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GAO Reports by subject "Liability (legal)"

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Date Report No. Title
Date March 7, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-36 Title

INS Delivery Bonds: Stronger Internal Controls Needed

JJnfted States General Accounting I i%hLb> Office * ” 1 Report to the Honorable Alan J. Dixon, U.S. Senate INS DELIVERY BONDS Stronger Internal Controls Needed ‘ t~~ I Ionorabl~~ Alan “J. Dixon l’ 1Jrdtcvl States Sonato I )citr Sttnator Dixon: ‘ 11is 1’ rt~port, is in response to your request that we examine selected enforcement activities of tt I(:b Immigration and Naturalization Serv...
Date Jan. 28, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-36BR Title

Product Liability: Extent of 'Litigation Explosion' in Federal Courts Questioned

United States General Accounting Office GAO January4988 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives PRODUCT LIABILITY Went of “Litigation Explosion” in Federal Courts Questioned GAO/HRD-8th36RR ~__.._______ GAO . ..’ General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resourc...
Date Nov. 30, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-88-38 Title

Contract Pricing: Overpriced B-52 Bomber Avionics Subcontract

United States General Accounting Office 4 GAO Noyember 1987 Rep&-t to the Commander, U.S. Air Force, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center CONTRACTPRICING~ Overpriced B-52 Bomber Avionics Subcontract 134498 . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Seattle Regional Office Room 1992, Jackson Building 916 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 Federal B-219741 November 30, 1987 Majo...
Date Nov. 18, 1987 Report No. T-RCED-88-9 Title

Environmental Protection: Availability of Insurance for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks

For Release On Deliverv E'pected at LOO p.m EST I 18, 1987 Availabilitv Petroleum of Insurance for Underqround Storaqe Tanks' Summarv Statement of Hush J. Wessinqer, Senior Associate Director Resources, Communitv, And Economic Development Division Before the Subcommittee on Enerqv and Aqriculture Of the House Committee on Small Bksiness Mr. Chairman We are and Members of the Subcommittee: pleaaed ...
Date Nov. 17, 1987 Report No. B-229275-O.M. Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Alleged Consumer Products Safety Commission Lobbying

Date June 17, 1987 Report No. T-RCED-87-33 Title

Energy: Price-Anderson Act Nuclear Accident Liability Protection

, United States General Accounting OfYSce I GA!0 For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:30 p.m. EST Wednesday June 17, 1987 Testimony Pr,ice-Anderson Act Liability Protection Nuclear . Accident Statement for the Record by Kei-th 0. Fultz, Associate Director 'Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development Committee on Science, Space...
Date June 2, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-124 Title

Nuclear Regulation: A Perspective on Liability Protection for a Nuclear Plant Accident

r d GAO June 1987 United States General Accounting Office Report to CongressionalCommittees NUCLEAR REGULATION A Perspective on Liability Protection for a Nuclear Plant Accident GAO/RCED-87-124 -GA!0 United Sta.tes General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-223582 June 2, 1987 Congressional Committees The Price-Anderson Act, which set...
Date April 22, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-55 Title

Medical Malpractice: Characteristics of Claims Closed in 1984

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1987 Report to Congressional Requesters MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Characteristics of Claims Closed in 1984 GAO/HRD-87-66 53wo\ - Requests for copies of GAO reports should be sent to U S General Accounting Office Post Office Box 60 15 Galthersburg, Maryland 20877 Telephone 202-275-6241 The first five coptes of each report are free Additional copies are $2...
Date Feb. 27, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-90FS Title

Synthetic Fuels: Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project

L -..-Ls-- . - United S&es General Accountin OfIke 1 GAO ( Febrhy 1987 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Powe:r, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Represelntatives SYNTHETIC FUELS Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project GACVRCED-87-90#‘S . * * I I I Hesourcw, Community, Ehnomic Development and Division B-207876 February 27, 1987 The Honorable Philip R....
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21S-1 Title

Medical Malpractice: Case Study on Arkansas

December 1986 MEDICAL MALPRACTICE i Case Study on Arkansas , 4 ‘;r .,/ ,. I f- ;’ & 9’ _ ,I, _ . .’ : ,’ .. -.. “;. ‘. :. ’ Preface December31, 1986 Representative John Edward Porter and SenatorJohn Heinz,Chairman, Senate SpecialCommitteeon Aging,askedGAO to identify the actions taken by the states to addressmedicalmalpracticeinsuranceproblems andto determinechanges insurancecosts,...
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21S-2 Title

Medical Malpractice: Case Study on California

December 1986 MEDIC. MALPRACTICE 1 CaseStudy on California Not to ba released outside the Qememl -RICTED hcounting Office excryt on the basis 02 qmcrfk qpr@vd bg the offike of congresaioMl Relatlonsp -_ 537kwJD GAO/HRDW-21S-2 _(. -L r _‘. _ ‘* Preface December3 1,1986 Representative John Edward Porter and SenatorJohn Heinz,Chairman, Senate Special Committeeon Aging,askedGAO to identify the act...
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21S-4 Title

Medical Malpractice: Case Study on Indiana

united sates GeLrd Account omce .$ if ‘0 GAO December 1986 Report to Congressional Requesters . MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Case~Study on Indiana GAO/ERD-87-21S-4 53voGl ,* ,” .e ; c Preface December3 1, 1986 Representative John Edward Porter and SenatorJohn Heinz,Chairman, SenateSpecial Committeeon Aging, askedGAO to identify the actions taken by the statesto addressmedicalmalpracticeinsuranceproblem...
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21S-5 Title

Medical Malpractice: Case Study on New York

. *udtads~~rrlAcco~ take *., J.E. . -GA!0 December 1986 Report to Congressional Requesters . MEDICAL MALPRACTICi Case Study on New York c &_. ._--.^. . .,a_ : Preface December3 1, 1986 - Representative John Edward Porter andSenatorJohn H&G, Chairman, SenateSpecial Committeeon Aging, askedGAO to identify the actions taken by the statesto addressmedicalmalpracticeinsuranceproblems andto determinecha...
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21S-6 Title

Medical Malpractice: Case Study on North Carolina

United Stati& G&ml Accounting Office . GAO December 1986 Report to Congressional Requesters MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Case Study on North Carolina RESTBICTED---ITot to be released OUttide the Oentrs) Accounting Office except on the basis Of SPedfiC cy:‘?ov21 by the Off& of Ccngres;ioa2.1Relaticns. HRD-87-21S43 .. . -_ I- _ Preface December3 1, 1986 Representative John Edward Porter and SenatorJohn Hei...
Date Dec. 31, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-21 Title

Medical Malpractice: Six State Case Studies Show Claims and Insurance Costs Still Rise Despite Reforms

United State6 GeneA Accounting Offlce ’ Report to Congressional Requesters December 1986 MEDICAL ’ MALPRACTICE Six State Case Studies Show Clahs and Insurance Costs Still Rise Despite Reforms - .. . . . Ibman Resources Division B-221239 December3 1,1986 The Honorable John Heinz Chairman,Special Committeeon Aging United StatesSenate The HonorableJohn Edward Porter Houseof Representatives In res...
Date Aug. 28, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-208FS Title

Federal Electric Power: Repairs Made on Turbines at Two Arkansas River Dams

5 uniteaL&a b g Accoun .I I7?q:;$p Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Stitkommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, 1 House of Representatives Aujjust 1986 / * ! ‘f.‘ FEDERAL ELECTRIC b POWER Repairs Made on Turbines at Two Arkansas %..r Dams I ’llllllllll ‘IllIIR 131179 i . n , c GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 2054...
Date July 16, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-193BR Title

Energy: Financial Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident

United States GkneraI Accounting Ofnce RoYY? Briefing Report to the Honorable George Mitchell United States Senate July 1986 NUCLEAR REGULATION Financial Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident ‘lll~ II llJ!lil 130447 GAO/ RCED-86-193BR 03csoGi7 1 l UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C.20648 July 16, 1986 AWOURCES. COMMUNITV, AND ECONOMIC DLVLLWtNT DIVII)ION B-223582 Th...
Date July 3, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-190FS Title

Synthetic Fuels: Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project

United States General /3bjy)5 Fact Sh’eetfor Congressional Requeste rs Accounting Office 4 July 1986 SYNTHETIC FUELS Status of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project GAO/RCED-8&190FS ()3slxL . -b -____ . . UNITED STATES OENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINOTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE RESOURCES, COMMUNITV, AND ECONOMIC OLVELDPMENT DIVISION July 3, 1986 H-207876 The Honorable Philip R. Sharp Chairman, Subcomm...
Date April 10, 1986 Report No. GGD-86-65 Title

Tax Policy: Investment Tax Credit for Offshore Drilling Rigs Needs Clarification

.. . I ‘. United States General Accounting Office 34m l - GAO April 1986 Report to the Joint Committee on Taxation Congress of the United States -~~~ TAX POLICY ” Investment Tax Credit for Offshore Drilling Rigs Needs Clarification cJ35J&yj GAO/GGD-86-65 1 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division E-222291 April 10, 1986 The Honorable Bob Packwo...
Date June 14, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-58 Title

Income Security: Effects of the 1980 Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act on Plan Participants' Benefits

, ‘BYTHECOMPTROLLERGENERAL !ReportToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Effects Of The 1980 Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act On Plan Participants’ Benefits The Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980 changed federal requirements for funding and insuring the benefits of over 8 million participants in multiemployer defined benefit pension plans nationwide. A major change increased...
Date May 8, 1985 Report No. 126891 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: U.S. Citizens Living in Foreign Countries and Not Filing Federal Income Tax Returns

Date March 14, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-16 Title

Income Security: Effects of Liabilities Assessed Employers Withdrawing From Multiemployer Pension Plans

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Effects Of Liab.ilities Assessed Employers Withdrawing From Multiemployer Pension Plans The most controversial changes the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980 made to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 concerned the liability imposed on employers withdrawing from multiemployer defined benefit pension p...
Date March 8, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-56 Title

International Affairs: Stricter Enforcement of Refugees' Transportation Loan Repayments Needed

BY THEUS GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The S8ecretary Department Of State Stricter Enforcement (If Refugees’ Transportation Loan Repayments Needed Since the mid-197% the United States has resettled and assisted hundreds of thousands of refugees from around theworld. The Department of State is primarily responsible for managing and funding refugee assistance programs. One such program calls ...
Date Dec. 28, 1984 Report No. RCED-85-3 Title

Environmental Protection: EPA Could Benefit From Comprehensive Management Information on Superfund Enforcement Actions

General Accountin Office EPA Could Benefit From Comprehensive Management Information On Superfund Enforcement Actions 7716:: C:rrvironrr~c:rrt;~l Protection Agency main t;tiirs cl~,?t;~1I~:d Superfund c!rrforcement infor. mi/tiun in inclividunl file: i L~riclhis clevelopd irlf~orrn;ition systems for trq~orting various c:;~\t?yorlt:s of SuI)(::rfuncl t:nforc~?ment data. Hrdwt:vt?r, xxording to FPA ...
Date Dec. 13, 1984 Report No. RCED-85-47 Title

Energy: Return of Spent Nuclear Fuel From Foreign Research Reactors to the United States

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. OFFICE 20548 ~ X3-217124 The Honorable Richard L. Ottinger Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Return of Spent Nuclear Fuel from Foreign Research Reactors to the United States (GAO/RCED-85-47) Your letter of June 12, 1984, requested that we exa...
Date Dec. 10, 1984 Report No. GGD-85-12 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Response to Questions About the Windfall Profit Tax on Alaskan North Slope Crude Oil

Request for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 Telephone (202) 275-6241 The first fivrz copies of individual reports are free of charge. Additional copies of tw~nd Additional audit reports are $3.25 each. copies of unbound rrrport (i.e., letter reports) and most other pub...
Date Sept. 1, 1984 Report No. 125823 Title

Unpublished Decisions: Appropriations and Miscellaneous, Vol. XXVII, No. 4

.............. ................................. ....... .-. ..... ".._...._,"^" /$i--Y23 \ ,'- c7 '-5J 11 Yf%?z3 General Government Matters: AppropriationsAnd Miscellaneous Ihgests Of Unpublished Decisions Of The Comptroller General Of The United StatesOGC/Index Digest Section Volume XXVII Number 4 iJ GAO United States General Accounting Office July-September 1984 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING...
Date May 14, 1984 Report No. HRD-84-1 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Assessment of Special Rules Exempting Employers Withdrawing From Multiemployer Pension Plans From Withdrawal Liability

l BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITED STATES Assessment d f special Rules ‘Exempting Employers Withdrawing From Multiemployer Pension Plans \ 1\ 1 I/^’ ,*‘,I From w Liability The Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980 generally made employers withdrawing from plans liable for their portion of the plans’ unfunded vested benefits, which is the excess of &nefits earned by all pla...
Date April 25, 1984 Report No. RCED-84-155 Title

Income Security: Federal and State Liability for Inaccurate Payments of Food Stamp, AFDC, and SSI Program Benefits

BY THEUS. GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chqirman, Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry United States Senate Liability&&r Inaccurate Stamp, AFDC,+K’nd SSI Program Benefits To reduce benefit errors, systems have been established to hold state and federal organizations financially liable (sanctions) for excessive errors in the day-to-clay administration of the Food Stamp, Aid ...
Date April 6, 1984 Report No. OCE-84-1 Title

Income Security: Economic Implications of the Fair Insurance Practices Act

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENiERAL Report To Senator Orrinl G. Hatch, Senator Lowell P. Weicker, Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum, And Senator Paula Hawkins, Uni~ted Staites Senate OF THE UNITEDSTATES Economic Implications Of Th’e Fair Insurance Practices Act The proposed Fair Insurance Practices Act (untsex Insurance) would prohrbrt drstrnctrons based on race, color, relrgron, sex, or national origin In...
Date Dec. 2, 1983 Report No. RCED-84-71 Title

Agriculture and Food: Analysis of Certain Aspects of a Corn Shipment to South Texas To Meet Obligations to Producers Under the Payment-In-Kind Program

,’ ! . . ,, _L ,. , ,‘ ) 1 ., . , f . J ri ,f I I% Tc:;‘ m .>W?j! UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE RELEASED 'z3034 RELEASED B-213707 DECEMBER 2, 1983 The Honorable E (Kika) de la Garza Chairman, Committee on Agriculture House of Representatives Dear M r. Chairman: Subject: 11111 Ill lllll 123039 Analysis of Certain Aspects of a Corn Shipment to South Texas To Me...
Date Dec. 1, 1983 Report No. 124462 Title

Unpublished Decisions: Appropriations and Miscellaneous, Vol. XXVII, No. 1

General Government Matters: Appropriations And Miscellaneous - Digest Of Unpublished Decisions Of The Comptroller General Of The United StatesOGC/Index Digest Section Volume XXVII Number 1 GAO United StatesGeneralAccounting Office October-December 1983 UITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE CHARLES A. BOWSHER Comptroller General of the United States VACANT Deputy Comptroller General of the United ...
Date Oct. 31, 1983 Report No. AFMD-84-16 Title

Financial Management: The Bureau of Public Debt Should Better Control Savings Bond Sales and Redemptions

Report To The Secretary Of The Treasury The Bureau Of Public Debt Should Better &ntrol Savings Bond Sales And Redemptions GAO’ review of the Bureau of Public Debt’ s s Internal controls over savings bond sales, redemptions, and blank stock has identified major system weaknesses that result in losses to the Treasury and poor control over large supplies of blank savings bond stock. GAO recommend...
Date Sept. 1, 1983 Report No. 088878 Title

Unpublished Decisions: Appropriations and Miscellaneous, Vol. XXVI, No. 4

General Government Matters: AppropriationsAnd Miscellaneous 7 1 t Digests Of Unpublished Decisions Of The Comptroller General Of The United StatesOGC/Index Digest Section Volume XXVI Number 4 I’ 1 GAO United Stares General Accountingoffice JulySeptember 1983 ! UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE t CHARLES A. BOWSHER Comptroller General of the United States VACANT Deputy Comptroller General o...
Date May 25, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-149 Title

Natural Resources: Information on Corps of Engineers' Clarence Cannon Dam and Mark Twain Lake Project

REPORT THEUS. BV General Accounting Office ,” Information 06 Corps “Of Engineers’ Clarence Cannon Dam ‘And Mark Twain Lake Project This report discusses the 1981 flooding along the Salt River in northeast Missouri and the resulting damages above and below the Corps of Engineers’ Clarence Cannon Dam project. It further discusses the potential impact hydropower operations of the dam will h...
Date March 4, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-38 Title

Health: Savings Possible by Modifying Medicare's Waiver of Liability Rules

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACC~UNTD~C;OFFKE WASHINGTON, D.C. 2OSi8 HUMAN RWURCES Dlvl8loN B-210513 Mr. Thomas R. Donnelly Acting Secretary of Health Human Services Dear Mr. Donnelly: Subject: MARCH 4,1983 and 1207f 2 Savings Possible by Modifying Medicare's Waiver of Liability Rules (GAO/HRD-83-38) As part of its 1983. budget-cutting proposals, the administration sought, but did not obtain, legislation ...
Date Feb. 3, 1983 Report No. ID-83-19 Title

International Oil Pollution: Liability and Compensation Arrangements Affecting the United States

STUDY BY THE STAFF OF THE U.S. General Accounting Office International Oil Pollution: Current And Alternative Liability And Compensation Arrangements Affecting The United States A patchwork of international, national, and State arrangements currently governs liability and compensation for cleanup and damages resulting from oil spills by seagoing tankers. This study discusses the present arrangemen...
Date Dec. 16, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-2 Title

Financial Management: Government Loses Revenue Because of Low Medical Care Charges to Liable Third Parties

*I BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL &I/ w . . %o Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Government LosesRevenue BecauseOf LowMedical Care Charges ToLiable ThirdPurties The Government provides free medical care to eligible beneficiaries, such as service members and veterans. When a beneficiary requires treatment becausa of injuries caused by the negligence of another, the Government is authorized by law ...
Date Oct. 5, 1981 Report No. B-204776 Title

Government Operations: [Comments of Proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation]

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL October 5, 1981 B-204776 Mr. William J. Maraist Assistant Administrator for Regulations Office of Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Dear Mr. Maraist: By memorandum dated August 27, 1981, with enclosures, you forwarded for our review and comment a segment of the draft Federal Acquisitio...
Date Sept. 15, 1981 Report No. 116385 Title

Energy: Impacts of the Price-Anderson Act on Nuclear Research and Development

Date Sept. 14, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-111 Title

Energy: Congress Should Increase Financial Protection to the Public From Accidents at DOE Nuclear Operations

t IL!393 REPORTBY THE t t Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES ~*$WWWD-MOtk~--~~-*O#Ub@Yw~~-wd byuB.mdCongress Should Increase~kzial RELEASED Protection To The Public FromAccidents At DOE Nuclear Operations In the event of a nuclear accident at a Department of Energy (DOE) facility, liability protection for public injury would be covered by the Price-Anderson Act. The act establishes the source...
Date July 15, 1981 Report No. B-203209 Title

Government Operations: [Application for Waiver of Indebtedness]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 July l5, 1931 B-203209 The Honorable William F. Hildenbrand Secretary of the Senate Dear Mr. Hildenbrand: Pursuant to section 2 of the act of July 25, 1974, Pub. L. 93-359, 88 Stat. 394 (2 U.S.C. 130c), and the May 4, 1981 request from the Financial Clerk of the Senate, we are submitting this report relative to Mr. Peter D. H. Stockton...
Date May 8, 1981 Report No. B-203115 Title

Government Operations: [Support for Enactment of H.R. 1020]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES .; . WASHINGTON O.C. 2054 / B-203115 The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: May 8, 1981 C. We understand that H.R. 1020, a bill to repeal 44 U.S.C. § 3702, has been referred to your committee. We write to express our support for enactment of. h-e-±e-g-isr mw h4?.. / The provision ...
Date May 1, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-8 Title

Government Operations: GSA Can Do More To Ensure Leased Federal Office Space Meets Its Firesafety Criteria

Charles k Bswsher Practice : Anchor strategic eustoner needs pkinning in and mission ost every organization hzksmission and ~~~~o~~a~jon phnning processes and plans. But the most effective Leading organizatjons mmage proposed i~fo~~~t~[~r~ systems projects as investments~ rather th expenses. Moreover, senior ~~~a~ej~e~t teams use a disciphed process 1.0select, control: and evahate ;alI major info...
Date April 24, 1981 Report No. CED-81-57 Title

Environmental Protection: Hazardous Waste Sites Pose Investigation, Evaluation, Scientific, and Legal Problems

, RELEASED . OF THE UNITEDSTATES Hazardous Waste Sites Pose Investigation, Evaluation, Scientific, And Legal Problems Not much is known about the possible adverse health and environmental effects associated with the thousands of hazardous waste disposal sites now being discovered throughout the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency is finding it difficult to carry out its mandate to p...
Date Jan. 14, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-33 Title

Health: Processing of Claims Resulting From the Swine Flu Program

B-199297 injury. We found that no criteria exist to objectively assess the-timeliness of swine flu claims processing. However, we identified some claims processing procedures which took a long time. _.I We obtained limited information on the processing of This included lawsuits resulting from the swine flu program. determining Justice's role in swine flu litigation and gathering descriptive data ...
Date Sept. 23, 1980 Report No. B-198195 Title

Government Operations: Compliance of Railroad Retirement Board With Writ of Garnishment

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 I /LI OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL In replv refer to: B-198195 FP 23 1980 Dale G. Zimmerman, Esa. General Counsel Railroad Retirement Board 844 Rush Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: This is in reply to your letter of March 20, 1980, to the Comptroller General of the United States requesting advice as to whether the Railr...
Date Aug. 18, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-80 Title

Energy: Analysis of the Price-Anderson Act

c-197742 AUGUST 18,198O The Honorable John D. Dingell Subcommittee on Energy Chairman, and Power Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Analysis of the Price-Anderson Act -_ 113089 Subject: This report responds to that part of your April 20, 1979, request which asked for an analysis of the Price-Anderson Act Based on the entire request and subseque...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-68 Title

Financial Management: Oregon's Offset Program for Collecting Delinquent Debts Has Been Highly Effective

4 RESTRlCTER RELEASED I?ccount~r~g by the CO&W-I-ROLLER -Hot Cfflce GENERAL WASHINQTON. uxxn~f OC to be released outside the Oenerd on tha bss!s of specific ilpg, tr .,I Relations. STATES Ofhe! of CunprcrEs‘anail THE UNITED 20540 D.C. ww B-199382 JULY 17,198O / The Honorable Jim Sasser Chairman, Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chai...
Date July 2, 1980 Report No. 112696 Title

Environmental Protection: Alternatives for the Disposal and Cleanup of Hazardous Waste