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GAO Reports by subject "Independent agencies"

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Date Report No. Title
Date March 16, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-31 Title

Government Operations: Budget and Staffing Information for Congressional Liaison Offices of 19 Selected Federal Departments and Agencies

- BY THE US GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Honorable William H. Bonier ,HouseOf Representatives .~. - Budget And Staffing Information For Congressional Liaison Off ices Of 19 Selected Federal Departments And Agencies S,taff and budget allocated to congressional li#aison offices vary among Federal executive d~epartments and Independent agencies based own the department’ or agency’ missi...
Date June 25, 1981 Report No. PAD-81-79 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: National Research Centers Supported by NSF

UNiTEDSTATE C%34~RALAE*;;IC=OUNTING OFFKE D.C. 20548 c1 \(&C;fi W#SWlNGTON, PROCRAb DIVLSION ANALYEW June 25, 1981 B-201859 Dr. Francis S. Johnson Assistant Director Directorate for Astronomical, Earth and Ocean Ssiences Atmospheric, National Science Foundation Dear Dr. Johnson: National Research (PAD-H-79) &enters Supported by NSF Subject: As you sight of the briefing for observations (fig iX!V-;...
Date June 24, 1981 Report No. B-167015(MGB) Title

Government Operations: [Luevano v. Campbell]

,is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/ N -,,\-\ _4I COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20543 In Reply Refer to: B-167015(74GB) JUN 2 1Q 8" The Honorable Thomas S. Martin Acting Assistant Attorney General Civil Division U.S. Dep-artment. of Justice Washington, D.'C. 20530 Dear Mr. Mlartin: Subject: LLuevano v. Cam~bell] (D.D.C.) Civil No7 qf9-0271 This is in respoorse to your letter of Mlarch ...
Date March 2, 1981 Report No. ID-81-16 Title

International Affairs: Improvements Made, Some Still Needed in Management of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

rrq5492 -IT- .,,,,i J BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Improvements Made, Some Still Needed In Management Of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty GAO recommended in 1976 the consolidation of two separate organizations, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Since then the parent corporations have merged, a number of dual operations were combined, and other recommendatio...
Date Oct. 10, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-81-5 Title

Financial Management: Internal Control at AID Missions

p w !f . , . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION OCNCRAL Of PINANCIAL MANAOCMUW AND -Dim 113531 IIII . B-199914 OCTOBER 10,198O The Honorable Douglas Administrator Agency for International Dear Mr. Bennetr Internal Subject: L- J. Bennet, Jr. Development 1. Control at AID Missions This report contains the results of our survey of accounting controls over revenue ...
Date March 4, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-46 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities To Further Strengthen Internal Auditing in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

_ -” UNITED STATE frzebd GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE D.C. 20548 WASHINGTCN. OLNLRAL GIOWLRNMCNT QIVISION MARCH 4,198O B-197162 / r3 The Honorable Irvine H. Sprague Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation c Ill Ill 111692 Gear Mr. Sprague: ’ Opportunities to further strengthen -internal auditing in the Federal Deposit J Insurance Corporation (GGD-80-46) pL-0 +’ -.I Although the Federal ...
Date Jan. 7, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-37 Title

Government Operations: Comments on H.R. 3263

COMPTROlLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE zodu UNITED STATES 13-163628 January 7, 1980 Tile Honorable Peter W. Rodino, COThilittee on the Chairman, Judiciary House of Representatives Dear tir. Chairman: Jr. L This letter is in response to your request for our the Regulation Reform Act of 1979. comments on i-1.R. 3263 on this bill before the ince we have al read d testified Relations, Subcommitte...
Date Jan. 4, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-31 Title

Financial Management: Internal Auditing Needs More Support in the National Credit Union Administration

UNI~~DSTATESGENERALACCOUNTJNGOFF~CE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 OCNERAL GOVERNMW DIVISION B-197162 5 / JANUARY 4,198O The Honorable Lawrence Connell National Credit Union Chairman, Administration Dear Mr. Connell: support union auditing needs more in the National Credit (GGD-80-31) lllllllllllllll 111202 Subject: We have completed our review of the National Credit union Administration's (NCUA) internal...
Date May 23, 1979 Report No. 094369 Title

Government Operations: Reform of Federal Regulation Act of 1979 and the Regulation Reform Act of 1979

. . .*I, I UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 Statement of Elmer B. Staats Comptroller General of the United States United States Before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs 5&366d3 On (The '. Reform of Federal and the Regulation Regulation Act of 1979 (SY>36Vfl Reform Act of 1979 (S.,; +=) ,, 1 _ lliglll Ill ll IIIX 094369 For Release on Delivery Expected at 11:0...
Date Feb. 15, 1979 Report No. 094394 Title

Special Publications: GAO Role in the Development of Internal Auditing in Government

?HE.!FOL,E OF THE GFWZW3ACCOUNT~GOFFICE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF I p E m AUDITING IN GW O7 - -- - Presented by Lloyd G Smith, Director, . Office of Internal Review U S. Generzl Accounting Office . Before the 7th Annual Educational Conference o the IDS Angeles Chapter, f 6 I Association of Government Accountants ary 15 and 16, 197 . 13qg 094394 111lIIl l l l l l l lllllll~~ lI111 lI lI I thank...
Date Oct. 4, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-85 Title

Government Operations: Comments on S. 3262

COIJMROLLER GENfRAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UN IT&D STATES ZLB48 B-P70612 B-139310 3 The Hondrable Abraham Ribicoff ChaIrman, Senate Commlttee on Govefrnment Affairs United States Senate Bear Chairman Rlblcoff: This letter responds to your request of August 29, 1978, the “Regulatory Cost Reduction Act comments on S-3262, of 978.” This bill T! _roposes to establish a procedure to reduce the costs ...
Date June 6, 1978 Report No. 095420 Title

Special Publications: The Work of the Comptroller General and His Reporting to the Congress of the United States

ADDRESS TO THE NORDIC COUNCIL OF AUDITORS GENERAL BY ELMER B. STAATS COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES JUNE 6, 1978 THE WORK OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL AND HIS REPORTING, TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES I was honored to have the gracious invitation of the Nordic Council of Auditors to discuss the role of the Comptroller General of the United States and the work of the United States Gen...
Date Feb. 1, 1978 Report No. 104847 Title

International Affairs: The Panama Canal Treaty

DOCUMENT RESUME 04S917 B0385225] February 1, 1978. 16 p. + enclosure (2 The Panama Canal Treay.i pp.). Testimony before the Senate Committee on Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Armed Services; by Contact: ffice of the Comptroller Geleral. Organization Concerned:' Panama Canal Co. Conqressional Relevance Senate Committee on Armed Sezvices. Authority: Government Corpcration Control Act. Since t...
Date Nov. 15, 1976 Report No. CED-76-161 Title

Transportation: Improved Controls Needed Over Federal Financial Assistance to Railroads

REPORTOFTHE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OFTHEUNITEDSTATES LM101772 lllllll~lll~llllllllllllll~lllllnlll~llll .lmproved .Controls Needed Qver Federal Financial Assistance To Railroads Federal Raiiroad Administration Eepxtment of Transportation United States Railway Association From January 1971 to March 1976, about S826 million in Federal assistance was provided to railroads primarily in response to crises...