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GAO Reports by subject "Federal agency accounting systems"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 27, 1993 Report No. T-AIMD-93-4 Title

Financial Management: BIA's Management of the Indian Trust Funds

I Y ” Unite d S ta tes G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O ffke \$ 2 + r c C ’ ‘* G A O For Release o n Delivery E x p e c te d a t 9 :3 0 a .m . Monday S e p te m b e r2 7 , 1 9 9 3 T e s tim o n y B e fo r e th e S u b c o m m itte e o n N a tive A m e r ican A ffa irs, C o m m itte e o n N a tural Resources H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n ta tives - F INANCIAL, MANAG E M E NT B IA ’s M a n ...
Date Sept. 10, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-23ML Title

Financial Audit: Panama Canal Commission's 1991 Management Letter

GAO United States General Acconnting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-l 14839 September 10, 1993 Board of Directors Panama Canal Commission 149881 We have issued opinions on the financial statementsof the Panama Canal Commission and on its internal control structure and have reported on its compliance with applicable laws and regulations for the year e...
Date Sept. 10, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-22 Title

Financial Audit: Panama Canal Commission's 1992 and 1991 Financial Statements

._^” lll.._ “I_ .I..I._. iZ~‘(‘Olllllitl~ _-. . ..““. ._... -...______..”I_._.. .-l-- StiltC'S _.. -.-.- ‘Ilitcatf -_.-. -__-.__. (ir~rItv*;lf -_-l_-_l__-.---_.~-------------~- Of’f’ic~c~ _._“.^I .-.._..-. ,_l_~~.“l..lll~..I1.-l..~-.~-~-~.~-ll CL!!!!!!. ----11-.--.“.-. .-.. _l~.l-_-.. .__-. -._.~-.-. l--__l~l _---__ !+~),l t~rllt,t*I* 1!f!K3 --I FINANCIAL AUDIT Panama Can...
Date Aug. 4, 1993 Report No. T-AIMD-93-3 Title

Financial Management: First Financial Audits of IRS and Customs Revealed Serious Problems

United States General Accounting Office - GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 4,1993 Testimony Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT First Financial Audits of IRS and Customs Revealed Serious Problems Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: We a...
Date July 28, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-49R Title

Employment: Title 6--T&A Procedures

GAO Washington,D.C. 20648 United StatGeneral Accounting Of!fke i Accounthg and Information Management Division B-253693 July 28, 1993 Ms. Suzanne Tower, Fiscal Officer Defense Finance and Accounting Service Defense Accounting Office - Cleveland Center Naval Air Station, Box 15 Jacksonville, Florida 32212-0015 Dear Ms. Tower: Your immediate predecessor asked us whether a Department of Defense (DOD)...
Date July 27, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-10 Title

Financial Audit: Environmental and Energy Study Conference Financial Statements for 1990 and 1989

L~nitctd States General Accounting Offict? GAO 1 Report to the Co-Chairman, Environmental and Energy Study Conference July 1993 FINANCIAL AUDIT Environmental and Energy Study Conference Financial Statements for 1990 and 1989 GAWAIMD-93-10 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-216351 July 27,1993 The Honorable Robert E. Wise Co...
Date July 23, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-89 Title

Postal Service: 1992 Olympic Sponsorship--Profit or Loss Is Unknown

GAO Report to the Subcommittee on Federal Services, Post @ffice and Civil Service, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate POSTAL SERVICE 1992 Olympic Sponsorship-Profi .t or Loss Is Unknown GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 General Government Division B-249016 July 23,1993 The Honorable David Pryor, Chairman The Honorable Ted Stevens, Banking Minority Membe...
Date July 1, 1993 Report No. T-AIMD-93-1 Title

Financial Management: DOD Has Not Responded Effectively to Serious, Long-standing Problems

.T w plb ( Icul United States General Accounting Office GAO For Reieaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. Thursday, July 1, 1993 Testimony Before the Governmental Affairs Committee United StatesSenate FmANCIAL MANAGEMENT DOD Has Not Responded Effectively to Serious, Long-standing Problems Statementof Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committe...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-3 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of Customs' Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of Customs’Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements GAOIAIMD-93-3 - - 3 United States General Accounting Offlce Washington, DE. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-252376 June 30.1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our efforts to audit the...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-2 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of IRS’ Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements GAO/AIMD-93-2 GAO United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-250977 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-1 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of the Army's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1993 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of the Army’ Financial s Statements for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991 GAO/AIMD-93-l GAO United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-251321 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-5 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's 1992 and 1991 Financial Statements

IJnited States General Accounting Office GAO June 1993 Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’ 1992 and s 1991 Financial Statements GAO/AIMI)-98-5 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washiligton, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-253861 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Thi...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-6 Title

Financial Audit: Resolution Trust Corporation's 1992 and 1991 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress June 1993 FINANCIAL AUDIT Resolution Trust Corporation’ 1992 and s 1991 Financial Statements GAO/AIMD-93-6 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-240 108 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presen...
Date June 16, 1993 Report No. T-AFMD-93-6 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities to Strengthen Management of the Defense Business Operations Fund

United States General Accounting Offke r4’Mz( : .. , GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 16. 1993 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Military Readiness and DefenseInfrastructure Committee on Armed Services United StatesSenate FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT l~l~llllll Ill _ 149421 Opportunitiesto Strengthen Managementof the Defense BusinessOperationsFund Statementof Donald H. C...
Date June 11, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-65R Title

Science, Space, and Technology: NASA's FMFIA Assertions and CFO Plan

I GAO United States General Accounting Oflice Washington, D.C. 205-H Accounting Management and Financiai Division H9357 B-252X70 . June 11. 1993 The Honorable Daniel S. Goldin Administrator N\;ational 4eronautics 2nd Space Administration Dear Mr. Goldin: s We have reviewed the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’ (NASA) December lYY2 report under the Federal Managers’ Financial Integ...
Date June 9, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-21 Title

Financial Management: Navy Records Contain Billions of Dollars in Unmatched Disbursements

GAO Report to the Acting Secretary of the Navy FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Navy Records Contain Billions of Dollars in Unmatched Disbursements GAO United States General Accounting Offlce Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-261663 June 9,1993 Admiral Frank B. Kelso Acting Secretary of the Navy Dear Admiral Kelso: During previous audit work, Navy officials advised us that ...
Date June 4, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-84R Title

Budget and Spending: BIA Appropriation Language

GAO United States General Accounting OMce Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and F’inancial Management Division B-253474 June 4, 1993 The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Committee on Indian Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This respondsto your May 7, 1993, request for our views on the Department of the Interior’s proposal to delete from its fiscal year 1994 appropriation act...
Date June 3, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-140 Title

Federal Research: Minor Changes Would Further Improve New NSF Indirect Cost Guidance

on Science, Lommittee on Science, Space, and r~ech2010gy, House of Representdives FEDERAL RESEARCH Minor Changes Would Further Improve New NSF Indirect Cos Guidance GAO - United Statee General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-262792 June 3,1993 The Honorable Rick Boucher Chairman, Subcommittee on Science Committee on Science, Space,...
Date June 1, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-22 Title

Budget Issues: Financial Reporting to Better Support Decision-making

United States General Accounting OfWe /17AwL. * ’ ,, GAO June 1993 Staff Study BUDGET ISSUES Financial Reporting to Better Support Decision-making ill 11111 149262 / GACBFAFMD-93-22 I i 8” ,“.,,. pendix Tibles 11 30 42 b Figures 14 15 16 18 Page 4 GAOIAFMD-93-22 Financial Reporting ,,/ Contenta _-.--.--_--_____-~--..~ - ~~ Figure 2.5: Sample Statement of Operating Performance, Plow of Progra...
Date May 24, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-19 Title

Financial Management: Inadequate Accounting and System Project Controls at AID Gc?nerltlAccountsingOffice GAO May 1 !)!I3 -Report to the Administrator, Intern;tt:,ion;zl Development Agency for FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Inadequate Accounting and System Project Controls at AID GAO Uuited States General Accounting OflIce Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-246360 May 24,1993 The Honorable James H. Michel Acting Administrator, Agency...
Date May 18, 1993 Report No. 149099 Title

Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies: Title 7--Fiscal Guidance

Date May 13, 1993 Report No. T-AFMD-93-4 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities to Strengthen Management of the Defense Business Operations Fund

United States General Accounting Offke \q Q2o&’ Ld*- GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 10:00a.m. Thursday, May 13,1993 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Readiness Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Opportunities to Strengthen Managementof the Defense BusinessOperationsFund Statementof Donald H. Chapin Assistant Comptroller General Accounting and Finan...
Date May 11, 1993 Report No. T-AFMD-93-5 Title

Financial Audit: Government Printing Office's Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States Genera1Accounting Office I4W *, 1 T GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Testimony Before the Joint Committee on Printing Congressof the United States FINANCIAL AUDIT Government Printing O&e’s Fiscal Year 1992 Financial ’ Statements Statementof David L. Clark Director, Legislative Review and Audit Oversight May 11, 1993 II III lllllll II 149500 Mr. Chairman, V...
Date May 11, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-62 Title

Financial Audit: U.S. Government Printing Office's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1992

GAO May b I!)!)3 FINANCIAL AUDIT U.S. Governmen Printing Office’ s r manual statements for Fiscal Year 1992 n* b 1 Tyl 1 ~---~ -- -- - GAO UnitedStates General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States E&204646 May 11,1993 To the President of the Senateand the Speakerof the House of Representatives As requestedby the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Prin...
Date May 6, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-42 Title

Financial Audit: IRS Significantly Overstated Its Accounts Receivable Balance

----I_ l_.l”-.-ll-.l_“l.-*_(“I .-.- .._l-” ..---_. _-......... .._....” GAO IRS Significantly Overstated Its Accounts Receivable Balance ___.. ..“” I-“_.-( ;A( WA k’ hl ---.l_-l--l.l-- ” ....____.._I_._ __.- . .. _-II-. - -.__ -_ lb-!):3-4 2 _“^l .._ _ _..__ ._.- -... ____.._ “.. -.-.__. _-_-__ Accounting and Financial Management Division B-262330 May 6,1993 Mr. Michael P. ...
Date April 27, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-123 Title

Coast Guard: Acquisition Program Staff Were Funded Improperly

COAST GUARD Acauisition Prosavam A Staff Were F’ unded Improperly ” __.“l,“-.l, ___.._,.l___l___-._ ____.-._ -__.._ ____ I _.“_.. _.-“..“ll I-..--I __ -. __llllll- .___--_. .“.__ __-,~-““.,ll -,-. l---l. ~_-- GAO United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-252380 April 27,1993 The Honorable Frank Lauten...
Date April 27, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-61R Title

Financial Management: DOD's FMFIA Assertions

GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20!348 Comptroller General of the United States B-253124 April 27, I993 Les Aspin of Defense The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Secretary: We have reviewed the Department of Defense's (DOD) fiscal year 1992 report mandated by the Federal Managers' Financial This report asserts that Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA). DOD's internal controls a...
Date April 27, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-45 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1991

1 1 ; _-, -_ _.”l..-~ .,.-_.^ .” ..-.- --.” .__..__ ..--.. _--_~ April I!l!Kl -1 F INANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of: the House F inance for F iscal Year 1991 ,--_-_~ (;A( VAI’ I)-!I345 M ---__-. ~----- _ ..__._. . _~ ._ - ._.._ .._“..I_. . .“. ...._..- _...._.... __ -“-.~-- -_-.-~.-.- ---_“.-.I~ .“._ “. . “._I- “.l.. . - I^ . _... . ---.-_-- -- GAO United State...
Date April 2, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-57R Title

Financial Management: Title 7--Prepayments

GAO United States General Accounting Office %.shington, D.C. 20548 Acco’uKing and Financial Mawgement Division B-252350 April 2, 1993 Mr. Jamee M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dear Mr. Taylor: Your letter to the Comptroller General requesting a clarification or an exception to a requirement in Title 7, "Fiscal Guidance," of GAO's Policy and Procedur...
Date March 30, 1993 Report No. T-GGD-93-18 Title

Immigration Issues: Making Needed Policy and Management Decisions on Immigration Issues

United States General Accounting Office ~4tuzw*~.~9 GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00a.m.EST March 30.1993 Testimony Before the Subcommitteeon Information, Justice,Transportation, and Agriculture Committee on GovernmentOperations House of Representatives IMMIGRATION ISSUES Making Needed Policy and Management Decisions on Immigration Issues Statementof Henry R. Wray Director Administrat...
Date March 23, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-18 Title

Financial Management: Navy Industrial Fund Has Not Recovered Costs

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Navy Industrial Fund Has Not Recovered costs 148774 .I. _ .,_.- -“._.-~ ---- --.-.---.--------.--_..- _ “ll.. --“---- II 1”1--- _--__. -~“_.^lltll.l “-” _ I_I.__-_._. “.-.“- _.._.- I” -....- ---“.-- Accounting and Financial Management Division B-251322 March 23, 1993 The Honorable Earl Hutto Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness Committee on Armed Services ...
Date March 1, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-52R Title

National Defense: Defense Business Fund

\ \, - ‘ I General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division unkedsmes B-249045 March 1, 1993 Congressional committees The Natlonal Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public Law 102-484, October 23, 1992) directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to complete the first phase (Milestone I) of its implementation of the Defense Business the Oper...
Date March 1, 1993 Report No. FFMSR-4 Title

Financial Management: Seized/Forfeited Asset System Requirements

March 1993* FFMSR-4 * Reprinted January 1995. JOINT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM he Join? Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) is a join? cooperative undertaking of the Office of Management and Budge?, the General Accounting Office, the Department of the Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management, working in cooperation with each other and wih operating agencies to im...
Date Jan. 8, 1993 Report No. GGD-93-51FS Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Recoveries on Asset Sales Through September 1992

.Jiltlll;try l!W3 RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION Recoveries on Asset Sales Through September 1992 II IMI 148412 GAO United States General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-251742 January 8, 1993 Kent Conrad Senate Conrad: The Honorable United States Dear Senator On January 8, 1992, we issued a report to you on the costs of resolving failed thrifts.' That report c...
Date Jan. 6, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-17 Title

Federal Credit Programs: Agencies Had Serious Problems Meeting Credit Reform Accounting Requirements

--I FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAM S Agencies Had Serious Problems Meeting Credit Reform Accounting Requirements RI I llllllIllM 148213 ~-” I (;A(: )/A f~‘ I I-!W 17 kl -.. “” ._. ..---. I.. ..-.-._.. ..^ .._- ._..._. ._.._ ..-..- -.__--.- ---.-_- --_.-I__ GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-251537 January 6, 1993 The Ho...
Date Jan. 5, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-6ML Title

National Defense: Internal Control Reviews Conducted at Army's 5th Regional Finance and Accounting Office and V Corps Locations

, uniti Ststee OfXlce General Accountin# European Once c/o American Consulate APO New York 00213 General B-249197 January 5, 1993 General David M. Maddox Commander-in-Chief U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) Dear General Maddox: I I 148407 We recently completed a comprehensive review of the U.S. financial management systems and operations. The primary objectives of our review were to assess the Army's in...
Date Dec. 23, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-28R Title

National Defense: Unsupported Adjustments

United States General Accounting OflIce 20548 Washington, D.C. Accounting and Financial Management Division December 23, 1992 General Jimmy D. Ross Commander U.S. Army Materiel Command 5001 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333-0001 Dear General Ross: 148275 We recently completed a comprehensive review of the U.S. Army's financial management operations and fiscal year 1991 financial statements pu...
Date Dec. 15, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-76FS Title

Public Works Consolidation: Jacksonville Naval Public Works Consolidation

PUBLIC WORKS CONSOLIDATION Jacksonville Naval Public Works Consolidation / c-. 1:rr I/ ‘r” , i ..__ _. ,“C( (,,)‘ ..I\\’ 148182 RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 5,St0’ 0 RELEASED GAO Uuited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International...
Date Dec. 7, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-6 Title

Technology Transfer: Barriers Limit Royalty Sharing's Effectiveness

United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Committees December 1992 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Barriers Limit Royalty Sharing’s Effectiveness GAORWED-93-6 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-247177 December 7, 1992 The Honorable Ernest F. Hollings Chairman The Honorable John C. Danforth Ranking Minority Member Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation ...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. HR-93-17 Title

Financial Management: Asset Forfeiture Programs

_~_.._” -..____ _..-.._-. -_._ . WV) 1111011111 ll 148235 ,. I ‘ . ,‘ / (, ,., ,s’ , i. .’ _. ._ ._.. .._.__._. ---_--._.-------_---(1 \0/111: ‘ I.( I, ., _ .^ ^. ..__..__ _..I .-..-.-. ..-_ _I ), 1 :” ,: ’ . ,.,” _, ‘ , .’ , : : I’ 1 ,-,’ .j;,. .“, _, 1.,’ ;.; *_. 1 ‘ . , I !, ^ :; ” : GAO United States General Accounting Oface Washington, D.C, 20648 Comptroller ...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. OCG-93-4TR Title

Financial Management: Financial Management Issues

United States General Accounting Office GAO Transition Series L, 1: December 1992 F’ inancid Management Issues [:, L”’ p, .b, 148248 * GAO/OCG-93-4TR * ,_:, ,’ .* ‘ .,, ., ,.I. , ‘ ,. ’ ,,, : .: ; , ’ 8 ‘ _” GAO United States General Accounting OfTfIce Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States December 1992 The Speaker of the House of Representatives The M...
Date Dec. 1, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-93-70 Title

Financial Systems: Weaknesses Impede Initiatives to Reduce Air Force Operations and Support Costs

---l_l”__-“-- .__ --_-.---_- ._... ____-. --,-- GAO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS Weaknesses Impecle Initiatives to Reduce Air Force Operations and support costs 148061 I _-- ~--~ (;AO/NSIAI)-!):)-70 J GAO United States General Accounting Office Wwhington, D.C. 20548 B-248208 December 1, 1992 The Honorable Richard B. Cheney The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: This report discusses three initiativ...
Date Nov. 27, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-19FS Title

USDA Revenues: A Descriptive Compendium

, .* ’ _..----- , GAO oV(~llltM’1!I!)% t‘ N- Fact Slwd for Congressional Requesters USDA REVENUES A Descriptive Compendium 148051 GAO United States. General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Reeourcee, Community, and Economk Development Division B-249926 Novemher27,1992 The Honorable George Miller Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives The Honorab...
Date Nov. 19, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-26ML Title

National Defense: Independent CPA Audit of Military Traffic Management Command

United States General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20541) Accounting and Financial Management Division B-250948 November 19, 1992 Major General Richard G. Larson, USA Commanding General Military Traffic Management Command Dear General Larson: IN 148040 We recently completed a comprehensive review of the U.S. The Army’ s financial management operations and systems. primary objectives of tha...
Date Nov. 19, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-16ML Title

National Defense: Internal Control Weaknesses in Army Data Processing Operations and Accounting and Financial Reporting

United States General Accounting OflIce Wmhington, D.C. 20938 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-251164 November 19, 1992 Lieutenant General Arthur E. Williams, USA Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20314-1000 Dear General Williams: We have conducted a comprehensive review of the Department of The primary the Army's financial systems a...
Date Nov. 19, 1992 Report No. IMTEC-93-3 Title

Air Force ADP: Lax Contract Oversight Led to Waste and Reduced Competition

lJnit.ctd St,;tt,tts (;ct~lc:r’ Accounting al Office 4 GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives it AIR FORCE ADP Lax Contract Oversight Led to Waste and Reduced Competition I 148179 -- . RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 55~9s~ RELEASED ~;Ao/IM...
Date Nov. 13, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-9 Title

Financial Management: Serious Deficiencies in State's Financial Systems Require Sustained Attention

IJnited States$kmeral Accounting Office Report to the Congress FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Serious Deficiencies in State’ Finmcial s Systems Require Sustained Attention 147928 . __.____. __.._ .., ._.__._” GAO -.. -. ..-.-.-_..--..-...-..--~ IJnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the IJnited States November 13, 1992 The President of the Senate and the S...
Date Nov. 12, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-39R Title

National Defense: Army Records Retention

lldted States General Accountlug Otllce Wwhington 9 D *C’ .2054H Accounting and Financial Management Division B-251321 11111 I 147986 12, 1992 of the Army November Mr. Neil R. Ginnetti Acting Assistant Secretary (Financial Management) Dear Mr. Ginnetti: The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 requires the Department of the Army to prepare financial statements for fiscal year 1992 and, as author...
Date Nov. 9, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-30ML Title

Financial Management: NASA Certification of Funds

* GM General Accounting OB’ Ice Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division united states B-241514 November 9, 1992 147942 Mr. Gary B. Allison Acting Comptroller National Aeronautics Administration Dear Mr. Allison: and Space As part of our audit of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) internal controls and financial management systems and operations...
Date Oct. 29, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-3 Title

Royalty Compliance: Improvements Made in Interior's Audit Strategy, But More Are Needed

Improvements Made in Interior’ Audit s Strategy, but More Are Needed I RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically ~ approved by the Office of Congressional Rslations.. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Berourcee, Community, and Economic Development Division B-248626 October 29, 1992 The Honorable GeorgeMiller Chairman...