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GAO Reports by subject "Cost accounting standards compliance"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date April 5, 1973 Report No. 093861 Title

Financial Management: Myrtle Beach AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date April 5, 1973 Report No. 093860 Title

National Defense: Wright-Patterson AFB, Examination of JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date March 8, 1973 Report No. 093879 Title

Financial Management: McCoy AFB, Examination of the JUMPS Interim Leave System

Date March 6, 1973 Report No. 093881 Title

National Defense: Review of Civilian Pay and Allowance Systems in the Department of Defense

UNITED STATES GENERAL WCCOUNTIMG OFFICE REGIONAL 7014 F.EDERAL BUILDING DENVER,COLORADO OFFICE 1961Sxw~ STREET 80202 MaJor General Maurice Adlutant General Utah NatIonal Guard Salt Lake City, Utah Dear General Watts * L. Watts 84108 We have completed our The maJor Payroll System. adequacy and effectiveness audit. In our opfnlon, the used, with a few exceptions, timely payroll. review of the Almy N...
Date Feb. 5, 1973 Report No. 093909 Title

Financial Management: Need for Increased Internal Audit Attention to the Financial Management Procedures and Practices of the National Bureau of Standards

?NASHINGTON FlFTW 8(13 WEST REGiONAL FLOOR STREET VIRGIWA BROAD OFFlCE ('&~q 22646 ~j~s~~----- FAU.S CHURCH, Dear Mr. Chamberlin Enclosed for your information is a copy of our letter with enclosure Nataonai Bureau of Staudards, Department of Comto the Actlug Dzrector, merce, on the results of our recent revxew of selected aspects of the Bureau's financial management system. we evaluated the effect...
Date Feb. 5, 1973 Report No. 093910 Title

Government Operations: Review of Selected Aspects of the Financial Management System of the National Bureau of Standards

UNITED Ssms GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE TON REGiONAL OFFICE G 4 JJ c, c, 3 ‘J 5 .- FIFTH FLOOR 803 WEST BROAD STRE!ZT FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22046 Dear Dr. Kushner: We have reviewed selected aspects of the financial management system Our review included an examination of the National Bureau of Standards. of the accounts of accountable officers through June 30, 1971; a,review of the payroll and leave...
Date Jan. 22, 1973 Report No. 093935 Title

Financial Management: 1972 Financial Audit of Commercial Power Operations of Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division

Brigadier General Richard E. I"cConnell Division Ez?gizEer NGrth Pacific Division ^ X7,3, Amy Corps of Engineers 2iO custom ‘iiouse Portland, OX 97209 bar General McComeil: me have completed our review of the accounts and accounting procedures for the Corps of Engineers projects included in the Federal Columbia River ~mer System (PCZPS) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1972, Qur review, which ...
Date Jan. 22, 1973 Report No. 093933 Title

Financial Management: Matters Identified During FY 1972 Financial Audit of the Federal Columbia River Power System

3086 FEDERAL. OFFICEBUILDING 909 FIRS-I98104 AVENUE SEA~TLE,WASHINGTON Mr, Eonald P, Hodel. Admxnlstrator Bonneville Power Admrnlstratlonb&C P.0, Box 3521 Portland OR 97208 Dear Mr, Hodel. oOq&~-' We have completed our annual fznanclal audrt of the Federal Columbia Rover Power System (FCP3S) for the fxscal year ended June 30, 1972. Our revxew Included an examlnatron of the Bonneville Power Admxnls...
Date Jan. 18, 1973 Report No. 093936 Title

Transportation: Need for Improvements in Cargo Security and Accountability Procedures

. I UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFKE INTERNATIONAL FAR EAST 1833 KALAKAUA DIVISION BRANCH AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 JAN 18 1973 Lieutenant General Commanding General U.S. Army, Japan APO San Francisco Dear General Dolvin: W. G. Dolvin 96343 DLL N7
Date Dec. 22, 1972 Report No. 088976 Title

Financial Management: Status of Army Industrial Fund Accounting System

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE 7014 FEDERAL REGIONAL q uILDlNG, OFFICE I~~ISTOUT STREET DEHVER,COLORADO 80202 Colonel Wllllam P. Hooker Commanding Off leer Pueblo Army Depot Pueblo, Colorado 81001 Dear Colone 1 Hooker. During our recent vlslt, we updated lnformatlon obtamed durmg our review of the Army Industrial Fund (AIF) Accounting System at Pueblo which we conducted In 1971. As discusse...
Date Nov. 27, 1972 Report No. 089502 Title

Financial Management: Sheppard AFB, Audit of Accounts

Date Feb. 28, 1972 Report No. 091287 Title

Financial Management: Cost Accounting Standards Board Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1973

Date Dec. 9, 1971 Report No. 092469 Title

Financial Management: Opportunity To Revise Some Accounting Practices and Recover Full Costs of Service

(0S( "4: ,:~o7 EUNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 CIVIL D!VISION Dear Dr. Brown: We reviewed the accounting system of the Bureau of the Census (Bureau), Department of Commerce, to ascertain whether the system in operation, as approved by the Comptroller General on May 4, 1966, continues to be an effective and efficient accounting system. Our review was made on a test b...
Date March 11, 1971 Report No. 094435 Title

Financial Management: Issues Facing Financial Managers in the Seventies

@ llllllllllllllllllll 094435 ADDiWSS BY ELWR B. STAATS BEFORF !lXE MARCH 11, 1971 @ l remzrks today might well 'be described as pmblems for t h e Seventies l e f t over from t h e - S i x t i e s as well as t h e problems emerging f o r t h e Seventies. As f i n a n c i a l managers, we f i n d ourselves i n t k e p o s i t i a n of t h e Members of Congress who have been advised by ?resident Nix...
Date Jan. 19, 1970 Report No. B-39995 Title

Government Operations: Feasibility of Applying Uniform Cost-Accounting Standards To Negotiated Defense Contracts

” Feasibility Of Applying Uniform Cost-Accounting Standa& To Negotiated Defense Contracts e-J999s~11 -- BY TH@ COMPTROLLERLGENERAL OF THE UNITEC STATls’S COMPTROLLLR GENERAL WA5HwGToN. OF D.C. THE UNITED 2os42 STATES : - This is our report on the feasibility of applying cost-accounting standards to negotiated defense prime tracts and sub;ontracts of $tOO,OO3 or more. Our study was performed of...
Date Jan. 1, 1970 Report No. 091192 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Spring 1970

- ... . , _._. 091192 f For sole by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Go\ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.50 per l r n r : 50 cents additional for foreign mailing. THE GAO REVIEW SPRING 1970 Contents A Positive Program for Improving Communications Between Federal Agencies and Accounting Faculties and Students By WILLIAM L. CA...
Date April 22, 1969 Report No. 094483 Title

Financial Management: Ascertaining Indirect Costs on Research Grants

" United States General Accounting Washington, D.C. '20548 Office FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST April 22, 1969 STATEMENT OF ELMER B. STAATS, COMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT RESEARCH COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, UNITED STATES SENATE &bJ 0 :'.:--/A Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: we appear the legislative a reali...
Date Jan. 1, 1969 Report No. 091032 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Winter 1969

1 11 1llllll11 1 11 1 l ll l 091032 WINTER 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 20402. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.50 per year; 50 cents additional for foreign mailing. THE S A 0 REVIEW WINTER 1969 Contents Uniform Cost Accounting Standards in Negotiated Defense Contracts ? &fJ (,,I By ELMER B. STAATS.. . . . . ...
Date Jan. 1, 1969 Report No. 091028 Title

Financial Management: Uniform Cost Accounting Standards in Negotiated Defense Contracts

Date Oct. 29, 1968 Report No. 094488 Title

National Defense: Uniform Cost Accounting Standards in Negotiated Defense Contracts

', L . ' e , . Address by the Comptroller Genera? of the United States, Elmer 8. Staats, before the Stuart Cameron McLeod Socfety o f tne tGZRi6l Association o f Accountants, Dora? Country Club, Mfami Beachs Florida, October 29, t968 N I FORM COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS IN NEGCITIATED DEFENSE CONTRACTS . Early in the Spring of this year, the General Accounting Office was extremely busy fo one end o ...