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GAO Reports by subject "Medicare"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 1, 1971 Report No. 093180 Title

Health: Review of the Cost of Hospital Services Furnished to Medicare Patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNT~NG OFFICE REGIONAL ROOM 1903 JOHN F KENNEDY GOVERNMENT OFFICE FEDERAL CENTER BUlLDlNG BOSTON~MASSACHUSE~S 02203 February 1, 1971 Mr Millard P Nute Reglonal Representative, Bureau of Health Insurance Social Security Adminlstratlon Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Boston, Massachusetts, 02203 Dear Mr Nute In order to ascertain the manner In which Massachusetts...
Date Dec. 3, 1969 Report No. 092654 Title

Health: Reasonableness of the Allocation of Selected Administrative Costs to the Medicare Program by the Aetna Life Insurance Company

- ~JNITED STATES GE&AL ACUXJMTING OFFICE WASMINGTQN, D C 20548 CIVIL DIVISION December 3, 1969 Dear Mr. Ball We have completed a r view of the reasonableness of the allocation of aziected admlnlstratlve costs to parts A and B of the Medicare program by the Aetna Life InsuranceI Company (Aetna) for calendar year 1967 Under a cost-type contract with the Social Security Admlnlstratlon (F&A), Aetna ac...