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GAO Reports by subject "Hospital care services"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 16, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-2 Title

Financial Management: Government Loses Revenue Because of Low Medical Care Charges to Liable Third Parties

*I BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL &I/ w . . %o Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Government LosesRevenue BecauseOf LowMedical Care Charges ToLiable ThirdPurties The Government provides free medical care to eligible beneficiaries, such as service members and veterans. When a beneficiary requires treatment becausa of injuries caused by the negligence of another, the Government is authorized by law ...
Date June 19, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-82 Title

Health: Providing Veterans With Service-Connected Dental Problems Higher Priority at VA Clinics Could Reduce Fee-Program Costs

Report To The Honorable Alan Cranston United States Senate Providing Veterans With Service-Cdnnected Dental Problems Higher Priority At VA Clinics Could Reduce Fee-Program costs At the same time Veterans Administration (VA) dental clinics were giving routine care to veterans with no service-connected dental problems, most veterans with service-connected problems were being referred to dentists in ...
Date May 12, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-88 Title

VA Contract Hospitalization Program: Timely Transfers of Veterans From Non-VA Hospitals to VA Medical Centers Can Reduce Costs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20!548 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION B-203133 MAY 12,1981 The Honorable G. V. Montgomery Chairman, Committee on Veterans' House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: : Affairs Ylll 'I I 115226 _Subject: Hospitalization Program: r VAb Contract Timely Transfers of Veterans from Non-VA Hospitals'to VA Medical Centers Can Reduce costs (~~~-81-88) 3 In...
Date Nov. 18, 1980 Report No. AFMD-81-3 Title

Information Management: Computerized Hospital Medical Information Systems Need Further Evaluation To Ensure Benefits From Huge Investments

REPORT1 THEUS: BV - General Accounting Office Cc$mputerized Hospital Medical Information Setems Need Further Evaluation To Ensure Bqnefits From Huge Investments Wid ical 10 y billi The sear Serv supp uati not imp pati of f j The and add eval ical pread use of computerized hospital mednformation systems within the next 5 to ars could represent investments totaling ns of dollars. National Center for...
Date April 16, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-28 Title

Health: Congressional Monitoring of Planning for Indian Health Care Facilities Is Still Needed

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 1 l2q7y Report ToThe Congress Congressional Monitoring Of Planning For Indian Health Care Facilities Is Still Needed In 1977, the Congress imposed a moratorium on hospital construction planned by the Indian Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. GAO had reported that the Service’s plans would create excessive bed capacity in ...
Date Jan. 21, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-42 Title

Health: Comments on a Study on the Effects of a Restrictive Drug Formulary

UNITEDSTATES GENER/IL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DE. 20548 :N REPLY REFER TO, . PROGFIAM A~~ALYSIS OlVtSlON Lb t’ L ;: / 1 9 ,‘_ : 1. ‘I “7 B-197492 The Honorable Mickey Leland U.S. House of Representatives Dear Congressman Leland: llllllllll III 113387 0 L, C,,3” - Office On December 11, 1979, the U.S. General Accounting testified before the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subc...
Date Nov. 29, 1979 Report No. HRD-80-26 Title

Health: Inpatient Care at Quantico Naval Hospital Should Not Be Resumed

.- -Sz.'01107 20548 1 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFiCE WASHINGTON, D.C. HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION iii111tlllll|llll B-l61475 110971 NOVEMBER 29, 1979 The Honorable Herbert E. Harris II House of Representatives Dear Mr. Harris: Subject: n patient Care at Quantico Naval Hospital Should Not Be Resumed (HRD-80-26) This is in response to your July 26, 1979, letter concerning the Department of the...
Date Oct. 25, 1979 Report No. HRD-80-21 Title

Health: Implementation of a Civilian-Military Contingency Hospital System Should Be Suspended

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 / fa 7 HUMAN RESOURCS DIVISION B-133044 OCTOBER 25, 1979 The Honorable Harold Brown The Secretary of Defense cC Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: fimplementation of a Civilian-Military Contingency Hospital System Should be Suspendedj(HRD-80-21) During the past several months, we have been reviewing DOD's plans to use nonmilitary hospitals t...
Date May 14, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-37 Title

Health: The Medicare Hospital Certification System Needs Reform

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL ,rrrlllllllllllll~~~~~~ ED STATES dicare Hospital ‘The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is required by law to certify that all hospitals participating in the Medicare program are providing quality care to patients. Hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals are automatically certified except for two requirements. However, the c...
Date April 17, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-61 Title

Health: Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidance on Presidential, VIP, and Officer Accommodations

REPORTBY THE I Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidia8nceOn Presidential, VIP, And Ofker Accommodations The Department of Defense has not carried out GAD’s December 1974 recommendations that the Secretary of Defense establish criteria for Presidential and other VIP accommodations in military hospitals and instruct the military departments to discon tinue ...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. HRD-78-172 Title

Health: Actions Needed To Stop Excess Medicare Payments for Blood and Blood Products

B’Y’ THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Actions Needed To Stop Excess Medicare Payments For Blood And Blood Products Billing and replacement practices of blood banks and hospitals have caused substantial Medicare overpayments for blood and blood products. Blood banks have prevented the use of blood replacement credits to reduce blood fees whenever Medicare woul...
Date Feb. 7, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-42 Title

Health: Federal Hospitals Could Improve Certain Cancer Treatment Capability by Sharing

REPORTB’Y’ THE- Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Federal Hospitals Could Improve Certain Cancer Treatment Capability By Sharing The Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations asked GAO to review how the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration, and the Public Health Service provide cancer care. The three agencies provide such treatment at nearly 300 Federal hospitals. About 6...
Date March 30, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-84 Title

Health: Health Care Needs of Veterans in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Should Be Assessed

: I I b b’’ i’iEP0RTBY THE 7 6 &,$ SC’ ,:) fi- ; 1’:: 1 p . ’ .a - Comptroller General OF THE UNiTED STATES -.---__ -.- -. .- l~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM105413 c _- -.-_--. __ __.____._.___. ---_ Health Care Needs Of Veterans In Puerto Rico And The Virgin Islands Should Be Assessed . The Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs asked GAO to review ?wo VA programs to provide medica...
Date Sept. 16, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-148 Title

Health: Inappropriate Billing by the Veterans Administration for Electron Microscopy Services to Non-Veterans

DOCUMENT RESUtIE 03496 - [A26'3833) [Inappropriate Billing by the Veterans Administration for Electron icroscopy Services to Non-Veterans]. HED-77-148; E-133044o September 16, 1977. 5 pp. Report to P-tt Cleland, Administrator of Veteran Affairs, Veterans Adlinistiati, by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs: Federal Government Control of Costs Through irect ...
Date April 14, 1977 Report No. 102222 Title

Health: Review of the Medical School Affiliation Program at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Washington, D.C.

/Oz 2,2-2 DOCBZIST lNSUSE 02222 - [Al452442 1 [Review of the Hedical School Affiliation Program at the Veterans Adainistration Hospital, ashington, 'D.C. ]*. pril 14, 1977.. 3 pp. * enclosure (1I pp.!). Report to A. A. Gavazzi, Director, Teterans Administration: VA dospital, Washington, DC; by George D. ,Peck, Assistant Director, Human Resources and Development Div. Issue Area: Health Programs (t2...
Date Feb. 28, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-168 Title

Many Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories Underused in Veterans Administration Hospitals: Better Planning and Control Needed

DOCUMENT RESUME 00507 - [A0891494] Many Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories Underused in Ldainistration Hospitals: Better Planning and Control Veterans Needed. HRD-76-168; 8-133044. February 28, 1977. 31 pp. Report to the Congress; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Veterans Benefits and Services: Hospital and Medica...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. B-146858 Title

Health: Results of Physician Questionnaire

DOCUlswT RB3sUB 00515 - [A0891480] (Restricted) (Results of Physician Questionnaire]. B-146858. February 25, 1977. 3 pp. Report to Assistant Secretary, Department of Defense: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs); by Thomas P. McCormick, Assistant Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Providers (1202). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health (S5...
Date Feb. 24, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-129 Title

Health: Potential Effects of National Health Insurance Proposals on Medicare Beneficiaries

DOCUMENT RESUME 00505 - [A0751400 Potential Effects of National Health Insurance Proposals on Medicare BeneficiaLies. HRD-76-129; B-164031(4). February 24, 1977. 59 pp. _ _ Report to the Congress; by Elmer b. Staats, Comptroller Generalim Issue Area: Health Programs: Reimbursement Policies and s Utilization Controls (1208); Health Programs: Impact of National Health Insurance (1209). Contact: Huma...
Date Nov. 18, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-5 Title

Health: Congressional Policy Guidance Should Improve Military Hospital Planning

REPORT TO THE COMMITTfi’E ON APPRQPRIATJONS HO USE OF REPRi”SENTA 7’1 VES BY TffE COMPTROLLER MMX4L OF THE UNITED STATES LM100497 lllllllll\llllllll~\ll\llllllillllll Congressional Policy Guidance Should improve Military Hospital .Planning Department Defense is modernization 62.9 billion year 1980. In July 1976, of Defense . - . undertaking a medical facility program estimated to cost and to...
Date May 24, 1976 Report No. 089589 Title

Health: Medicaid Program Overbillings Made by New York State

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REGIONAL 26 FEDERAL OFFICE PLAZA 08458’3 NEWYDRK,NEWYORK 10007 Mr. William Toby, Acting Regional Commissioner Social and Rehabilitation Service Region II Department of ImIealth, Education and Welfare 26 Federal Plaza’ New York, Ne\f York 1000.7 Dear bIr, Toby: , During our review of the system for managing spend-down payments which we believe warrants by...
Date April 14, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-119 Title

Veterans Affairs: Administration of the New Orleans Veterans Administration Hospital

7 ~~~~~R~~~~G~NERALoFTHEuN~T~~TATEs WA5HINGTON.D.C. /. 20548 : ,/_--.' ,_ B-133044 APR 14 1976 , The Honorable W. Henson House of Representatives Moore: Moore ,N’ ,, ” Dear Mr. Following your June 11, 1975, letter, aspects of the sdministration P the following ’ Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital_: --Space available for selected hospital for we agreed to assess of the New Orleans services...
Date Jan. 26, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-89 Title

Income Security: Implementation of Section 1903(g) of the Social Security Act by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

January 26, 1976 Chairman, Subcommittee and lnvesticjations Committee on IEntcrstate Foreign Commerce House of kpresentatives Dear fdr, Chairman: on Qversigttil; and r,,~ 2, ";9/) f::' , This is ii ,I (,,/I,/~" .\ a$so to confirm ber 18, 1975, Social Security fkpartment of to your letter dated October 31 Y 7975, and iniort!!ation presented orally to hour staff on Decemregardin:! the implerrzntstio...
Date July 7, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-3 Title

Housing: Selected Information on the Public Health Service Hospital System

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF- THE UNITED STATES .i WtASHlNGTON, D.C. Z054S B-164031(5) JUL L 7 I9a5 The Honorable Warren G. Magnuson Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor-Health, Education, and Welfare .' Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: , SeI 'f ' As requested by your staff on June 19, 1975, we have summarized !selected information on theLPublic Health Service hospital syst...
Date July 3, 1975 Report No. 089620 Title

Health: Delays in Transferring Medicaid and Medicare Patients

ROOM ,903 JOHN F. KENNEDY GOVERNMENT FEDERAL CENTER BUILDING BOSTON, MASSACXWSETS 02203 July 3, 1975 Nei1.P. Fallon, Regional Commissioner Social and Rehabilitation Service Department of Health, Education, and Welfare John F. Kennedy Building Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Dear.Mr. Fallon: Office (GAO) is reviewing delays in patients who are deemed medically to lower cost health care situations The U...
Date June 2, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-86 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Illinois Trauma Program

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHING-i-ON. OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. 20548 B-1640h(5) (‘1 ,I,_ The Honorable Paul Findley House of Representatives Dear Mr. Findley: 1’ I As your office requested, we have reviewed the adequacy of an audit of the Illinois Trauma Program by Department of Health, Education, *and: Welfare (HEW) auditors. Because your request was prompted by various ‘, allegations of impro...
Date Feb. 11, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-58 Title

Veterans Affairs: Conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital, Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines

WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-182297 1 R The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman I Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development, Space, Science, and Veterans Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: ,-, 42 ..J requested that we examine Your September 19! 1974, letter and report on conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH), In a letter to you, Republic of the Philipp...
Date March 14, 1974 Report No. B-161475 Title

National Defense: Reuse of Disposal Guidewires and Catheters in Vascular Studies by Military Hospitals

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WABHINUTCN, OF THE UNWED D.C. 2OB49 ETATEE B-101475 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. \ J 111111111 llllllll Ill11 Ill1 lllll lllllIll1 Ill11 Ill11 of Defense CTLM095961 Secretary: 5 During a survey of Department of Defense health programs, we noted that someglili+~ry hw$Ls were reusing disposable guidewires and catheters in vascular studies. The manufacturers and users are ...
Date Dec. 14, 1972 Report No. 089491 Title

Veterans Affairs: Implementing Alternative Dietary Systems in VA Hospitals

MANPOWER AND DIVISION WELSARE EC 14 ‘1972 Dear Dr Musser The General Accounting Offlce has examined Into the potent-la1 for implementing alternative dietary systems in Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals Our work was performed at the VA hospitals in Washington, D C , and Loulsvllle, Kentucky, and at certain private hospitals Several private hospitals we visited were using a convenience food s...
Date March 16, 1972 Report No. B-160299 Title

Veterans Affairs: Review of the Administration of a Special Provision Contained in the Appropriation Act, 1972, Public Law 92-78, for the Veterans Administration

Date April 16, 1971 Report No. B-133142 Title

National Defense: Potential for Reducing Hospital and Administrative Costs Under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

I ,P 4*.- , -y ?/,/LL REPORT TO T% COMMITTEE ON APPROF’RlATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 /z \~l~~~lll~\l\lll~~lll~~ LM095568 Potential For Reducing Hospital And Administrative Costs Under The Civilian Health And Medical ,Program Of The Uniformed Services 8-73374z Department of Defense BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20546 STATES D.C...