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GAO Reports by subject "Fuel consumption"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date March 13, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-40 Title

Energy: The Federal Government Should More Actively Promote Energy Conservation by Heavy Trucks

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Date Feb. 21, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-27 Title

Energy: The Government Should Buy More Fuel-Efficient Trucks and Truck Tractors

BY I tlit: 1i S GENERAL ACCOilT\JTING OFFICE Report To The Director, Office Of Management And Budget The Government Should Buy More FuelEfficient Trucks And Truck Tractors Many fuel-efficient components are available from commercial sources which, when installed on trucks and truck tractors, can increase fuel efficiency by 20 percent . While Federal agencies are presently buying some of these comp...
Date Feb. 5, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-22 Title

Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, and Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards' Implications for Materials

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, And Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards’ Implications For Materials The demands for energy conservation, environmental protection, and stable raw material supplies and prices are strongly competitive, and the complexity of this relationship has not been recognized in forming Fede...
Date April 3, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-35 Title

Energy: Loan Guarantees for Alternative Fuel Demonstration Facilities

,COMPTROCLER CBNERAL WAsnlNOTON. OP’hiE O.C. UNITED 70548 STATE? APRIL 3, 1979 B-178205 The Honorable Henry M. Jackson Chairman, Committee on Energy 5 and Natural Resources / h") United States Senate s$ The Honorable Don Fuqua Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology r%5e3>* House of Representatives The Department of Energy Act of 1978--Civilian Applications (Public Law 95-238), among other...
Date Nov. 27, 1978 Report No. CED-79-3 Title

Transportation: Should AMTRAK's Highly Unprofitable Routes Be Discontinued?

DOCUMENT RESUME 08179 - [C33284171 Should AMTRAK's Highly Unprofitable Routes Be Discountinued? CED-79-3; B-175155. November 27, 1976. 21 pp. + 2 appendices (2 PP. ). Report to Sen. Birch Bayh, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations: Transportation Subccmmittee; Sen. Russell B. Lonq, Chairman, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Surface Transportation Sutcommittee; Rep...
Date Oct. 10, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-437 Title

National Defense: Potential Savings Through Consolidated Development of Computer Flight Plan System

DOC9MENT RESUME 07371 C28679761 Potential Savings through Consolidated Development of Computer Flight Plan System]. LCD-78-437; B-163074. October 10, 1978. 9 PP. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Richard W. Gutmann, Director, Logistics and Communications Div. Issue Area: Military Preparedness Plans (800). Contact: Logistics and Communicatious Div. Budget Function: National Defense: Da...
Date Aug. 15, 1977 Report No. CED-77-98 Title

Energy: Effective Fuel Conservation Programs Could Save Millions of Gallons of Aviation Fuel

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Effective Fuel Conservation~ ,Programs Could Of Gallons Department 6f Transportation Civil Aeronautics Board Federal Energy Admitaistration Aviation fuel conservation has not received the attention it deserves. The Federal Government needs to do more; specifically: --Congressional action is needed to reduce the fuel consumed in transporting empty seats. About 4.2 billion gal...
Date Aug. 10, 1977 Report No. CED-77-107 Title

Environmental Protection: Convincing the Public to Buy the More Fuel-Efficient Cars. An Urgent National Need

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS . BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM103088 Convincing The Public To Buy The More Fuel-Efficient Cars: An Urgent National Need Environmental Protection Agency Federal Energy Administration This report describes what Federal agencies responsible for the compilation and distribution of gas mileage information have been doing....
Date Feb. 14, 1977 Report No. CED-77-27 Title

Speed Limit 55: Is It Achievable?

. - . REPORT TO THE CONGRESS ti i 3 ‘/ BY THE COMJ’TROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES lIlllllIIIIlllIIIlllllllll LM101779 Is It Achievable? Depatment of Transportation The national 55-mile-per-hour speed limit law was established to improve highway safety and fuel conservation. It has been somewhat successful--average speeds have dropped about 5 miles an hour, but many drivers are still spee...
Date April 14, 1976 Report No. 089608 Title

Energy: DOI Acquisition of Compact Vehicles To Conserve Fuel

6lNITED STATES GENERAL &XWNTlNG WASHiNGTON FIFTH 803 FaLLs WEST CH~~RCH, 0FFICE REGIONAL FLOOR BROAD VIRGINIA STREET OFFICE 22046 The Honorable James T. Clarke Assistant Secretary for Manaqement U.S. Department of the Interior* Dear Mr V Clarke: We have been studying management procedures for assuring adherence to the Government policy requiring, under most circumstances, the acquisition of compac...
Date Aug. 15, 1974 Report No. RED-75-256 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review of the Automobile Fuel Economy Testing and Labeling Program

Illlllllllllllllilllll!ll!lllllllll LM096740 Review Of The Automobile Fuel Economy Testing And Labeling Program B-166506 Environmental Protection Agency BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES , COMPTROLLER GENERAL WMHINOTON, OF THE Loul UNITED 87-A= * E D.C. -. \ The Honorable Henry S. Reuss Chairman, Conservation and Natural Resources Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations Unite...