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GAO Reports by subject "Missile warheads"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 2, 2011 Report No. GAO-11-387 Title

Nuclear Weapons: DOD and NNSA Need to Better Manage Scope of Future Refurbishments and Risks to Maintaining U.S. Commitments to NATO

United States Government Accountability Office GAO May 2011 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR WEAPONS DOD and NNSA Need to Better Manage Scope of Future Refurbishments and Risks to Maintaining U.S. Commitments to NATO GAO-11-387 May 2011 NUCLEAR WEAPONS Accountability • Integrity • Reliability DOD and NNSA Need to Better Manage Scope of Future Refurbishments and Risks to Maintaining U...
Date May 23, 2008 Report No. GAO-08-593 Title

Nuclear Weapons: NNSA Needs to Establish a Cost and Schedule Baseline for Manufacturing a Critical Nuclear Weapon Component

United States Government Accountability Office GAO May 2008 Report to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives NUCLEAR WEAPONS NNSA Needs to Establish a Cost and Schedule Baseline for Manufacturing a Critical Nuclear Weapon Component GAO-08-593 May 2008 NUCLEAR WEAPONS Highlights Highlights of GAO-08-593, a report to the Subcommittee o...
Date July 31, 1996 Report No. RCED-96-216 Title

Nuclear Weapons: Improvements Needed to DOE's Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Surveillance Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1996 Report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate NUCLEAR WEAPONS Improvements Needed to DOE’s Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Surveillance Program G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/RCED-96-216 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-272465 July 31, 1996 The Honorab...
Date March 13, 1996 Report No. T-RCED-96-100 Title

Nuclear Weapons: Status of DOE's Nuclear Stockpile Surveillance Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday, March 13, 1996 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate NUCLEAR WEAPONS Status of DOE’s Nuclear Stockpile Surveillance Program Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy, Resources, and Science Issues Resources, Community,...
Date April 20, 1995 Report No. NSIAD-95-116 Title

Cruise Missiles: Proven Capability Should Affect Aircraft and Force Structure Requirements

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1995 Report to Congressional Committees CRUISE MISSILES Proven Capability Should Affect Aircraft and Force Structure Requirements GAO/NSIAD-95-116 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-256664 April 20, 1995 The Honorable Strom Thurmond Chairman, Committee on Armed S...
Date March 17, 1995 Report No. NSIAD-95-45 Title

Ballistic Missile Defense: Computation of Number of Patriot PAC-3 Interceptors Needed Is Flawed

United States General Accounting Offlce IGAO, March 1995 Report to Congressional Requesters BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE Computation of Number of Patriot PAC-3Interceptors Needed Is Flawed GAO/NSLAD-95-45 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-259100 March 17,1995 The Honorable Floyd D. Spence Chairman The Honorable Ro...
Date Sept. 13, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-270 Title

Ballistic Missile Defense: Strategic Target System Launches from Kauai

Strategic, Target System Launches from Kauai I III 149987 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically 1 approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 558081 RELEASED c (i.,\( )/NSl5 # ~\l)-!l:l-‘270 ..I .-..... ..-. .-. ._._ ._ ~. _._.. 1-1 ..__.-... “_._----------- - -- l GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Natio...
Date March 4, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-93-49 Title

Antiarmor Weapons Acquisitions: Assessments Needed to Support Continued Need and Long-Term Affordability

I IJnil,t:tl Stattts Gtmctral Accounting _-... l-..l”._--.. ^111111__-.11-._.-_-._--.-.-.-..---..-..-..-.----~__I- Office ~GAO Report to the Secretary of Defense ANTIARMOR WEA ACQUISITIONS Assessments Needed to Support Continued Need and Long-Term Affordability National Security and International AfYairs Division B-248672 March 4,1993 The Honorable Les Aspin The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Sec...
Date Oct. 1, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-22R Title

National Defense: Postol's Video Analysis

GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 2OS48 National Security and International Affairs Division B-250335 October 1, 1992 The Honorable Frank Horton Ranking Minority Member Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Horton: lllllllllll 147712 we examined the evidence used by Theodore As you requested, A. Postol, a Professor of Science, Technology, and...
Date Sept. 28, 1992 Report No. PEMD-92-36R Title

National Defense: Triad Summary

GAO United States GeneralAccountingOfflce Wuhingtop, D.C. 20548 ProgramEvaluation and MethodologyDivision September 28, 1992 The Honorable Dante Fascell Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs IIII 147792 House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: I am enclosing a statement that Pursuant to your request, summarizes--to the extent possible in unclassified formGAO’ a-year s evaluation of the U.S. ...
Date Sept. 22, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-340 Title

Operation Desert Storm: Data Does Not Exist to Conclusively Say How Well Patriot Performed

United I States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters STORM Data Does Not Exist& Con&&&y Say H(jii Well Patriot Perforni&i .: GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D-C. 20548 National Security and International AfTairs Division B-250335 September 22, 1992 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman The Honorable Frank Horton Ranking Minority Member Legislation...
Date Sept. 8, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-282 Title

Strategic Defense Initiative: Some Claims Overstated for Early Flight Tests of Interceptors

I kpc,r-t,to the Cl~airrnan, Legislat,ion and N;~t.ioml Security Subcomrnittce, C kmwiltoc on Govcrnrnent Operations, I I( )use of IZcprcscntatives STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE Some Claims Overstated for Early Flight Tests of Interceptors RESTRICTED-Not to be releasebl outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 555333 GAO United Sta...
Date July 30, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-243 Title

Missile Procurement: Limit Procurement of AMRAAMs Until the Missile's Lethality Is Improved

: :: -United States GeneralAccounting Office GAO -GAO July 1992 Report toCommittee on Appropriations, on Defense, the Chairman, Subcommittee House of Representatives MISSE PROCUREMENT Linit Procurement of s Until the AM:A Missile's Lethalityhis ::,1 ;;::';:::-:::-: tGAO/ONSL0AD-; 92 243 · ; GAO/NSIAD-92-243 : GAO United States W ashington, ~Washington, D.C. 20548 D.C. StaGeneral 20548U~lted Accou...
Date March 31, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-95 Title

Military Training: Unexploded Ordnance Found in Lake Michigan

-*l.,----lll.lm linikd States General Accounting Office GAO March 19!)2 Report to the Honorable F James Sensenbrenner, Jr., House of Representatives MILITARY TRAINING Unexploded Ordnance Found in Lake Michigan 146319 RESTRICTED--Not to !be releaseb. outside the General Accounting Wfice unless specifically approved by the W W ’ of Congressional z Relatiotis. .-...GAWNSIAD-92-95 , .---. _______ ,_...
Date Feb. 24, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-145R Title

National Defense: Short-Range Attack Missiles

‘< ,*“a [4 s q 3 6 United S ta te s G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O fRce W w h i n g to n , D ,C. 2 0 5 4 1 1 N a tio n a l Security a n d In te r n a tio n a l Nairs Division GAO B -246524 February 24, 1992 T h e H o n o r a b l e L e s A spin C h a irm a n , C o m m itte e o n A r m e d S e rvices H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n ta tive s D e a r M r. C h a irm a n : w e a r e providing you ...
Date Sept. 30, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-275 Title

ICBM Modernization: Small ICBM Weapon System Status and Current Issues

GAO Rctport to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of’ Representatives ICBM MODERNIZATION Small ICBM Weapon System Status and Current Issues GAt )/NSIAI)-9 l-275 National Security and International Affairs Division B-24 1923 September 30,199l The Honorable Les Aspin Chairman, Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report, prepared at your reques...
Date Sept. 27, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-319FS Title

Strategic Weapons: Nuclear Weapons Targeting Process

NW ear Weapons eting Proeess Tare ‘ GAO General Accounting Office Wtihington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division united states B-244436 September 27,199l The Honorable John McCain United States Senate The Honorable John R. Kasich House of Representatives This is the unclassified version of the classified fact sheet we provided you in August 1991. This responds to you...
Date Sept. 6, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-314 Title

Army Weapons: Acquisition of Interim Improved Hellfire Missiles Not Justified

Acquisition of Interim Improved Hellfire Missiles Not Justified III II11 lb4852 1 - GAO/NNIAIHW:~14 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-241607 September 6,199l The Honorable Richard B. Cheney The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: The purpose of this report is to inform you that, despite your May 1991 comme...
Date March 8, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-71 Title

Electronic Warfare: Early Production of Tacit Rainbow Missile Not Warranted

_.._. .._ _.” ..--- -__---.. . Ma rc*lr I !)!b1 ELECTRONIC WARFARE Early Production of Tacit Rainbow Missile Not Warranted (;AO/i’ NSIAI)-!I I-7 1 -- ___...__... ._- - ..~_ -. ..____...._ ., .,.. ..“.._ -_-----. ..-. -- -__l”---_.--.“...--- _....--- -._.... ..__ . ..____~ -._ _....._ __...._____..-____I___ .- .._ ._ ___. -- GAO United States General Accounting OfYice Washington, D...
Date Sept. 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-242 Title

Strategic Forces: Minuteman Weapon System Status and Current Issues

STRATEGIC FORCES Minuteman Weapon System Status and Current Issues 142533 IUFSTRICTED---Not to be rel&&&&&& the General Accounting Ofllce unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. (;hO/NSIAI)-!)O-242 ---...--.I .-.-- “. - ._” I._ .._..... _..-I. .._ _ -. ..“._. .._.. ..I_ ._ _ __ .-.__ .._ -l__“.-_-- .----- _I-I~__ GAO United States General Accounting Office Wa...
Date Dec. 31, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-88-81BR Title

Strategic Forces: Justification for the Short Range Attack Missile II

““__” -_--._-fl*__*-l_--“---..--~---___(I!LjIo 1 rsv /cry United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate STRATEGIC FORCES Justification for the Short Range Attack Missile II IllII II11 8 1111 134794 Ntltional Swurity and Iuternatiorral Affihs I)iviniou B-229227 Ihtc:enrbt!r31, 19137 The Honorable Sam Nunn Committee on Armed...
Date Sept. 17, 1987 Report No. PEMD-87-22 Title

Antitank Weapons: Current and Future Capabilities

GANO September 1987 United States General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Charles E. Bennett, House of Representatives ANTITANK WEAPONS Current and Future Capabilities RELEASED RESTRICTIED - Acceunting Otfice except on thle basis or specific approval Not to be released outside the General AXE I< ttons, by the OtiEe off CenrO,.., GAO/PEMD-87-22 GAO GAO I United States General Accounting O...
Date Sept. 19, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-200 Title

ICBM Modernization: Status, Survivable Basing Issues, and Need To Reestablish a National Consensus

September 1880 ICBM MODERNIZATION i Status, Survivable Basing Issues,and Need to Reestablish’s National Consensus 131126 -- CA!!!! United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-223636 September 19,1986 President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report discusses mayr issues concernmg the Department of De...
Date Sept. 9, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-138 Title

National Defense: Potential Dollar Reductions to DOD's FY 1986 Missile and the Lightweight Multipurpose Weapon Procurement Programs

BY THE U.S.GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Defense, Committee On Appropriations United States Senate Potential Dollar Reductions To DOD’s Fiscal Year 1986 Missile And The Lightweight Multipurpose Weapon Procurement Programs The Army and Marine Corps’ fiscal year 1986 appropriation requests for the Stinger, the Hellfire, the Chaparral, the TOW-2, the Hawk, and t...
Date March 8, 1985 Report No. 126396 Title

National Defense: Peacekeeper (MX) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System

Date Feb. 17, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-1 Title

The MX Weapon System: Issues and Challenges

f?fsport To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES TideMX Weapon System: IsduesAnd Challenges The MX weapon system is 1 year into full-scale dev lopment. Progress has been made, but the Dep rtment of Defense still faces major challeng s in achieving cost, schedule, and perfor ante goals. i The MX weapon system is designed to be able to r spond to an increased threat. The system can : be expanded by addin...
Date June 2, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-52 Title

National Defense: High Altitude, High Speed Target Program Should Either Be Modified To Realistically Simulate the Threat or Be Killed

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACQUlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-198928 JUNE 2,198O The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) Reports lllllllllllllll 112418 Dear Mr. Secretary: High Speed Target Program The r High Altitude, Should Either Be Modified w Realistically Simulate the Threat...