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GAO Reports by subject "Lawyers"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 23, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-181 Title

Energy Regulation: Factors Relating to Oil Overcharge Settlements Need Better Documentation

_I_-- - ‘L- I -__-_-_-.--“._(.l_... t 1rki t.wi “*l-s.-l...-..l” Statw (hnvrid Acwnnting Office GAO AacT’llst 1 !I90 Ilcport to the Ch2bxun, Subcomrnittkx ’ - .b on Oversight and Investigations, C()mrni We on Energy and Commerce, House 01‘Representatives ENERGY REGULATION Factors Relating to Oil Overcharge Settlements Need Better Documentation ,_-, E II ll xlllllll 142298 w--Not to b...
Date May 25, 1990 Report No. GGD-90-79 Title

Criminal Aliens: Prison Deportation Hearings Include Opportunities to Contest Deportation

. e United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1990 Report to Congressional Reqhesters CRIMINAL ALIENS Prison Deportation TT nearmgs Include Opportunities to Contest Deportation l GAO/GGD-90-79 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-232893 May 25,199O The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary United States...
Date Aug. 15, 1989 Report No. GGD-89-90 Title

Department of Justice: Status of Implementing Private Attorney Debt Collection Pilot Program

GAO -_I_(_-.-..-..-.. AllC[llSl I!#!) DEPARTMENT JUSTICE OF Status of Implementing Private Attorney Debt Collection Pilot Program . General Government Division R-232885 August 16,1989 The Honorable Joseph Biden Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary I Jnited States Senate The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on the .Judiciary IIouse of Representatives This report is in response to Public La...
Date Oct. 19, 1988 Report No. GGD-89-5 Title

Administrative Law Judges: Appointment of Women and Social Security Administration Staff Attorneys

United States General Accounting Office GAO October 1988 Report to the Honorable Sander M. Levin, House of Representatives ADMINISTMTIVE MW JUDGES Appointment of Women and Social security Administration Staff Attorneys RESITlICTD--Not to be reJeasedoutside the m Accounting Offke except on the basis of the specific 4 bytheOf%eofCongressiod Relations. GAO/GGD-89-6 5q3583 I GAO United States General ...
Date July 12, 1988 Report No. T-GGD-88-46 Title

Defense Procurement Fraud: Justice's Overall Management Can Be Enhanced

I),, GAO T e s tim o n y For R e l e a s e o n Delivery E x p e c te d at 9 :3 0 a m E D T Tuesday July 12, 1988 D e fe n s e Overall P rocurement Management Justice's Fraud: Can Be Enhanced S ta te m e n t of Richard L . Fogel, General Government Assistant Division C o m p troller General B e fo r e th e C o m m i tte e on United S ta te s th e Judiciary S e n a te I”- & i L a 4 , 1 ‘) [ ,j ...
Date June 29, 1988 Report No. GGD-88-96 Title

Defense Procurement Fraud: Justice's Overall Management Can Be Enhanced

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1988 Report to Congressional Requesters DEFENSE PROCUREMENT FRAUD Justice’s Overall Management Can Be Enhanced GAO/GGD-88-96 o=-bd9 General Government Division B-216322 The Honorable William Proxmire Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security Economics .Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States The Honorable Charles E. Grassley Ranki...
Date April 26, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-153FS Title

Indian Affairs: Statistical Data on Indian Rights Cases Handled by Justice

IS’S, ,,,“I,,,,,,, ,,I,,-1 ,,, -“1l”_-.l-- -_-_-ll__.~ ,,,,,,,“,” 1 ,,,,,,, 1 -,.I” “I,, _ I,**,,, ,,,, ,I,, I,” ,,,, United S ta te s General -- A c c o u n tin g O ffice GAO I, ,,*,,I”,” ,” ,., I ,,,,, ,.I__., I, I_* “__l------.- F a c t S h e e t fo r th e H o n o r a b le H a rry R e id , U .S . S e n a te Apri’ 1988 i INDIAN A F F A IRS S ta tistic a l D a ta o n I...
Date Jan. 31, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-81FS Title

Hazardous Waste: Adequacy of EPA Attorney Resource Levels

* % L United States General Accounting OeRce 13\82 ' Fact sheet for the Chairman Subcommittee on HUD-Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate Ja~hary 1986 HAZARDOUS WASTE Adequacy of EPA Attorney Resource Levels ii I 129183 G UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20648 R@SOURCEB.COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION January 3 1 , 1986 8-2216...
Date Dec. 1, 1983 Report No. GGD-84-12 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Further Improvements Needed in Processing Tax Regulations

BY THE US GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Treasury Further Improvements Needed th Processing Tax Regulations IRS and the Treasury have experienced a backlog of tax regulations for over 15 years and the backlog is increasing. These agencies have responded to the problem by (I) revising the regulatory review process, (2) increasing the number of review positions in Treasury,...
Date Sept. 27, 1982 Report No. FPCD-82-76 Title

National Defense: Information on the Funded Legal Education Program

. ..* * UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-208934 The Honorable Le8 Aspin House of Representative8 Dear Mr. A8pin: Subject% Information Education ' SEfTEMBER 27,1S82 Illllllllllll w 119515 on the Funded Legal Program (GAO/FPCD-82-76) Thf8 report re8ponds to your January 30, 1982, letter in which you a8kod u8 to review selected a8pectr of the military 8ervices' impleme...
Date April 21, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-74 Title

Employment: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Needs To Improve Its Administrative Activities

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 APRIL 21.1981 , B-202785 The Honorable J. Clay Smith, Jr. Equal Employment Acting Chairman, Opportunity Commission Dear Mr. Smith: Equal Employment Opportunity c- mprove Its Administrative Commission Needs to Activities (HRD-81-74) Subject: J The results of our review of the Commission's administrative activities are discussed in the e...
Date Feb. 20, 1981 Report No. B-200187 Title

Government Operations: Rights of HUD Auditors To Review Case Files of Clients Serviced Under HUD Grants

GAO ,7 O7 Office of General Counsel United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 In Reply Refer to: B'-20018 7 Mr. S. Leigh Curry, Jr. Acting General Counsel Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410 Dear Mr. Curry: February 20, 12981 e This is in reply to a letter from the Deputy General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requesting...
Date April 22, 1980 Report No. B-193608 Title

Government Operations: Payments Incident to the Correction of Military Records

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 April 22, 1.980 In reply refer to: B-193608 H. Dudley Payne, Esq. 2701 North Pershing Drive Arlington, Virginia 22201 Dear Mr. Payne: We refer further to your correspondence, with enclosure, concerning your request on biha f of your client, Colonel Major T. Martin, USAF,!'Ref-ed, that his case, B-493608, we reconsider our-d May 14, 19...
Date Nov. 13, 1979 Report No. GGD-80-24 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Authority of the Antitrust Division Over Antitrust and Paramount Decree Violations

tESTR'IOVE£D - Not to be released outside th General Accounting Office except on the basis of specific approval I I a by the Office of Cong.esslonal R1elations. UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B III V 1 GCRALGO°,vfENM, rIVISION B-167620 R ~4ASED NOVEMBER 13, 1979 iI I tO.J c\ 'J 111093 co D>( q14 The Honorable Dave Evans House of Representatives Dear Mr. Evans: J: ...
Date Oct. 25, 1979 Report No. GGD-80-7 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Department of Justice Should Coordinate Criminal and Civil Remedies To Effectively Pursue Fraud in Federal Programs

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES L/ U lalb'T~lt~(~? , ~! t !o hf r4!,Pe. d outside the Oenerll 0 of specific approval l vAoMU i Department Of Justice ould Coordinate Criminal And Civil Remedies To Effectively Pursue Fraud In Federal Programs The Department of Justice is not making full use of civil remedies to combat fraud. Until a criminal case is complete, it gives little c...
Date Jan. 2, 1979 Report No. B-193462 Title

Special Publications: Standards for Admission To Practice in the Federal Courts

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIqE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 In reply refer to: ce O OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL January 2, 1979 B-193462 The Honorable William E. Foley, Director Administrative Office of the United States Courts Washington, D.C. 20544 Dear Mr. Foley: This refers to your notice of October 20, 1978, soliciting our comments and suggestions on the Report and Tentative Recommendations ...
Date Dec. 28, 1978 Report No. B-193529 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: [Allegation of Wrongful Conviction by Court-Martial]

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 IN REPLY ~~~~~~~~~REFER 10: C c0 0ec OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL / Got> K00 ha B-193529 x/jd f Cozl A9GC 7e Po7 _December - 28 1978. The Honorable Barbara Allen Babcock Assistant Attorney General Civil Division Department of Justice Attention: 003 9 E. John Bailey, Attorney * Commercial Litigation Branch Dear Ms. Babcock: Subject: Howard...
Date Oct. 31, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-16 Title

Government Operations: Fundamental Changes Needed To Improve the Independence and Efficiency of the Military Justice System

DOCUMENT RESUME 07'i21 C30681671 Fundamental Changes Needed To Improve the Independence and Efficiency of the Military Justice System. FPCD-78-16; B-186183. October 31, 1978. 56 pp. + 9 appendices (36 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccuptrcller General. Issue Area: Federal Personnel Managerent and Compensaticn: Military Justice (317). Contact: Federal Personnel and Compensation D...
Date July 14, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-54 Title

Government Operations: Actions Taken by Bank Regulatory Agencies To Improve Their Financial Disclosure Systems

DCCUMENT 06573 - [ B1987006 ] ESUME by Bank Regulatory Agercies To Improve Their Financial Disclosure Systems]. FPCD-78-54; 8-118535. July 14, 197'8. Released July 17, 1978. 5 pp. [ Actions Taken Report to ReD. Benjamin S. Rosenthal, Chairman, House Committee on Government Operations: Commerce, Ccnsuser and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal...
Date April 26, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-100 Title

Expanding Budget Requests for Civil Legal Needs of the Poor: Is More Control for Effective Services Required?

The Chairman, Subcommittee on State, Justic-- Commerce, and thy Judiciary, Senate Committz~ 3” Appropl-iat&~s, asked GAO to A Services CorporaF0xi’s system assess tb s rxpand~ reso:tr:xs, irs budget for ma4 developn-w~, ,~:ethodcl~ol;y, and is ef!or?s to identify more efficient and effective systems for &liv&ig kgal seruces to the poor. The Legal Se:vicc; Corpodcn budget has more !harl doubkd ...
Date April 7, 1978 Report No. 094713 Title

Special Publications: Disciplining the Professions--How Much Should the Government Be Involved

Date Feb. 28, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-38 Title

Employment: Summary of Facts on Federal Diversity Cases

DOCeSI 05145 - [B2SS25271 RIl -Se Summary of facto ou Federal Diversity Css. 28 1978. 1 pp., esgoail B-189861. Pebruarst GGD-78-38s re 0 pp).* louse Comittee Report to Rep. Peter v. Rodino, J3r. Chaimanr on the Judiciary; by Robert P. Keller, Deputy Comptrcllez Gee*ral. Contact: General Governsent Div. edetal Judiial Activitiea (052). Congressional Relevance: ouse Coaittee oa the Jaudiciaryl b. Pe...
Date July 25, 1974 Report No. 094576 Title

Special Publications: Outlook for the Black Lawyer in Government