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GAO Reports by subject "Recreation areas"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 3, 1977 Report No. CED-77-106 Title

Natural Resources: Greater Emphasis Needed on Military Fish and Wildlife and Public Outdoor Recreation Planning and Management Activities

DOCUMENT RESUME 03086 - [A21732941 r3reater Emphasis Needed on Military Fish and Wildlife and Public Outdoor Recreation Planning and Management Activities]. CED-77-106; B-146771. August 3, 1977. 17 ppReport to Secretary, Department of Defense; y Baltas E. Birkle (for Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Developmen' Div-). Tssue Area: Land Use Planning and Control: Management of Federal...
Date June 21, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-28 Title

Crime in Federal Recreation Areas: A Serious Problem Needing Congressional and Agency Attention

Date Nov. 15, 1976 Report No. 089038 Title

Government Operations: Problem Areas Identified in DOI Outdoor Recreation Programs

UNITE D STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENTDlVlSlON ECONOMIC NOV 15 1976 1 The Honorable Nathaniel P Reed AssIstant Secretary for Fish and Wlldltfe and Parks Department of the Interior Dear Mr Reed We recently completed a survey of certa'in aspects of the Department's outdoor recreation programs We ldentlfled several matters which we belleve warrant you...
Date Aug. 31, 1976 Report No. CED-76-147 Title

Environmental Protection: Benefits Claimed for the Corps of Engineers' Catherine Creek Lake Project in Oregon

Sq , ~ REPORT OF THE w- COMPTROLLER GENERAL' 19176 OF THE UNITED STA jR SY Benefits Claimed For The Corps Of Engineers' Catherine Creek Lake Project In Oregon Department of the Army This report identifies issues concerning the project's economic feasibility which GAO believes should be addressed by the Corps if its planned restudy of the project ismade. The restudy is contingent on the resolution ...
Date April 6, 1976 Report No. FPCD-76-20 Title

National Defense: Changes Are Needed in Operating Military Resorts

, . ,1 44398 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LMo99388 ~~~~~~~ll~l~l~~~~~ll~~ Changes Are Need2 bP6 Operating ilitary l?l!!%m To boost troop morale, the military services operate resort centers at various places around the world. They are financed by customers and funds appropriated by the Congress. This report is about resorts costing $12.6 million in appropriated funds year...
Date Sept. 30, 1975 Report No. RED-76-28 Title

Natural Resources: Corps of Engineers' Big Pine Lake Project

--the tuztcy; corps t district office if2 LouisvilPe, Ken- .- --cffici; Is of the ~,a~iJ~~~~q , -. indiana .- Deparmcnt of Natural We met with three propor2nts and two critics of the project, _ to learn their views of dnd ~0n~ern~ abourl the project. . The Corps estimated anand s'ish and wildlife conservation-. ns*-t tienefits di3 SZ,601,000 and casts at $1,642,000 ..--a project for a benefit-cost...
Date Sept. 30, 1975 Report No. RED-76-27 Title

Natural Resources: Corps of Engineers' Big Pine Lake Project

i.ED-76-27 . _ . 8-183687 In and cornguting and the costs benefits February the , and Corps June csed 1975 estimates a 3-I/4-percent of annu,$l interest dis,:ount rate. --confer would Gorge. with reduce Indiana on an alternative d~sicn which environmenkal dan?q;e to the Fall Creek 2--1..-v--i[ICLC?ClY a section of the design wI;,a5dnc::rm containina bn June dates for the 1975 the follcwing Distric...
Date Aug. 15, 1975 Report No. RED-76-9 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental and Economic Issues of the Corps of Engineers' Red River Lake Project in Kentucky

. . B-181d19 ,_; The Honorable W. Gene Snyder House Dear of Mr. Represent Snyder: at ives This is the rqmrc on our and economic issues surrounding planned Red River Lake project review of the the Corps of in Kentucky. environmental Eng ineecs’ Sincerely yours p Comptcoller General c/f the United States , C 0 n t. t" ---- t s ----_ - n Page -- DIGEST i 19 19 20 26 33 36 36 . 37 4 INTEREST . _-I^_...
Date July 21, 1975 Report No. RED-76-1 Title

Government Operations: Concession Operations in the National Parks--Improvements Needed in Administration

IllllllllIll11 Ill11 llllllll lllll llll Ill11 Ill1 Ill11 LM096964 :;lwrowernents ere needed Par-k Sewice in by the National --admir,istcring concession. operations, cludlnrj envtronrnental requitre,nents; in- EKG-76-: . - * B-146736 :I ! F:\ _ ~. 2, The honorable william 5. floorileau Cna irman, Conservation, Energy, ant! dacbral itesuurcr5 SubiGiCGiit~t Committee cn tovernment operst ions and ...
Date July 2, 1975 Report No. RED-75-382 Title

Government Operations: Revisions Recommended for the Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Planned Tomahawk Lake Project in Kansas

llIlllllllllll’IIIIllllllllll LM094968 Revisions Recommended For The Benefit-Cost Analysis For The Planned Tomahawk Lake In Kansas Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions) Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RED-75-382 JULY 2,1975 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHIINGTON. OF THE D.C. UNITED 20W STATES B-181401 c f-- The Honorable Larry Winn, Jr. House of Representatives Dea...
Date April 22, 1975 Report No. RED-75-351 Title

Natural Resources: Recreational Benefits Claimed for the Corps of Engineers' La Farge Lake Reservoir and Dam Authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1962

COMPTROLLER I GENERAL WASHINGTQN. OF THE UNITED STATES R.C. 20548 B-181997 -I ;kL QqJll2~ Gaylord Senate Nelson: Nelson -i L.i I The Honorable United States Dear Senator .$ I / In response to your request of August 6, 1974, and subsequent discussions with your office, we reviewed the ,,recreational benefits claimed for the Corps of Engineers’ hq La Farge Lake reservoir and dam authorized by the ...
Date April 11, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-28 Title

Education: Operations of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Smithsonian Department National Institution of the Interior Park Service x GGD -75-28 ‘APRIII1J975 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHING-?-ON, OF THE UNITED CL@. 2OS.W STATES B-154459 r , The Honorable Jennings Randolph L Chairman, Committee on Public Works United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: ;I.; .:, ‘I 1 Our report discusses the operations of the John F. “1 Kennedy Center for the Performing c, A...
Date Dec. 28, 1973 Report No. B-179152 Title

International Affairs: Allegations Concerning the Assignment of Two Officers to Parachute Positions and the Use of Army Troops and Equipment in Constructing a Privately Owned Golf Course in Germany

COMPTROLLER t GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES The Honorable United States Dear Senator William Senate Proxmire: Proxmire llllllml~lllllllllllll LM095989 In response to your request of July 10, 1973, we have examined allegations concerning (1) two off.ice_ra;la%signe~~t~‘~e~,s~~~~~tion ,~~~~;b~"~w~~d~;,dr~~.~~~achute .gw y$i Le. Ply one wo&d=, Rg_r,~, n...
Date May 7, 1973 Report No. 093843 Title

Economic Development: Survey of the Economic Development Administration's Business Development Loan Program

Date March 5, 1973 Report No. 093882 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Planning and Development of Federal Outdoor Recreation

Uwm SITES GE~ERALAC~~UMT~I~G OFFKE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Ah!D ECONOMIC DlVlStON 3 lllll~lllllllllililill IllI IllI ~III~I~IUI LM093882 Senefits to Kore RecreatTon Grants ?lrl 5, 13721, pointed out that the areas cf the fiS-I76&%3, dated htober greatest recreation need WEK~ htfll the aetropolitsn centers as had ic t’ne liirtdoor Recreation Resources been ti-ie case ix-2 t5C...
Date Dec. 5, 1972 Report No. 089495 Title

Natural Resources: Review of Domestic Water Supply Systems at Recreation Sites

~il~~/ll~~i~l~~~~~~~li,,~l~~~IIII‘II/II‘III ,~Iilll~/l~~lli~~~~I’ iilr“IIII!/ 11 / ‘II’ill,,,,I,il ,,,,I, i ‘III I4fl~lll _. .,,L ‘//- ;;.,-,,’ .. ., *. ,)-I ., .%. ,- - ,) ., Zl.’ ._ ._, .-, I. : ,1’ j ,_ ; / ,,“_, .-:., -i ,I ‘, ,’ ” 4 , I
Date Oct. 31, 1972 Report No. 092449 Title

Government Operations: Program for the Surveillance and Inspection of Domestic Water Supply Systems at Recreation Sites

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. RESOURCES AND 20548 DEVELOPMENT ECOtOM IC DIVISION 311972 Qemrxat F. Jr. l-ar~a Chief of SnaLiners .)e~t~aen.; the -f Amy Corps of Engtneers Wahingto@rb D.C. 20314 Dear Generarl clarkei W have cosmpleted our reviewro the CogpsO prosram for the aveiUVleUMg-a and 01'spwtion of iaratti. watar supply eyotaq at ra(rcrt.okn sites in the Sorth Paci...
Date Oct. 5, 1972 Report No. B-176823 Title

Financial Management: Greater Benefits to More People Possible by Better Uses of Federal Outdoor Recreation Grants

llllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ LM096280 COMPTROLLER CEMERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNXTEB 20548 STATES B- 176823 . Cf / To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives This is our report on greater benefits to more people possible by better uses of Federal outdoor recreation grants. The grants are made under programs administered by the Bureau of Outdoor ...
Date Feb. 22, 1972 Report No. B-174172 Title

Natural Resources: Public Recreational Facilities Not Adequately Developed at Lake Berryessa, California--A Bureau of Reclamation Project

Public Recreational Not Adequately D Lake Berryessa, Cal ureas Of Redam B-174172 Department of the Interior UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING QFFICE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL DIVISION B- 174172 Dear Mr. Secretary: t y,* This is our report on public recreational facilities not adequately developed at Lake Berryessa, California--a Bureau of Reclamation proje...
Date Sept. 20, 1971 Report No. B-160199 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental and Economic Problems Associated With the Development of the Burns Waterway Harbor, Indiana

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Environmental And Economic Problems Associated With The Development Of The Burns Waterway Harbor, Indiana B6,,0199 Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions) Department of the Army Environmental Protection Agency National Park Service Department of the Interior BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES SEPT. 20, 197 1 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C....
Date July 29, 1969 Report No. 092671 Title

Financial Management: Administration of Recreation Fees Under the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIX WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 CIVIL IXVISION Mr. Edward P. Cliff Chief, Forest Service Department of Agriculture Dear Mr. Cliff: This 1s in reference to our draft report to the Congress on the review of the admlnlstratlon of recreation fees under the provlslons of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, and the comments thereon from Mr. E. W, Schultz, Acti...
Date July 25, 1969 Report No. 092674 Title

Financial Management: Administration of Recreation Fees Under the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 JUh 2 5 1969 CIVIL DIVISION Lieutenant Chief of Corps of Department Dear General Engineers Engineers of the Wllllam F, Cassldy Army General Cassldy: draft report to the Congress entltled recreation fees under the provlslons Fund Act of 1965" and the comments (Civil Functions), Department of the This IS In reference to our "Review of th...