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GAO Reports by subject "Budget year"

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Date Feb. 20, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-65 Title

Budget and Spending: Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981

UcwxDSm7Es GEN&AL AGC~UNT~NGOF%E WRSHINGTON, D.C. 20348 * m.oenAM ANALyIIlS 0ivmroN 9-19773s FEi3z 9 ‘, do/oa .. Pro3ra.a and Sudgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on Presidentgs Budget for Fiscal Year 1981 (PAD-80-65) Mr. Fowler C. West Staff Director c -Committee on A3riculture House of Representatives Dear Mr. West: Subject: The enclosed report is forwarded for your inform...
Date Feb. 20, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-64 Title

Budget and Spending: Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981

- UNITED STATES GENE&L ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. . 20548 February 20, 1980 /4 B-197735 Mr. /$Q/QJ c ud ~-WC, /B zGs- William 8. Cherkasky Staff Director Select Committee On Small Business United States Senate Dear Mr. Cherkasky: Program and Budgetary fnformation for Committees* Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981 (PAD-80-64) .' The enclosed report 'is forwarded' ...
Date Feb. 15, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-54 Title

Budget and Spending: Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981

UIUITEDSTATESGENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20348 moGMM ANALYSIS Dlvl8loN B-197735 Mr. John M. Elartin Chief Counsel Committee on Xays and Means House of Representatives Dear Mr. Martin: Subject: February 15, 1980 3 ec/cru Program and Budgetary Information for Committees* Views and .Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981 (PAD-80-54) The enclosed report is forwarded for your...
Date Feb. 15, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-52 Title

Budget and Spending: Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981

‘i UMTEDSTATES GENERAL#~XOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. . 20548 .- -i PROGFUiM ANALYSIS DIVISION February 15, 1980 B-197735 Mr. Aubrey Sarvis Staff Director . Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation United States Senate Dear Mr. Sarvis: Subject: . s@Ozl ' Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981 (PAD-80-52) The en...
Date Feb. 15, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-51 Title

Budget and Spending: Program and Budgetary Information for Committees' Views and Estimates on President's Budget for Fiscal Year 1981

uNl?Eb STATES GEMERA!.A&~UNTIPI’G OFWE WASMINGTON, D.C. 20548 February P&RALIM ANALYSIS OWlSION 15, 1980 B-197735 !4r . Robert Dawson Administrator Committee on Fublic Works and Tr enspor tat.ion House of Representatives Dear Hr. Dakkon: t lll#l llllllllll 111800 * 6 3/m 1 Subject: Program and i3udgetary fnfDra;tion for Views and Estimates or‘i President’s Committees’ Dudget for Fiscal Ye&...
Date June 15, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-416 Title

National Defense: Army's FY 1980 Programs for Procuring Conventional Ammunition, Modernization, and Expansion

Comptroller General r}-;itji ,.. rF, 'A Army's FY 1980 Programs For Procuring Conventional Ammunition. Modernization, And Expansion Ihe A ve.t 9 !tr :i re ftluested S914 rtllitotr lot 66( !o: di dI ' tin ;tk fr:r&i H -rujlects t;r' M ti(jer!tiin' l S257 . 2 tnl ',. IeI txp;iftldl!!lI (;AO concl; lt' i fe(lJt;ot for 11 ,iJiici ,,--d that in , t titt Ic(i Armys 1, (I l ,ti miii itO y b5153 j ,'tt.,,...
Date April 11, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-49 Title

Government Operations: Need for Recognition of the Full Cost of Retirement Benefits for Federal Work Force

COMPTRCLlOR QENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.G. THE UNITED STATES ZOS46 B-179810 The Honorable Edmund S. Muskie Chairman, Committee on Budget &J%@ United States Senate sE1"\ Dear Mr. Chairman: APRIL 11, 1979 certain legislative Last year? the Congress r the significant and actions to express its co ederal retirement sys- # growing financial liabili &',0@38 e adopted-..-- a.."*I I-resol&ion terns. On June ...
Date March 15, 1979 Report No. CED-79-61 Title

Transportation: Selected Budget Issues in the Federal Aviation Administration

REPORTB’Y’ -WE- Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Selected Budget issues In The Federal Aviation Administration In this report GAO concludes that: --The Federal Aviation Administration’s automation of flight service stations should be fully funded in fiscal year 1980. Flight service stations provide assistance to pilots. --An extension from 3 years to 5 years in the obligational availa...
Date Feb. 28, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-53 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 February 28, 1979 Mr. John M. Martin Acting Staff Director Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives Dear Mr, Martin: ,&G! PFT/c- IT The enclosed computer printout is'forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the House Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has pr...
Date Feb. 28, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-54 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

MPl‘ Stx?p!1cn on Paradise ,. Committee , , &' . I-Iumal~ Labor Senate and . I liesources United Dear States -, ' .e The enclosed corTuter printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Senate Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepared this information as part of our efforts ...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-52 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

I~ll~~lillllllIIIIIIull LM109458 February E’ROGNA?v’l DIVISION ANALYSIS 26, 1979' IN REPLY REFER TO: Mr. Charles Conklin Staff Director Committee on Interior Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr, Ccnklin: and for your The enclosed computer printout is forwarded information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the House Budget Committee The Genera...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-63 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

February 26, 1979 HU‘R TQ. IN I4EPL.Y LM109469 Cherkasky Mr. \dilliam taff Director e on Small Busines.s/ tates Senate Dear Hr. Cherkasky: I5zws4"~ The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget, The General Accounting Office has prepared this information...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-62 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

IN REPLY REFER TO; PROGRAM DIVISION AIJALYSIS fcbruary 26, 1979 Mr. John Yago Staff Director Committee on Environment Public Works United States Senate Dear Dlr. Yayo: and The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on tile fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has pr...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-61 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

Stern I\lr . Michael Staff Director &ommittec on Fin1 'DGar Mr, Stern: The enclosed computer printout is forwarded-for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepared this information as part of our efforts to respond to the requirements in Title VIII of the Con...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-60 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

s Mr, Harry A. Gould Deputy Commissioner Committee on Science and Technology House of Representatives Dear Mr. Gould: of+ d .The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepared this information as part of our efforts t...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-59 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

PROGRAM ANALYSIS DlvIS10r.l Mr. Garner J. Cline Staff Director Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives I Dear Mr. Cline: I ki-I)isc,4 The enclose'd coml>uter printout 'is forwarded for your information and use in preparat$onqdf your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1930 budge-t. The General Accountii~g Office has prepared this informatio...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-66 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

February FKOGRAM IJIVISlOM ANALYSIS 26, 1979 ’ IN REFLY RCFLR TO, L Mr, Jack Brady Staff Director * Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives . Dear Hr. Brady: c c + 1% /(JP The enclosed corny,uter printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation "of your committee's . views and estimates report to t$e Budget Corlimittee on thee The Genercil Accoqntinc~ Office fiscal...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-65 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

PROCWAM DIVISION ANALYSIS February 26, 1979 IN REPLY REF Eft ‘TOI Ilr, Paul Nelson Staff,Director . Committee on Banking, and Urban Affairs House of Representatives 0 Dear Mr, Nelson: Finance,. g5Gb The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal.year 198U budget. The Gene...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-58 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

February 26, 1979 .. IN RIT’LY RCfER T-08 Mr. WilJiam Bader Acting Staff Director ' Committee on Foreign United States Senate Dear Mr. Bader: Relations 5~Aw . /soa The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budyet. The General Accounting Office has prepared ...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-57 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

Mre Kenneth McLean Staff Director . Committee on Banking, and Urban Affairs United States Senate Dear J3r. McLean: Housing, ,. s The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1920 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepared this information as part of our effor...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-56 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

lllllllllllllllllllllllll LM109462 Mr, Carl Chief of Committee Marine Rouse of L Dear Mr. L, Perian Staff on Merchant and Fisheries Representatives Perian: /pba7 cr> . The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepare...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-55 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

Mr. W, E, Williamson Deputy Commissioner Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives De&r Mr. Williamson: cjg LB 3bb t The encldsed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee"s views and estimates report to the Budget Committee on the The General Accounting Office fiscal year 1980 budget, has prepared this information as p...
Date Feb. 15, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-51 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

computer printout i .s forwnrdecl for your use in prcparat ion of your comnittec’s views and cstimatcs to the Senate J3udget Colnmittqe. on the fiscal year 1980 budget. The General Accounting Office has prepared this information as part of our effolrts to resp:>nd to the rcquiremcnts in Title VIIJ of the Conyrcssional l3utlqet Act of 1374 that the Comptrol.Ser ,General (I) dcvcl.op an4 ma in ta ...
Date Feb. 8, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-50 Title

Budget and Spending: Congressional Budgetary Update

. / llll\l\\\ll~ llllllll llllllllMlllllll~ LM109456 February I\???. 8, 1979 Robert Dawson, Administrator Comniittec on Public Works Transporttjtion House of Representatives Dear Fir. Dawson: and ,p. /', y,,/-( L _ .I The enclosed computer printout is forwarded for your information and use in preparation of your committee's views and estimates to the House Budget Committee on the fiscal year 1980 ...
Date Sept. 13, 1973 Report No. 091269 Title

Budget and Spending: Improving Congressional Control Over the Federal Budget

,~ .,w Y ..m, ,, _ --. ,~. United States General Ascountitlg Washington, D.C. 20548 Office For Release on Delivery Expected at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept, 13, 1973 \lllllMlllllllllll\lllllllll . ~M091269 COMPTROLLERGENERAL 01: ‘I-Ill: UNITED STATES BEFORE Tf1f3 I!OiJSE COS!MITTi:!l ON RULES Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: this opportunity control to discuss our thoughts h~Jgi~t, thought on...