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GAO Reports by subject "Medical economic analysis"

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Date Report No. Title
Date July 20, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-195FS Title

Medicare: Technology Assessment and Medical Coverage Decisions

United States General ACCouMhg OfIke Jn Ia GAO July 1994 Fact Sheet for the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment and Aviation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technokgy, House of Representatives MEDICARE Technology Assessment and Medical Coverage Decisions Printed copies of this document will bet available shortly. GAO United States General Accoanting Office Washington, D.C. 2064s Health, Edtw...
Date July 8, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-164 Title

Health Professions Education: Role of Title VII/VIII Programs in Improving Access to Care Is Unclear

: i. t _^ ‘ . :, _: : : . ;’ ._.’ : \ :’ b .’ ./ ‘, ,‘ , .’ ” I ” .- ..’ , _’ .. ..” .,:, ‘>L ‘.,’ *’ ,: _.’ L,, .: -.,. ., i ,. : ;. ‘. .r. ..” i ‘, ! ,. ..’ Ijl’ I .i .,: ,: ,__x, ,+. ,:., ., / GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Health, Education, and Human Services Division B-252732 July 8,1994 The Honorable Edward M....
Date May 18, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-111 Title

Primary Care Physicians: Managing Supply in Canada, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom

United States General Accounting Office J J GAO May 1994 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS Mmaging Supply in Canada, Germany? Sweden, md the United Kingdom GAO--- -~ jzk%%&yti;;~e , .. Health, Education, and Human Services Division B-251295 May 18, 1994 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Government Opera...
Date May 4, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-33 Title

Medicare: Graduate Medical Education Payment Policy Needs to Be Reexamined

United States General Accounting Office GAO May lYY4 . Report to Congressional Requesters /.6/i MEDICARE Graduate Medical Education Payment Policy Needs to Be Reexamined GAO/HERS-9433 GAO United St&es General Accounting Oflice Washington, D.C. 20548 Health, Education, and Human Semices Division B-254528 May 5,1994 The Honorable David H. Pryor Chairman The Honorable Wm S. Cohen Ranking Miuority Mem...
Date April 25, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-65 Title

Medicare: Impact of OBRA-90's Dialysis Provisions on Providers and Beneficiaries

United States General Accounting OfRce Report to Congressional CoNtiees Impact of CIBRA-90’ s Dialysis Provisions on Providers and Beneficiaries GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Health, Human Education, and Services Division B-252171 April 25, 1994 The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chairman The Honorable Bob Packwood Ranking Minority Member Committee on Fina...
Date April 5, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-129R Title

Health: Medicare Diagnostic Imaging Rates

GAO Wsehinsfon,D.C.20648 united States General Acconntin8 Office Human Resources Division e-256821 April 5, 1994 Stark The Honorable Fortney H. (Pete) Chairman Subcommittee on Health Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives The Honorable William M. Thomas Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Health Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives on the preliminary results On Ap...
Date May 18, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-70 Title

Medicare: Renal Facility Cost Reports Probably Overstate Costs of Patient Care

IJnitd,m General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Committees MEDICARE Renal Facility Cost Reports Probably Overstate Costs of Patient Care GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Hman Resources Division B-262206 May 18,1993 The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chainman, Committee on Finance united states senate The Honorable Fortney H. (Pete) Stark Chairm...
Date April 22, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-50 Title

Screening Mammography: Higher Medicare Payments Could Increase Costs Without Increasing Use

lTnit.c~cl (;wlctral Amounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives April l!~!Kl SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY Higher Medicare Payments Could Increase Costs Without Increasing Use -- ; GAO United States General Accounting Of’ flce Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-249871 April 22,1993 The Honorable Fortney H...
Date Sept. 28, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-109 Title

VA Health Care: Use of Private Providers Should Be Better Controlled

IJnited Stafm Genwal Accounting ‘ Jf!~cc GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on. Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Senate Use of Private Providers Should Be Better Controlled . GAO General Accounting Ofl’ lce Washington, D.C. 20648 united Staatee Human lesources Division B-249947 September28, 1992 The HonorableAlan Cranston Chairman,Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United StatesSenate Dear Mr. Chair...
Date July 13, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-38R Title

Health: RBRVS and Administrative Costs

GAO United States General Accounting Office Wash@gton, D.C. 20548 Human Besources Division B-249274 July 13, 1992 The Honorable William E. Dannemeyer Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Dannemeyer: Your letter of February 3, 1992, asked about the costs physicians might incur as a result of Medicare ch...
Date March 27, 1992 Report No. T-HRD-92-23 Title

Health Care: Problems and Potential Lessons for Reform

” >.IGAO ParR&asc Deliwiry on Expaad I 9:00am. EST Riday, March27.1992 United StatesGeneralAccountingOffice 1 f6 36 Testimony Before the Committeeon Government Operations Houseof Representatives HEALTHCARE 146315 Problems and Potential Lessonsfor Reform Statement CharlesA, Bowsher of ComptrollerGeneralof the United States Y GAO/T-HRD-92-23 GAO Form MO (ml) 0PR:OJMC’ PCC SUMMARY TESTIMONY OF BY...
Date May 16, 1991 Report No. T-HRD-91-32 Title

Mental Health Grants: Funding Not Distributed in Accordance with State Needs

, United States General Accounting OfTice / li/ 3$Q 7 Testimony I IIII II 143909 May 16, 1991 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:45 a.m. EDT Thursday NlRFl!ALHBALTHGHANTS: Funding Not Distributed in Accordance With State Needs Statement of Linda G. Morra Director of Human Services and Management Issues Human Resources Division Policy Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committ...
Date April 11, 1989 Report No. T-HRD-89-14 Title

Medicare: Indirect Medical Education Payments Are Too High

United Stabs t General Account OflIce GAO Testimony lllllllllIlllIl 138468 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday April 11, 1989 MEDICARE: Indirect Medical Education PaymentsAre Too High Statement of Michael Zimmerman, Director of Medicare and Medicaid Issues Human Resources Division Before the Subcommitteeon Health U.S. House of Representatives Committeeon Waysand Means (+Jqj&-...
Date Jan. 5, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-33 Title

Medicare: Indirect Medicare Education Payments Are Too High

United States General Accounting Office GAO1 January 1989 Report to Congressional Committees MEDICARE ,.,\J ~ Indirect Medical nts Education P Are Too Hig GAO/HRD-89-33 ..$ * -. . About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. Human Resources Division B-233646 January 5,1989 The Honorable Lloyd Ben...
Date Dec. 29, 1988 Report No. HRD-89-28 Title

Veterans' Benefits: Need To Update Medical Criteria Used in VA's Disability Rating Schedule

United Stat& Geheral Accounting Office Report to the Administrator Affairs _. of Veterans Decelnber llw& VETERANS’ BENEFITS Need to Update Medical Criteria Used in VA’s Disability Rating Schedule Human Resources Division B-233665 December 29, 1988 The Honorable Thomas K. Turnage Administrator of Veterans Affairs Dear Mr. Turnage: Because of the important role that the Veterans Administration...
Date Dec. 13, 1988 Report No. PEMD-89-11BR Title

Medicare: An Assessment of HCFA's 1988 Hospital Mortality Analyses

United States General Accounting Office . GAO . December 1988 Briefing Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate b MEDICARE An Assessment of HCFA’s 1988 Hospital Mortality Analyses GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division united states B-229397 December 13, 1988 The Honorable John Heinz Ranking Minority ...
Date Jan. 15, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-44BR Title

Medicare: Share of Hospitals' Inpatient Use and Revenue

‘I I - *. I *Y W I United States General Accounting OfTice / GAO January lSS8 Briefing Report to the Honorqble Jim Kolbe, House of Representatives MEDICARE Share of Hospit&ls’ Inpatient Use ahd Revenue 134841 w w\o42 vAO/HRD-88-44BR 1; United States Generd Accounting (M!fkte Washington, D.C. 20548 Human I&sowea Division B-229420 January16,1988 The Honorable Jim Kolbe House of Representatives D...
Date July 22, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-126BR Title

Medicare: Comments on HHS Proposal To Revise End Stage Renal Disease Facility Payment Rates

. * United States &e&l Briefing Accounti Of!k’ice . Subcommittee on Health, Cdmmittee on Ways and Means House of Representatives July 1986 MEDICARE Comments on HHS Proposal to Revise End Stage Rend Disease Facility Payment Rates ’ I I IIIII “I III II 111 130513 03M5cL GA+l/HRD-86-126BR . , - -_ -__-_-~----__ ---- * Llnkd States General Accounting Ofnce Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources ...
Date Dec. 16, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-2 Title

Financial Management: Government Loses Revenue Because of Low Medical Care Charges to Liable Third Parties

*I BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL &I/ w . . %o Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Government LosesRevenue BecauseOf LowMedical Care Charges ToLiable ThirdPurties The Government provides free medical care to eligible beneficiaries, such as service members and veterans. When a beneficiary requires treatment becausa of injuries caused by the negligence of another, the Government is authorized by law ...
Date Nov. 9, 1981 Report No. PAD-82-21 Title

Health: Approaches Toward Valuation of Human Life by Certain Federal Agencies

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 RELEASED The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: , Thomas F. Eagleton Senate Eagleton: Approaches By Certain Toward Valuation Federal Agencies of Human Life (PAD-82-21) In your letter of June 19, 1981, you requested that the ))General Accounting O ffice conduct a survey of Federal agencies ; responsible for public health and ...
Date Jan. 11, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-42 Title

Health: Savings Claimed for the Oklahoma Hospital Utilization Review System Were Overstated

BY THE U.S GENE NTING OFFICE *I Report To The Honorable Henry EMnm United States Senate . Savings Claimed For The Oklahoma Hospital Utilization Review System Were Overstated The estimated savings claimed for the system used to assess Medicare and Medicaid hospital utilization in Oklahoma were overstated. The estimated savings were based on incomplete and inaccurate Medicare and Medicaid population...
Date April 1, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-58B Title

Government Operations: Opportunities for Improving Hospital Purchasing, Inventory Management and Supply Distribution. Part II

Date Jan. 17, 1978 Report No. FGMSD-77-8 Title

Financial Management: Uniform Accounting and Workload Measurement Systems Needed for Department of Defense Medical Facilities

DOCUMENT 04802 B0195090] PESUME Uniform Accounting and workload Measurement Systems Needed for Department of efense e_,izal Facilities. FGMSE-77-8; B-133142. January 17, 1976. 20 pp. + 2 appendices (5 Fp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer . Staats, Coiptrcller General. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Productivity: Fostering the use of Productivity data in budget process (2905). Contact: Fina...
Date Sept. 8, 1977 Report No. 103501 Title

Health: Cost Related Medicaid Reimbursements to Nursing Homes in the State of Kansas (Code 106121)

DCCUHNIT RESUmB 03501 - [A2553689] (Restricted) [cost Related Medicaid Reimbursements to Nursing Homes in the State of Kansas (Code 106121)]. September 8, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Gene Hyde, acting Regional Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration; by Devid A. Hanna, Regional manager, Field Operations Div.: Begional Office (Kansas City). Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Providers (1202)...