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GAO Reports by subject "Nursing homes"

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Date Report No. Title
Date July 13, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-1-SP Title

Health: Long-Term Care Forum

r I I .-2 GAO W I i E E c k n CM, n3 anndn4, 11993 SAOLHRD-93-l-SP J LONG-TERM CARS FORUM July 13-14, 1993 Paper Discussion Y LONG-TERM CARS REFORM: RETHINKING SERVICE DELIVERY, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND COST CONTROL What is behind the growing concern with long-term care? The simple answer is demography and dollars. Long-term care is becoming increasingly important as the number of persons who need serv...
Date June 2, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-23R Title

Health: East Central Florida VA Medical Center

UnitedStates Wa&ington,D.C.20648 Human Resources Division Generai Accounting OfRce llllllllllll II 149310 B-250866 June 2, 1993 The Honorable John L. Mica House of Representatives Dear Mr. Mica: This is in response to the list of questions you gave us at our April 1, 1993, meeting. These questions bear on our March 1993 report on the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA's) east central Florida site...
Date May 6, 1993 Report No. T-HRD-93-19 Title

Veterans' Health Care: Potential Effects of Health Care Reforms on VA's Major Construction Program

tyl)#( United States (;eneral I ., ” _; Accounting Office Testimony Before the Committee on Veterans’Affairs United States Senate For Rclensc on Delivery Expected at 11:OO a.m. EDT Thursday May A. i993 VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE Potential Effects of Health Care Reforms on VA’s Major Construction Program Statement of David P. Baine. Director, Federal Health Care Delivery Human Resources Division...
Date March 31, 1993 Report No. T-HRD-93-12 Title

Veterans' Health Care: Potential Effects of Health Financing Reforms on Demand for VA Services

~CtW’kAet l + United States General Accounting Offke GAO For Rclc;~sc on Dclivcry ;\I I:30 p.m.. EST U’tAncsdi\y. Miuch 3 1. IYYJ Testimony Before the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United StatesSenate EX~XWI VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE PotentialEffects of Health Financing Reforms on Demand for VA Services Statementof David P. Baine, Director, Federal Health Care Delivery Issues Human Resources ...
Date March 18, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-55FS Title

Medicaid: Outpatient Drug Costs and Reimbursements for Selected Pharmacies in Illinois and Maryland

-I nl;krTll I !Wl MEDICAID Outpatient Drug Costs and Reimbursements for Selected Pharmacies in Illinois and Maryland 14864’ 3 \.. ~- ’ (;Ao/llItI)-!):3-5f,I1’ S - __---___-- - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-251918 March 18, 1993 The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan, Chairman The Honorable Bob Packwood, Ranking Minority Member Committ...
Date March 3, 1993 Report No. T-HRD-93-7 Title

Veterans' Health Care: Potential Effects of Health Reforms on VA Construction

r( United States General Accounting Office bW’I\ Ilr’,” ,y GAO For Relclw on Delivery ExpwcJ a~ 9:(M);l.ln. EDT Wcilnwhy. MiKch 3. 1003 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Hospitals and Health Care Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Houseof Representatives VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE Potential Effects of Health Reforms on VA Construction Statementof David P. Baine, Director FederalHealth Care Deli...
Date Feb. 26, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-75 Title

VA Health Care: Actions Needed to Control Major Construction Costs

-_-.- 171rited States Genc~ral Awonnting Offict! GAO Report t,o t,he Chairwoman, Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate VA HEALTH CARE Actions Needed to Control Major Construction Costs 148847 (L40/1 I IW-!)33-75 GAO Uuited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20545 hxIUkn Resource8 Division B-249464 February 26,1993 The Honorable B...
Date June 30, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-79 Title

VA Health Care: Alternative Health Insurance Reduces Demand for VA Care

GAO VA HEALTH CARE Akernative Health Insurance Reduces Demand for VA Care .- ~llll~l~~ll ll 147176 _..~__ -__.-... .._. .-.._..^...... _ GAO United Statee General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Humau Beeourcee Division B-249216 June 30,1992 The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski United StatesSenate Dear Senator Murkowski: As health care reform unfolds in individual states and in the federal se...
Date May 6, 1992 Report No. PEMD-92-21 Title

The Older Americans Act: Access to and Utilization of the Ombudsman Program

St.;ttw -._. ..l.,_l,.~“,_l ._ _ ..I...“..“.l,l,. .^_..-I.....____.._. I Jnit4 -..._ i__- Gcncral - -1_1.-..._^.--. .. ...._-.. GAO ~--_ .---~. *---:-ICcport,to t,he Chairman, Subcornmittce on Accounting Office, C:omrnittce on Labor and Human I-kourccs, 1J.S.Senate May 1992 THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT Access to and Utilization of the Ombudsman Program 146448 . GAO United States General Ac...
Date April 1, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-29R Title

Income Security: HHS Staff for Board and Care Issues

B-248045 April 1, 1992 The Honorable Edward Roybal Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care Select Committee on Aging House of Representatives The Honorable Ron Wyden House of Representatives During GAO's testimony at the Subcommittee hearing on the use of medications in board and care homes for the elderly, on March 13, 1992, you requested additional information.' You asked us to deter...
Date Feb. 7, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-45 Title

Board and Care Homes: Elderly at Risk From Mishandled Medications

-.._, ,. . ._. _- _-._ I.-I” _.-_. -. I .__.__-___. -_.-. 1 !)!I2 .- _._ -... ---..- ..__.._ .____._......_ --- __..._ l_-__--“. ________ ~___- .__. ---- It’ (~t)IWiWV BOARD AND CARE HOMES Elderly at Risk From Mishandled Medications i lllllllllllllIll 146111 RESTRICTED--Not to be released &&@@~~ General Accounting Office unless specifica y approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. (...
Date Dec. 27, 1991 Report No. HRD-92-32 Title

Veterans' Benefits: Savings From Reducing VA Pensions to Medicaid-Supported Nursing Home Residents

GAo --..-.-.. - .-.- .--.-......-....^.. -p-m-- IkWlll twr 199 1 VETERANS’ BENEFITS Savings From Reducing VA Pensions to Medicaid-Supported Nursing Home Residents *_.,I .,._-- _I. ,,-_” ,-., I. “_ .“_. ..““.-.. -.... _._ - --..---_.-.- ..___...._.. l..l...l-....” ..-. I _....- -.-““._ -.... --_ .-._I. -- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Res...
Date Oct. 24, 1991 Report No. T-HRD-92-5 Title

Long-Term Insurance: Consumers Lack Protection in A Developing Market

United States General Accounting Of!Ece Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. Thursday October 24, Long-Term Care Insurance: Protection Market Consumers Lack In A Developing 1991 Statement of Janet L. Shikles, Director Health Financing and Policy Human Resources Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness Committee on Energy and ...
Date July 29, 1991 Report No. HRD-91-94 Title

Veterans' Benefits: VA Needs to Verify Medical Expenses Claimed by Pension Beneficiaries

1 j ..____...__._.__. _,_. _ . . . . .._.“_.“.._.._ _.._...._.._ .-. -...l^_l .-.... .._” -....-.--.- -..- -- .JII I y 1!I!) I I .i I VETERANS’ BENEFITS VA Needs to Verify Medical Expenses Claimed by Pension Beneficiaries 144694 RELEASED --Not to be nleamd outside the appra3vedbytheomceofco~od Relatlom , -.___----~~-.~ -..,,.m.llmm- (;Ao/‘ III(:r)-!)l-!)il United States General Accountin...
Date June 14, 1991 Report No. HRD-91-86 Title

Long-Term Care: Projected Needs of the Aging Baby Boom Generation

IJnited States General Accounting Office GAO *June 1991 Report to the Honorable William S. Cohen, Special. Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate LONG-TERM CARE Projected Needs of the Aging Baby Boom Generation ---_.._.. --..---- .-_. -- GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 201548 Hnmm I&sources Divif3ion united Stah B-243726 June 14,199l The Honorable William S. Cohen Special Committee on Agin...
Date June 13, 1991 Report No. T-PEMD-91-11 Title

Health: Access to and Utilization of the Ombudsman Program Under the Older Americans Act

United States General Accounting Ofl’ ice : G=O /rt/ // ,Testin~ony lllllllllllllll 144114 For Release on Delivery Thursday June 13, 1991 Access To and Utilization Program Under the Older of the Americans Ombudsman Act Statement of Eleanor Chelimsky, Program Evaluation Assistant Comptroller General and Methodology Division Before the Subcommittee on Aging Senate Committee on Labor and Human Reso...
Date April 11, 1991 Report No. T-HRD-91-14 Title

Long-Term Care Insurance: Risks to Consumers Should Be Reduced

GAO United States Testimony General Accounting Office For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. Thursday April 11, 1991 LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE: Risks to Consumers Should Be Reduced Statement of Janet L. Shikles, Health Financing Human Resources Director and Policy Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Health Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives GAO/T-HRD-91-14 GAO Form 1...
Date Sept. 5, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-135 Title

Nursing Homes: Admission Problems for Medicaid Recipients and Attempts to Solve Them

._ _ .._ ...” ..“, I ._. ._l_” ._..,. _^“.-l--l”_. .“.l.. “. .“l_.l~ .^.. l”“. .“-“--.---l..------ -__ _.--I Human Resources Division B-232993 September 5, 1990 The Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum United States Senate Dear Senator Metzenbaum: This report, prepared at your request, discusses problems Medicaid recipients face when trying to gain admission to nursing homes. It...
Date June 12, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-98 Title

VA Health Care: Improvements Needed in Nursing Home Planning

GAO ’ June 1990 Report to the Chairmm, Conunittee on Veterans’ Affairs, US. Senate VA HEALTH CARE Improvements Needed in Nursing Home Planning -- GAO,‘HRD-90-98 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Official Penalty Business for Private Use $300 Human Resources Division B-239723 June 12,199O The Honorable Alan Cranston Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Unite...
Date Nov. 27, 1989 Report No. HRD-90-40 Title

VA Health Care: Efforts to Assure Quality of Care in State Homes

VA HEALTH CARE Efforts to Assure Quality of Care in State Homes United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division i B-237502 November 27,1989 The Honorable Alan Cranston Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: In your May 25, 1988, letter and subsequent meetings with your staff, you asked us to determine how the Depar...
Date April 28, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-94 Title

Mental Health: Funds Needed for Future Planning Activities

.“.-”--__I...--.-” .-._-......_---___” -.- -.--_-______ 1’1littvi Sl, (kntmtl Awount,ing Oi’f’iw -I_--- -- GAO April l!tH!b Itctport tjo the Chairman, Committee on I&or and Human l-ksowces, U.S. Senate MENTAL HEALTH Funds Needed for l?uture Planning Activities - . GAO General Accounting Of’fice Waehiugton, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division united i states B-236136 April 28, ...
Date April 24, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-67 Title

Long-Term Care Insurance: State Regulatory Requirements Provide Inconsistent Consumer Protection

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1989 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care, Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE State Regulatory Requirements Provide Inconsistent Consumer -&. Protection GAO/HRD-89-67 . Human Resources Division B-232998 April 24, 1989 The Honorable Claude Pepper Chairman, Subcommittee on Health ...
Date March 9, 1989 Report No. T-HRD-89-9 Title

Health: Insufficient Assurances That Board and Care Residents' Needs Are Being Identified and Met

.---- United St&es General Accounting tIffice / 3 T i d 2 a(-J Testimony IllIll IllIIIIII 1381’ 22 For Release on Delivery Expected at 11:OO a.m. EST Thursday March 9, 1989 Insufficient Assurances That Board and Care Residents' Needs Are Being Identified and Met Statement Janet L. Public Before Special United of Shikles, Director of and National Health Issues the Committee on Aging States Senate...
Date March 7, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-56 Title

Medicaid: Recoveries From Nursing Home Residents' Estates Could Offset Program Costs

Report to Congressional Committees March 1989 MEDICAID Recoveries From Nursing Home Residents’ Estates Could Offset Program Costs GAO/HRD-89-56 Human Resources Division B-226448 March 7, 1989 The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of R...
Date Feb. 10, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-50 Title

Board and Care: Insufficient Assurances That Residents' Needs Are Identified and Met

United States General Accounting Office GAO?? February 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters BOARD AND CARE Insufficient Assurances That Residents’ Needs Are Identified and Met ---GAO/HRD-89-50 ..- 1. About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the ilatest step in efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. GAO’S G-0 EE~~;~5tF , .. Human Resources Division B-...
Date Jan. 18, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-43 Title

Medicaid: Some Recipients Neglect to Report U.S. Savings Bond Holdings

Neglect to Report U.S. Savings Bond Holdings .-....--_ . .-._-. - ~- --_-._. _... GAO united states Human Resonrces Division B-232864 Geneml Accounting Office Washingtm, D.C. 20648 January 18,1989 The Honorable Lloyd Rentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House o...
Date April 8, 1988 Report No. HRD-88-65 Title

Medicaid: Little Effect From Legislative Change Permitting Asset Revaluation After Sales

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Committees April 1988 MEDICAID Little Effect F’ rom Legislative Change Permitting Asset Revaluation After Sales GAO/HRD-88-65 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-223870.8 April 8, 1988 The Honorable Lloyd Hentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States SenaW The Honorable Jo...
Date Nov. 12, 1987 Report No. HRD-88-18 Title

VA Health Care: Assuring Quality Care for Veterans in Community and State Nursing Homes

United States General Accounting Office GAO November 1987 Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Senate . VA HEALTH CARE Assuring Quality Care for Veterans in Community and State Nursing Homes 1 wllIll1 Ill II 134396 owoss3 GA >/HID8848 Human Resources Division B-207930 November 12, 1987 The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski Ranking Minority Member Committee on Ve...
Date July 31, 1987 Report No. PEMD-87-21BR Title

Medicare: Catastrophic Illness Insurance

. . . ;. .’ United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1987 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Special Com m ittee-on Aging, U. S. Senate M E D ICARE Catastrophic Illness Insurance Y GAO united General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division states B-227664 July 31. 1987 The Honorable John Melcher Chairman, Special Committee on Aging Llnited State...
Date July 22, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-113 Title

Medicare and Medicaid: Stronger Enforcement of Nursing Home Requirements Needed

United General Accounting Office sq3 7 ‘ Report t#othe Ranking Minority Member, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate -I July 1987 MEDICARE AND MEDICAID Stronger Enforcement of Nursing Home Requirements Needed RELEASED GAO/HRD-87-113 Human Resources Dhision The Honorable .John Heinz Ranking Minority Member. Special Committee on Aging llnitecl States Senate Dear Senator Heinz: This repo...
Date July 10, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-111 Title

Veterans Administration: VA Pensions to Medicaid Nursing Home Residents Should Be Reduced

’ United States General Accounting Office 1 GAO July 1987 ” “’ -v- Report to the Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Senate VETERANS ADMINISTRATION VA Pensionsto Medicaid Nursing Home Residents Should Be Reduced 133659 GAO/HRD-87411 53qss7 L ‘ . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20548 Human Resources Division B-225935 July 10, 1987 The Honorable Ala...
Date April 28, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-61 Title

Medicaid: Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Home and Community-Based Services

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1987 Report to the Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Health and Human Services MEDICAID Dete Cost-Effectiveness of Home and CommunityBased Services I-mining 1 GAO/HRD-8741 GAO, United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-208492 April 281987 William L. Roper, M.D. Admimst...
Date April 15, 1987 Report No. HRD-87-77 Title

Medicaid: Addressing the Needs of Mentally Retarded Nursing Home Residents

United Mates General Accounting Office GAO AphllS87 Report to the Secretary of Health and HVma: Se: .: rl rvices MEDICAID Addressing the Needs of Mentally Retarded Nursing Home Residents 132851 Lo5 GAO/HRD-87-77 united states General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-226661 April 16,1987 The Honorable Otis R. Bowen, M.D. The Secretary of Health and Human Services ...
Date Feb. 26, 1987 Report No. T-PEMD-87-2 Title

Health: Reported Problems in Access to Posthospital Care for Medicare Beneficiaries

. 8 * -n *‘ c United States General Accounting Offlee / Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m . EST Thursday February 26, 1987 REPORTED PROBLEMS IN ACCESS TO POSTHOSPITAL CARE FOR MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Statem ent of Eleanor Chelimsky, Director Program Evaluation and M ethodology Division . Before the Subcom m ittee on Health Com m ittee on Ways and M eans House of Representati...
Date Jan. 28, 1987 Report No. T-PEMD-87-1 Title

Health: Access to Posthospital Care for Medicare Beneficiaries

II 1 . , -. Unite d S ta-tes G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O ffice I mo3q ‘G A O T e s tim o n y For R e l e a s e o n Delivery E xpecte d a t 9 :0 0 a .m . E S T Thursday January W , 1 9 8 7 lilQ A C C E S S T O P O S T E iO S P ITA L C A R E F O R M E D I C A R E B R N E F ICIA R IE S S ta te m e n t of E leanor Chelimsky, Director P r o g r a m E valuatio n and M e th o d o l o g y Division...
Date Jan. 23, 1987 Report No. PEMD-87-5BR Title

Posthospital Care: Discharge Planners Report Increasing Difficulty in Placing Medicare Patients

. . ..-..-. United States General Accountm ..-.---.~---_---_--__-- __-. ds Office GAO January 1987 Briefing Report to the Honorable Claude Pepper, Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and Long-term Care, Select Committee on Aging, House of Representatives .-- -.- .--__ ~.. ._ ._ -- f POSTHOSPITAL CARE Discharge Planners Report Increasing Difficulty in Placing Medicare Patients 132066 I _ _--. .-.-.--....
Date Dec. 15, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-29 Title

Aging: GAO Activities in Fiscal Year 1986

F ‘GAQ Debember 1986 United States General Accounting Office l3660 _ , Report to the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging United States Senate AGING GAO Activities in Fiscal Year 1986 lllllllllllllll 131880 037m GAO/HRD-87-29 , I I. . GAO General Accounting OfVlce Washington, D.C. 20648 Human B217196 united states Resources Division Decemberl&l986 The HonorableJohn Heinz Chairman,Special Committ...
Date Nov. 28, 1986 Report No. HRD-87-24 Title

Health Facilities: New York State's Oversight of Nursing Homes and Hospitals

United States General Accounting Office 13 Report to the Honorable Bill Green House of Representatives 1723 November 1986 HEALTH FACILITIES New York State’s Oversight of Nursing Homes and Hospitals (1 1 Ill I 1II I I 131723 \ GAO/HRD-87-24 53747s RF= L I . , - GAO United States General Accounting Office New York Regional B226038 Office Room 4112,26 Federal New York, NY 10278 Plaza November 28,19...
Date Aug. 8, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-111BR Title

VA Health Care: Issues and Concerns for VA Nursing Home Programs

United St&& t3e&wal Accounting OlYice 1 Briefing Report to Congressional Committees August 1986 VAHEALTHCARE Issuesand Concerns for VA Nursing Home Programs I1 I ” IIIII 130659 . GAO/HRD-86-11lBR 036 30 9 * ZJnited Statee General Accounting Of&e Waehlngton, D.C. 20648 Human Resourcerr Division B-207930 August 8, 1986 The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ United Stat...
Date June 2, 1986 Report No. PEMD-86-10 Title

Post-Hospital Care: Efforts To Evaluate Medicare Prospective Payment Effects Are Insufficient

United States Genmal_Ailccountfng Qj
Date May 21, 1986 Report No. 129914 Title

Health: Nursing Home Standards Enforcement

Date May 12, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-58 Title

Medicaid: Making Georgia's Nursing Home Reimbursement More Equitable

United States General Accounting Office GAO May lb86 Report to the Region IV Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration I-MEDICAID ,I Making Georgia’s Nursing Home Reimbursement More Equitable ,O’ IS:, ,. _. I ’ IIIII111111 I 129842 o?fEm GAO/HRD-86-58 1 ., . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources B-222209 Division May 1‘2, 1986 Mr. Geor...
Date May 9, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-26 Title

Medicaid: Methods for Setting Nursing Home Rates Should Be Improved

\ . , pw4 I l United States General Accounting Office Report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services clay 1989 /is, MEDICAID Methods for Setting Nursing Home Rates Should Be Improved ; I ’ I II 129841 . GAO/HRD-86-26 . . . , c I I , . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-221524 May 9, 1986 The Honorable Otis R. Bowen, M.D. The Secret...
Date Sept. 30, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-110 Title

Health: Simulations of a Medicare Prospective Payment System for Home Health Care

, .+:.. ‘4’:‘; - .- ..- .,., .- ,, ._,__ . UNITEDSTATESGENERALAC~O~NTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC. 20544 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION PREFACE This study is based on a request from Congressman Claude Pepper to assist him in drafting a legislative proposal providing for a prospective payment system for home health care services under the Medicare program. Before drafting such a office wanted to know ...
Date Aug. 12, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-80 Title

Health: VA Justification for Construction of Nursing Home Care Units at Amarillo, Texas, and Tucson, Arizona

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 2O!W IwMnW RmouRcu OIVI8ION AUGUST 12,1985 B-218854 The Honorable Frank A. Murkowski Chairman, Committee on Veterans' United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Affairs VA Justification for Construction of Nursing Care Units at Amarillo, Texas, and Tucson, Arizona (GAO/HRD-85-80) Home At the request of the Committee's former Chairman, w...
Date June 13, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-69 Title

Health: VA's Justification for the Number of Beds Planned for the Philadelphia Hospital and Nursing Home

RESTRICTED - Not UNITED~TATE&t$#@i&$&~ WASHINGTON. D.C. to be released outalde the Qem4 t n the besis of specific eylyruwal Eelqtiona~ 20548 Yim++ 12739s WUMAN RuoURcs8 DIVI8ION .d ..- JUNE 13,1985 B-219055 The Honorable Jake Garn, Chairman Subcommittee on HUD-Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject:' ‘JA’s Justification for the Number o...
Date May 17, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-70 Title

Health: VA's Methodology for Setting Priorities for Nursing Home Care Construction Projects for FY 1986

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN RCSOURCES DIVISION May 17, 1985 B-218854 The Honorable Frank H. Murkowski Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: VA's Methodology for Setting Priorities Nursing Home Care Construction Projects for Fiscal Year 1986 (GAO/HRD-85-70) I#llllI ull 127003 for On November 7, 1984, the Com...
Date July 31, 1984 Report No. HRD-84-84 Title

Health: VA Justification for Construction of Nursing Home Care Facilities at Durham, NC, and Prescott, AZ

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN RWURCU DIVISION JULY 31, 1984 B-211565 The Honorable Jake Garn Subcommittee on Chairman, HUD-Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable Alan K. Simpson Committee on Veterans' Chairman, Affairs United States Senate Subject: I I 124788 VA Justification for Construction of Nursing Home Care F...
Date May 15, 1984 Report No. HRD-84-66 Title

Health: VA Justification for Two Nursing Home Care Construction Projects in Its Fiscal Year 1985 Budget Request

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION May 15, 1984 B-211565 The Honorable Jake Garn Chairman, Subcommittee on HUD-Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable Alan K. Simpson Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs United States Senate Subject: VA Justification for Two Nursing Home Care Construction Projects ...
Date Oct. 21, 1983 Report No. IPE-84-1 Title

Medicaid and Nursing Home Care: Cost Increases and the Need for Services Are Creating Problems for the States and the Elderly

B\/ THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman Of The Subcommittee Oin Health And The Environment, Committee Ojn Energy And Commerce Hwse Of Representatives Medicaid And Nursing Home Care: Cost Increases And The Need For Services Are Creating Problems For The States And The Elderly N/ursing home care is the most expensive component of Medicaid: the ajortty of the Nation’ s elderly ...