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GAO Reports by subject "Automobile industry"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 22, 1988 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-47 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. Automobile Industry

United States General Accounting Office 13L%5d Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EDT Thursday September 22, 1988 Foreign U.S. Direct Automobile Investment Industry in the Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz Senior Associate Director National Security and International Division Before the Subcommittee on International and Trade House Committee on Foreign Affairs Economic Affair...
Date July 18, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-205 Title

U.S.-Japan Trade: Evaluation of the Market-Oriented Sector-Selective Talks

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Lloyd M. Bentsen, U.S. Senate July 1988 U.S.-JAPAN TRADE Evaluation of the Market-Oriented Sector-Selective Talks RESTRICTED-Not to be released outsidet;he@ilkId Accounting Offke except on the basis of the specify approd by the Offke of Congressional Relations. L 543 GAO/NSIAD-88-206 d&a5 5% .. 1 National Security and International Af...
Date March 7, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-111 Title

Foreign Investment: Growing Japanese Presence in the U.S. Auto Industry

Report to CongressionalRequesters MU&l@88 FOREIGN INVE!3TMENT GrowingJapanese Presencein theU.S. Auto Industry National Security and International Ditiion B-230351 March 7,1988 The Honorable Marcy Kaptur The Honorable John Dingell The Honorable Edward Madigan House of Representatives This report responds to your request that we assesspotential employment and other effects of foreign investm...
Date July 16, 1987 Report No. GGD-87-85 Title

Tax Administration: Gas Guzzler Tax Compliance Can Be Increased

United States General Accounting Office GAO1 July 1987 Report &I the Joint Committee on Taxation ADMINISTRATION Gas Guzzler Tax Compliance Cm Be Increased GAO/GGD-87436 03%73 / 9346s General Government Division B-220844 July 16, 1987 The Honorable Dan Rostenkowski Chairman, Joint Committee on Taxation The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Vice Chairman, Joint Committee on Taxation Congress of the United Sta...
Date Dec. 11, 1986 Report No. RCED-87-29 Title

Auto Safety and Emissions: No Assurance That Imported Gray Market Vehicles Meet Federal Standards

‘. . Y United States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee-on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Detember 1986 / AUTO SAFETY AND EMISSIONS No Assurance That Imported Gray Market Vehicles Meet Federal Standards I’ 132043 .. uxdted states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Besonrces, Community, Economic D...
Date June 10, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-52 Title

Auto Safety: Effectiveness of Ford Transmission Settlement Still at Issue

x 1 United States General Accounting Office GAO June1986 Report to Congressional Requesters AUTO SAFETY Effectiveness of Ford Tramrnission Settlement Still at Issue x GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-222021 June 10, 1986 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Ener...
Date Aug. 1, 1985 Report No. 127543 Title

Transportation: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Activities Involving Ford Transmission "Park-to-Reverse" Incidents

Date Nov. 9, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-85-24 Title

International Affairs: European Use of Import Restrictions To Protect Domestic Auto Industries

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL BECURITV AFFAIIIS AND DIVI8ION B-217017 NOV0 9 1984 125618 The Honorable Robert Watkins Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Automotive Affairs and Consumer Goods Dear Mr. Watkins: Subject: European Use of Import Restrictions Protect Domestic Auto Industries (GAO/NSIAD-85-24) To There is continuing in legis...
Date Aug. 5, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-195 Title

Transportation: Department of Transportation's Investigation of Rear Brake Lockup Problems in 1980 X-Body Cars Should Have Been More Timely

. ' REPGRT'BVTHE %-w * Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTAI t> Department Of Transportation’ s Investigation Of Rear Brake Lockup Proble,ms In 1980 X-Body Cars Should Have Been More Timely In November 1979 the Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, initiated an investigation of an alleged rear brake lockup problem with 1980 General Motors X-body cars. On A...
Date Aug. 5, 1983 Report No. 122042 Title

Transportation: General Motors 1980 X-Body Vehicles' Rear Brake Lockup Problem

Date March 19, 1982 Report No. EMD-82-38 Title

Electric Vehicles: Limited Range and High Costs Hamper Commercialization

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Electric Vehicles: Limited Range And High Costs Hamper Commercialization Although electric vehicles have been improved over the past few years, their limited range and high costs continue to make them noncompetitive with conventional vehicles. Widespread electric vehicle commercialization depends on production by the major automakers and ultimately on the av...
Date Jan. 19, 1982 Report No. CED-82-14 Title

Producing More Fuel-Efficient Automobiles: A Costly Proposition

WTHE 1(3OMPTRCiLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Chairman Committee On Energy And Commerce + House Of Representatives OF THE UNITEDSTATES by the Qfflco of Congremiti f+kWbao. Producing More Fuel-Efficient Automobiles: A Costly Proposition Legislation establishing Federal fuel economy standards for automobiles required the auto industry to produce new-car fleets that averaged 18 miles per gallon starting w...
Date Nov. 25, 1981 Report No. ID-82-8 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Actions To Monitor Japanese Auto Imports

UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable United States Subject: Donald W, Riegle William V. Roth, Jr. Carl M. Levin Thomas F. Eagleton Howard M. Metzenbaum Senate /U.S. Auto Actions to Monitor Japanese Imports ,,, ~(ID-82-8) In response to your request of June 15, 1981, and subsequent (discussions with your st...
Date July 28, 1981 Report No. CED-81-133 Title

Transportation: Consumers Need More Reliable Automobile Fuel Economy Data

Report To The Chairman, Committee On Energy And Commerce House Of Representatives consumers Need More Reliable Automobile Fuel Economy Data Every new automobile sold in the United States has a label showing its tested fuel economy, In addition, all fuel economy test results are published annually to encourage the production and purchase of more fuel-efficient automobiles. Consumers are skeptical, ...
Date April 30, 1981 Report No. PAD-81-72 Title

Transportation: Corporate Automotive Data

UNITED STATS GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROGRAM ANALYSIS DIV1SION ~-196324 I”; e;f .c:,.: ;,. ,., {.! !slml 1, ‘.. .? The Honorable Sam M. Gibbons Chairman, Subcommittee on Trade Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: t Corporate Automotive Dat RELEASED 115406 Subject: (PAD-81-72) In response to your letter of March 13, 1981, requesting fi...
Date June 1, 1980 Report No. 112793 Title

Special Publications: The Economic Outlook

The Economic Outlook PROGRAM ANALYSIS DIVISION Economic Analysis Staff FIRST QUARTER DEVELOPMENTS CONTROLS ON CONSUMER CREDIT HOUSING AND AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL MARKETS THE RECESSION OUTLOOK THE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: THE RECESSION HAS ARRIVED June 1980 Indications clearly show that the United States economy has entered a recession. Automobile production has been cut back; housing starts have fallen; an...
Date Feb. 5, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-22 Title

Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, and Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards' Implications for Materials

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, And Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards’ Implications For Materials The demands for energy conservation, environmental protection, and stable raw material supplies and prices are strongly competitive, and the complexity of this relationship has not been recognized in forming Fede...
Date Jan. 18, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-3 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Review of Report Concerning Investment Tax Credit

,Y WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 . UNITEDSTATES G!XRALACCOIJNTII\IG PROGt2AF.4 ANALYSIS DIvIsION B-197335 The Honorable Sam PI. Gibbons , Subcommittee on Oversight Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives Mr. Chairman: Chairman 113386 Dear &s you r quested in your letter of October 19, 1979, we the Department of Treasury report concerning $33ekeviewe4# -feet of the investment tax credit on co...
Date Jan. 11, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-30 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Public and Private Coordination Needed If Auto Repair Problems Are To Be Reduced

Comptroller General r C>F THE UNITED STATES m * Needed If Auto Repair Problems Are To Be Reduced Consumers’ auto repair problems are persistent, costly, and troublesome. The Federal Government could help reduce these problems by encouraging national coordination among consumer, industry, and public organizations. A Federal agency coordinating committee is being developed but the Congress could s...
Date April 9, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-6 Title

Energy: The Congress Needs To Redirect the Federal Electric Vehicle Program

‘” 1,. BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES c Report To The CongressslI, ~ The Congress Needs To Redirect : The Federal Electric Vehicle Program Electric vehicles represent a technology meriting continued development. Today’s vehicles, however, have limited commercial potential because they cost more and perform poorly compared with conventional vehicles. As a result of considerab...
Date Jan. 23, 1979 Report No. CED-78-180 Title

Environmental Protection: Better Enforcement of Car Emission Standards--A Way To Improve Air Quality

REPORTBY THE . I Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES SW Improve Air Qualify According to the Environmental Protection Agency, about 80 percent of an estimated 100 million cars on the road are not meeting the Federal air quality emission standards. This is largely because of maladjustments, tampering, deterioration, and insufficient maintenance of car emission control systems by owners and car ...
Date Dec. 13, 1978 Report No. GGD-79-19 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Custom's Classification of Imported Vehicles--A Controversial Issue

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Vehicles--A Controversial Issue RELEASED Customs classifies imported vehicles--chassis with cab and other features found on roadready trucks but without a cargo bed--as a chassis for trucks rather than as trucks. As classified, the vehicles are subject to a 4percent duty rate instead of the 25.percent rate applicable to trucks. Because there are persuasive a...
Date Jan. 11, 1978 Report No. HRD-77-152 Title

Worker Adjustment Assistance Under the Trade Act of 1974: Problems in Assisting Auto Workers

DOCUMENT RESUMI 04616 - [80165063] Worker Adjustment Assistance nder the Trade Act of 1974: Problems in Assisting Auto Workers. HRD-77-152; -152183. January 11, 1978. 30 pp + 5 appendices (12 pp.;. Report to the Congress; by Rlumer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Employment and Training Programs: Report on the Trade Act of 1974 (3208); Income Scurity Prcograms: Programs to Protect Work...
Date April 19, 1977 Report No. 101916 Title

Government Operations: The Slow Implementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972

DOCUNENT 01916 - [11112131] IBSUSE The Slow I p:lementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972. 19, 1977. 15 pp. April Testirony before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Transportation and CoumeLce Sb:committee; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Coosunity and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Environmental Protecticn Prograas: Environmental Protection Standards (220Q). contact: ...
Date April 14, 1976 Report No. 089608 Title

Energy: DOI Acquisition of Compact Vehicles To Conserve Fuel

6lNITED STATES GENERAL &XWNTlNG WASHiNGTON FIFTH 803 FaLLs WEST CH~~RCH, 0FFICE REGIONAL FLOOR BROAD VIRGINIA STREET OFFICE 22046 The Honorable James T. Clarke Assistant Secretary for Manaqement U.S. Department of the Interior* Dear Mr V Clarke: We have been studying management procedures for assuring adherence to the Government policy requiring, under most circumstances, the acquisition of compac...
Date April 13, 1976 Report No. 089557 Title

Transportation: Survey of DOD and GSA Systems for Buying and Distributing Automobile Tires

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE SUITE 500. WASHINGTON 234 STATE DETROIT, BOULEVARD STREET BlJtLDING MICHIGAN 48226 ,. Major General C, M. McKeen, Jr. Commanding General U. S. Army Tank-Aut;;cmgve Command (TACOM) 7 Warren, Michigan Dear General McKeen: are currently surveying the Department of Defense (DOD) and General Services Administration (GSA) systems for buying and dis...
Date Dec. 10, 1975 Report No. 089390 Title

Transportation: Survey of Distribution of Automotive Tires

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTJNG OFFJCE INTERNATIONAL FAR 1333 EAST KALAKAUA DWSION BRANCH AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 DEC 10 1975 Admiral Noel Gayler Commander in Chief, Camp H. M. Smith Aiea, Hawaii 96701 Dear Admiral Gayler: Pacific [ / The General Accounting Office is currently surveying the distribution of automotive tires within the U,S. Government under GAO Code 943426. During our portion...
Date Dec. 5, 1975 Report No. RED-76-51 Title

Environmental Protection: Environmental Protection Agency's Administration of a Contract With the Lear Motors Corporation

- RELEASED %ESTWJ-fk.fED b&d b ba ndeastd eus3hia Pho Qetierar ~CCOUnt’ng Office 6zxccpP ou Qhs basis al erpsciFlle %nppreval by Phe Qff!ce of Congrohsione! Relationa COMmROLLER GENERAL WASHIMGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED SrA- 2OUiJ a-la2221 llMlllllllllllllll11lllllllllllllllllllllll LM090796 c-1 The Honorable William S. Hoorhead, Chairman Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Natural Resources ...
Date Feb. 11, 1975 Report No. RED-75-324 Title

Auto Safety Program: Identifying Defects and Recalling Defective Vehicles

National Highway Traffic Safety epavtment of Transportation Administra~P:io87 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE DC. 20548 UNITED STATES B-164497(3) The Honorable Warren Chairman, Committee United States Senate R.. Dear / Mr. Chairman: G. Magnuson on Commerce ‘;, . 2 lsL-) ^ You requested that we review major activities of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This report, whic...
Date Dec. 6, 1973 Report No. B-178239 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Automotive Trade With Canada

B-178239 The Honorable Abraham Ribicoff, Subcommittee on International Committee on Finance United States Senate Chairman Trade r ,.r ._1' i bt*g f‘ ,, \fsn c' $-- Dear Mr. Chairman: Your March 8, 1973, letter asked us to i~~ga~te~_.t;h~"-_t~~~~f~‘~~re,s prese&&-in-a-print by the Senate Committee on Finance of the "Sixth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Automotive Products...