business Administration ,,T1 L (SBA) *+.c-ww d,?” z?“_ir:” ,.,-,/. ~~~.“-i,‘~,~,lQY,.~~,~~~~ tw:w J _wyu__*...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093514 Title

National Defense: A-10 Close Air Support Aircraft

7.7. S. GENERAL ACCOUNTI1\JG OFFICE STAFF STUDY A-10 CLOSEEIR SUPPORT AIRCBTT 3 DEPARTNEWI' TH3 AIR FCRCE QF CONTENTS Page I 1 INTRODUCTION System descrxptlon A-10 program contracts Scope Impendxng program actions WEAPON SYSTEMSTATUS Cost experience Schedule experience Performance experience Selected acqmsltlon reporting CONTRACT STKUCTURE STATUS AND Contract descrsptlons Interrelatlonshxp between...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093511 Title

National Defense: B-1 Weapon System, March 1974

11111111111111 LM093511 SWFF smy c c . -I.. .,- i. .,_, 3P ’ I _I Contents 12 12 23 14 14 15 28 19 21. 21 22 23 25 26 27 21 28 28 29 30 32 32 33 34 35 3s 36 36 36 37 38 t: Contents CWTER L EXGIL E S TA TiiS cost SCk?dU:? Pf5rformavze Yerfornance problems being cqcriexed PFl-9 proi’res,’ Altitwle perfor%nce tests Enduraxe tests Component tests PossiSle deletion of infrared su?pressiox require...
Date Jan. 31, 1974 Report No. B-177486 Title

Government Operations: Allegations Concerning Administration of the Farm Labor Housing Program in Palm Beach County, Florida

WA8HINOTON. l3.C. WWJ RELEASED B-177486 JAN9 1 1974 5 c-: i.. The Honorable William D. Ford, Chairman Subcommittee on Agricultural Labor ;, * Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Your letter of May 3, 1973, requested that we investigate and J report on-sllegations’made by the Florida Rural Legal Services, 1, Incorporated, and the American Friends Service C...
Date Sept. 12, 1973 Report No. B-177092 Title

Transportation: Railroad Relocation at the R. D. Bailey Project, Justice, West Virginia

Iilllllll11111;111111 LM096078 Railroad l?elocation At The R. D. Bailey Project, J ustice, West vi rgi n ia B-177092 Corps of Engineers Department (Civil Functions) of the Army BYTHECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OFTHE UNITED STATES SEPT. 1973 12, . COMPTROIAER GENERAL WASNINGTON. OF THE M UNITED STA- DC. B-177092 The Honorable Ken Hechler ) .House of Representatives Dear Mr. Hechler: This is our report on th...
Date May 2, 1973 Report No. B-177958 Title

Government Operations: Proposed Monitor Cost Control System for Replacing All Monitoring, Surveillance, and Cost-Reporting Functions Now Being Performed by Government Contractors

B-177958 The Honorable United States Dear Senator John Sparkman Senate Sparkman: (1 > / 8 On January 24, 1973, you requested that we give you our findings and views on the enclosed proposal submitted to you by Dr. Jules-Lawrence Morse , president of Apollo Applications Research Institute, He proposed replacing the monitoring, surveillance, and cost-reporting functions which Government contractors ...
Date April 1, 1973 Report No. 093802 Title

National Defense: The F-14/PHOENIX Aircraft Program

Illllllll1111 llll lllll Ill11 Ill lllll Ill11 lllllllll LM093802 i U. S. GEiY3B-U ACdOUJJTXNG OFFICE STAFFSTUDY ON [ THE F44/PHOmx 4 AIRCRAFTPROGRAM --( DEPARTMENT THE NAVY OF 4 APRIL J-973 ABBREVIATIONS NPE SAR GAO BIS DOD OPEVAL TECHEVAL NAVAIR PM0 CONEVAL ECCM NTR PPM WBS PMIS AFPRQ Navy Preliminary Selected Evaluation Report Office and Survey Acquisition General Accounting Board of Inspection...
Date Feb. 7, 1973 Report No. B-167068 Title

Government Operations: Construction of the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum

. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINQION. OF D.C. THE UNWED STATES ZDBd8 B-167068 FEB 7 1973 lllll~~lll~llllllllIlIllll1\ll~ LM096177 L Ji Dear Mr. Waldie : that we report Your letter of December 1, 1972, requested to you on the current status of caruction -~l,~~~~,.~of the J,,osephJ. -a .s ?ar3u3 I Hirshhorn W and the action being taken to assure the taxpayers that the Piracci Construction Company is bei...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093803 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Airborne Warning and Control System

4?, L llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM093803 U.S. GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE STAFF STUDY h AIRBORNE WARNIHG AND CONTROL SYSTEM 8 .-- i __. . . DEPARTMENT THE AIR FORCE OF FEBRUARY1973 CONTENTS -. _- PAGE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION History of AWACS Scope WEAPON SYSTE24 STATUS ' System Cost Experience Additional system costs -_ _.- 8 D 8 9 2 10 10 11 12 12 141 -. 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 ...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093804 Title

National Defense: DLGN-38 Nuclear Guided Missile Frigate

U. S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFFICE STAFF STUDY GN-38 NUCLEAR GUIDED MISSILE FRIGATE > DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY Contents Page SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION System description Status of acquisition Reduction in quantity Scope WEAPONSYSTEM STATUS System cost experience Appropriated and obligated funds System schedule experience System performance experience Selected acquisition reporting COST ESTIMATING ...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093515 Title

National Defense: Harrier Weapon System

Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093805 Title

National Defense: The Safeguard Ballistic Missile Defense System

, . . 1. Us S. GENERAL ACCOUN%ING OFFICE STAFF SrnY Iullllll Ill11 Ill1 Ill11 Ill11Ill Ill lllll lllll 11111 LM093805 TXE SAFEGUAI(D BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM ;I . Department of the Army -- I 1 CONTENTS ---I---Page SmY-‘ 1 1 INTRODUCTION Description of the system History of the program System management Integrated management concept Scope of review WEAPONSYSTEM STATUS Coming events System...
Date April 11, 1972 Report No. B-174409 Title

Government Operations: Circumstances Surrounding Three Contracts Awarded to the James A. Hill, Demolition Contractors, by the Los Angeles District of the Corps of Engineers

c B-174409 -7; IL / f _ Dear Senator Cranston: As requested by your letter of October 20, 1971, we have examined into the circumstances surrounding three-contracts 5 ( I.:,.~ awarded to the James A. Hill, Demolition Contractors, Los 'I :> Angeles, California, by the Los Angeles District of the _Corps of Engineers. Our inquiry included discussions with Corps and ~on~t%Y?Yfficials and an examination...
Date Jan. 25, 1972 Report No. B-174518 Title

Government Operations: Allegation of Irregularities and Possible Conflict of Interest in the Award of a Contract at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 !STATES ~-174~18 JAN 2 5 1972 Q"%ar Senator Proxmire: /43 This is in response to your letter of November 10, 1971, in which you referred to this Office a letter from the National Federation of c. 1 Federal Employees (NFFE) concerning allegations of irregularities and conflict of in~erestTnthe~r~~~~~~:~ W.$y--
Date Jan. 12, 1972 Report No. 092457 Title

Information Management: FAA Procurement of Test-Monitor-and-Control Equipment

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Xt/C~~o~ ~WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISIONJAN 121972 Dear Mr. Shaffer: We have reviewed the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) procurement of test-monitor-and-control equipmen (TMC) for use in its short-range air navigational aids system. The procurement wqas made under an incentive-type production contract awarded in June 1964 which, as amended, c...
Date Nov. 22, 1971 Report No. B-172602 Title

Government Operations: Allegations Relating to Contracts With Systems Research Laboratories, Inc., of Dayton, Ohio

. *” I l@ b _ -I ,i’ , . ..-- COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHiNGTO OF B-17260-2 Cl +fc' Dear Mr. I -..-. _ -. - , -.,_..* .- -. Brown: JyJJ __ that the General AcOn March 26, 1971, you requested counting Office offer advice and comment on a complaint by 2 & the Aerospace Research LabCaptain Gary M. Johnson against $ 01: '3 i oratories Air Force Base, Ohio. (ARL), Wright-Patterson Captain Johnson's al...
Date Oct. 20, 1971 Report No. B-160789 Title

Government Operations: Criteria Needed for Measuring Technical Assistance Results and Contractor Performance

Criteria Needed For Measuring Technical Assistance Results And Contractor Performance Et-160789 Agency for International Department of State Development UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTlNG OFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 iNTERNATIONAL OlVlSION B-l 60789 Dear Dr. Hannah: “-i-; This report highlights some of the accomplishments and problems observed during our re...
Date July 15, 1971 Report No. B-165117 Title

Information Management: Potential for Improved Effectiveness of Scientific and Technical Information Dissemination Activities

Potential For Improved Effectiveness Of Scientific And Technical Information Dissemination Activities B-165777 Atomic Energy Commission . 4 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-165117 LI / ‘To the Speaker President of the This of the Senate and the House of Representatives improved effecdissemination tiveness activities...
Date June 24, 1971 Report No. B-171644 Title

National Defense: Review of the Use of Performance and Delivery Incentives in Contracts Awarded by the Military Services

~-17x644 Dear Mr. Secretary: We recently completed a revfew of the use of performance and delivery incentives in contracts awarded by the military services. __.-.-_ _-The 27 contracts we selected for review were awarded during fiscal The contractors stood to years 1964-69 and were priced at $1.2 billion. realize additional payments of up to about $4-1 million under 51 incentive provisions which we...
Date April 2, 1971 Report No. B-171630 Title

Housing: Review of Frontier Heights Housing Project, Snohomish County, Washington

COMPTROLILEW GENERAL WA?3-lINGTON. QF DC THE UNITED 2Q946 STATES B-171630 Dear Mr, Meeds: In accordance with your~e-q~est of December 21, 1970, the General Accounting Office has made a review of six specific areas relating to the Frontier Heights housing project in Snohomish County, Vashington, These arrangements and costs; material areas are construction costs; financing builderIs performance wi...
Date March 24, 1971 Report No. B-163922 Title

Employment: Evaluation of Results and Administration of the Job Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS) Program in Five Cities

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Eva luation Of Results And Adminlstratron Of The Job Opportunities In The Business Sector (JOBS) Program In Five Cities B-763922 I Department of Labor BY THE OF THE COMPTROLLkR GENERAL UNITED STATES 2ARcH24,19?1. I ^I COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED 200548 STATES B- 163922 To the Speaker President of the Senate and the of the House of Representatives This 1s ...
Date April 22, 1969 Report No. 092709 Title

Agriculture and Food: Activities Relating to the Administration of the Delaware Valley Milk Marketing Order

CIVIL DlViSION APR 2 2 f969 Dear Mr, Lennartson. The General Accounting OffIce has completed a survey of certain actlvltles relating to the admlnlstratlon,of the Delaware Valley Milk Marketing Order by the Consumer and Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture, Our survey was primarily directed toward examlnlng Into the propriety of admlnistratlve expenditures and revlewlng the extent to which ...
Date March 25, 1968 Report No. B-133209 Title

Government Operations: Observations on the Administration by the Office of Civil Defense of Research Study Contracts Awarded to Hudson Institute, Inc.

// - --- ‘4 B- 133209 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives The General Accounting Office has made a review of the administration by the Office of Civil Defense, Department of the Army, of three research study contracts awarded to Hudson Institute, Inc., Croton-onHudson, New York. Hudson Institute is a private nonprofit corporation engaged in research, st...