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GAO Reports by subject "Home health care services"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 17, 1977 Report No. HRD-78-8 Title

Health: Delays in Reimbursement for Home Health Services in New York City

DCCJENT BESIUHE 03757 - [B2914159] * R/a(/~/ , (Delays in ReimburseLent for Home Health Services in New York City]. ERD-78-8; B-164031(3, . October 17, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthal; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health: Health Care Services (551). Organizaticn Concerned: New fork, WY; Department of Health, Edu...
Date Aug. 10, 1976 Report No. 089547 Title

Veterans Affairs: Survey of VA Outpatient Medical and Dental Program

UNIT& STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION I Mr. Wallace E. Busbee Director, Internal Audit Veterans Adminlstratlon Dear Mr. Busbee Service Df I&- In September 1975, the General Accounting Office initiated afiurvey of the Veterans Admlnlstratlon (VA) outpatient medical and dental program 1 In the subsequent months survey work was performed at several loca...
Date Oct. 8, 1975 Report No. 088698 Title

Health: Medicaid Overbillings by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

/°(/ /7 I- 7 ad zeh'abilitation ;ervice, noe5.ior, IT oI-.eare of Iealth, Fducatio.n -nd; v-25 Federal Plaza ' yorlk, .'ew 'or'k 109')7 'o'cial t31D T~i3,).1 7;-tnnt P)ear Tfr. . -th On Au.Lst 1, 1975, we net with "essrs. 4lli:m .'09b and Icmanley oF. your staff to discuss I"edicaid overbil b'7s th -Ie Ye; 'fork7 rity :;ealth rnd " osnitals Corporation Gi'iC) for outatien..-t 6e,;partme-at cz.iz....
Date Oct. 8, 1975 Report No. 089385 Title

Health: Review of Propriety of Medicaid Billings by Outpatient Clinics in New York City,New York

m. 1 Elmer I:!. Smith, Regional Commissioner Social and Rehabilitation Service, Region II Depatiment of IHealth, Education and !:!elfare 2h- Federal Plaza York, Mew York. I.0007 17-?$ ?kiJ Dear Xr. Smith: On August 1, 1975, we met with Messrs. William Toby and Stanley Allen of your staff to discuss Medicaid ovesbillings by the New York Ci”Ly iIealth and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) for outpatient...
Date Sept. 17, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-30 Title

Health: Comparative Costs for Equivalent Services of Home Health Care and Institutionalization in Nursing Homes or Hospitals

.P J , l * OFFICE D.C. 20548 &ND-76-3~ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTM WASHINGTON, . ‘. ’ , : m . 4 ‘. MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELFARE ’ ’ ’ 4 . , September 17, 1975 B-164!31(3) ": The Honorable Edward I. ;IQ I* House of Representatives Dear Mr. Koch: Koch This is in response to your letter of June 19, 1975, referring to a proposed bill, H.R. 4772 "The ljational ilome Health Care Act of 1...