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GAO Reports by subject "Treaties"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 29, 1981 Report No. ID-81-49 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the Panama Canal Commission's Fiscal Year 1980 Financial Statements and Treaty-Related Issues

par ‘ToThe Cong OF THEUNITEDSTATES Examination Of The Panama Canal Commission’s Fiscal Year 1980 Financial Statements And Treaty-Related Issues This report summarizes activities of the Panama Canal Commission’s first year of operation, ending September 30, 1980. In accordance with GAO’s requirements under the Panama Canal Act of 1979, the report addresses the: --Commission’s progress in ...
Date Jan. 12, 1981 Report No. ID-81-14 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Fiscal Year 1979 Financial Statements of the Panama Canal Organization and Treaty-Related Issues

//4r3o c ? * BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL O THE UNITED STATES F w Report T The Congress o Examination Of Fiscal Year 1979 Financial Statements Of T e Panama Canal h Organization And Treaty-Related Issues This report covers the examination of the Panama Canal organization's financial statements for fiscal year 1979. I n carrying out future audits of the new Panama Canal Commission, the Panama Canal Ac...
Date Nov. 18, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-9 Title

Energy: Evaluation of Selected Features of U.S. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Law and Policy

E/3 nw . l . . BY,THECOMPTROLLERGEklEiAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Evaluation Of Selected Features Of U.S.Nuclear Non-Proliferation Lbw And Policy have nation c n use nuclear fuel services to dictate a! tions to others. The United States, therefore, should avoid undue reliance am its uranium enrichment capability as a tqol to prevent the spread of nuclear wleapons. T e 1978 nuclear ...
Date July 31, 1980 Report No. ID-80-41 Title

International Affairs: Evaluation of U.S. Efforts To Promote Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

‘r , BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL 1 I253 Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Evaluation Of U.S. EffortsTo Promote Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is the world’s principal political instrument for controlling the spread of nuclear weapons. However, more than 50 countries, some with nuclear programs, are not party to the Treaty. The United States is using ...
Date May 15, 1980 Report No. ID-80-30 Title

International Affairs: Implementing the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977--Good Planning but Many Issues Remain

- . w _ BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES \ m&F- , Report To The Congress Implementing The Panama Canal Treaty Of 1977~-Good Planning But Many Issues Remain So far, progress has been good in implementing provisions of the Panama Canal Treaty, as illustrated by the smooth transfer to Panama of various port and railroad activities, certain health and sanitation services, and other functio...
Date June 4, 1979 Report No. ID-79-33 Title

International Affairs: Background Information Bearing Upon Panama Canal Treaty Implementing Legislation

STUDYBY THE STAFF THE U,S. OF , The signing of the Panama Canal Treaty by President Carter and General Torrijos on September 7, 1977, culminated 13 years of negotiations involving four administrations of both parties. The new Treaty will provide an entirely new basis for cooperation between the United States and Panama for operation and defense of the Panama Canal and abrogates all prior agreement...
Date March 9, 1979 Report No. ID-79-6 Title

International Affairs: The Law of the Sea Conference--Status of the Issues, 1978

/oc-3@? REPORT BY’“F4E Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES ( !F@ The Law Of The Sea ConferenceStatus Of The Issues, 1978 Since 1958 the United Nations has convened three Law of the Sea conferences in an attempt to codify state practices regarding the oceans and to create an international oceans regime compatible with a changing international order. Seven sessions of the third Law of the S...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. 094390 Title

International Affairs: Legislation To Implement the Panama Canal Treaty

United States General Accounting Washington, D.C. 20548 Office FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at,9:00 a.m. February 26, 1979 Statement Elmer Comptroller B. of Staats General before of the United States the on Panama Canal Subcommittee of House the Marine and Fisheries Committee on Merchant on LLegislation Mr. Chairman We appreciate introduced Treaty. the Senate legislation A little to Implement ...
Date Feb. 26, 1979 Report No. 108657 Title

International Affairs: Legislation To Implement the Panama Canal Treaty

United States General Accounting 20548 Washington, D.C. Office Ill II lllllllIll . _ . I _ . - . FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at,9:00 a.m. February 26, 1979 Statement Elmer of 108657 8. Staats of the United States Comptroller General before the on Panama Canal Subcommittee of House Committee the Marine and Fisheries on Merchant on Legislation LMr. Chairman We appreciate introduced Treaty. the ...
Date Jan. 25, 1979 Report No. B-115398.53 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: [Review for the Ratification of the United States-United Kingdom Tax Treaty]

-,)j?\ COMPTROLLER GENERAL.OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. O.C. ZO4i B-115398.53 JAN 2 51979 The Honorable Charles A. Vanik House of Representatives r e Dear Mr. VaniknikC In your reent letter, you referred to the Senate's consideration of the .atification of the United States-United Kingdom Tax Treaty] and stated that you are opposed to a number of provisions in the treaty. You are particularly ...
Date Nov. 30, 1978 Report No. ID-78-61 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the Financial Statements of the Panama Canal Company and the Canal Zone Government for Fiscal Periods 1977, Transition Quarter, and 1976

DOCUBENT RESaOf 07958 - [C3408511] Examination of the Financial Statements of the Panama Canal Company and the Canal Zone Government for Fiscal Periods 1977, Transit.ion Quarter. and 1976. ID-78-61; B-114839. November 30, 1978. 26 pp. + 14 enclosures (39 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. staats, Comptrcller General. Issue A-.&A, Accounting and Financial Reporting (2800), Contact: Internati...
Date May 11, 1978 Report No. ID-78-38 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc.

bOCUB2T RSUOE 05957 B13663851 [rExaination of Financial Statements of Gorgas aleorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Sdicine, Inc. ]. ID-78-38; ay 11, 1978. 2 pp. * 4 enclosures (8 pp*) . B-114867. Report to Board of Directors, Gorgas esorial Inst. of Tropical and Preventive edicine, Inc.; by Eluer . Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: -counting and Financial Reporting (2800). Contact: ...
Date Feb. 8, 1978 Report No. ID-78-10 Title

International Affairs: How the United States Can and Should Improve Its Funding of International Joint Commission Activities

DCCUMENT RESUME 05134 BO465374] How the United States Car and Should Improve rts Funding of International Joint Commissi¢n Activities. ID0-78-10; B-189659. Feb'-uary 8, Report 1978. 22 pp. + 8 appendices (12 pp.). to Secretary, Department of State; by J. birector, International Dxv. K. Fasick, Issue Area: Environmental Protection Programs 1609); International Economic and ilitary Programs: U.S. P...
Date Feb. 1, 1978 Report No. 104847 Title

International Affairs: The Panama Canal Treaty

DOCUMENT RESUME 04S917 B0385225] February 1, 1978. 16 p. + enclosure (2 The Panama Canal Treay.i pp.). Testimony before the Senate Committee on Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Armed Services; by Contact: ffice of the Comptroller Geleral. Organization Concerned:' Panama Canal Co. Conqressional Relevance Senate Committee on Armed Sezvices. Authority: Government Corpcration Control Act. Since t...
Date Feb. 1, 1978 Report No. 104846 Title

International Affairs: U.S. Consular Services Abroad and Other Department of State Activities

e DOCUMENT RESUL 04846 - [ B0385223] U.S. Consular services broad and Other Department of State enclosure (2 pp.). Activities. February , T978. 17 pp. ~ibi'e Committee on International Relations: Testimony betore the Internationral operati.oi"'Subcommittee; by Charles D. Hylander, Deputy Director, Int ritional Div. Contact: Internation4 Div. cqanization Concerne: Department of State. Congressional...
Date Jan. 1, 1978 Report No. 090978 Title

Special Publications: The Changing Face of the Panama Canal Enterprise

Date Nov. 30, 1977 Report No. 104303 Title

International Affairs: The Panama Canal Treaty

DOCUMENT BESnME 04303 B3394614] The Panama Canal Treaty. November 30, 1977. 16 pp. Testimo.y before the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries: Panama Canal Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Office of the Comptroller General. Budget Function: International Affairs (150). Otganizaticn Concerned: Canal Zone Government; Panama Canal Co. Congressional Relevance:...
Date Oct. 7, 1977 Report No. CED-77-133 Title

Financial Management: The Need to Evaluate the Benefits and Costs of a Proposed Trademark Treaty and Implementing Legislation

DOCUMENT 03678 - r B2854103 ESUME rThe Need to Evaluate the Benefits and Costs of a Proposed Trademark Treaty and Implementing Legislation]. CED-77-133; B-1333375. October 7, 1977. 9 pp. R4port to Secretary, Department of Commerce; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Program Evaluation Systems (2600); Program and Budget Information for Congressional Use...
Date June 3, 1977 Report No. ID-77-37 Title

Natural Resources: Results of the Third Law of the Sea Conference 1974 to 1976

DOCURENT RESUME 02465 - [A1612601] Results of the Third Law of the Sea Conference 1974 to 1976. ID-77-37; B-145099. June 3, 1977. 33 pp. + appendix (1 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: materials: International Policies and Practices (Including Seabed Resources) (1803); Envircnuental Protection Programs: Bnergy/Environmental Protection Conflicts (220...
Date May 20, 1977 Report No. ID-77-9 Title

Nationalizations and Expropriations of U.S. Direct Private Foreign Investment: Problems and Issues

DOCUMENT RESUME 02244 A1452463] Nationalizations and Expropriations of U.S. Direct Private Foreign Investment: Problems and Issues. ID-77-9; B-172255. May 20, 1977. 59 pp. Raport to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International Economic and Military Programs: Direct Investment Capital Flows (606); Materials: International Policies and Practices (Including Seabed ...
Date Feb. 9, 1976 Report No. ID-76-21 Title

International Affairs: U.S. International Nuclear Safeguard Rights--Are They Being Effectively Exercised?

Trus is & ~uncl$ssifieddigest furnished in lieu of a report containing classified security information. COMPTROLLER GENERAL‘S REPORT TO THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS U.S. INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR SAFEGUARDS RIGHTS--ARE THEY BEING EFFECTIVELY EXERCISED? Department of State Energy Research and Development Administration DIGEST -----under bilateral ayreements The United States, for co...