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GAO Reports by subject "Hospital planning"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 25, 1979 Report No. HRD-80-21 Title

Health: Implementation of a Civilian-Military Contingency Hospital System Should Be Suspended

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 / fa 7 HUMAN RESOURCS DIVISION B-133044 OCTOBER 25, 1979 The Honorable Harold Brown The Secretary of Defense cC Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: fimplementation of a Civilian-Military Contingency Hospital System Should be Suspendedj(HRD-80-21) During the past several months, we have been reviewing DOD's plans to use nonmilitary hospitals t...
Date April 17, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-61 Title

Health: Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidance on Presidential, VIP, and Officer Accommodations

REPORTBY THE I Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidia8nceOn Presidential, VIP, And Ofker Accommodations The Department of Defense has not carried out GAD’s December 1974 recommendations that the Secretary of Defense establish criteria for Presidential and other VIP accommodations in military hospitals and instruct the military departments to discon tinue ...
Date June 12, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-127 Title

Health: Inappropriate Number of Hospital Beds Planned by Veterans Administration for Chicago Area

DOCUMENT BESUEI 06270 - [B16466701 ReL, AAC' E [Inappropriate lumber of Hospital Eeds Planned by Veterans Administration for Chicaqo Area]. HRD-78-127; E-133C44. June 12, 1978. Released June 22, 1978. 2 pp. + 2 enclosures (19 pp.). Report to Sen. William Proxmire, Chairman, Senate Ccasittee on Appropriations: HUD-Independent Agencies Sukcoumittee; ty Bobert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. I...
Date May 17, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-102 Title

Health: Inappropriate Number of Acute Care Beds Planned by VA for New Hospitals

DOCUMENT RESOUME 05988 - [B,386433] Inappropriate Number of Acu:e Care Beds Planned y VA for Hospitals. HRD-TR-102; B-13044. ay 17, 1978. 49 pp. 2 appandice_ (13 p.). ew Report to Sen. illias Proxmire, Chairmai, Senate Committee on App.'opriations: HUD-Independent Agencies Subcommittee; by Elmer 8. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs (1200); Health Programs: ealth Providers (1...
Date March 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-77 Title

Veterans Affairs: Analyses of Unexpended Balances in the Veterans Administration's Construction, Major Projects Appropriation Account

-. .. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i LMl07402 . ANALYSES IN THE 0F VETERANS IhExPmmED BALANCES ADUINISTRATION'~~ MAJOR PRoJ-EATS '7: ; i CONSTRUCTION, HR3-78-77 PKEFACS : _ , This skff study by GAO’S H*umn Resources Division zna!.yzes 5he unexpended balaaces fa the Veterans AdmixGstiztion’s Construction, Xajor ?roject.s zppropriation account. It was prepared in parteal respowe ...
Date Feb. 17, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-301 Title

Health: Philadelphia Naval Regional Medical Center Is Badly Deteriorated and Unsafe

DOnCUJ1T BUSB11 05113 - [ B05254271 Philadelphia Naval Regional ledical Center Is Badly Deteriorated and Unsafe. LCD-79-301; D-101646. ietrmary 17, 1978. 13 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of the Navy; by Robert G. Logistics a.d Bothwell (for Fred J. Shaferc DircWtoar Css5usicatioas Di.) . Issue Are&: Facilities and laterial lanagement: Operation and malntenance of Facilities (708). Contact: L...
Date Feb. 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-51 Title

Health: Constructing New VA Hospital in Camden, New Jersey, Unjustified

DOCO BET Rl SOE 05111 - [ BOs85400 con.tructing HRP-78-S51; pp.). -133044. New VA cspital in Caden. leg JerEyel February 6 197C. 21 pp. + 3 appendices (14 Unjustified. William Proamire, Chairaan, Senate Committee on Report to S. D-.an6pendent Agencie Subcommsittee; by Blaer Appropriaiola: B. Staats. Ciaptrollx r GeneaL. ealth Programs: health Issue Area: ealth Programss (1200); Providerm (1202). C...
Date Feb. 6, 1978 Report No. 104835 Title

Veterans Affairs: Reviews of VA's Planning for Hospitals

DOCUMENT RESUME 48S35 - [ E0385227 ] VA's Planning :'or (1 pp.). before the enate Hospitals. February 6, 1978. 13 pp. Reviews of + appendix Testamony Committee on Veterans' Affairs by Gr'eqory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Dv. Contact: Human Resources Div. Orqanization Concerned: Veterans Administration. Concerns have 6een expressed about the long average length of stay at Veterans Administr...
Date Aug. 1, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-123 Title

Health: The Operations and Financial Needs of the United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home

Date May 31, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-112 Title

Health: Planned Hospital Construction by Indian Health Service

DOC7UENT RESUME 0250G - (A16726731 [Planned Hospital Construction by Indian haelth Service]. HD-77-112; B-164031(5). ay 31, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Sen. Robert C. Byrd, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations: Intcrior Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Facilities (1203); ealth Programss Access to Health Care (1204). Contact: Human Resourc...
Date May 20, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-104 Title

Health: Review of Veterans Administration's Methodology for Determining Hospital Bed Size

DOCUMENT RISC!E 02227 - [11532512] "9sLtrti tj- 9 (Review of Veterans Administrationts Methodology for Determining Hospital Bed Size]. HRD-77-104; B-133044. May 20, 1977. 2 pp. + enclosure (25 pp.). Report to Sen. William Proxkire, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations: HUD-Independent Agencies Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs ( 100); Health...
Date April 4, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-79 Title

Health: Veterans Administration Should Delay Hospital Construction Projects until GAO Completes Review

DOCUMENT RESUHE 00511 A1051915 [Veterans Administration Should Delay Hospital Construction PrLjects until GAO Completes Review]. B-133044; RD-77-79. April 4, 1977. 2 pp. Raport to lax Cleland, Administrator, Veterans Administration; by Gregory J. Abart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs (1200); Health Programs: Health Facilities (1203). Contact: Human Resource Div. Budget ...
Date March 4, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-64 Title

Veterans Affairs: Review of VA Site Selection for a Portland-Vancouver Replacement Hospital

‘* @$$?& .. Q.@& t “c LhlTEO ,,* COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNiTED 20548 S7-ATESi 4’ /* D-133044 yThe Honorable Robert B. Duncan House of Representatives . fi.w Dear Mr. Duncan: A letter dated November 19, 1976, signed by you and five other Members of Congress requested that we try to determine I& the Veterans Administration was taking adeguate steps I whether to co-mply wit...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. B-146858 Title

Health: Results of Physician Questionnaire

DOCUlswT RB3sUB 00515 - [A0891480] (Restricted) (Results of Physician Questionnaire]. B-146858. February 25, 1977. 3 pp. Report to Assistant Secretary, Department of Defense: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs); by Thomas P. McCormick, Assistant Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Providers (1202). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health (S5...
Date Nov. 18, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-5 Title

Health: Congressional Policy Guidance Should Improve Military Hospital Planning

REPORT TO THE COMMITTfi’E ON APPRQPRIATJONS HO USE OF REPRi”SENTA 7’1 VES BY TffE COMPTROLLER MMX4L OF THE UNITED STATES LM100497 lllllllll\llllllll~\ll\llllllillllll Congressional Policy Guidance Should improve Military Hospital .Planning Department Defense is modernization 62.9 billion year 1980. In July 1976, of Defense . - . undertaking a medical facility program estimated to cost and to...
Date May 3, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-127 Title

Government Operations: Analysis of the Size of the Proposed Orlando Naval Hospital, Florida

1 , ’ COMF’TRQUER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C THE UN1TED Skim ‘-‘--J-- 2aJ4a 3 c 3 & _ -.y- .--- r The Honorable George H. Mahon Chairman, Committee on , Appropriations House of Representatives \ Dear Mr. Chairman: p,_ d_ On April 21, 1976, the Subcommittee on Milit&y Construction t. asked us to provide it with the results of our analysis of the size of the proposed Orlando Naval Hospital. ...
Date April 7, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-117 Title

Health: Policy Changes and More Realistic Planning Can Reduce Size of New San Diego Naval Hospital

-.... I ) ” r* ryTrr*,puu”ei REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 073768 ” Policy Changes And More Realistic Planning Can Reduce Size Of New San Diego Naval i-iospital Department of Defense The Department wants to replace the existing San Diego Naval Hospital with a 900‘acute care bed facility at a new location. GAO developed a new hospital sizing model th...
Date March 15, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-95 Title

Budget and Spending: District of Columbia's Estimates of the Cost To Renovate and the Cost To Replace Glenn Dale Hospital

_.COMFTITQLLER GENERAL. WASHINGTON. OF THE UNI7-ED STATZS - D.C. 2OSd8 H-118638 The Honorable Lawton Chiles Chairman, Subcommittee on the District of Columbia Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: ‘7I Your letter of May 25, 1976, questions the District of Columbia’s fiscal year 1976 budget request of $8.4 million to purchase the Metropolitan Hotel in Washington, D...
Date July 15, 1971 Report No. B-167966 Title

Health: Planning, Construction, and Use of Medical Facilities in the Cincinnati, Ohio, Area

UNITED STATES SENATE /a, *- COhW=l-ROLLER . GENERAL WAStiINGTON. 6F D.C. THE UNIT?% !ZATES, 20548 B-167966 Dear Mr. Chairman: In accordance with your request dated September 18, 1969, the General Accounting Office has examined into the coordination among Federal and State agencies and local organizations in planning and constructing short-term-care hospitals and skilled-nursing-care facilities in ...
Date Dec. 31, 1968 Report No. B-161475(1) Title

National Defense: Survey Of Policies, Procedures, And Practices For Developing And Reviewing Proposed Military Hospital Construction Projects

1 Procedu res, r ices For n MiIita ry constru Department of Defense BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-161475(1) To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This i s our report on a survey of policies, procedures, and practices of the Department of Defense for developing and reviewing ...