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GAO Reports by subject "Inventories"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 25, 1973 Report No. 093957 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

Date March 15, 1973 Report No. 088974 Title

Agriculture and Food: Improvements Needed in Planning Allowable Harvests, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 2.0343 RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 1 AND ECONOMIC DIVISION MAR15 1973 Mr. John R I+zGulre Chief, Forest Service Department of Agrxulture Dear Mr. McGulre. We have surveyed the Forest Service's poIxles, procedures, and practices for determlnlng allowable timber harvest levels (allowable harvest) on national forest land The survey covered selected fie...
Date Dec. 15, 1972 Report No. 089488 Title

Government Operations: Review for Settlement of Accountable Officer's Account

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL ai 12 n333x4L FlmH AND OFFICE MAlN OFFICE BUIL~~ING STREET6 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 Division Engineer Ohio River Division U. S. Army Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1159 550 Main Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 Dear Sir We have made a review for the settlement of accounts of the accountable officer at the Finance and Accounting Center, Ohio River Division...
Date Aug. 2, 1972 Report No. 093309 Title

Government Operations: Survey of Management Controls Over Personal Property National Bureau of Standards

jog3309 UNITEDSTATES GENERALMCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION AUG 2 1972 Dear Dr. Kushner Bureau of Standards' We have completed a survey of t-4,Q National The survey was performed management controls over personal prQperty. We do not intend at Bureau headquarters In Galthersburg, Maryland. further review at this time, however, we wish to bring to your attention ma...
Date Aug. 1, 1972 Report No. 093310 Title

Government Operations: Management Controls Over Personal Property, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

P UNITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION A@ 1 9972 Dear Dr. White We have completed a survey of the NatLonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Admlnlstratlon's (NOAA) management controls over personal property. The survey was performed prlmarlly at NOAA's Property and Supply Branch m WashLngton, D C We do not plan further review at this time, however, we wish t...
Date May 15, 1972 Report No. 089920 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Accounts of Accountable Officers at Lewisburg Penitentiary, January 1, 1968, Through December 31, 1971

UNITED 502 $T’ATES GENERAL REGIONAL SECOND ACCOUA~Y~NG OFFICE OFhX AND CHESTNUT STREETS U S CUSTOMHOUSE PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19106 Mr. Noah L, Alldredge!, Warden United States Penitentiary Lewisburg, Pennsylvanfa 19837 Dear P(r, Alldredge: accountable for the and Act of We have completed our audit for the settlement of accounts of officers a% the Uniked States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Penn...
Date Jan. 24, 1972 Report No. 092441 Title

National Defense: Review of War Readiness of Materiel in CONUS

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 704 IDAIL BUILDINO, 19"1 STOUT T DaNvfn, COLorADO 80202 JAN 24 1972 Colonel Ralph C. Robinson Commanding Officer Tooele Army Depot Tooele, Utah 64074 Dear Colonel Robinson: During June through August of 1971 our office requested, observed, and participated in, a physical inventory of selected ammunition items in storage at the Tooele Army Dep...
Date Dec. 3, 1971 Report No. 089802 Title

Financial Management: Financial Transactions of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Federal Prison Camp, Allenwood, Pennsylvania

Date Nov. 24, 1971 Report No. 089822 Title

Financial Management: Financial Statements of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Terre Haute, Indiana

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE ,;OP REGIONAL OFFICE 8112 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING FIFTH AND MAIN STREETS CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 N 2 4 1971 OV Mr. W. S. Curley, Superintendent Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Department of Justice Terre Haute, Indiana 47808 Dear Mr. Curley: We have completed an examination of thefinancial statements of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc. + Terre Haute, India...
Date Nov. 22, 1971 Report No. 089823 Title

Financial Management: Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1971, Federal Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 502 U.S. CUSTOMHOUSE. 2D AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19106 NOV 2 2 1971 Mr. Billy J. Clendening Superintendent of Industries Federal Prison Industries, Inc. United States Penitentiary Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Dear Mr. Clendening: The General Accounting Office has examined financial transactions of the Federal Prison I...
Date Oct. 29, 1971 Report No. 092450 Title

Government Operations: Inventory Model Proposed To Reduce Levels of Paper Stored

, ., < ,. I, UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION QCT 29 1971 I11111111 III1 llllllll lllllllll lllll!llllllllllllll LM092450 bear Mr, $peRo%t far each iecsm raRgtw3 2 ts 4. and fssm th%little Wlisrecently Inzqullmd fnto thu basis wiwd by tlm Frintlng OHice to determfne 1evaPtjr far paper staekags. The Printfng Wfslce has AR eetab2ishad lxmrd0t poftat for e...
Date Oct. 7, 1971 Report No. 092455 Title

Financial Management: Financial Statements of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Sandstone, Minnesota

:2: ~ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE ROOM 403, U.S. CUSTOMHOUSE. 610 SOUTH CANAL STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607 O 7 1 71 Mr. William A. Haupt Superintendent of Industries Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Federal Correctional Institution Sandstone, Minnesota 55072 Dear Mr. Haupt: statementsWe have completed an examination of the Sandstone, Minnesota of the Federal Prison Ind...
Date Feb. 16, 1971 Report No. 093033 Title

National Defense: Management of Items Subject to Repair System in the Air Force at the Ogden, San Antonio and Warner Robins Air Material Areas

. n UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DEFENSE DIVISION Commanding General, Air Force Logistics Command Wright-Patterson Air Force Ease, Ohio 45433 Attention: Dear Sir: The General Accounting Office has made a limited review of the Managementof Items Subject to Repair (MZXB) system in the Air Force at the Ogden, San Antonio, and Warner Robins Air Materiel Areas. Our rev...
Date Feb. 5, 1971 Report No. 093034 Title

Government Operations: Need for Adequate Accounting Controls Over Philatelic Stamp Material

( FEB 5 Dear Mr. Postmaster General: 1971 ” . ” During our review of certain aspects of philatelic stamp activities, we noted that the Post Office Department does not have adequate accounting This material consists controls to safeguard philatelic stamp material. imof such items as postage stamps, die proofs (cards showing the first pression made by the metal engraving of stamps prepared for t...
Date Nov. 6, 1969 Report No. 092675 Title

Financial Management: Deficiencies in the Recording and Reporting of Contractor-Held, Government-Owned Property, Goddard Space Flight Center

NW 6 1969 .
Date Oct. 31, 1969 Report No. 092676 Title

Financial Management: Accounts of Accountable Officers of the U.S. Tariff Commission

UNITE~I STATESGI~NEF~ALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION Dear Dr. Sutton. We have made a review &or the eettlemont of accounts of accountabbe officers of the United States Tarxff Commlsslon, Washlngton, D. C., through June 30, 1968. Our review, which was completed In October 1969, was directed prlmarlly toward an evaluation of the admlnlstratlve procedures and Internal contro...
Date Aug. 28, 1969 Report No. 092690 Title

National Defense: Effectiveness and Responsiveness of the Marine Corps Supply System in the Far East

UNITED STATES G&ERAL ACCOUNTING lNTEHNATtONAL DlVSSlON FAR EAST BRANCH 1833 KALAKAUA AVENUE OFFICE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 AUG2 8 1969 Commanding General Fleet Marine Forces, Camp H. M. Smith Aiea, HawaiS 96701 Pacific Dear Sir: I ’ The General Accounting Office has reviewed selected aspects of the military supply systems in the Far East. This review included an examination into the effectaveness...
Date April 29, 1969 Report No. 092707 Title

Government Operations: Procurement Policies and Practices at the Boulder Laboratories of the National Bureau of Standards

Date Sept. 29, 1967 Report No. 091622 Title

Government Operations: Administrative Controls Over the Receipt, Distribution, and Sale of Publications

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFMCE WASHINGTON, D.C. CIVIL DIVISION 10548 SEP 29 1967 Dear Mr. Boehmr: We have made a review of the administrative controls over the receipt, distribution, and sale of publications by the field offices of the Office of Field Services, Department of Commerce. Our review was made pursuant to the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 53), and the Accounting and...