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GAO Reports by subject "Hospital administration"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 13, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-13 Title

VA Health Care: Support Lacking for Mission Change at Miles City, Montana, Medical Center

“ il’ . Unitedfhates General Accounting Of’l’ice / : GAO Febbary 1987 r Report to the Honorable Ron Marlenee,Houseof Representatives VA HEALTH CARE u Support Lacking for Mission Changeat Miles City, Montana, Medical Center I Ill 1 132298 t GAO IJnited States Genrral Awounting Dtwvw Regional --.-----_ __ .----. -------.-Office Office - Suite 300-D 2420 W. 26th Avenue Denver, CO 80211 ll-22(...
Date Dec. 19, 1986 Report No. PEMD-87-1 Title

Medical Devices: Early Warning of Problems Is Hampered by Severe Underreporting

. , United Statee General Accounting Office 1 GAO Decetiber 1986 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate MEDICAL DEVICES Early Warning of Problems Is Hampered by Severe Underreporting i 32008 537b 18 GAO,/PEMD-87-l mBmCTED-- Not to be released outsidotha c30nere] AccountingOfficeexceptqn the basis 0f cpta:fio WPrOV~by the Office of Congrnsslclnnl ~~cla,t~nn~,...
Date Aug. 11, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-93 Title

Medicare: Alternatives for Paying Hospital Capital Costs

. , . \ United States General Accounting Office 31054 GAO August 1986 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives MEDICARE Alternatives for Paying Hospital Capital Costs GAO/HRD-86-93 Q ,; (- ’ I 4” I ‘ . c . united SfdfRB General Accounting Office Wa&in#on, D.C.20548 Human Remarcear Divfsion B-210307 August 11,1986 The Honorable Fortn...
Date June 20, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-60 Title

Public Hospitals: Sales Lead to Better Facilities but Increased Patient Costs

-...- -I_ _- -..- --- --...- United States General Accounting Office GAO Report to the Honorable Sam Nunn United States Senate 130 3x3 - PUBLIC HOSPITALS SalesLead to Better Facilities but Increased Patient Costs RELEASED . GAO unitedstates General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Besources Division B-223097 June 20, 1986 The Honorable Sam Nunn United States Senate Dear Senator Nunn:...
Date June 4, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-67 Title

VA Health Care: Insufficient Support for Brevard County Location for New Florida Hospital

, . I , _-~-~.-- ~-.. United States General Accounting Office GA!!! Report to the Honorable Bill McCollum House of Representatives VA HEALTH CARE Insufficient Support for Brevard County Location for New Florida Hospital ill lll1llll 111111 130124 RESTRICTED --Not to be releasedoutside tho General Accounting Office except on the basis of specific approval by the Office of CongressionalRdations. fWE...
Date April 29, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-78 Title

VA Health Care: Too Many Operating Rooms Being Planned and Built

United States General Accounting Office T&&& GAO April 1986 Report to the Administrator of Veterans Affairs VA HEALTH CARE Too Many Operating Rooms Being Planned and Built * 03fxx55 &W/HRD86-78 ..-__. I . GAO General Accounting Of’f’ice Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources 5207930 united states Division April 29. 1981i The Honorable Thomas K. Turnage Administrator of Veterans Affairs Dear Mr...
Date Jan. 13, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-15 Title

VA Hospitals: Surgical Residents Need Closer Supervision

- United States General Amounting Office 3-4 - I 40I Report to the Congress I . ml-y 1986 VA HOSPITALS Surgical Residents Need Closer Supervision GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-220959 January 13, 1986 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report discusses the adequacy of the...
Date May 24, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-23 Title

Health: Implementing Outpatient Surgery Programs in Military Hospitals Can Reduce DOD's Health Care Costs

5 BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense Implementing Outpatient Surgery Programs In Military Hospitals Can Reduce DOD’s Health Care Costs Outpatient (or same day) surgery has received widespread attention from nonfederal health care providers as a way to reduce health care costs. GAO found that military hospitals have made limited use of outpatient surgery to re...
Date Sept. 30, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-74 Title

Health: Need To Eliminate Payments for Unnecessary Hospital Ancillary Services

BY THE U.S.GE?dEF?AL ACCOUNTING OFFlCi Report To The Secretary And Human Services Of Health Need To Eliminate Payments For Unnecessary Hospital Ancillary Services About 6 percent of the charges for ancillary services provided to a sample of Medicare beneficiaries at 16 hospitals represented unnecessary care. All of the unnecessary was paid by Medicare because of the bsence of effective medical nec...
Date March 2, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-42 Title

Income Security: Circumstances Under Which Nonprofit Hospitals Are Reviewing and Deciding To Terminate Social Security Coverage

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 March 2, 1983 HUMAN RESOURCES DlVlSlON B-210942 MARCH 2,1983 The Honorable John Heinz Chairman, Special Committee United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: on Aging Subject: Circumstances Under Which Non-Profit Hospitals Are Reviewing and Deciding to Terminate Social Security Coverage. (HRD-83-42) Pursuant to your! request, the General A...
Date Jan. 19, 1983 Report No. HRD-83-18 Title

Health: Hospital Links With Related Firms Can Conceal Unreasonable Costs and Increase Administrative Burden

Date Sept. 1, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-77 Title

Health: Millions Can Be Saved Through Better Energy Management in Federal Hospitals

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAI Report To The Congress OF THE C)NlTEDSTATES Millions Can Be Saved Through Better Energy Management In Federal Hospitals A comparison of the energy savings achieved by hospitals of the Navy, Veterans Administration, and Indian Health Service--all of which have energy conservation programs--with that of five non-Federal hospitals having aggressive energy management program...
Date June 3, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-87 Title

Health: Administration of Hill-Burton Assurances and Loan Assistance Program Needs To Be Improved

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE : WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN RESOURCIKS OIVlS1ON Edward N. Assistant Department Services Dear Dr. Brandt, Jr., M.D. Secretary for Health of Health and Human Brandt: Administration of Hill-Burton and Loan Assistance Program Improved (GAO/HRD-82-87) 119796 Subject: Assurances Needs To Be We recently completed a review of several aspects of the administration...
Date Jan. 20, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-32 Title

Do Aged Medicare Patients Receive More Costly Routine Nursing Services: Evidence Inconclusive

I , BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITED STATES Do Aged Medicare Patients Receive More Costly Routine Nursing Services? Evidence Inconclusive Medicare now assumes that it is more costly for hospitals to provide routine nursing services to aged than to nonaged inpatients and pays hospitals a premium. This is called the Medicare routine nursing salary cost differential. Howeve...
Date Dec. 22, 1981 Report No. HRD-82-24 Title

Health: Information on Medicare's Hospital Inpatient Routine Operating Cost Reimbursement Limits for Duluth-Superior

UNITED sTC;TES#GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 2OW B-205816 DmxruslR 2& 1981 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Rudy Boschwitz Senate Nlllllllllll II 117103 Boschwitz: Information on Medicare's Hospital Inpatient Routine Operating Cost Reimbursement Limits for Duluth-Superior (HRD-82-24) This is in rssponse to your referral of a letter from Mr. Thomas G . Bell III, a membe...
Date Dec. 22, 1981 Report No. HRD-82-23 Title

Health: Information on Medicare's Hospital Inpatient Routine Operating Cost Reimbursement Limits for Duluth-Superior

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACC~UNTIP~G OFFICE WASHlNGtON. D.C. 20548 B-205816 The Honorable James Oberstar House of Representatives :Dear Mr. Oberstar: Information on Medicare's Hospital Inpatient Routine Operating Cost Reimbursement Limits for Duluth-Superior (HRD-82-23) Subject: This is in response to your referral of a letter from Mr. Thomas G. Bell III, a member of the Board of Trustee& of Miller-D...
Date Sept. 15, 1981 Report No. B-204289 Title

Government Operations: [Views on H.R. 3971]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES _7 WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 B- 204289 September 15, 1981 The Honorable G. V. Montgomery Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Your July 28, 1981, letter, asked for our views on H.R. 3971 which would amend title 38, United States Code by directing the Comptroller General to assign one employee of the General Accoun...
Date July 2, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-77 Title

Health: Cost of VA Medical Care to Ineligible Persons Is High and Difficult To Recover

Report To The Honorable William Prbxmire, United States Senate RE~~A~~~ OF THEUNITED STATES Cost Of VA Medical Care To Ineligible Persons Is High And Difficult To Recover During the 27-month period ended December 31, 1979, the Veterans Administration attempted to collect $15 million from persons who had received medical care in VA facilities, but who were not eligible for VA benefits. VA recovered...
Date June 10, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-62 Title

Health: Cost Cutting Measures Possible if Public Health Service Hospital System Is Continued

. . I BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Cost Cutting Measures Possible If Public Health Service Hospital System Is Continued GAO had completed its review of ways Public Health Service medical care costs could be reduced before the President proposed legislative action to discontinue eligibility of seamen to receive free medical care and terminate the Service’s hos...
Date April 16, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-70 Title

Health: Alleged Irregularities at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Manhattan, New York

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 I l45!!2~ HUMAN RESC)U??C~ DIVlSlCW B-202636 The Honorable John Leboutillier House of Representatives Dear Mr. Leboutillier: APRIL 16,198l at the Veterans Li- lleged Irregularities Administration Medical Center, Manhattan, New York (HRD-81-70) -‘I Your predecessor requested that we review the Veterans Administration's (VA's) investig...
Date April 1, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-69 Title

Health: Transfer of Physicians From the Boston Public Health Service Hospital

UNJTEB STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTJNGOFFJCE BELEASED WASHINGTON, DC 20548 The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: .c Subject: 'Transfer I**,Health of Physicians from the Boston Public Service Hospitaiw?HRD-81-69)p ii In response to your October 30, '1980, req&st'; we revie...
Date March 16, 1981 Report No. B-201156 Title

Government Operations: [Limitations Placed on Use of Annual Leave]

United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Office of General Counsel v MARH f 5 In Reply Referto: B-201156 Dr. Omer K. Petty Route 9, Carrie Ann Circle Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901 Dear Dr. Petty: We refer to your correspondence dated October 21, 1980, concerning the scheduling and use of your annual leave. Your submission shows that you are employed as Chief, Dental Service, at ...
Date July 16, 1980 Report No. B-199563 Title

Government Operations: GAO Study Required by Reconciliation Act of 1980

' B-199563 We understand the need for the study required by section 554(b)(2) to resolve the longstanding issue of the appropriate basis for payments to hospitals for the costs of providing routine nursing care to Medicare beneficiaries. We wish to call to your attention, however, factors that will affect our ability to carry out the study or to fully meet the study's stated requirements in the al...
Date June 30, 1980 Report No. 112715 Title

Health: Hospitals' Use of Contract Management Services

GAO United States General Accounting Of’fice Washington, DC 20548 Human Resources Diuision Mr. Earl M. Health Care Washington, Dear Mr. Collier Financing l3.C. Jr., Acting Administration Administrator Collier: We recently completed a review of Lhospitals’ use of contract management services In particlllar, we examined J those arrangements where the management firm provides “full service mana...
Date June 24, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-86 Title

Reassessment of Veterans Administration's Controls Over Drugs: Million-Dollar Problem Still Exists

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Subcommittee On Special Investigations, House Committee On Veterans’ Affairs OF THE UNITED STATES Reassessment Of Veterans Administration’s Controls Over Drugs: Million-Dollar Problem Still Exists Although GAO first reported on shortcomings in VA’s pharmacy systems in 1975, VA’s efforts to date to strengthen drug controls are largely ineffective. Fe...
Date Jan. 21, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-35 Title

Health: Hospitals in the Same Area Often Pay Widely Different Prices for Comparable Supply Items

BY THE COMPTR0LLE.R .(SENERAL ‘Report To The Chairman, SubcommitteedF ’ On Health, Committee On Finance United States Senate OF Tt-iEUNITED STATES Hospitals In The Same Area Often Pay Widely Different Prices For Comparable Supply Items GAO ~surveyed prices of supplies routinely purchased by 37 hospitals in six cities and found wide differences in prices paid for similar items. The most frequen...
Date Sept. 25, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-120 Title

Health: Inappropriate Handling of Patients' Personal Funds by the City of St. Louis Health and Hospital Division

Unarm STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFF'ICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-164031(3) The Honorable William L. Clay House of Representatives Dear SEPTEMBER RELEASED Mr. Clay: Subject: cfnappropriate Handling of Patients' Personal Funds By the City of St. Louis Bealth and Hospital Division J (HRD-79-120) ds to your December 4, 1978, letter that we look into the alleged improper use of unds by the City of St, L...
Date April 1, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-58A Title

Government Operations: Opportunities for Improving Hospital Purchasing, Inventory Management and Supply Distribution. Part I

C o n t e n t s -------& Paqe i FOREWORD ENDORSEMENT LETTER FROM THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION CHAPTER 1 2 INTRODUCTION ii 1 OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTROL COSTS THROUGH CENTRAL PURCHASING Planning and scheduling Competition Value analysis and standardization Group purchasing Accountability and control weaknesses Conclusions and suggestions OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTROL COSTS THROUGH CENTRALIZED INVENTO...
Date April 1, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-58B Title

Government Operations: Opportunities for Improving Hospital Purchasing, Inventory Management and Supply Distribution. Part II

Date April 4, 1978 Report No. 090239 Title

Veterans Affairs: Follow Up on VA's Use of Psychotherapeutic Drugs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION , Mr. Wallace E Busbee Acting Deputy Assistant General For Audit Veterans Administration Dear Mr Busbee Inspector In June 1977, we lnltiated a followup review of our Apnl 1975 report on the Veterans Administration's (VA's) controls over the use of psychotherapeutic drugs. i/ Because the Department of Medicine and...
Date April 4, 1978 Report No. 105698 Title

Veterans Affairs: Followup on VA's Use of Psychotherapeutic Drugs

'~CURINT RESUli 05698 - [81226159] [Followup on VAts Use of Psychotberapeutic 1978. 3 pp. Drugs]. AFril 4, Report to Wallace E. Busbee, Acting Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit, Veterans Administration; by George D. Pock, Assistant Director, Huma Resaources itv. Contact: Human Resources Div. Organization Concerned: Veterans Administratica: Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. An April 1975 re...
Date March 30, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-84 Title

Health: Health Care Needs of Veterans in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Should Be Assessed

: I I b b’’ i’iEP0RTBY THE 7 6 &,$ SC’ ,:) fi- ; 1’:: 1 p . ’ .a - Comptroller General OF THE UNiTED STATES -.---__ -.- -. .- l~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM105413 c _- -.-_--. __ __.____._.___. ---_ Health Care Needs Of Veterans In Puerto Rico And The Virgin Islands Should Be Assessed . The Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs asked GAO to review ?wo VA programs to provide medica...
Date Jan. 31, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-43 Title

Health: Review of Allegations of Mismanagement at the North Chicago VA Hospital

DOCUMENT RBESUME 04830 - ; B0325198 13 r ictcted) alismanagement at the North Chicago VA rRaviev of Allegati~q Hospital]. HRD-78-4i3!133044. January_ 31, 1978. 3 pp:. enclosure (12 pp.). Report to Sen. Villixr.oZaliree,Chairuane Senate Couaittee on SubconLittee; by ELer Appropriations: HWD-bteXndent AgencieBs B. Staats, Comptroler eneral. s: System for Providing Treatment og Issue Area: Health (12...
Date Jan. 17, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-30 Title

Health: Review of the VA Internal Audit Service Report on the Midwest Organ Bank

DOCUERIT RESUaB 04577 - [B0185081] (Restricted) [Review of the VA Internal Audit Service Report can the Midwest enclosure (9 pp.). organ Bank]. HBD-78-30; 3-133044. January 17, 1978. 3 pp. + Report to aep. Bay Roberts, Chairman. House Committee on Veteranse Affairs; by Blaer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: Federal Government Control of Costs Through Direct Delitery Pro...
Date Nov. 16, 1977 Report No. HRD-78-18 Title

Health: Medical Care Provided at Army's 121st Evacuation Hospital in Seoul, Korea

./. ._ _-_-..-_ _- _--~--__-_-.-- Re&$! i-9 “ED -:i --- ^_.__,,_ F_. ----;.‘- .., ., ._ . -_“I. -,., Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM104048 RELEASED -_______ _ -_ - _-I--- --------- --. -I-- ---- _..-. - S%&:&&je&i i&'&a was of piT!&%TtPc irapl~e*%atiO of ai& corrective action st to ypou since theOffice af the fnfomed~ you imn a Hay 13, P9?6, letter tectfve action ha& been9 taken to insm...
Date July 27, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-128 Title

Health: Information on Use of Medicare Reimbursement Method to Determine Hospital Payments under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

DOCUMENT RESUME 02850 A20931941 I estrt-d4 Information on Use of Medicare Reimbursement Method to Determine Hospital Payments under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services. HRD-77-128; B-133142. Jujy 27, 1977. 3 pp. + 2 appendices (17 pp.). Report to Rep. George H. Mahon, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations; Sen. John L. McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee o App...
Date July 12, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-122 Title

Health: Veterans' Administration Actions Taken in Response to GAO Report on the Agency's Automated Clinical Lab System

DOCUNENT 02948 A1993059] ESUME [Veterans' Administration Actions aken in Response to GAO Report on the Agency's Automated Clinical Lab System]. HRD-77-122; B-133044. ujy 12, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Sen, Alan Cranston, Chairman, Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Area: Health Programs (1200); Health Programs: Federal ernment Control of Costs Through Direct...
Date May 10, 1977 Report No. 102225 Title

Health: Treatment of Ineligible Veterans in Veterans Administration Hospitals

DOCUBIET BISIUE 02225 - [A1152437] (Restricted) [Treatment of Ineligible Titerans in Veterans Administration Hospitals]. Say 10, 1977. 3 pp. Report to Wallace B. Busbee, Director, Veterans Administrrtion: Internal Audit Service; by George D. Peck, Assistant Director, Human Resories and Development Div. Issue Area: Health Prograss (1200). Contact: Human Resources and Developmest Div. Budget Functio...
Date May 6, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-44 Title

Health: Lack of Coordination between Medicaid and Medicare at John J. Kane Hospital

DOCUMENT RFSUME 02224 - [A1332328] (];1c "-r Lack of Coordination between Medicaid and Medicare at John J. Kane Hospital. HRD-77-44; B-164031(3). May 6, 1977. 44 pp. Report to Sen. Frank Church, Chair an, Senate Special Committee on Aging; by Elmer 8. Staat:;, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: CompliaLce With Financing Laws and Regulations (1207). Contact: Human Resources and Devel...
Date April 14, 1977 Report No. 102222 Title

Health: Review of the Medical School Affiliation Program at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Washington, D.C.

/Oz 2,2-2 DOCBZIST lNSUSE 02222 - [Al452442 1 [Review of the Hedical School Affiliation Program at the Veterans Adainistration Hospital, ashington, 'D.C. ]*. pril 14, 1977.. 3 pp. * enclosure (1I pp.!). Report to A. A. Gavazzi, Director, Teterans Administration: VA dospital, Washington, DC; by George D. ,Peck, Assistant Director, Human Resources and Development Div. Issue Area: Health Programs (t2...
Date Feb. 28, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-168 Title

Many Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories Underused in Veterans Administration Hospitals: Better Planning and Control Needed

DOCUMENT RESUME 00507 - [A0891494] Many Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories Underused in Ldainistration Hospitals: Better Planning and Control Veterans Needed. HRD-76-168; 8-133044. February 28, 1977. 31 pp. Report to the Congress; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Veterans Benefits and Services: Hospital and Medica...
Date April 14, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-119 Title

Veterans Affairs: Administration of the New Orleans Veterans Administration Hospital

7 ~~~~~R~~~~G~NERALoFTHEuN~T~~TATEs WA5HINGTON.D.C. /. 20548 : ,/_--.' ,_ B-133044 APR 14 1976 , The Honorable W. Henson House of Representatives Moore: Moore ,N’ ,, ” Dear Mr. Following your June 11, 1975, letter, aspects of the sdministration P the following ’ Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital_: --Space available for selected hospital for we agreed to assess of the New Orleans services...
Date April 30, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-73 Title

Health: Proposal for Disclosure of Contractual and Financial Arrangements Between Hospitals and Members of Their Governing Boards and Hospitals and Their Medical Specialists

-_._- L .I __ * 2 ,: t- . -L1,. -..,... ;g/ @91WV (&Ii7 REPORT TO THE CONGRESS LM097042 \IlllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllll A Proposal ,For Disclosure Of Contractual And Financial Arrangements Between Hospitals And Members Of Their Governing Boards And Hospitals And Their Medical Specialists Department of Health, Education, and Welfare BYTHECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OFT%!3 UNITEDSTATES MWD-75-73 APRIL30J97...
Date Feb. 11, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-58 Title

Veterans Affairs: Conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital, Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines

WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-182297 1 R The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman I Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Development, Space, Science, and Veterans Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: ,-, 42 ..J requested that we examine Your September 19! 1974, letter and report on conditions at the Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH), In a letter to you, Republic of the Philipp...