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GAO Reports by subject "Nonprofit organizations"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 4, 1980 Report No. GGD-81-15 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the United States Capitol Historical Society for the Year Ended January 31, 1980

, BY THEb’C6MPTROLLER GENERAL OF THEUNITED STATES . . II3 qr 7 Report To The Congress Audit Of The United States Capitol Historical Society For The Year Ended Jgnuary 31,198O Nllllllllllllll 113919 GGDSl-16 DECEMBER 4,198O Request for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and Information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 T...
Date Nov. 18, 1980 Report No. B-200941 Title

Special Publications: Basic Agreements With Educational Institutions or Nonprofit Organizations for Award of Research and Development Contracts

Date Oct. 14, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-16 Title

Income Security: Alleged Intervention of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) Into Certain Food Stamp Program Activities

&ct;>r!~ QAO bytd&) .,.C. _,I., : .' " . .. .4 RELEIa Human Resources Division United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 ~-200213 October 14, 1980 The Honorable Paul Findley House of Representatives Dear Mr. Findley: Alleged Intervention of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) into Certain Food Stamp Program Activities (HRD-81-16) 113656 Subjects you and 19 other Members I...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-70 Title

Financial Management: Financial Audit of the District of Columbia Office on Aging

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE -8 UNITED STATES B-197229 The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, Subcommittee on District of Columbia Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: of the District of on Agingl(GGD-80-70) ;,"' ""1 6 ."I.. we have reviewed the financial operaAs you requested, tions of the District of Columbia's Office on Aging, particularly program...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-58 Title

Government Operations: Spending Grant Funds More Efficiently Could Save Millions

rceOnState And ittee On The ntatives r OF THE iiN,iTED STATES State and local governments generally have and follow sound procedures when spending FedProcurement procedures eral grant dollars. among nonprofit grant recipients are generally less sophisticated and not as strictly adhered to. GAO identified a number of areas in which procurement improvements are needed to make sure maximum open and f...
Date March 7, 1980 Report No. ID-80-28 Title

Health: Financial Statements of the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc.

~MPfROUER GENERAI. WASHlNtSTON. C,‘ly 7W’ O.C. ?JHtYED 205U STATES B-197020 $1 '.. To the Board of Directors Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Incorporated e act of May 7, Qursuant to statement ave examined the r financial Institute of Tropical and Preventive far the fiscal year ended September I . r"" F " ,, 1' . lg2&12& Medicine, 30, 1979/ In --* I a private nonp...
Date Jan. 22, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-28 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the United States Capitol Historical Society for the Year Ended January 31, 1979

wg t3y THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL ilJ363 I I Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES J Audit Of The United States Capitol Historical Society ForTheYear Ended January31,1979 . ullllllll Ill II 111363 008381 GGD-80.28 JANUARY 22,198O 1 ,,, I I! .:; E-196901 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives s We have audited the accounts of the United States Bistorical Societ...
Date Oct. 19, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-46 Title

Financial Management: Quality Civil Legal Services for the Poor and Near Poor Are Possible Through Improved Productivity

-2 a 1 I IO362 REPORTW THE Comptroller General c.X THE UNITEDSTATES wrsT~lcr~o - Rot to be re~f~~pecifiC ALcceeunting 0 i CiC2etsc’?* ‘*’ by me Offi- et C*nv@*shn8’ Re’ationk ffH3 awRELERsED . the 04 Quality civil Legal Services For The Poor And Near POOrAre Possible Through Improved Productivity Legal Services Corporation, the major source of federally funded legal aid, plans to complet...
Date May 16, 1979 Report No. 109391 Title

Information Management: S.414--The University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act

Date May 11, 1978 Report No. ID-78-38 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc.

bOCUB2T RSUOE 05957 B13663851 [rExaination of Financial Statements of Gorgas aleorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Sdicine, Inc. ]. ID-78-38; ay 11, 1978. 2 pp. * 4 enclosures (8 pp*) . B-114867. Report to Board of Directors, Gorgas esorial Inst. of Tropical and Preventive edicine, Inc.; by Eluer . Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: -counting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: ...
Date April 27, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-106 Title

Income Security: Activities of the Economic Opportunities Development Corporation of San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas

DCCUlYNT RESUNE 05893 - 'B12462091] 4{LEA sell rActivities of the Economic Opportunitiei E4velopment Corporation of Sani Antonio and Bezar Ccounty, Teras]. HID-78-106; B-130515. April 27, 1978. Released May 10, 1978. 6 pp. + enclosu-re (17 pp. . Report to Rep. Henzy B. Gonzalaz; by Gregory J. Human Resources Div. Ahart, Director, Issue Area: Income Security Programs (1300). Contact: B-iman Resourc...
Date Feb. 15, 1978 Report No. ID-78-11 Title

East-West Center: Progress and Problems

DOCQUENT RESUME 05050 - [B0545471] Fast-West Center: Progress and Problems. ID-78-11; B-154135. February 15, 1918. 32 pp. + appendix (10 pi.).. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, ComptrOlle: General. Contact: International Div. Budget Function: International Affairs: Foreign Information and Excbange Activities (153). Organization Concerned: Department of State; East-West Center, Honolulu,...
Date Jan. 9, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-27 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the United States Capitol Historical Society for the Year Ended January 31, 1977

D(,CUfEN2T IBSUB 04574 - [801044989 Audit of the United States Capitol Historical Society for the Year Ended Januar7 31, 1977. GGD-78-27; 8-176631. January 9. 1978. 12 pp. + 2 appendices (3 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Bluer B. Staats, Ccaptroller General. Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function3 General Governmevt: Legislative Fu...
Date April 15, 1977 Report No. CED-77-59 Title

The Summer Feeding Program: How to Feed the Children and Stop Program Abuses

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ~~~~~lll~lll~~l~~~~ LMfozi27 The Summer Feeding Program-How To Feed The Children And Stop Program Abuses Food and Nutrition Service Department of Agriculture Serious abuses--criminal as well as administrative--have occurred in the summer feeding program. Most have involved private nonprofit organizations which comprised three...
Date Nov. 1, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-4 Title

Health: Relationships between Nonprofit Prepaid Health Plans with California Medicaid Contracts and for Profit Entities Affiliated with Them

Relationships Between Nonprofit Prepaiti Health Plans With Califurr?i;i Medicaid Contracts And For Profit Entities Affiliated with Them This study outlines the relationship between, nonorofit, prepaid health plans and for profit entities affiliated with them. Affiliated entities are those connected with the plan by common directors, officers, and/or owners. The study also outlines the flow of fund...
Date May 5, 1976 Report No. ID-76-58 Title

International Affairs: Channeling Foreign Aid Through Private and Voluntary Organizations

c . :- . I REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATE§ LM098262 lllrilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll -- Channeling Foreign Aid -Through Private And Voluntary. Organizations Agency for I nternationai Development The Agency is gcncr. ,ly r.omplying with the cangressio,.al directlvc to cnallnel more foreign aid funds through private g~*oups, but it:; relationship with the private commun:...
Date Dec. 10, 1975 Report No. 089646 Title

Government Operations: Survey of Reasonableness of Pension Cost of Nonprofit Institutions

, UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFICE REGlONAL OFFICE ROOM 1903 JOHN F. KENMEDY GOVERNMENT FEDERAL CENTER BUILDING Bosxtd, 02203 December 10, 1975 MASSACHUS~STRS Lt. General W. L. Creech, USAF Commander, Electronics Systems Division ,;-,: ,: Hanscom Air Force Base Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 Dear General Creech: The General Accounting Office recently completed a survey of pension costs at MITRE...
Date June 6, 1974 Report No. B-179284 Title

International Affairs: Information Concerning Voluntary Foreign Aid Programs

//I’ ,,,,,,m ,,*.,, UMh J- Lp V- @OMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20542 B-179284 J onorable Walter F. Mondale, Chairman Subcommittee on Children and Youth Committee on Labor and Public Welfare f//Q3 United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This is our response to your July 23, 1973, letter requesting information on the voluntary foreign aid program administered by the Adv...
Date Feb. 10, 1969 Report No. B-146810 Title

Government Operations: Need for Improved Guidelines in Contracting for Research With Government-Sponsored Nonprofit Contractors